a EC ~ ITT PEOPLES PAPER - 'M. J. CROSIER 5 General Merchant, ~ OXDRIFT, Ont. dealer in Dry Goods Groceries Boots and Shoes Hardware and Farm Produce ' 2 Agent for Yorkshire Insurance Company ~ Frost & Wood and 'Cockshutt Implements Look to your Shoes IN GOOD TIME Have your Shoes put in proper epair, and protect your Health. Coloured Boots and Shoes dyed 'black, and made to look like new. RUBBER BOOTS SOLED H. WILLARD, : Boot and Harness Repairer. RD. T. TRIST Dryden Livery, Transfer and Exchange Barn DRYDEN = ONT £000600000000000000000000¢ LOL Dryden Lodge No. 1694 Lie J xd. meets the first: Wednesday. each month at 8 p.m in the Town Hall. Visiting brethren cordially nvited. < W.J. Robinson, W.M. [Meets 1st and 3rd Thursday each Meets in the Masonic Hall, the 20000000000000000000000000 A.]J.GARDINER General Merchant EAGLE RIVER, ONT. --- a - AGENT FOR Cockshutt Plow Go.. Frosi & Wood Implements Sharple's Cream Separators Raw Furs Bought and Sold 20000008000000000000000000 "HOUSES For Sale and Reut --ALSO-- FIRE INSURANCE JAS. MCFADYEN, DRYDEN ONTARIO nbornational Brotherhood of Rul Sulphite and Paper Nill Workers Dryden Lodge No. 105 | sos sect, month, at 7.30, in the Mill Hall. 1.1. HILL, H. J. ADAIR, Pres. Rec. Sec. 0 0 F Dryden Lodge No. 419 + U.U.1 .meets at the Town Hall every Monday evening at 8 o'clocit. O. M. Nymark, N. G., D. Anderson, Recording Sec. Visiting brethren} cordially invited. Golden Star Lodge No.3484 2. AF. &A.M. GRC second Tuesday of each. month, Visitors cordially invited. 'Alfred Pitt, W. M, - D. Anderson, Rec. Sec. A. E. Berrey, Secretary KODAKS | SUPPLIES | CONFECTIONERY OO ITEEEY BROWN AND OX-BLOOD )HOE POLISHES "THE GREAT HOME SHINE L288 BACK, TAY 0 VET S10 HAMILTON, CAN. MATO SAUSAGE Made Fresh Daily 3oc per ib. ~ Fresh Saturday, for Sunday morning Breakfast, 30c per 1b. T. J. LATIMER 3 lously educated & trained horses, | ponies an dother performing dom- 0 wonderful amusement institution COLE'S BIG CIRCUS A gala occasion. It will be an event long to be remembered when on Friday July oth the Cole Bros. Big World- Toured Show and Trained Wild Animal Exhibition arrives in Dry- den; for this big, giant three-fold show has struck a solar plexus blow to the rest of the sawdust fraternity. Never in the history of showdom has such a varied coi- lection of wild animals, marvel- estic animals been brought to- gether. In fact the Cole Bro.s have combined their big shows in one gigantic organization - that offers an entertainment surpassed by none. Always they have main- tained a clean and refined show, and this season they have eclipsed all previous efforts to carry still further their standard of excel- suggestive or offensive act is al- lowed to offend th eost fastidious, ance that is joy supreme. 'The women and children auditors arc considered first and thier comfort and enjoyment is the first consid- eration of the Cole Bros., whose is educational as well as entertain- ing. The er are so many marvel- lous and thrilling features, so much to interest and please, for the big arena is jammed full of high class performers, many stars | of proven ability collected from far European countries and sec- ured through the business sag- city of the Cole Bros. The best| are none to good. 'The same lence in every department. Not al or permitted to mar a perform-| applies to their blooded stock which consists of the largest variety of throughbred horses ment. High school and posing ing. There are so many marvels horses, the world's record holding high jumpres, a lengthy atray of gymnasts, acrialists, jugglers, tumblers and many other exploits of dexterity and daring. «= This ploys sufficient people to fill a = village and transportation is made in theri own steel trains; while the big showing open cages of wild anamils is a revelation in artistic trapping, gorgeous char- ever controlled by one manage- mammoth caravan, filled with the ¢ wonders the Arabian Nights, em- The Quality Grocers tll <> --m-- Cash List Corn Flakes Kellogs. ...... 