EG 7 IE Hawthorrie ie Tetralle Bhioes to Men "Bg, Footweat for Ladies. | happens in Dryden. { because of the. Sxnelony music. enn er He says. it is ev aD keeper ona' council makes. tla whole hive. FA etter signed: gs ot Weak | complains of a now essential-and popular medicine. All that can be]. * one dollar per year to this paper. wi subscription and' prescription, the For all ha use hie tractor demands ~Ithas long: : 1 ended for A your careful consideration roved its worth. It is economic hich it can pull ih It is built of the fant materials. Fa her 'implements get' your money' s worth, < - Sh fet na: KEROSENE, R operation, burning ng kerosene successfully You Before you decide on your tractor, let > |F. T a, FEL 5 t complete Trappers chide everpublished--prepared at great expense--by experts. It gives a complete and accurate de- scription, pictures and tracks of the different Fur-bearers of North Am- . / ie it tells when and where to the best and most successful ~ trapping ee the right kind of baits and scents; the sizes of traps to use; the correct way of skinning and handling the different pelts to make them worth the most money; the trapping laws of every province "SHUBERT" will send this great book FREE to any one interested i in trapping or collecting Fur-bearers, J ust sign and mail the coupon today, "THE ART OF TRAPPING" is NOT a supply catie 3; ; 0g--but a real Trapper's Guide containing information of inestimable value to any trapper. It will guide and elp the experienced trapper and Sach the beginner the t of successfully trapping the North An erican Fur-beara rs. No tapi or Fur collector can afford to be without is gre t book, Send for your copy at ones, . 'RAW FURS PEG, CANADA. ITHOUT OBLIGATION TITHE ME ART OF TRAPPING" ST AND. MOST compl y mocracy, and we won. said on the matter is" that the ; correspondent has no "kick" com- ing to the doctor's Prescription. - How to keep warm -- Increase ee circulation, -- by subscribing . Anent "the above paragraphs, | difference' is that one is weekly and the Hp is 'just' weak. © Sausages have advanced 5 cents No surprise need be felt, 'some have been seen' to advance five feet. "F An M.P. suggests that eggs should be taxed. He forgets how heavily we are burdened, or he would not wish to add anything to our yolk. 1 » The teer in AR must be crockodile's, and: they are more costly than black diamonds" or eggs. "Motor Road" asks why does India rub) er tire? Search me, 'unless jt 1s "played out. &, 5. Ihe sterling qualities of the fayor were shown by \his prac- interest in a distressing case "Phe gentle courtseys of life are sweet'as' Tayside flowers." Those Doubtful Don't ts. ad A My parents id 1 me not to Snoke: I don't Nor fiéten to a naughty joke; 2 BS on 21 don rin eo a 'wink | At hand some. men, or even Yhink About intoxicating drink; x ln 1 don' Ts i To daniel or flirt was very. wrong; I don' : ct ? one You wouldn' think T have much colum A country. 'subscribet, Petar requests the infor nation. By the 'way, my last request] brought eleven replies. The "Jackpot" is piling up. respondent - suggested that it Ehave eaten a bale Of spinach and kale, 1 have swallawed a can Of moistened bran 11 am taking a snack "| From the old ha¥stack ! "| And I'm glad, you bet, At last to get land PM.W,, Jiam the following, day. ; told me i was ong to} One cor=f And I've never raised a row. ~And I feel like a brindled cow.- In the evening shadows gr ay, x To the end of a meatless day. E Co operation" of readers will ane the "Jackpot" town prop- erty News, paragraphs, criti- cism, witticism, limericks, and any thing of interest will be pub= lished in its columns." * Address all" communications, "Jackpot," care of Editor. | Answers 'to Correspondents he Union. 5 H. Fike address of S.S.B. 1s 122 North May Strest Fort Will- iam. B. N. J. (Kenora)--Write to Town Clerk. ne boarding house in a week or So, He is busy fixing it up for a big business. ; "Mr and Mrs C. Hagstrum spending their honeymoon Winnipeg? = ular meetings of the 1.B. of P.S. lodge 105 will be held in the evenings of the first and third my oo evgry month. 2. mdve, A fe Soltis Settlenient Board, was in town on Tuesday, returning to Fort Will- The Union Chviech hoi has been reorganized, with Mrs F. N: Beveridge as leader. They expect: to do some good work in 'the ser- vice of the church very soon. position in the office of the Dry- den Pulp and Paper Co. Mr A. Levinson of Kenora at- tended the dance given by the Orchestra here Yost Friday. 5 A Consus "District. Voca-| tional officer afrom Port Arthur was in town. Before leaving he : malay of two returned men. \ Otto, Ont; El 9-- W. E. S ott,' formerly deputy minister of agriculture for British Colum* should have a more aristocratic title. Never, the war was is for d Fl. The Tollowing Sa "Kiddo speaks for itself. Whether by a boy or girl T am unable to Say. "I dearly love your paper ane your little bit of verse, But your spelling's simply 'horrid, that sometimes I'd like to curse. 'When I see a word so twisted that I don't know what it means Then I get so darned excited, I could give you fits and beans. I am not a grouch or kicker, . but "twould fill me full of joys, If youd sometimes say a little | __ about the girls and boys. We are living on a homestead, and the evenings seem so long, That a line about the youngsters would cheer them like a song So, if you please dear "Jackpot, for 'the boys and giils just holler, And if the dope's as rial stuff, my Dad will send the dollar." ie AIT right "Kiddo", I ed to do that kind of thing long ago, hut! gave it up when boys begah to d scesstully in the great west, ier: 'settlement board of Canada' a selection committee for the. pur-: pose of interviewing imperial ex- {service men who desire to come i to Canada to take up farms under the terms of the soldier settlement act. Both 'of these men have had experience in soldier settlement, activities, having "been assisting the board in their respective prov inces in anu advisory capacity in the past year. : They are plot to reach England about the first of Feb-| ruary and will at once begin the work of making selections from the candidates who offer. ; This is the first time that any' of the Dominions have adopted this system of/ selection of em- igrants from the British Isles. It! is the purpose of the soldier settlement board with the aid of | the selection committee to secure' as largesa proportion as possible who are agriculturally experienc-! ed . Of the others who apply the! committe will select according to he suitability of the candidates' for farming in Canada. The can- 2 didates selected must possess on send along questions that floored me, such as, Why "don't San now there is a paper Xs ortage, When he ete Ci let me 'have the their arrival in Canada at least, ny 'wear braces oa How far can a cat to pay on the purchased land, spit ? Just u$r, 000 in cash and be prepared d equipment 20 per O.K--Get a job first, and you' will have no difficulty, in joining + 'Dan O'Leary will re-open his} Coiaiiog February the reg-| Miss Aldra Smith has taken al Jeompleted arrangements for the |! ia, and Russell Wilson of Sask-| atoon, a farmer, who has pioneer have been appointed by the sold-| i The { 25¢