Dryden, Ont, Friday, September 19 1919 tec arge of Ed Dawkins, whom you class butcher. Only the best of Meats are sold-- Cut and Served in a manner to meet your % Opposite Kerney' s Hotel ALL MAIL ORDERS WILL BE "PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO PRICE LIST NEXT WEEK T. J. LATIMER . Proprietor M. " CROSIER General Merchant, OXDRIFT, Ont. AGENT POR Yorkshire Fire Insurance Q. Ack' 'to see our AEA BEDS Picture Framing. Vanloba Gypsum Hardwall and Woo Fibre, Etc. tei in oni 1 0.0. Fo at the Horses ror saie Fourteen Head. of HORSES .and MARES ranging from 1 to 7 years, Apply to oy B. BRIGNALL, = ; Oxdrift; Oat. R. H. PRONGER ~ Notary Public Conveyancer, Etec. DRYDEN ONT Golden Star Lodge 3 No. 484 APr&s MH GR.Cr Meets wm the Masonic Hall, second Tuesday of each month, the | Visitors cordially invited. Alfred Pitt, W. M. A E. Berrey, Secretary ir 0. 2 Weatis ns No. 1694 . meets the first Wednesday of each month at 8 pm in the Town 'Hall. Visiting brethren : Selly Wm. de W.M. D. Anderson, Rec. Sec. : ¢ 5 invited. Lodge No. Town every Monday evening av 8 o'clock Dryden 4179, Hall -- {I J. Wilde, N. G., D. Anderson, Recording Sec. eardinlly Juvited,. Visiting brethren Po : fos A : CHURCH OF OF ENGLAND) . LUKE'S CHURCH, DRYDEN. Su: day Services-- 2.30 p.m. Sunday School 7 >. nm. -- Evening prayer and sermon 3ST . MATTHEW'S CHURCH Eagle River unday Services-- 10. 15 a.m. --Sunday School a ira. m.. s Moening. prayer and sermon : WILSON Rector ROBT. FRIDAY. and ~ SATURDAY. Leo SER ~ English Handcuff 'Manipulator | postponed on that date 'to Thursday, ; {this 27th day of June, 1919. For Sale Good TEAM of HORSES. 6 and 7 years, weighing 2800. Apply : ~ WELLBURN, Ignace, Ont. Property for Sale The undersigned has been instructed by the executors to sell the following property of the late John Cooper situ- ated in Town of Dryden. Lots 19 and 20 S Princess (opposite: residence of Mr W. D. Dickson.) Lots 24 and 25 N Duke with 7 ro8med house. J. 8. Gotes. NOTICE Tenders will undersigned up to the 4th of October for the erecting of bell tower and hang- ing of bell at Glengoland School. Ten- ders may include material for -satne. Tenders will also be taken for banking of School. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further par- ticulars apply to 2 JOSEPH Tucksy, Sec.- Treas. . Oxdrift. Municipality of Van Horne! : i Clerk's Notice "of First Posting of Voters' List NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that' I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in Section 9 of the Ontario Voter's Lists Act the capies required by said sections to be so trans mitted or delivered of the list, made pursuant to said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised Assess- ment Roll of the said Maal to | be entitled to vote in" the said Munie- ipality at Elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections; and that the said list was first posted up at my office at Eagle |. River on the 23rd day of August, 1919, (and remains there for inspsction.. ...- -. And I hereby call upon all Re to take immediate proceedings to have all errors or omissions corrected 'according | to law. " Dated this 1st day of September 1919 JAS. M. HUTCHISON . Clerk of the Municipality of Van Home TAX SALE PUSTPONED The Sheriff's sale or Jand for taxes i in School Section No. 1, of the Towaskip. of Melgund, which was advertised in the Ontario Gazette and the Dryden Observer and 'Star to take place in the Sheriff's Office, Kenora, on the 12th day of June, 1919, and which sale was the 26th day of June; 1919, at the same hour and place, and 'which Notice of « | Postponement appeared in the Dryde "| Observer and Star of the 19th June, 1919, has been further postponed unti]; Friday the 26th day of September, 1919, at the same hour and place. 'For further particulars apply to the Sheriff's Office, Kenora, Ont. a Dated at the Sheriffs Office, Kenora, JOHN W. HUMBLE, Sheriff of Kenora. ; New Departure Miss Waldron has ER 7 advis-| abie to make : a change in 'her. 'business | the. pen g of, a Milley Silom, ' A consignment. of the tend Hats i ia act styles ha: al 'come along and inspect. Millinery work will bel , and hats may be re-} trimmed, remodelled ~or created to suit individual requirements and taste, 3 A call does not necessitate a. purchase. Come and see the stock anyway. - MISS WALDRON, a 24 King g Street. [= b Covieyimelng = = F. B. LINDEN NOTARY, ETE General Pra: be received oe) the : {will conduct the Service. "lenough to allow its women to co- operate .