2 Dryden, Ont, Friday, Sept. 10 1920 13 4 - eould p | many more Beok llege Graduates are in keen demand. During the past year keepers. Prepare now. A position awaits you as soon as you your co The ET of our 30 expert instructors students in the high-salaried, preferred list. You may enter time, New term every Monday. Write for free prospectus. ) BRANCH SCHOOLS--ANNUAL ENROLLMENT EXCEEDS 2,500 ' 0 Sree STUDENTS 7 trained St graphers, . Typists . BUSINESS . COLLEGE LTD. BE nsurance ] IRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, ARANTEE, ANIMAL ~~ PLATE GLASS." twelve of the largest 'in the world. ¥ RONGER den, Ontario. A. DURANCE, ~ + y WAINWRIGHT CLUB meets fsecond Saturday of each month, at in the School at 8 p.m. the first Saturday of each month. R. D. COATES, Secretary. Lover the old property and com- organized Dryden enterprise will "ibe included, it is.understood: W. LA. Black, vice-pres. and managing OXDRIFT CLUB meets on the second Saturday of the month in the Schoolhouse at 8 p.m. W. W. HOWELL, " Secretary na EAGLE "RIVER CLUB mects 8 p.m. ALEX. TURNER, Secy. WALDHOFTF CLUB meets in the! Schoolhouse second Saturday of] each month, at 8 p.m. A. SCHONENBERG, Secretary BE Ce + k { a:memberiof the Abitibi pulp and {the Laurentide Power Company; Senator Lorne C..Webster; and] |securing this great development 3 Dryden Pulp and Purchased rom $5,000,000 CAPITAL. - 4 Re - organized Company's Direc- torate to include strong | group -of 'Montreal = | _ Representatives. IEE The Dtyden Pulp and Paper Co of Dryden, Ontario, has been pur- chased by Montreal interests from | the English "owners, A new company has been formed to take plete the'mills, so as to give the output for which they were in- tended: tooo : i Amotg thé directors of the re- director of Ogilvie Flour Mills &| paper board ; J. B: Beveridge, who has for some time been associated in the chief executive capacity of the company; J. N. Greenshields, | K.C.;. J. H." A. Acer, director of Dan:McLachlin, pres. McLachlin Bros. Ltd, of Arnprior, Ont. The above report, taken from the columms. of the "Montreal Gazette," will prove of immense interest to this district. To Mr J. B. Beveridge, vice-president and managing director of the big concern who is responsible for Paper Enterprize English Owrers A ROCK OF GOLD. | A wonderful exhibit is to be seen this week in the Royal Bank, Dryden, in the form of a Through the kindness of Mr FH. S. Badger, manager of Contact Bay Mines, Ltd., we were privi- leged to handle the' interesting and valuabel sample, which must weigh nearly three tbs. and which --owing to the disparity between | its bulk and weight--is difficult to lift with one hand. ; In his quiet, almost grave way he explain that the gold was the result of a test of their new stamp mll which will soon be in opera- tion. Several tons of ore had to be crushed to produce this amount of metal, which yielded a higher percentage of gold than had been expected. The gold is of a bright yellow colour, and is worth $20.00 an ounce. When the mill is in perfect working order they will be | in a position to continue a steady production from the mines. It is in accordance with the con- servative policy of the company that this development has been attained without the usual clamor that accompanies such events. Their restraint will enhance the importance and value of their announcement in quarters usually sceptical regarding matters con- cerning mines. The reserve with which niining news is often re- ceived is discounted by the value of the actual product, and we are : bar. of | gold bullion from the local mines. | THINGS i HARNESS LINE TE I have on hand. | Horse Collars, Breeching Straps Side Straps, reversible Brass Bal Top Steel Hames, Hame Straps, Martingales, Pole Straps; | Flat Side Checks, Chain B Straps, Overdraw Checks, Kl ng's ~ Hame Fasteners, Heel Chains, Team Breeching, Team traces, Success Chain Traces, tested 45 Ibs each, Breast Collars, Bugg Traces, Open Bridles, W Bridles, Halters, Double & sin Lines, Team Back Pads, Bell Bands, Sweat Pads, assortment of 4 Collars, Pads, &c. = Neatsfoot Harness Oil, in Quarts. ~~ H. WILLARD, _ Boot and Harness Repairer. Dryden Lodge No. 169 / » meets the first Wednesday of each month at 8 pm in the Town Hall. Visiting brethren cordially nvited. . 