127 Ns i BACONS. 41b pails strawberry jam ....1.25 Bacon Back iw pei : . i in peice 1b ..... .65 Hamar 2 pgs ioe 35 Bacon side in piece 1b . ..... 55 loice Dairy Butter, tb..... 481 Salt Pork in piece, tb = Mincemeat, 4 Ib tin ........ 1.00 SER 55 Canned Pineapple, per tin. . .. 40] 5 Poiatoes, perhas....... 3.40 FEEDS AND FLOUR «er Onions 1b ..... a preetaa SIOIOR h floun Les 7.510 Fancy sweet mixed biscuits tb 45] Bran pre sack ..... ile ve ae 2.60 Canned Beets... ............ 16) Shorts per sack ............. 2.90 Canned oSener Weowte moO. r 4.50 Oranuges doz... 000... ler Os. 450 Lemons, per. doz............ 10} Rolled Oats, 2015 ...:....... 1.40 THIS LIST WILL APPEAR EACH WEEK WITH FRESH GOODS AND PRICES Watch the Cash and Carry Surprise Counter. RONGER BROS. PSOE L000 C5000 £50600 0005000508 iots and superb horses. oo. 1g A. Simpson, deceased, more or less. Dryden, Ont;, 11th Tune 1920. 160 Acres about 214 miles from town. . A Big Snap for a Quick Buyer Iam instructed by : the Standard Trust Company, Executors of the estate 'of G. in order to immed- witid up this estate, to offer for sale by tender the south half of lot. 10, in 5th Con, Township of Van Horne, 160 acres, As this estate must be wound up , and to enable the executors to do so this land must be sold. reasonable offer will be refused. = [ may say that the Executors have placed a reserve bid of $375 on this land which I offer for sale with a clear Title and free from all encumbrances. Buyer to assume and pay taxes for 1920 only. Send your tenders to - on No F. B. LINDEN, Notary, Dryden, Ont. y "CoMMUNITY A special sale of Horses, Cattle, Pigs Implements and Machinery will be held the entries comprise 16 head JULY 3rd, at 1 p.m. Two minute walk from C.P.R. station SALE AT OXDRIFT latter part of June. Present of cattle | Entries Solicited Should be madz at once lp JAMES BULLWER a Auctioneer. El 'due thereon, and costs be Township - Con Part Lot Acres Arrears Costs Total Patented or or plan or block 3 : unpatented Eton 3 Ni; 11 160 39 87 2 98 42 85 Upp't'd Eton g NI 190. 160 83 17 282 8599 Unptd Sanford "2 Spartof pt 6 160 62 12 355 65 67 Patented : . E of River ad * |Sonford | 3 St 12. 160 48 19 320 51 39 Patented _ | Sanford 4 Si 8 1574 46 81 3 15 49 46 Patented Sanford 6 Spt 6 160 53 40 3 33 56 73 Patented | Aubrey 5 S pt 13 143 74 26 38 7811 Unptd : Aubrey 5° Ni 11 130 25009 262 2771 Usptd Aubrey 5 Nj 15 162% 71 25 357 7502 Patented Aubrey 6 Spt 19&20 140 69 25 372 42 97 Patented Aubrey 4 £F 16 160 60 11 150 61 61 Patented Temple 5 SI % 13 o¢4 4548 313 4861 Unptd Temple 8 83 2 160° 2496 260 2756 Unptd Langton ~~ 3 SE 7 1€0 42 17 305 4522 Unp'td Langton 6 N3 2 160 12929 522 13451 Usp'td {Langton ~~ M100 1 11,13,14,15 1 3 50.44 8°25 53 69 Freehold Langton M100 1 12 1.3 7580 390 7979 Freeh Treasurer's Sale of Lands 227 5 . 5 o 0 ge . : | District of Kenora, Municipality of Machin, To Wit: 1°" Whereas, by virtue of "nt issued under the si 3 i Wo 2 oe ein or issued under the sigpature of the Reeve date the 26th day of June, A.D. 1920, and to me directed, commanding me 'to levy and sell the lands hereinafter described for the amount of taxes and costs all lawful costs at the School House; Eagle River, on Saturda the ninth day of October, A.D. 1920, at the hour of three o'clock in y: fone with thr provisions of the Assessment Act. ; Date of publication in Ontario Gazette, 3rd July 1920 Treasucers Office, Township of Sanford gle River vi T vine ore poration of the Township of Machin, bearing as set forth in said list, I hereby give notice that unless the taxes sooner paid, 1 shall proceed to sell the said lands for taxes and the afternoon in accordance Frechold 20