Dryden Observer, 11 Feb 1921, p. 1

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ZEA TET SE XXVIIL ---- Dryden, Ont, Feb. 11 1921 Number 35 ED () <BD- () ~<GEE ) -Ge- () <C> (OE () 4 ETE A FEW OF THE THINGS in| the HARNESS LINE I have on hand. Horse Collars, Breeching Straps, Side Straps, reversible Brass Ball Top Steel Hames, Hame Straps, | Martingales, Pole Straps, | Flat Side Che ecks, Chain Breast, Straps, Overdraw Checks, Kling' 15 Hame Fasteners, Heel Chains, [eam Breeching, Team traces, Success Chain Traces, tested 4500 bs each, Breast Collars, Buggy Fraces, Open Bridles, Winker] Bridles, Halters, Double & single | Lines, Team Back Pads, Belly! Bands, Sweat Pads, assortment of Collars; Pads, &c. Neatsfoot Harness Gil, in Quarts. EE (CRED CE (GD OCD OE OED THE DRYL PHA A few boxes of Xmas Chocolates | left, fom $1.00 up. $4 Fo clear, we will give a discount: of 15 per cent.; also 10 per cent. off all Ivory. STATIONERY. FOUNTAIN PENS SCHOOL SUPPLIES / SMOKER"S SUPPLIES AUTO STROP and GILLETTE © SAFETY RAZORS. 7 Willard', Patterson's, Lowneéy's, E> () E29 () 5D () ED O ED OCF (G3 ee ereeeeees zeae a same mek eereamens "WAINWRIGHT 'EAGLE - Dates of Meetings 'OXDRIFT CLUB meets on the FIRST FRIDAY of the month in the Schoolhouse at 8 p.m. ow W. HOW ELL, Secretary sr CLUB meets in the School at 8 p.m. the first Saturday of each month. R.D COATES, = Secretary. RIVER GI UB Tots second Saturday of each month, at 18 p.m. " ALEX TURNER, Secy. oe msn. WALDHOF CLUB meets First Saturday of every month in the | Schoolhouse, at 8 o'clock E. GREUN, Secretary. GLENGOLAND CLUE TI EO and 1. B. W. O. meet on the second Saturday of each month in the schoolhouse at 8 p.m. Mrs R. A. REID, Sec U.EW.O. WABIGOON CLUB meets first Saturday of every month, at 8 p. m., in the Schoolroom. : VICTOR NORDRUM, Seey. BEDWORTH CLUB meets the last Saturday of every month at 8 p.m. clubs are heartily welcome: Visitors from fraternal WW. FE. BICKNELL, Secretary. PREEROREY VAN- HORNE CLUB meets | every third Saturday in the Town- ship Hall, Dryden, at 8 p.m. CHAS. NORGATE, f. Secy, NEILSO { SUPPLIES and TEA - ROOM BREAD, CAKES and PASTRY CONFECTIONERY N'S CHOCOLATES \ FRESH FRUIT, IN SEASON JE CREAM THIS WEEK END & Wal KODAKS, DEVELOPING RAPS i 0 ~ Dryden Lodge No. 1694} Jide meets the first Wednesday | f each month at 8 pm in the Town! Hall. Visiting brethren © cordially! nvited. a W. J. Robinson, W.M. D. Anderson, Rec. Sec o* -- ee ee | i Ls 5 in 3] 105 Ne No. Meets 1st and 3rd Thursday cach month, at 7.30, in the Mill Hall. . EL HILL, I. RUSSELL, Pres. Rec. oe | gp) | E Dryden Lodge No 417 CURT. meets at the Town Hull every First and Third Monday at 8 o'clock. A. J. Clempson, N. G., D. il. Kentner, Recording Sec) Visiting brethren cordially invited. Golden Star lodye ® No48s 7 AF &AM ,G. R. i Meets in th: Masonic Hall, Dryden, the Second Tuesday of each month, Visitors cordially invited. Rev. ROBT. WILSON, W.W A E BERREY, Secy. DIED. At Dryden, Ont, on Thursday 10th February, 1921, Thomas Lindsay, infant son of Mr and Mrs Thomas Proudfoot, aged 1 year and IO months. CARD OF THANKS. Mr and Mrs W. D. Neely desire to thank their friends for kind sympathy shown them in their recent bereavement. Oxdrift, oth Feb., 1921. CARD OF THANKS { The family of the late Mrs Ida A Smith wish to thanks for the sympathy kindress shown during recent sad bereavement. / sincere and their EX DIress 14 HENS for sale, a layers. Apply Box 45, Dryden FB. LINDEN NO amY, Ean €onveyancing Collecting General Practice DRYDEN GNTARIO I the prize for the rilliant Gathering at Masquerade EE wo THE Masquerade Ball held in the Mill Hall last Monday attrac- ted an immense gathering from all over