Dryden Observer, 25 Jun 1920, p. 1

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> Dryden, Ont, Friday, June 25 1920 DN ; m. J. Martin, Sec. goland School, Dryden n a conspictious place. of mber must be prin- Ww or stern in letters ng, of light color on nguisher should also no rubber piping. allowed. : S McFADYEN |, 2S C. of C. 1920. lOTICE. ill, on and after this] the local merchants" hours, with the ex- ing patrons will appreciate ort to enjoy modern labour progress, for brighter M. ALLA mes, fl OF ENGLAD ; Hh vi x ;| Notice is hereby given -putsuant [to Sec. 56 of Chap. 121, R.S.O. |claims and statement fshall then have notice, and! the J N. NOTICE ['O CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of James Barclay, late of the Town of Dryden in the District of Ken- ora, Miner, deceased : 1914, that all pessons having claims or demands against the estate of the said James Barclay, deceased, who died on or about the Tenth day of December; A.D. 1919, are required to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to the under- signed administartor J. E. Gibson, on or before the Fifteenth day of July 1920, their Christian and sur names and addresses, with full! particulars in writing of their of their accounts, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them, duly verified by statutory declar-! 'ation, : And take notice that after the said Fifteenth day of July, 1920, the said administrator will pro-, ceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties. entitled thereto, having regard only to therclaims of which he said administrator will not be liable for said assets, or any part thereof, to any person or pérsons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by him or his said solicitor at the time of such distribution. : J. E. GIBSON, Dryden, Ontario. H. P. COOKE, Kenora, Ontario, : Solicitor for the said Administrator. 5th dayeof June, 1920 3 Dated the 1 THE Anothdl shipment. of Willard's Chocolates just arrived "FORKDIPT" - rayer and Sermon at 11 Prayer and' Sermon at 7 T. WILSON; Rector. nic > Church Rev. ROB > le | be conducted by Mr Crags, n nng and evening. - Collecting o We contend PATTERSON'S TORONTO CHOCOLATES. "A matter of Good Taste." \ that there is not anything "too good' for the people 'of Dryden ; therefore we use only , the best Fruits and Syrups money .can buy in connection with our Ice Cream Parlor and Fountain. Our Ice. Cream is made of Fresh Cream and Milk only. Cooling Drinks and Flavours. - LADIES, HAVE YOU SEEN Our NEW ASSORTMENT : : of : BATHING CAPS, 'They are dandy. - a ----. 2 Lwhi !resriction tevents will | GOLDEN STAR LODGE, A. F. OXDRIFT. Mr and Mrs R. Wheeler, from the west, have taken up farming Women's Ins'itute Meeting A special meeting of the Dryden I.--one of a series aran edi = : ay under the auspices of the rot 12 Cxdrite (Aubrey), cial government--was held in the Town Hall: Thursday afternoon. Mrs James Patterson of Gadshill, Ont., one of the oldest Institute workers, in a splendid address emphusized the importance of woman's part in the making of the national character. Commenting on the new posi- tion attained by women in modern affairs, partly as an 'outcome of the war, she urged her hearers to acquaint themselves with the principles of local and national gqvernment that had hitherto been monopolzed by 'the other sex, indicating the manner in ch they could co-operate with men for social advancement. »ohe deeply impressed on them to hold first in their regard the sacred duty that was their's in the high calling' of motherhood, re- minding them that on the faithful discharge of that trust depended the future of their race and nation. | She advocated a closer intimacy between mothers and their boys and girls regarding the realities of their existence, since evasion of that delicate subject did not hide the truth but only rendered cer- tain the acquisition of such know- ledge through coarser and less desirable channels. While the address was charac-' terized by great earnestness and and intelligent heed for serious things, it was singularly broad- minded in opinion, and "appealed to the best judgement of sensible womanhood : recognising that the best is not attained by arbitrary on but by sympathetic raining and guidance of perfectly natural impulses. Th many friends of Mrs §, Richardson will be pleaséd to hear that she is improving in health after her long illness, : Mr and Mrs W. Pollard and family moved "to their new resi- dence on the farm last week. Mr Dave Pateman has rented Mrs Mabel James' house for a 'month or two whilst he works his own farm close to and builds hishouse. .