2 ee TEN DOLLARS REWARD A FEW OF THE the will be paid for informaton leading to thé convcition of the party or parties who removed my car from near the Pulp Mill Hall 2 on the evening of Labor Day. = N. WACHMAN. WANTED. SEED of White Spruce and Red Pine, separated or in the cone. For terms address Edye-deHurst &| = Sons, Dennyhurst, Dryden, Ont. | L 0 I, FOR SALE. : W. J. Robinson, W.M. | Edison Phonograph (horn) in D. Anderson, Rec. Sec. splendid condition with fifty rec- -- : ords, vry-little used. Good value Internationa] Brotherhood of 5% at $100. Snap for $40 cash. For Fort Pla record list and ful particulars| sulphite and Raper Mil Workers Dryden hodge No. 105 apply--. : : ~ DRYDEN OBSERVER. Meets Ist and 3rd Thursday cach month, at 7.30, in the Mill Hall, J. H. HILL, F. RUSSE | : Pres. 4 For sale, 1 Grade HOLSTEIN BULL, 6 years old, very quiet used to children; drives well single or double. Cash or terms. E. G. SPRENG, ~ Waldhof, Ont. Nn Dryden lodge Na. l 0.0.F.0u at the hae wih | every Monday evening at 8 o'clo O. M. Nymark, N. G., D. And Recording Sec. Visiting ny rdially invited. S106. or Various HOUSEHOLD GOODS and Articles of FURNITURE. of Dryden's leading industry, the congratulations of the community will be "heartily extended. "It is constrained to recognise the ac- complishment of the man who Apply to VAN HORNE: CLUB meets fo . B. WOOD, every third Saturday in the Town- entist, : Dryden, C fice Hours-- 7 © 0.30°12.30 200 3.00 RCH OF ENGLATD i La ROBT. WILSON, Rev. ~~ Rector. miay School and Bible Class. : Eh ev. G. E. ROBINS, = Pastor./ : Ont. nn % wd {and third Saturday eveyr month, ! clubs are heartily welcome. .|LADIE =.» "RAriola" » | TOILET | Sticks, in gold plated tubes. } NOTE. All the Creams Sine 2 in glass stoppered jars. They are' n force until Dec. 31. After the and will not allow the (air-tight, | Cream to dry up. ship Hall, Dryden, at 8 p.m. : CHAS. NORGATE, © Secy. : WABIGOON CLUB meets first! at 8 p. m,, in the Schoolroom. VICTOR NORDRUM, Secy. : oo fe BEDWORTH CLUB meets the last Saturday of every month at 8 p.m. Visitors from fraternal = W. BF BPICKNELL, Secretary. GLENGOLAND CLUE UF.O. and U. F. W.-0. meet on the i country should be taken into second Saturday of each month in the schoolhouse at 8 p.m. Mrs R. A. REID; Sec U.F.W.0O. = THE DRYDEN PHARMACY ES -- Have you our New Line, La Barre's 4 PREPARATIONS They include--Face Cream, Van- ishing Cream Skin Food, Toilet] and LIQUID FACE POWDER, A New Creation. Compact Powder Talcum and Lip [too early yet to enumerate the '| advantages to-this town and dis: trict" that must follow the con-| sruction of the great paper mill; [gress of New Ontario. | - The fact that 'the control is moved from overseas and brought " linto Canada must also be noted, 'tal ds well as population for its 'of personal satisfaction to every 'energy equal to the opportuni its great natural resources.' 'of the mill will be increased:im- hydro-electrical development and: 'the installation of new paper 'n eastern Canada . freight. rates, + and 35 in western, effective Mon- 'A Premier Creation Dainty & distinctive - Ice cream. wan Fountain Pens. el ery. 'day next, Sept. 13, and continuing | nerease is applicable to all com- 'those stipulated n the judgement, for which. special provision is fre Fant ac hee i thie history of Dryden's i eh £ butt will be at once obvious that the benefits must extend to every individual and business interest over a large area. The number of men that must be employed in the mill as well as in the woods will mean the circulation o fmoney to an extent that will greatly accel erate the development and pro- and the prospect thereby indicated for the future development of this account. As New Ontario needs above all things enterprising capi- development, it must be a matter responsible member of the com- munity to know that Dryden| contaihs a citizen 'with vision-and promised in the development of : Sp It is expected 'that the "output mediately, and construction of the big addition will: be started right away. the plant will be doubled, - involving practically "important machines. The management al ready has under consideration. a big scheme for extension of hous- ing accommodation for its army of employees. ne BIG INCREASE IN FREIGHT 3 RATES... = Ottawa, Sept. 7.