SEASONABLE Cakes. Candies, Nuts Bonbons And Other Seasonable Things AP [.V.Rutter's CANDY STORE Dryden Choice Assortment of Candies ; Bon Bons a Specialty Fresh Bread Always on Hand ~ Sere re p------------------ M. TUCK, Dealer in Bigh-slass Form Machinery Keewatin Flour DR YDEN., , ONT. Agent for Toterhstions! Harvesting Machine Co: : Agent for Buggies and Cutters Agent for the Singer Sewing Machine B. LEVINSON Tae Dumies Taller Kee wailn Lo - Suits, Overcoats and Teuton made to order and guaranteed Samples sent and mail orders promptly attended to Ready to-wear Garments made to fit [pS Sa Boots and Shoes-- Gents Furnishings Prices always right Your order solicited. The Superior Brewing and Malting Co's 'BEER IS NOW ADJUDGED SUPERIOR to any brought in from the east. '} ime will make this as famous as Milwaukee Beer, made at Mil- waukee. Be convinced. Try Post Arthur Beer The Superior Brewery and Malt: ing Co's is the only Beer giving satisfiations Sole Agents | ~ PORT ARTHUR. ONT. Manitou Maps i aA SA Just Réceived at oe office of this paper another limited | consignment of Speight, Van Nostrand & = «rd's Blue Prints of the Manitou Mining District. Price $1. 25, to accompany the order. RUSSELL HOUSE RAT POPTAQK. ONT. . "er Rates - $2 to $1 &, "I his house has been tuoroughly refitted and everything is first class The bar is supplied with the zhoicest Liquors & Cigars GECRQE PAGON © PROP, Gnu Alph, Guerad & Son 1lefi to their own resources, J always have the experienced assistance = | A LARGE ORDER: Army Colonization of New Ontario -- Should Try This Section. According to the Teronto Globe the visit of General Booth, head of the Salvation Army, to 'loronto is in connection with a colonization scheme of considerable magnitude, from which this section of New Ontario ought to reap some benefit if proper influence can bie brought to bear on the Ontario government, nl This comprehensive scheme con- templates the setting aside f r the Sal vati- un Army of ten townships suitable for agricu.ture in the Northern On tario clay belt and preferably town: ships that would be tapped by the Transcontinental Railway. The area would aggregate some 230,000 or 350 00 acres of land. It i¢ not asked by the army that 'this shall be given free. They ate reported, however, to have suggested Government aid to the ex tent of obtaining the land at somewhat less than the so cents an acre usually charged settlers in these districts, and also that payment be extended over a period of years, probably ten, without interest. The price off cred, it has been esti mated in government circles, would pay for the cost of the necessary sur 1 veys of the townships. , As a further aid to the settlers there will lie the new experimental farm for New Ontario, the site for which was selected some time ago, and which will be a sort of agricultural headquar- ters for Salvation Army and other set- tlers. For a considerable time after location began the scttlers would, it is believed, be able to make enough money from the pulpwood on the land and in railway construction work to help them considerably toward be- coming permanent citizens of the country. Ac no time wou'd they be but would mentioned at band. A , A millicn dollar shipbuilding plant will be erected at Fort William if ar- ringements can be 'made with the city. : Good Progress Made. ~~ Although the show has been deep in the section: through which 'the Grand Trunk will run, the tie cortract- or. have all done good work, and are ahead of their expectations. Between here and Fort Wilijum there are now scores (ff small camps filled with men. 'The work of cutting the right of way is being pushed ahead at a rapid rate and when spring opens up the grading will be done on the {portion west of Port Arthur, Might Try Wabigoon. Among a number of important re. forms urged in the 39th report of Dr. R. \V. Bruce Smith, Provincial In- spector of Prisons, which was laid upon the table in the Provincial Legis- latur + last week, was o plan for an in dustrial prison colony in Northwestern Ontario, which has been nentioned several times in the Legislature during the present session. It is suggested that a tract of u improved land be se / cured and that prisoners from the dis tricts west of North Bay be sent there instead of being transported, at the cost of great hardship to 'them and great expenditure to the province, to the Central Prison. The farm might it is noted, be conducted under Cen: tral Prison management, Direct pro- vincial control in regard to repairs and alteration of jail buildings, and a gea eral readjustment of the now inade quate salaries of jiil officials, are two other recommendations, New Books. Among the rew publications receiv ed at this office is the Canadian Min- ing Journal, a new fortnightly journal devoted to Canadian mining, metal lurgy and kindred subjects. 