Maree All Oni and Sugar-- "Boiled with care in Silver Pans. : ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. No camouflage. din a suit-at a 1. A good deal of money. 2. A good deal of patience. 3A good cause. - 4. A good lawyer. ; 5. A good counsel. . Good witnesses. 7. A good jury. 8. A good judge. js Good luck. ; Genuine Asphin > Has "Bayer Cross" Tablets Without "Bayer Cross" Not Aspirin At All Get Genuine "Bayer Tablets of As- pirin in a "Bayer Package, Plainly Marked With the} Batety "Bayer Cross' i penny. of German ted in "Bayer Tablets of r will a German citizen ofit by its sale or ever be allowed ) > interest. e original, world- tomo Aspirin, ked he "Bayer Cross" is d 1d be had Sa Rheumatism, , Grippe, Neuritis. thé trade mark, regis- nada, of Bayer Manufac- f Monoaceticacidester of Salicy- cid. Japan Tourists Goal 30, 000 ,000 Yen From Influx of For- _eigners in 1918 Japan receives from visitors to her Na a sum exceeding the value of her exports of coal. The mikado's empire is estimated to '|have received - more than 30,000,000 yen from the influx of foreigners in 1918, or $2,000,000 more than the total exports of coal made by Japan. Jap- anese coal dominates the fuel situa- tion in this part of the world. The disorders in Russia have sent visitors of*this nationality up from approximately 2,000 a year to over 8,000 in 1918. Those of British na- tionality have remained at an aver- age figure of 3,000 a year, their move- by the great war so far as volume is concerned. = The Dutch have increased decided- ly, now numbering approximately 500. The French have doubeld their num- ber. French subjects to the extent of 600 passing through Japan in 1918. The restraints resulting from the war have been most pronounced 'in the case of the United States citizens. Where Babies Are Salted The strange custom of salting new- born babies is still practiced in cer- tain regions of Europe and Asia. The method varies with the differing na- | tionalities of the peoples employing it. The Armenians of 'Russia cover the entire skin of 'the infant with very fine salt. This is left on the baby for three hours or more, when it is wash- A mountain tribe of A even more peculiar in this / regard than the Armenians, for they are alleged to keep their new- born babies covered with salt for a period of 24 Minor ar : sprinkle their babies with salt. hours. The modern Greeks also The mothers imagine that this _ bractice brings health and Strength to their offspring, and serves to keep away the evil spirits as well. SAVE THE CHILDREN Mothers who Todi a Bo of Baba's 1 Own Tablets in the house may feel that the lives of their little ones are reasonably safe during the hot wea- ther. Stomach troubles, cholera in- fantum and diarrhoea carry off thou- sands of little ones every summer, in| [most cases because the mother does not have a safe medicine at hand to give promptly. Baby's Own Tablets eve = these troubles, or if given oc- casionally to. the well child will pre vent their coming on The Tablets are guaranteed by g jrament ana- | lyst to be ER B to the new-born babe = [pecially good in s they regulate the b the stomach sweet and are sold by medicine deale 'mail at 25c a box from The D liam' Medicine Co, Brockville Says Communism Will Succeed In Hungary o Bela Kun Declares Allies: 'Should | Rai = Blockade = Budapest "The allied policy to- | ward Hungary should be one of non- interference in our internal affairs, and the allies also should raise the blockade," Bela Kun, foreign minister of the present Hungarian government, told the Associated Press correspon- dent, i in Sheol assertions that 2 interfering with 'the aff rs of the Austrian republic. He also expressed confidence that | communism would succeed in Hun-, gary. Resuming his discussion of the re-| = posted ey with the Austrian re- ment not being appreciably affected Ww impossible, ; Ci the alts es, Fara | Catarrh b | the lungs, International Air Toronto.--An interatioal aerial race, which will start simultaneously from Toronto and New York, will be held on August 25 with the Prince of Wales as the starter, it has been an- nounced here. Stops will be made at Buffalo, Syracuse and Albany. A prize of $5,000 and a trophy have been offered by John M. Bowman, of New York. It is expected there will be more than two score entries. The Foe of Tndigestions--Tndiges. tion is a common ailment and few are free from it. It is"a most dis- tressing complaint and often the suf- fering attending it is most severe. The very best remedy is Parmelee's Veg- etable Pills taken according to direc- tions. They rectify the irregular ac- tion of the stomach and restore heal- thy action. For many years they have been a standard remedy for dys- ly esteemed for their qualities. The professor of elocution was in- structing the young man in the art of public speaking. "When you have finished your lec- ture," he said, "you must bow graced fully and leave the platform on tip- toe." "Why on tip-toe?" youth. - i "So as not to wake the_audience," replied the professor. queried the Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. It is said that contentment is better than riches--but most people are will- ing to take chances with the riches. A proverb is an undisputed fact with whiskers on it. The Oil for the Athlete--In rub- bing down, the athlete can find noth- ing finer 'than Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. It renders the muscles and sin- ews pliable, takes the soreness out of them and strengthens them for strains that may be put upon them. It stands pre-eminent for this pur- pose, and athletes who for years have been' using it can testify to its value as a lubricant, Hung Hats on Kitchener's Peg 5 He hat on Kitchener's peg," was the wo rat 'the line when a group States fighting then p the peer's lobby in the : Lords, London. And every American took off his hat and hung it for a scc- ond on the peg that bore the name of Lord Kitchener. It was a breach of regulations, but a showing of re- {gard for the dead field marshal that the British appreciated. Minard' s Liniment Garget Cures in Cows. a Ship Centenarians The ship of today, even without any submarine risks, cannot hope to at- tain the ripe old age of its forerun- ners. Nelson's Victory was over 40 years old when she took part in the battle of Trafalgar, and the Betsy Cains, which, according to tradition, 'brought over William and Mary in 1688, survived until 1824," when she was wrecked at the mouth of the Tyne. : loyd Register for 1910 contained built in 1819, and, writing 1 Martin recorded that vard to anoth Kaiser May Submit - To An Enquiry ¢ The Vie -- The former kaiser's attitude toward the allied demand that he be held responsible for the 'war is dependent on the lengths to which the allies intend to carry their examina- tion, it was reported. It was unoffi- cially said that Wilhelm would not ob- ject to giving himself up to an allied tribunal if it merely passed judgment on the role he played in starting the war, in violating neutrality and in nonobservance of internatioal law. A woman may pretend to be con- vinced against her will, but ske never is. oh 1B Wonderful Discovery Cures Gatarrh - Permanently ach treatment for Catarrh and Bron- 'chitis. They seldom cured and Ca- tarrh has become a national disease. Today the advanced physician fights medicated air. It it | is easy then 0 at to cure, I It confai essences of pure pine caches all the germs and h is and Sore Throat pepsia and indigestion, and are high- Every case of | ~ |Britain's Gigantic Race Announced Losses During Drive Minister of Munitions 'ésks for Vote of Provision of 185, 000, 000 Pounds London --In the house of commons P..G Kellaway, deputy minister of munitions, asked fora vote of a pro- vision: of £185, 000, 000 for the year ending March 31, of which £90, 000,- 000 is an aftermath of the war, - and 'the balance represents other departments of the government, including estimates of the war "office, air ministry and local government 'board, the last mentioned being pur chases for the government's onan scheme; The total expenditure of the min- 'supplies to| 'Mal ke every pair of shoes longest possible wear. Use best polish. GOLD LEA contains oil to soften and pr ser Gold Leaf is economica roduces a black, long asting Ss yas : i required. : Posi i istry of munitions since its establish-| ment was £1,834,507,941. in materials during the German offen- sive in the spring of 1918 were 1,000 big guns, 10,000 tons of ammunition, £000 = ohine guns, 400,000 rifles, 700 trench mortars and 200 tanks, yet 'within a fortnight all had been _re- placed, and in many cases With su- perior weapons. On the day the Hin- denburg line was broken, the British fired 943,000 shells, more 'than were fired in the whole South African war. Fifteen thousand tons of poison gas were supplied in 1918 alone. The introduction of a cost system saved the country £300,000,000 in the ministry of munitions alone; 7,344 contracts, involving - £102,000, 000, were still running, and disposals by the department had realized £130,- 000,000 to date. good prices for the state that it was now accused of profiteering. Six hun- dred and fifty thousand pounds sterl- ing, has been realized from the sale of motor transports during the last three weeks. Statue of Queen Victoria for B.C. London.--A bronze statue of Queen Victoria, 13 feet high, and weighing two tons, is shortly to be conveyed by steamer for the erection in the par- liament house garden at Victoria, B.C. It was fashioned some years ago. for the British Columbia govern- ment and it is hoped that it will ar- rive in time to be unveiled by the & . doing business in the City o County and State 'aforesaid, and thot said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS 'for any case of Catarth that cannot be cured by the. use of HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. ~FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to befor me and subscribed my presence, this 6th Ty of Sh A.D. 1886. (Seal) A. W. Gleason, Ndiary Public. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is taken internally and acts through the Blood on. the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Prupsiss 75¢c. Testimonials free. FJ Cheney & Co., Toledo, 'Ohio. Japan Sends More Troops to Russia Tokio.--Japan is sending reinforce- ments, consisting of a brigade of in- fantry and a company each of caval- ry and engineers, to Vladivostok, be- cause of conditions existing in' 'iiie maritime province of Siberia, it is offi- cially announced. The Bolsheviki re- cently have been active in this re- gion, and, the announcement says, "have often attacked Japanese con- tingents, causing casualties. » "Black Watch"-- The Best Black Phe Chewing Tobacco on the Market Help. for Farmers Regina, Sask. -- According to the an- cment of A. E. Wilson, seed quent lack of seed prairie provinces of Mani chewan and Alberta. Nearly 4,0( ; bushels of seed grain were distribut- ed 'between last fall and this spring. Worms sap the strength and under- mine the vitality of children. Streng- then them by using Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator to drive out the parasites. Bonus for Ranks of Canadian Navy Ottawa.--In order to secure 500 of- ficers and men required for service in Canadian navy, the department of na- val setvice has decided to offer a bonus over and above the present ap- proved rate of pay and becoming ef- fective in the case of all who joined the navy subsequent to June 1, 1919. The bonus will be 75 cents per day for seamen, $1 per day for petty offi- cers, sub-lieutenants, lieutenants, lie tenaat commanders, commanders; 'captains and equivalent ranks. The bonus is given because of the impossibility of securing recruits at : the present rate of pay. Provision is) also made for married allowances to married men and officers. Girls are delicate vessels, which re- It was getting such | Found to Be Much the Highest in| Agricultural 'out very favorably to alfalfa, which in yminion | province, while the total number 'board in Canada now have reached quire a small fortune: every season tol : keen. them i in sails, | Wek he knows aothing. about. Mr. Kella-| way revealed that the British losses} HREE o'clock in t noon -- and t "pep." You call it spring fever, but is it? * When- you are constipated waste ma 'mains in the intestines, decays, forms p which are absorbed into your blood and carried by it to ¢ ~ ~ cell in your body. (When your cells are this poison d of, " course you have no 'pep.' Pills, salts, mineral waters, castor oil oth erin thin t hi els to act, and make constipation and self-poisoning Nujol is entirely different from drugs as it does not for irritate the bowels. Nujol prevents stagnation by softening the food waste al encouraging the intestinal muscles to act naturally, thus re moving the cause of constipation and self-poisoning, absolutely harmless and pleasant to take. _ Nujol helps Nature establish easy, thorough bowel evacus 'ation at regular intervals--the healthiest habit in the world Get a bottle of Nujol from your druggist today an 1 pep" come back. . a is sold in sealed bottlés bearing the Nujol Trade y arning: yl 11 druggists. Insiston Nujol. You may suffer from substit -- "Regular as ( g Siockuoth is REG. U.S. PAT. OFF. For Ca on By Chemical Fat | ~ Ie a 'Feport issued from the chem- istry department of the Maniteba College, corn, Sudan grass, millet, alfalfa, cereals, rape, and buckwheat are compared as to their great success, CURES. feeding values. The analysis turns : & VIM, KIDNEY, BLADDER, its natural state is found to be about double its closest competitor among the cereals in protein, 50 per cent, higher than Sudan "drates, and much ti On account of the tent is fairly high, grass is medium high in protein, very high in heat-forming elements (it should be especially valuable here in| winter feeding), and' contains nearly] 174 per cent. of fat. Cereals and peas, and corn stand about third in the list| in feeding value. The high succu- lence of corn is of especial value in feeding dairy animals. oN THE MARRIAGE DAY Hal ceases and ittory begins L corns begin "to go, too, when humorous paragraph lied--it" takes, out % daily paper. Time h > : [thing 'so heard nothing, no new goose, turkey feathe sale in five ada. An ambitious young 'a Total Applications for ; ~ Over Four Thousand Edmonton, Alta.--Alberta leads all other provinces of the Dominion in the number of soldiers taking 1 farming through the efforts of thel soldier settlement board. The total applications made in Al- berta for loans are just over four thousand, exceeding by nearly a thousand those made in any other|ed me every pla ot Scotsman, loans already approved is- 1,122, more! eem-- or than one hundred more than' any| other province, east or west. During the first two weeks of June | more than $2,000, 000 had been Toaned| to soldier settlers, while the total loans since the establishment of the | "Your Brtteel fy the present we have | S a man in- tf the huge sum of tongteny and a half million dollars. ; --_-- o A worl: YX the wise is sufficient-- you call him a liar. ! iit The. bigs is always sure of some-~