the district. Softened lights, delightful music, charming dresses, and endless variety of costumes created an atmosphere of "illusion that negatived the crude realities of daily existence. A fire that occurred last Friday in the Supply house in Winnipeg which provides the costumes pre- vented some from securing the characters they desired; but many ingeuious contrivancesswere em- ployed to overcome this handicap. At the last moment Tom Proud- foot managed to secure most of the costumes required to replace those destroyd in the fire, and the result was the most brilliant dis- play of life and color ever seen in Dryden. The hall was tastefully dng ted, adding to the beauty of the picture, the finat touch of idealism being given by the soft glow of the floodlights, under the control of Charlie Harris. Reddie Beddome and his jazz band furnished the most seductive music, which/ was several times: encored by the dancers, No one is =ver too old to take delight in the realm of make- o believe. And the Masquerade gives the opportunity to indulge for a moment our desire to be- come what we would like to be. To the girl who dreams of being La Princess, here is the chance for one night to allow full play to her imagination ; the opportunity to occupy the role of one of his heroes. IEven the grotesque or comical costume is the expression of a desire to pro- vide pleasure and amusement for others. Through it all runs the social instinct to ignore the sordid part of life, and to play together with lightsome hearts. It would indeed be a calamity for the race iP we could forget or outgrow the desire for playfulness. . : Burgess & Walters again pro- vided the lunch, and served light refreshments during the evening. The prizes given by the Orch- estra for the best dressed couple were won by Mr H. Adair and Mrs. D. Reid, in full Highland costume of Gordon tartan. Mrs + Dr Woods, beautifully dressed as a Gipsy, was awarded the prize for the best dressed lady; while a Chinese Mandarin unifcrn® worn by Mr F. N. Beveridge® secured best dressed gentleman. The prize for the best comic costume, presented by Burgess & Walters, went to Ernie George, posing as a Jew pedlar. Other dresses worn were as follows :-- : Sarah Cummings-- Follies John Marsland--Clown A. Burton-- Varsity Principal D. Frejd--Clown C A Burgess--Uncle Sam T Walters--Nigger T Hartnett--Cowboy : Bert Berrey--Cowboy = Mrs Burgess--Summer girl : Mrs Walters--Pop-corn girl T. Young--Clown Gordon Tew--Coon : T Fowler--Count : Mr and Miss Wilson -- White clowns Miss Effie Jones--Early Victor: ian Miss G. McFadyen -- Chinese girl Don Beveridge--Coster Wm Duncan--]Jester Isabel Wilson--Nurse Miss Pigeon--Spirit of Hallow- e'en Mr Ottie--Chinaman pupils of the school, to a man is given. ED () ERED () GET OSD () CI OO 0 EE Children's Concert Parents and friends of the school children are reminded that the concert which has been under way for some time, will take place in the Strand next week as sched- uled. As a large turnout is expected two performances will be given: the first on Wednesday the 16th, for adults, at 8 p.m., while Thurs- day evening at 7.30 the program will be given sepneially for the kiddies. Since one object of the Concert is to procure a phonograph for the admission is set 'at 350 and 15¢. The boys and girls, have _spent much time and effort over the programme and expect you to be present to enjoy it. They and their teachers have been preparing with this end in view, and 1t is their sincere wish that you come and spend a thor oughly Enjoys evening with them. ED () ED (EE () Es (GEER () SEER OG BEDWCRTH A Valentine Social and Dance will be held in Bedworth Sehool- house on Monday, February 