PHB DRYDEN OBSERVED Dryden Cemetery Affairs THE following circular letter has been sent out by the Qommitte in charge of Bryden Cemetery :-- 8 --caelS)] ; THE Ontario 1. To act as a voluntary auxiliary to the Ontario Government .in its health work. 2. To co-operate with local Boards of Health, School Boards, and volun- tary organizations working for good health. 3. To enlist the support of Ontario citizens in helping to establish Out- post Hospitals and Nursing Service in remote parts of the Province. DRYDEN, May La 1921. Bear Sir or Madam, % You are advised that By-law No. 136 of the Town of Dryden was passed in Council on the 1st day of June, 1920, appointing two (2) Trustees: and By-law No. 197, of the Township of Van Horne, was passed in Council on the 10th day of January, 1921, appointing one (1) Trustee. The duties of said Trustees are: to have charge of the Cemetery, one mile north of Dryden; to collect all monies due for sale of plots, giving official receipts for same; to engage grave-digger and caretaker, and do such other work as is necessary from time to time towards keeping graves, and Cemetery in general, in suitable condition. It was felt by both the Councils of Dryden and Van Horne that a sum of money should be expended yearly on keeping the graves and plots free from weeds, Square P Store poe ra. at tas re ----.--. and the paths in good condition. 4, To create and maintain a reserve of The Cemetery at present needs a reat deal of work in order to get money, garments and medical sup- it into a good condition, and the appointed Trustees would ask the co- . plies, and to enlist voluntary aid, operation of every ome interested, residing in Dryden or vicinity--to for emergencies, such as epidemics help by giving a little of their time towards the work, by keeping their ; and disasters. plots as free from weeds as possible, and by removing the surplus earth 5. To create public opinion in favor of after new graves have been dug; and to those living at a distance who sound health measures. are unable to look after the graves of their loved ones, a small amount 6. To promote better health among of money is asked yearly, about the first of May, and this money will : children by the organization of be used for the care of the plots, for which it is received. Junior Red Cross auxiliaries in the All monies received at any time by the appointed Trustees will be : schools. faithfully expended to the best of their ability; and be it also known . i ONTARIO ENROLLMENT, MAY 22.28 that said Trustees are to receive no remuneration for the work under- "In the field of Public Seth, the harvest is taken by them. ready and the laborers are few."--Prof. Winslow. "Any further information omni the Cotetort | in our possession will be cheerfully given at any time. JAMES McFADYEN, resident, Trustees:-- Mrs D. HUTCHISON, Fin. Secy. ~~ D. KENNEDY, Treas. Enroll with your local Red Cross Branch or Enrollment Committee, or, if there is none in your community, with the Ontario Provincial Division, 410 SHERBOURNE STREXT, ToRONTe, ry REV. GEO. ROBINS LEAVING For Sale--Well bred COW, 5 years 1d, to freshen soon. Good milker. F ENGLAND. oh ox NG 32 Mrs WELLBURN, Ignace. Eo) Canadian Red Cross Society Ontarie Division Rev. Geo. Robins, B.A., returned ; from Winnipeg last week, and con- Dedicated to the Dryden Disturber.-- : 4 ducted ervice in the Union Church on You've disturbed, of late, so seldom Sunday. His visit to the western That our hearts melt with dismay; metropolis was made for the purpose A little more disturbance, please, | of examination for degree of B.A. 