--By virtue of a judgment issuing from the Bd. of Railway Commissioners, rail- way companies in - Canada are granted an increase of 40, per cent er date a reduction of 5 per cent is made on these rates. This modities with the exception of delivers the goods. DRYDEN'S LABOR DAY. : (Official Report.) © Flavored with glorious weather j the local trades unions celebrated Labor Day in a truly democratic spirrit, and in an entirely happy fashion. An elaborate programme had been arranged by a' joint com- mittee of the International Bro- therhood of Pulp, Sulphite and | Paper Mill Workers and Paper { Makers' Unions, and on them re- flects the highest credit for the efficient manner in which they organized the details for such a delightful and successful day. Starting from the Pulp Mill Hall at 10.30 a.m, the Parade presen- ted a pleasing and instructive picture to the large number of interested spectators who lined the route. Marshall Fred Pink- erton rode in the vanguard of the procession, followed by the Band o playing a lively march. Amid cries of " Good old Band," the parade wound its way through the various streets, calling forth enuine admiration at every turn, past the well-to-do houses of thos vho by a turn of the wheel of fortune enjoy more of the luxu- ries and comforts of life than the The capacity of ordinary every-day worker, the occupants (excepting ,those who were hurriedly called away on an urgent piscatorial excursion) like 'the ranks of Tuscany could scarce "forbear to cheer." The decorated car the speaker of the day, W. A. James from Winnipeg, and the 2 presidents--Jack Hill of the Sul- "tphite Workers with Tom Marsden of the Papermakers' union, pre- ceded a body of local Veterans led by the veteran of the Veterans, Bro. W.. Davis, who is mainly bestowed upon them for their ad- mirable marching. In ranks "two deep" the mill-workers followed, and it is worthy of note that every department, including the Staff, was fully represented, only a handful of those suffering from an overdose of sensitiveness, or lab- oring under the false impression that-they are moulded of finer clay than their fellow workers, failing to fall in line. Decorated cars, bicycles, comic costumes and floats brought up the tail end of the Parade, formng a brilliant pageant that will long be remembered as the initial ven- After co contaiinng. } BARRED ROCK HENS for sale, Two COWS, good milkers; lack of pasture reason for sale. Apply st CENTRAL HOTEL, : Dryden, Ont. oN > C Mests in the Masonic [all secord Tuesday of each mouth. Visitors cordially invited. |. Rev. ROBT. WILSON, V . A. E. BERREY, Secy. For sale~-- 8 YOUNG PICS, .4 weeks old 1st Sept. $8.00 each. [|+----= M. . .J.CROSIE ' General Merchant, _ OXDRIFT, Ont. R. RHOADES, 9-24 lgnace, Ont. FARM TEAM, about 2800 Ibs, in| : good condition. Cheap for cash.! Apply = ; R. E. NEELY, Oxdrift. t & = 1 9-20 dealer in Dry Goods : Groceries 2 : Boots and Shoes : POULTRY .--g pure bred, single Hardware and Farm 'Produce comb White Leghorn Roosters;} ie {Good strong stock, from experi- mental farm, Brampton, Ont. 14 weeks old, $4.50 each. Apply Mrs JACK La FORREST, - Quibell, Ont. : : Agent for : Yorkshire Insurancc Company Frost & Wood and Brn Cockshutt Implements Sen RD. T. TRIST Dryden Livery, Transfer Exchange Barn # Good MILK COW, also Regis- tered SHORTHORN BULL, Mrs WELLRURN 8-27-c Two 5-horse - power MARINE ENGINES, Adams and Interna-!é tional makes, each $100.00. Also 6-horse power International port- able Sawing Machine, $175.00." Terms Cash. he D. A. KENNEDY, Eagle River, Ont." DRYDEN - ONi 8000000000000 00000000 bo. Good HOLSTEIN MILKER, in first season; also 20-months old ! ; H Oo U SES Heifer (Leicester), for sale at lot! FOI Sale and . Ren 9, con. 6, West Corner, Temple. | --Auso | FIRE INSURANCE ~~ JOHN E. LESHIED, Sr. Waldhof, Ont. JAS. McFADY DRYDEN .:. 0) 9-17 ~ ois MOTOR BOAT for sale, 8 hip. Dunn engine, 4-cycle, 20-ft. x 6ft. | Also Boathouse. Apply ee > H.C. BICKNELL, ¥, : oo : Lyeton P 6: 5000000000000 000000000. EN ONTARIO 5 5 = f A.J. GARDINER i 5 General Merchint EAGLE RIVER. 0 -- good winter layers, from trap nested Roosters of the Guelph Strain. Selling to make room for pullets. 1-year old hens, $1.50; 2-year old hens, $1.25 each. =