GE DRY DEN UnSiRy ic ~ M. J. CROSIER | General Merchant, OXDRIFT, Ont, dealer in Dry Goods Groceries if Boots and Shoes Hardware and Farm Produce Agent for Workhive Insurance Company - Frost & Wood and Cockshutt Implements Mind the 'Flu' Get Ready for the spring thaw. y Have your Shoes put in proper ; Repair, and protect your Health. Coloured Boots and Shoes dyed - black, and 'made to look like new. POOP POE VOTOPPPV6000090000¢ 4 @ For =:le and Fire Insurance PO00000000000000000000000¢ A BJ UT TH A.]J.GARDINER | wreaeral Merchant EAGLE RIVER, ONT. -- AGENT FOR Cockshutt Plow Co.. Frost & Wood impiements Charala'e Praam Cawnnrnbare WHWI IY WV wrvang hdd JE TET] aaw Furs Bought and Sold 3 TERED LBSIODE 0D ER @ BOCODOOE000865 505666606064 HOUSES Rent - WATERFRONT LOTS FOR SALE --ALSO-- £0 it. yo wi is If S MOFADYEN, |! to RUBBER BOOTS SOLED D L H. WILLARD, Boot and Harness Repairer. SCeeecaroe. 800s ; : 4 RD. T. TRIST 2 Drvden Livery, Trax: and Exchange Bara Vi 04 7 k : : O. month at 7.30 p.m. in the Strand 0 4 in Dryden Lodge No, (BLVE hn at the svery Monday evening au 8 o'cloe de Dry lap bsdye No. 1] cets 1st and 3rd Thursday ead' or J. FILLY, Pres. H. J. ADAIR, Rec. Sec. or the grain drill. a ae AL JR I the Most Efficient {vp The Feeding Device Is the Heart of | the Drill--Seed Should 1» ped Directly Under the A the Disc--Give the B: arvings ful Inspection. Brae fe of Lare= * (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) 'S the drill sows, so shall the farmer reap, is no fallacy. It i8 as true in its content as the maxim "As a man sows shall he reap." Given the right kind of a grain drill, the seed is all planted at a uniform depth, evenly covered; the earth compacted just enough to retain the moisture around These conditions mean that the ung plants will all come up at the 'Same time, that the roots will be well protected, and that the grain 11 ripen uniformly. As the "grain planted, so will it grow and ripen. some of the seed is planted too shallow, and some too deep, the seed that comes up first, ripens first. Thus ig that some of the grain is ready harvest while other patches are still in the milk stage, The feeding device 1g the heart of Upon its reliability pends the accuracy of sowing the seed. The drill scale is computed for the average sized seeds, and there- fore cannot always be depenxled upon when the size of them varies from the normal. If the grain is oversized undersized the required amount ber acre may be sown by setting the feed lever at a point slightly greater slightly less than shown on the : indicator. There are, in common use, tw 41 Town Hx M. Nyu.ark, N. 4a, D. Anders: uo $ Recording See." - Visiting brethre: gi & cordially invited, 4 $ ESS ou DRYDEN = ON1 $ wi ie len Siar 7 J 0e - kA 2020000000000 0505063 B ome \ Golden Sta Lod fos. 3 a 4 No, 484 iy > m= --= # ; as L. 0 Dryden Lodge No. 1694 AF. &A.M,,G.R.C. «Va bd: meets the first Wednesday i i ; dr of each month at 8 pm in the Town] 'fe ts Jn the ¥ ne Hal, 0.428 Rall ~ Visiting brethren cordially | 277d Tuesd iy of each month, invited. Ttsitors cordidly- invited. W. J. Robinson, W.M. Alfred Pitt, W. M. ; s D. Anderson, Rec. Sec. A. BE. Berrey, Secretary p-- - : -- sens > ON EH NT ---- "ICE CREAM © BREAD ~ CAKES NEILSON'S CHOCOLATES Ig 2 LY of 23 CANDY KODAKS SUPPLIES z CON FECTION ERY be ab [BROWN ANG: SHOE § THE Blo* Also for Black, Tan THE F. F. DALLEY CORPORATIONS LTD., br VALUE BOX by [0 do de ba do PIN ob wi of an and White Shoes HAMILTON, CAN. 0-8-20-16 13 = ha op er = «it impossible to render our usual FE We regret that sickness has made service during th past month, WATCH NEXT WEEK wi vices. feed, and the double-run-force feed. The amount of seed sown by the flut- ed-cylinder-force feed may be regu- lated by a lever which changes the size of the outlet, but it does not al- ways handle all classes of seed with- the trench without hindrance. this method the disc is nol run deeper than. the seed is deposited, thus the draft is reduced to a minimum. the seed is deposited in the rear of the centre of the axle, the rotation o different forms of teeding de- The fluted-cylinder-force t breaking them, as can be done th the double-run-ferce feed, which cessarily requires for driving it a disc wheel, or a cog wheel with from nine to fifteen sets of cogs that make many speeds or feeds. In the most efficient type of grain ills the seed should be deposited nearly directly under the axle of the disc. as possible, as this is the only place where the sced can be dropped directly on to the bottom of By if the disc tends to carry earth and seed up with it, causing the seed to unevenly deposited. in operation, a properly angled disc opens a trench out two inches wide. The falling seed strikes the concave side of the shield and the convex side of disc, and is thus scattered evenly over the entire width of the trench, he Grain seed drills are divided into four kinds, according to the type of furrow-oepener --- the open delivery single disc and the closed delivery single MAisc, the double disc, the shoe, and the hoe drills. The open delivery single disc furrow opener deposits the seed between the shield and the convex side of the dise. The space is open from the end of theboot between the disc and shield to the bottom or lower end of the shield. The shield prevents