-/ 2 Mr Walter Herring' s new house will soon be ready for him also. Mr R. Murray forwarded a car load to Oxdrift this week. He and his wife are expected to return to their farm July 1st. i Remember the Oxdrift W. I. Dance July 8th. Always a good time. Gentlemen $1.00, ladies to provide lunch. : Mr Dave Murray is just putting the finishing touches to his new house. * The accident to his foot has delayed him quite a bit, but thanks to his good neighbours who have helped him out so well, he has the house ready for his wife and child, who are expected home June 24th. § A record unmber of scholars were present at Sunday School last. Sunday, viz. 52. "Rev. A. Cragg promises to give a special service for children at Oxdrift School, :June 27th, at 1.45 p.m. Everybody welcome. Church ser- 'vice, 3 p.m. 3 "The Home Well and the Rusty Tin Cup" avill be the subject of Rev. A. R. Cragg's discourse on Stnday afternoon at the School. Dominion Day Observance. The members of the Upstream. ers Club, which was orgainzd in Sunday School, met at the home of Mrs Dunlop Friday evening The stores of Dryden will ob- gerye July 1st as Dominion Day and will remain closed all day Thursday. As the pulp mill will hold its picnic 6n Saturday the employees will celebrate the. holi- day on Friday, so 'as to arrange the two events on consecutive days. The D.A.A.A. announce a' sports programme for Frday July 2nd, when a big programme of be offered, with a dance in the evening. Midsummer Celebration. Thursday, June 24th was mid- summer day according to the Scandinavian calendar. A popu- lar dance to mark the occasion was arranged by Mrs Ivor Howe and Mrs~ O. Erickson, and was held in Bigelow's hall Thursday evening, Quite a party spent an enjoyable time stepping through the old-country dances to the live- ly music supplied by Mr Olaf Erickson on his melodeon. Mr W. J. Robinson acted as floor-- master. Harold Latimer is president, Miss Leila Browning sec.-treas. The members of the Oxdrift Women's Institute, met at the day June 17th. After the 'usual amount of business was got (through, Mrs. Adams gave dem- {onstrations - on bandaging . a the head when wounded. Misses "broken arm and how to bandage Merle and Thelma Washburn gave several of the latest duets on the organ, while Mrs W. Herring and Mrs IH. Pateman sang the old favorite, "far away." It was \de- cided to have a Women's Institute dance on Thursday 8th July, gen- tlemen $1.00 ladies provide lunch. Mr W. J. Robinson of Dryden has been invited to be floor manager. There 'will be ice cream, cigars, &ec. at the refreshment booth, and {a good time is anticipated 3 04 yee at Mrs Dunlop's, when Mrs Pate- & A. M., will parade to St Luke's [man and Miss Dunolp will dem- Church Snuday morning, Mem- bers and visiting ~ Brethren are requested to meet 1' the Lodge ing the usual good refreshments were handed areund with the ad- SERVICE -- and -- QUALITY" dition of ice cream, a demonstra- R t 10.30." Bro. Rev. Robt. le leon, WEA / Ition by Miss Clarissa Adams. - Wilson, W:M:, will preach. = Jf , MACHIN, ster, Solicitor, &c. | AL BANK BLOCK,| i . clad a brilliant gam edge on McDonald of Kenora in the pinches. Fwice the game was last. . A real good time they had.' home of Mrs. J. Adams, Thurs- The next meeting is to be held onstrate. At the close of the meef-. EAGLE RIVER. The Eagle River U.F.O. Club| held their meeting "on Saturday evening last, fifteen 'members be- ing present. Sh The report of the proceedings of the joint convention of the U.E.0O. -- LLP. was satisfactory to all the members. ; Orders for bnder twine was book- ed at this meeting. The members| realized that they were saving 15 pr cent over last year's prices. In view of this the club decided that they would erect a warehouse in the near future and 'help to boost the co-operative movement. It was decided to hold a general picnic on the schoolhouse grounds under, the auspices of the club on the a of July. A committee .con- sisting of Messrs Dearlove, Tyler: and Coppock was appointed to arrange the details and to pur- chase material for a firstelass stall, Messrs S. Wright, J. Shapland|' and J. Klapeat were also appoin- ted as a committee to arrange the sports programme. oe 'The people of the surrounding district are cordially invited to come and enjoy themselves on thet 'First; ladies to furnish baskets. IGNACE. Canon and Mrs Lofthouse are camping at our beach. Mrs Nellie Wetherall, Winni- eg, is visiting at her home here. Mrs Gladys McCallan is spend- ing her vacation in Sioux Lookout Mr Albert Davies has returned from a visit with friends in Sioux Lookout. : Mrs Wm. Myles spent a few days in Kenora recently. 