| He is mentioned as a strong possibility [on Thursday evenings at 8 olclock, at I referendum extended to "everyone in town | | on the fulfilment of the plank of the Jap DREN 'Wanted GIRL for general bourework., Apply Mrs NokMAN BEVERIDGE, Dryden. Observations Monday 15th Sept was the opening date for dock shooting." Mr Anders Auderson of Dyment visited town Tuesday on business. : 'A most snacessdnl meeting of the IL.P. was held at Ignace last Friday evening. Major Cousins, vocational lin of Port Arthur will likely visit here the first week of October. Mr James I. Clatk of Parry Sound, now on a trip to thi | west, is spending a few days here with kis son L J. Clark. D. Kennedy of Oxdrift and Mattson Brof have each bought a combination clover huller and thresher. : Mrs Martin from Glengoland visited Dryden the other day. Shes taking a leading part in the women's section of the U'F.C. - Miss Mabel Robinson has returned from a visit to her sister at Osaquan looking a picture of health. othe like fresh air and sunshine, even if it does need a barrel of cold cream to restore the skin on one's countenance, Service will be held in Union Church Sunday morning, Sept. 2st at 11 o'clock. Mr W. L, McKay of Kenora A cordial invitation 1s extended to everyone to attend. The Women's Institute will hold a Ten Cent Tea on Thorsday evening and Friday afternoon in the Town Hall. Everyone is cordially invited. All profits. donated to war services, * The galas monthly meeting of the Wenn s Tustitute will be held Thurs- day, October 2nd instead of September Fai that being the date of the Fall air oo Glengoland United Farmers Club 'at Glengoland is broadminded in its efforts. They will unite in giving a dance i in the schoolhouse on the 26th, Mr and Mrs J. O. Gough have gone on an extended tour west intending to| return via United States. He says it is so seldom things are 80 arranged as to make it possible to get away , they feel justified in-making the most of their Present opportunity. Fred Law of Winnipez, provincial secretary of the Great War Veterane! visited the local branch on Thursday for the Mayor's chair in Winnipeg next term. Mr Law will also visit Ignace next Wednesday to organize a branch of the G.W.V.A in 'that town. Pte Harry Franklin who left Dryden in 1916 with the 94th, and was trans- ferred to the 28th on arrival i in England has returned to 'town convoying an English war bride. He saw four years strenuous service in France. ¢ "This wet weather is greatly interfer - ing with farmers' operations, delay and sometimes considerable Joss. Tt is early yet to strike an average but it will be found that this district com: pares favorably with other farming with other farming! districts on She re- turns: per acre. Dryden Fair will be open Thbireday nextat 7 pm. It will well repay a visit. The unmber of entries promises to be large and the quality of the ex- hibits - will 'rank very high. It will probably be found that the potato crop, of this district for the year will, in size quality and gratin, befone of the great: est on record. ; . Tt is ona that Tt. ol. Machin M. P.P., will hold meetings in this dis- trict next week Ovdrift on Tuesday, Cairnbrogie Wednesday, and Dryden | which he : ill discuss matters of public. 'interest and' especially the forth coming Ladies are particularly invited. The T. F.C of Glengoland held one of the most enthusiastic meetings ever 'held in this section on Saturday 13th September. 'An important sign of the | times was the insistence by the fair sex farmers' platform calling for equal opportunities for all classes, special privileges to nowe. In accordance ~] reasonable. Jf how the bird can do it is one of the | Las 1ing been elected to the latter office an instinet for causing \ charged, scattering the dogs | demoralized party could fire a shot! Violin Music pile d oh dauces, (with accompaniment if desired.) Prices : Mrs A. M. NELSON, | "Cor. Albert and Van Horne Sts. BIRD NOISES. An Sounds Do Not Come From Their Thr oats, The Glengoland Uni Farm Woren Glengoland school evening Sept. 26 ; be taken. Gents _ bring i Ladies provide un Tas iv 'ever occurred to_you that | many of the sounds which birds make do not come from their throat at all, but are produced as mechanically as the noise made by a hoy rattling a stick along palings. ; One kind of woodpecker. 