14th. Ladies bring lunch for two, also a Valentine, which will be auc- tioned off at mid-night. Good music, and stable accom- modation. H. R. Dorken--ZFEarly Victorian Mrs M 5 Campbell -- Turkish Lady Mrs H Weld -- Chinese Man- , darin Mrs Foulis-- Wild Indian Ella Russell--Irish Colleen Valerie Ray--Gipsy. Eleanor Smith ~ Black-eyed Susan Mia Johnson--Irish Colleen Mrs Clempson--Gipsy Eugene Desrocher---Pierrot Estelle Desrocher Pierrette _ Chas. Harris--Toreador Marguerite Evans --- Buster Brown Eva Bartlett--Tea Rose R J Pronger--Insurance agent Florence Tustain--Sunflower Jack Harris--Indian Brave Myrtle Beddome--Chinese lady Clara Self--Indian Maid IF Porter- Goorge Washingto: Chappy Wilson--Mechanic Tony Berglund--Cook . W Oliver--XKing George Russel Lott--Dutch Boy L C Carr--Attired Reveller Donald Taylor-- Gipsy H Dingwall-- Little girl in blue} ™ Miss E Allen--Indian Princess J. B. Beveridge--" Varsity Prin- cipal Mrs Adair---Black Princess Olive Lewis--Nurse Frank Kerney and Jimmy Beddome Mrs Hawl--Ghost Mrs Cummings--Greek Mrs I#slie-- Bathing girl Mr Leslie Highlander Jessie Noble--Gipsy Mrs French-- Turkish Lady Mrs Hardie--Norwegian, girl Jack Pitt--Herald Irene Steeles--Polly Consie Kerney--Joan d'Arc Gold 2 Jim ns Cle S. E. Thompson--DBallet dancer H. Sanders-- Musketeer Clarence Wright--Robin Hood | Mrs Edgar---Potato suit : Mrs Hambly--Spanish dancer Mrs N. Beveridge--The Lady in White. Mrs J. B. Beveridge -- Minuet costume - | Dr Wood--Hindu Prince Miss Crone Two little girls Evangeline Golden in blue Jessie Kerney--Gipsy Miss Mcl.eod-- Polly. Mr Lumby-- Buster Brown Jessie Taylor--Mary Jane N. Wachman--City gent. Ivy Pronger-- Powder cos ume Kathleen Hartnett -- Turkish s Lady Mrs H. Pronger-- Flower girl 3 Dust Twins | Old Resident Passes Away THE sudden death 0 in the morning of Monday, February 7, of Mrs "da Theresa Smith, post- mistress of Dryden, came as' a shock to her family and the com- munity. Death was the result of a complete apoplectic stroke after an illneSs of only five hours. Ap- parently in good health and spirits on the day before, she was suddenly stricken late in the even- ing of Panda, and despite the care of the doctér who remained with her during the night, she passed away in the early hours of Monday morning. Although not in the best of health for some months past, she had remarked lately on how much better she felt, and seemed very open of regaining her strength. She had asked her daughter and husband, Mr and Mrs ir] Lane, to come to Dryden and relieve her bilities, and they reached here only a few days previous to her death. Mrs Smith has been a promin- ent figure in the life of Dryden since she came here with her hus- band, the late David R. Smith, the first postmaster of Dryden, in May, 1897. © Less than a year later she was suddenly left a widow with six small children. She was appointed to succeed her husband in charge of the post- office, which she has, held since. Facing the world bravely, old- timers will recall the hard strug- gle she\had to increase herincome Beyond \the small allowance to meet the needs of her young family. Thot she suc- ceeded so well is the tribute borne to-day i in all honor to her memory by her many friends and neich- bours. ; for while her own prob- s called for high courage and »nstant effort, she could still ind opportunity to be a friend to any in distress or need, and to such-- and to all with whom she came in contact--her cheerful disposition and kindness were indeed a bless- ing. / Mrs Smith was born at Aurora, Ont., October 17th, 1863, and was the daughter of the late Donald McKay, Master of Mathematics Walkerton High School. To mourn her loss