ef To The Electors of The Ws Electorg] District of Kenora for the gp Conservative frien ds! urther, Sheriff, Office, K org, Ont, Sept 204, 1919, port, so | Make our loca] press, : Between ow ang Visit for Sup- / an appeg| through ; HS I plan 4 'With re for he Closed for lack of old cyres and Ing alcohol; Patients, : alcoholje Inst] tutes sm have Deen --Eldrige New ger, Fg. White y Singer Famijy, Bie Alieniss, Crimino]og. nd Wound]anq Ctuaries, States. o, tion, a Big Busines Men, orkers From my business! ig, ohib; agree thay S n law, Englang 1s i Sampajdy for te e The movement - ANDREW « GRANT, ry Tqsurer, nd Secretary oe Xcelsior | if. Bldg., Toronto, trendum Compt, 31 Dee-Chairpy, dS ; (1001 E