'The new journal, which has apparently swallow ed the old Canadian Mining Review, with which it is identical. will cover the same ground in Dominion mining affairs which the Review did for 23; years. Speaking for itself the Journal says 'fit has no special. interests to, serve, no prejudices to obstruct its use | fulness ard it is untrammeled: by con siderations of financial disability in which to accomplish its purpose."' WORK GOMMENGED. Construction of Bridge Across Wabigoon River Now ~~ Commenced. Work on the bridge to span the Wahigoon River is now in full swing, Provincial Bridge Inspector Alex Tor anguie and District Road and Bridge Inspector Fraser having approved of the site wher they visited the scene of operations iast Friday. other accommodations tor the work men have al.eady been erected and the pile driver will be at work early next week. 'I'he bridge will be. built on piles and in shallow water wili be cut off at height desired and capped. In deep er water the piles will be cut off near water level and bents erected thereon. 'The bridge will be 1,000 ft. end to end and will pe bhuiit from high 'enough to allow for passage of steam- ers up the river. The covering will ie 16 ft. wide allowing a 14 ft. road- way with 234 ft. rail, and will be hewn timber 5 or 6 inches thick, of which there is fortunately a plentiful supply available on both sides of the river. Increase Promised. G. H. Berger and H. 8S. Moore, of Welland, representatives of the Post. masters' Association, waited on the Postmaster General and invited him to visit the teeting of the Post- masters' Association at Toroato next autumn. ; They also discussed the question of an increase, and some technical ques tions relating to money orders and savings banks. The interview was most satisfactory, Mr. Lemieux stat ing that he was committed to an in crease of pay, and promising either to visit the annual meeting in person or to send a representative. "Tents and |! A C.P.R. express ran into a 'wreck! dr; irain on a curve near Port Arthur. + Ore man, a Mr. Palmer, of f Rgssport, was killed. thousand men Thirty: an western providing the necessary machinery by | railroads have voted to strike unless their demards are conceded TGA AS WANA MLAAS SS REID BROS. General Freighter ond Livery Men | Dryden, ont. : Teams Rented by day or ; week. | Rigs for Hira. Veterinary Office In Connection, WM. REID, Vet. Surgeon. FANN A bo Subscribe Now HARD WARE- -FURN Tl Axes ce eee McClary Ranges Granite Ware Tinware Axe Handles Camp Supplies Saws see see The Pioneer Store of the Manitou Rowed & Martin General Merchants and Dealersin Raw Furs GoLD ROCK, ONT. FULL LINE OF Groceries Provisions Dry Goods Telephone from Dinerwic dep-t Parties wanting locations i in this N district write us 'HAYES HARDWARE & FURNITURE STORE DRYDEN | | ENGINEERING 22 MINING JOURNAL" NOW IN ITS 39th YEAR The leading mining periodical ot the world, with the strongest editorial staf of any technical publication, Subscription $8.00 a year (includ- ing U. 8,, Canadian, Mexican postage). Sample copy free. Send for Book Catalogue. PUBLICATION OFFICE 505 Pearl Street, New York '50 YEARS: is EXPERIENCE Trapt MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &¢ Anyone sending 3 a sketch and description ma quickiy ascertain our opinion free whother ar invention 18 probably patentable. Communic: tions strictly confidential. Ilandbook on Patents sent free. Oldest Spanier for Bit £66. revel Patents taken t 0. recelva Wpecial notice, without eri Scientific Finerican. Buy } Tt Now. di ly illustrated weekly. Yokeost cir bd of Sh sclepting ournal., Terms, $3 1 year: four moriths, $ old by all newsdealers NN & Ca. Ar New York Branch Office, a2 ¥ £ c.. Washingion, D. C. " J- REED DRYDEN : Butcher Grocer Flour and Feed Merchant ONT. Our Meat is fresh killed at, Dryden Our Prices are right! Your Orders filled promptly ---- NO REASON WHY YOU should not all patronize Home Market J. REED DRYDEN Wholesale and Retail Merchant No i Comglste --Without a= Singer Sewing Machine Adapted for all Classes of Sewing Cash or Easy Payments Address for particulars : wa D. SWANSON, District Agent, Rat Portage Ont. WABIGOON HOTEL FRAME T i J . | YHS TON, Proprieto FIRST-CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT : RATES, 1.00 < 871 50 A DAY. GOOD & COMFCRTABLE ACCOMM OLATION. EXCELLENT SAMPLE ROOMS Bar Stockee with Choices! WINES, LIQUOR 3 <£ CIGARS. New Stationery AT THE Office of This Paper A, F. WH ITE, M.D. PHYSICIAN & DRUGGIST. Office and Drug Store RAILWAY AVE. 'WABIGOON A ONT CENTRAI HOTEL, ORYLCEN OLE SWANSON, PROP. First class Accommodation for Trav ellers--sample Recoms in. | connection : { Choice Stouk i of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. ---- Rates $1.50 per day