the falling seed from becom- ing mixed with the loose earth und surface trash and insures its free pas- sage to the bottom of the trench made the disc. It will aise do exceilent work in highly cuitivaied soil that 1s free from trash. The closed delivery single disc fur- vow opener has a clesed boot, similar a hoe furrow opener, which comes wn at the rear edge of the disc and posits the seed about two inches ck of the disc. Il does not piant the seed at as even a depth as either ihe open delivery single disc of the uble dise, but deposits it at least :ight inches in rear of the disc hub, d wherever it meets with an struction, rock or tard frozen soil the dise rises up and carries the boot th it, broadcasting the seed on the surface. There are many styles of double discs, but the one that plants the seed under: or siightly back oi the digc axle, or hub, is the one to use, fer that point is the deepest part the furrow. The furrow opener that shoots the grain forward of this centre is to be avoided, tor the rea- son that the seed reaches the ground before the' furrow is fully formed, d it is, therefore, mixed with the soil as the seed trench is peing made, causing what is termea "wavy" sow- ng. tends to spread out the seed more than other kinds, se that each seed The double disc type of opener S a somewhat greater area from which to draw moisture. The hoe furrow opener or shovel opener does not penetrate the ground .eadily and clogs easier than any of the other types. I The shoe ener does no better work, and rath- than clog will run over trash and thus plant the seed at varying depths. In selecting a drill the bearings should be given careful inspection. They should be dust proof. The hard oiler must be considered superior to all others for this kind of work, as the oil can be forced into the bear- ing from the centre, and as it works out it carries all'the dirt with it. [t should have a well-braced seed box th steel hopper bottom to allow the seed to pass freely into the cups; strong frame and substantial wheels = jare important features. The distance be us be jru } a tween the furrow opener varies to some extent but six inches is the ual spacing. The seed tubes may of rubber or of steel ribbon. The bber tubes give good satisfaction, the purpose well, and if painted will last as long as the drill.--Jno, Evans, 0) y | but are not durable if exposed to the i ; weather. The steel ribbon tubes serve A, College, Guelph, CERN RRERE What Is Comsidered to b- ike { OU UNUA ; AAAARAAAAAAAAAAALAAAAD ADB a a a hbdtttt eased ease aa oo J "VY VV VV ARAL ILAL TR Rag A LRA RNINENE TERN PS sp 4 Stggestions for Spring Cleaning 3 (Cash prices without discount) --) 3 R-------- eee sweshwenis 33 Brooms, 5 string ..... Stove Brushes .. Scrubbing Brushes ......... 22 O'Cedar Mops .............1.40 Wash Boards ........ w wow Oh Gold Dust, large . ......... 32 : RE ES tool WY aunLay Seap to soy LL 00 ray SLE 14 Silver Polish ............ um 25 SEP Bn ete iit an 22 0009050595005 5 8 The Quality 'TOCers Stove Pipe Varnish O Cedar Gil, 5; Liquid Veieer .. Chloride oi Lime ..0oiii. z 14 Gillett's Lye'... 080 14 Floor Wax 04, 5.03 Bima 60 Handy Amionia ..... riya XO "iowd Ammonis li Ea 15 res a hua Soap 2 for LL... 25 Old Dutch Cleavser, 2 for ... 25 Pearline, latae © rr nine 38 Borax, pkt 10 LE BRE Br SS Sr Sr tees iaens 20 em ---- SAREE ELL0LOLEE TRE LL LBL LTR PL AYE & +h 5.4K Dominion of Canada Amy not forget to file your Income "1 2x Return on or before the .uth of April, 1920 ALL persons residing in Canada, em- ployed in Canada, or carrying ot business in Can: da, are liable to a ta: on income, as frillows:-- : . - 1. Every unmarried perscu, or widow, or widower, without dependants as defined by the Act, who during the calendar earned $1,000 or more. FE 2. All other individuals who during the £.. . calendar year 1919 received or éarned $2,000 or more. fF: 3. Every corporation and joint stock cu Par whose profits exceeded $2,000 during the fiscal year ended in 1519, goon Ye be used in filing : Forms t be u , returns on or before 1k) the 30th of April, 1920. Gener al Instru ctio ; DIV h an 3 ; Wii ve IN)ALS ntact an Obtain Forms from thc inspectors or Form T 1. Assistant Inspectors of Taxation or from - . FARMERS AND RANCHERS Postmasters. must use Form T 1A. CORPORATIONS and joint Read carefully all instructions on Siok companies must use Form | p, 75 ros filling it in. P 1 A Prepay postage on letters and docu- Penalty ments forwarded by mail to Inspectors of Every person required to make a return, who z fails to do so within the time Mimic, shall be | 1aXation. bi ity of Twenty-fi tum ne OE vr) tax ar Wk Make your returns prompiiy and avoid Any person, whether taxable, or otherwise, penalties. who fails to make a return or provide. .informa- » : Se tion dul ired according to the provision of : = Sis Ep a on summary conviction Address INSPECT OR OF TAXA' of to a penalty of $100 for each day during FORT WILLI AM, 0] IT. which the default continues. Also any person : making a false statement in any return or in any information required by the Minister, shall e be liable, summary conviction, to a penalty ; ) - TI not oh WL a to six monthe'imprison- R. W. BREAD N ER ' : ment or to both fine and imprisonment. ; Commissio ner of 1 Tae 3 - fl year 1919 received or