she leaves her daughters, Mrs J .Vyse and Miss Hazel, Winnipeg; Mrs G. Meers, of Macleod, Alta.; Mrs D. Lane, Alma and Aldra at home. besides three brothers and five sisters -- one of whom, Mrs A. Upton, lives in D ryden. The Service. Service was = held at Union Church at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, eorilested by Rev. G. Robins, pastor, and Rev. Robt. Wilson of St Luke's. The Church was crowded with sympathisers, come to pay their last respects to a dear friend, while 'the casket, beautifully adorned with many floral tributes placed by loving hands, rested in front. From the Church a large cor tege followed to the cemetery, while every mark of respect was shown by the citizens of Dryden, the stores being closed during the afternoon, and the flags at half- ast. Mrs Smith was laid to rest by the side of her husband, who was the first to be buried in Dryden = cme Germ. The cord harvest this year. Never were the sleighs so busy, loaded with their valuable crops. They are well handled by their General, the They say that ke is make a grand donation towards building the new school--which requires more discussing than where the wood comes from. The real grain and clover for- good crops which their brother farmers are gathering in without fear of spoiling by rain or sun; i but they can have one consolation | | --that there will be a much larger amd of stu amps and rubbish than (of grain and clover next summer. \Go ahead, cordwood farmers e of some of the heavier responsi- | governmentf 'Nor were her sympathies entirsly taken up with her own] wood farmers of - Eagle River are having a splendid Es 5 i cordwood King of Eagle River ¢ going to. mers must look with envy on the = -- WANTED. Man for Police and other duties, Salary $125.00 per month. Applications to be in the hands of the undersigned not later than February 16th, 1921. J. E. GIBSON, Town Clerk. ED () SERS- (GED () ED ()- GD () GHD ()- ID Mr. F. Risegari begs to announce that he is now prepaied to ac- cent a limited number of pupils for tuition in Practical Violin Playing and also the Theory of Music. For terms ee. » Please apply to R. J. PRO NGER at his. music store, Dryden: ES (ED (Sm GE Oa TENDERS FOR THE G. W.V, A CLUB ROOM | rien Tenders invited up till 6 o'clock of the night of Monday F ebruary 28th. Tenders must contain your price offer and your terms. The highest or any tender not necessarily "accepted. Address tenders, and obtain full particu- larsi from : H. DAVIDSON, FOR SALE. TEAM of Horsch in wl con- dition, weight abotit 3000 ibs. WM. F REEBORN, Dryden, Ont. DWELLING HOUSE for sale, situated between the Company's new double houses on White St, The house must be removed from property at once. What offers? DRYDEN PAPER CO. Ltd. A BARGAIN. HOUSE, and twenty-two Lots Cow and Furniture for sale, price $1 300 00. Apply to R. H. PRONGER. COAL for salé--Apply to R. H. PRONGER. FOR SALE.-- 7-room HOUSE, warm, with good garden, excel- lent site. R. J. PRON GER. i WANTED for One Year, at 8 per cent. int. E. D. LEDYARD, Bedworth P. o. Light House Work and Plain Sewing. Miss Lizzie Holden, re- cently from London, Eng., will go out daily. Terms reasonable. i Apply Suite 3, Friedman Puilding (back staircase). NOTICE. Having agreed to extend the date to some of my old customers, to April 1st, all accounts not paid on or before that date interest at the rate of 8 per cent will be added thereto. | Jorn RHODES. HA <Q WACHIN, Larrister, Solicitor, &c. IMPERIAL BANK BLOCK | KENORA . . Ont. § | Town of Dryden This property, sited on Queen : Street, FOR SALE, and Sealed 3 WANTED to Borrow, $200.00 } Secy., GW. V.A. =

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