5 dad . Dr Gunne has returned t home in Kenora. Miss A. Anderson, Dryden, w preside held here next week: o his School closes this week." Wel are sorry to lose Miss Ryther from 'our midst. She intends after her vacation, leaving "here for Cleveland, O., to take up a course n Pharmacy at Western Reserve University... Qur best"wishes for her success go with her. : We wish the candidates success who are writing on entrance to High School examnations. A number of campers have al- ready found their way to our beach this year. We trust that by July first many more will have joined them. : TA Dryden Loses Shragge Cup. at the examinations to be [¥ FOR ADOPTION-- Baby Girl, five months old FOR SALE For sale Strong FARM [OR also Single Harness and W cheap. Owne rhas nop fi use for same, havng bou -7, Con. 6 F es For sale at Lot MILCH COW. YOUNG PIGS forsale, six weeks old. $10.00 each, Apply-- JAMES HATCH, 6-30 Dryden P.O 10,000 CABBAGE PLANTS for sale. Fine vigorous Stock. of A. DURANCE, Dryden, Ont. BLOCK O. and U., 12 acres more or less ; must be sold at once. For 'particulars apply to JAMES McFADYEN, Dryden P. O. 6- 30 i doz. GOOD LAYING HENS. for sale. Apply-- pert 6-25 - WM. BLAKE, Dryden COOKSTOVE for sale, 4 lids. Good baker. Reservoir. Cheap for cash. Apply FRANK MORDEN : For sale, north of Thunder Lake, 104 ACRES of GOOD LANT:. Sandy Leach. Apply to : nl A. R. HUTCHISON, \ : i Orvis di-= . -For informa- tion apply-- ope ALBERT MITCHELL, Box 77, Dryden. : 5 N : 5 For Sale--Lots 4 and gs, vision. Clear title 6-25 i PURE - BRED YORKSHIRE PIGS for sale, six weeks old, $10 cach if taken immediately. Apply J. H. SHERWOOD, 6-25 'Wainwright. HOUSE & LOT, with Stable, for sale; fenced; north of the track. $400. Apply = 0 'DRYDEN OBSERVER \ - This famous piece of Silver, the gift of Mr Shragge of Kenora for the district championship has been held by Dryden since 1911. Tii"the years since Kenora was never able to assemble an aggreg- ation strong enough te recapture 'performed on the local diamond. Nevertheless with a little more team play Dryden should still be able to present a line-up that can casily hold their own with the best in the district. Bad base running and poor 'hitting in the pinches was the direct cause of Dryden's downfall last Saturday. Beddome, our kid, twirler, pit- ¢ and had the saved for us when the bases Yoo full by thebrilliant fielding of our -DRYDEN--300021020-8 The teams--= : Aenth Carruthers, M'Donald, Flanagan, | M'Leod, I! infield. In 'the outfield the two veterans, Withorw and Dickson, | played a nice game. Dryden's weak spot was behind the bat. The score by innings-- KENORA-0T122011209 Fullford, Whittaker, Gallagher, Jorgenson; Lehman. Adair, Miller, Dickson, Starrat, Withrow, Beddome, Vickers, Wachman, Swan.» Reyno'ds, of Keew at'n, acted 2s. umpire, but was able to walk off |' the field unassisted, = A large and enthusiastic crowd, including fifty Kenora fans, wit- nesed th any point of A Ield any great lead at nt the game, D. But times have changed, since such sterling players as' Gooden, Lester, White and others . tous blare of brasses. Two Fresh MILCH COWS for 'sale. Apply Cairnbrogie Farm. . ALEX, SKENE, Sr Box 26, Dryden, Ont. --_-- ale--Large Mounted Moose Write Baie 5 Box 45, Dryden. 6-18-r. For S 'Head. 6-25 WANTED to buy, Second-hand Planer and Lath Mill. State price in first letter. Apply care of so - DRYDEN OBSERVER FOR SERVICE PURE-BRED DURHAM BULL at Groveside Farm. JAMES HAT CH, "Oh, Li On Tuesday evening the roof and rafters, so to speak, of the Town Hall re-echoed to the joy- Invisti-. gation revealed the fact that the Dryden Brass Band once more 15 about to seek the plaudits of the sten to the Band" multitude. : + There "is. no. equi possible as to whether the B will be welcome. ' S 1 celebratons have revealed ths need for their service, and the first public appearance will be occasion of a big welcome. Public support for the organ- ization is already assured, and the boys can go ahead with the full assurance that their efforts meet with the most through - preciation. ~ Expetienced play. are invited to. attend practice a will be welcome to join t

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