'produces a sound exactly like the distant roll of a drum, which can be heard half a mile away on a still day. The "beats" are made at the rate of at least sixteen: per second, and many mysteries of nature which has still to he solved. The "beating" of a snipe is another puzzling performance. The snipe has a way of rising high in the air, then dipping sharply, with wings and tail outspread. The wings quiver fr om force of air pressure driven through them, and 'the sound is believed to come from the rapid fiuttering of the individual feathers. In any case the sound is produced not vocally but instrument- ally. You have perhaps heard a corn- crake 'rasping." It is a most harsh and uapleasant noise, rather like that of a mowing machine. It is more than suspected that this sound, too, is produced otherwise than from the throat of the bird. In Canada is a sort of a nightjar called by the country folk a "bull- bat." Like all nightjars, it is a night- | flying bird, but sometimes comes out in the twilight. The sound this bird makes 'is a curious booming .drone which certainly does not coma froin | the throat, but is probably made by its wings as it swoops after an insect. Deserts: Native Land. Lt.-Col. Percy A. Guthrie, organi- zer of the famous "McLean Kilties," taken out his naturalization papers in the United States, accord- ing to word received from Boston, where he intends to reside in the future. He is to become a partner in the law business with James D. Colt, attorney, with offices in that city. These facts were announced. when the colonel arrived in Boslon from Fre edericton, N.B., where he has. resided with: 'his wife and chil dren for many years, and where he: prac- : ticed law for several@®yvears prior to thie outbreak of war. Col. Guthrie has many friends in Boston and other sections. of New 'England, gained while he was there recruiting for the "Kilties' _Bat- talion. He obtained his first 'natural ization papers there on June 20, which date was his 85th birthday, and his application for admission to 'legal practice ye soon be acted upon. Col. Guthrie was the first Cana- dian to offer his services to the crown, and went overseas as a major in the first contingent. Prior to the war he was a cclonel in the New. Brunswick militia, and a member of the Parliament of that pr ovince, hav-. when but 27 years of age. He was further distinguished * as the "boy | alderman" of Fredericton, being then 25 years of age. In the fishting over- f= seas he received 27 'weunds from | shrapnel. 7 The iy 'Bears, iike pigeons and cats, have | "homing," it seems, In his book on "The Grizzly" E. A. Mills quotes this story 'about. a pet | bear: "He has been teased by 'a visit- ing ranchman, When the. ranchman had been reassembled and revived, it was decided that the bear must be 'lost.' He was led two hundred miles' from the ranch and bidden to go his way. His return to the ranch pre-- ceeded that of his keeper by eight hours. Mr. Mills gives the grizzly a good , character, saying 'that he rare- ly attacks man. When 'brought to bay, however, he is a courageous fighter. This incident is cited in proof. A grizzly was chased by dogs and hunters into a box canyon. The bear fought the 'dogs with coolness | and resource while the hunters wait- ed for a chance to shoot. - When the dogs attacked him from behing or at the side, he brus hed. them off TOO Re ME = Boot and Hares. Sepaiiog - Having taken over the business late B. H. Stevens, will be pleas have share of the Patronage from: peo of Dryden and Distritt. Good Work--Prom ptly Done H. WILLARD gPeec00000000000000000 A.J. GARDINE General Merchant EAGLE RIVER, ONT AGT in FOR © ~ Cockshutt Plow Go.. Frost & Weo Implements wl? e Mranm Cannvat, wo © vue Mupara : AGEN vor Toth List of Fruit anc Orn Stock, Seed Potatoes, &c., gr = in Canada : without turning his eyes frowi"the | front. At a favorable moment he ing two of "them, disabling two: horses, breaking a man's arm, and making good his escape before the Useless Information. We always devour all the statis- tics "we can find, says an Thana They are wonderful, Listen: If all the phonograph records made in one year were thrown from. the | top of Brock's Monument 'hey would break. It would take four mea some time to lick «il the postage stamps made in Ottawa in one year, hut we don't with this rule the ladies requested .the president of the gentlemen' s section i retire, and mounting the platform' themselves ably expressed to the well- filled meeting their views: on the needs fof the community to keep the boys. and i girls on the farm where they are so | urgently needed these times of scarcity | of labor. Their ere. much ciated or Ki: andinties and re. I know just how long. | 7, If all the telephona conversations. from corner drugstores in one year could be recorded on a phonograph, nobody could listen to then, A mule can climb to the to Mt. Popocatepeti in" five days. can descend in five seconds, ? If all the doughnuts made by the: ISatvation Army could be inked io- d kill- [+ als