'Would make our town more gay. That he was successful is the more DISAPPOINTED. to his credit when it is considered Thus wondering comment is made ' that he studied for the degree while as to why "The Dryden Disturber " active in the ministry here. has not been giving the excellent While offering the fullest congrat- service lately to which its patrons ulations, the pride of the congrega- have been accustomed. A full expla- tion is grealty tempered by the fact nation would be too long to publish, that his incumbency of Union Church but we will submit that the last two is about to close. Mr Robins intends years have been difficult ones for all making a trip to his old home in newspapers, many having "ceased to Yorkshire, England, this summer and publish entirely. The Dryden Obser- Hotel C. O. SELF, Proprietor of Flanucletic leaves Dryden for the east Monday morning, to make the journey over- seas. Mr Robins has been long associated with Dryden and district, and the many friends he has made will wish him godspeed on his trip, and express the hope that he may later return to ver hopes, however, from now on not merely to continue, but to improve its service and to win approval of ifs readers by several changes that are being gradually introduced. It is a fundamental truth in this, more al- most. than any other business, that a newspaper can only flourish when it Dryden, where he is assured of a is backed by the goodwill of the com- warm welcome from those whose re- munity it serves. We will strive to gard he has won for his earnestness be worthy of that goodwill, and to and modesty. prosper accordingly. Blankets This well-known Hotel is still furnishing the excellent service for which it is noted. The - dining room accommodation is of the best, being unexcelled for courtesy and service. at 2.50 Sheslf's Sule of Lands PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, DISTRICT OF KENORA, TO WIT : BY virtue of a Warrant issued under the hands of the Chairman and Treasurer of Unicn Schocl Section No. 1 of the Townships of Southworth | a le a and Hartman, and the Seal of the said School Section, bearing date the 18th day of March, 1921, and to me directed commanding me to levy upon the lands hereinafter described for the arrears of Taxes respectively : due thereon, together with all the costs ineurred, I hereby give notice FINANCIAL VY YOUR LIFE i pursuant to the Assessment Act, I shall on Thursday the 4th day of ugust A.D. 1921, at the hour of 11 o'clock in the . forenoon, at the 17 4 os Sheriff's Office in the Town of Kenora in the District of Kenbra, proceed A CANADIAN GOY ANNUITY WILL DO-IT to sell by Public Auction so much of the said Lands as may be necessary Gives a 'arzer return for life than is obtainable for the payment of the said arrears and charges thereon, unless such from any other form of investment with absolute arrears and charges shall have been sooner paid. secLrity. | 'ree from Dominion Income Tax, onto or T domiciled | in Canada over" : gin atonce, or at any m $59 to $5,000, ter Ty instalments. ase lointly. or tieir employees. 'and ABOLISH ¥&7 1) PROLONG 'Ready-to-Wear at a Township ef. Hartman Lot Con Ac. Taxes Costs Total Name and Address 6f Owner Ni 6 160 17.42 2.58 20.00 Pat. D. M. Anderson, Toronto 'N % 10 160 17.42 2.68 20.00 Pat. Jas. Attwood, Winnipeg N% 6 148 16.12 2.55 16.67 Pat. W. T. Shields, London, Eng. S¥% 5 206 19.72 2.64 22.36 Pat. W. T. Shields, London, Eng. [CIS OR) : Township ef Southworth S% 10 5 160 17.42 2.58 20.00 Pat. W. F. Babcock, Dundas, Ont. N% 5 5 146 24.44 2.76 27.20 Unpat. E. Lawrence, Osaquan, Ont. N% 4 4 160 21.81 270 24.51 Pat. W. T. Shields, London, Eng. Mining Location-- \ : H.W. 163 33 5.74 240 8.14 Pat. W. Bruce, Winnipeg = Svan ws smo ge free, to S. T. Bastedo, booklet and other $1.00 each Townsite of Dinorwic Lot Con Area Taxes Costs Total Name and Almera of Owner PS ] PS | PS ! ; | pe : ) a 1 & } } | ~ ; ~ ] PS : ; I ; ; ! | PS S > 1 ~ ) ~ ] ~ m ¥ 8 a i ; ; : 1-2-3-4-5 i © 6-7-8-9 7 115x25 17.88 2.59 20.47 Pat. a J. Bannerman, Winnipeg, > NoTE THI S N ve -2-3-4-5 Man. V4 AF 6-7-8-9 8 115x25 17.95 2.60 20.55 Pat. A. J. Bannerman, Winnipeg. y AD JUSTA BLE w El IGHT ) 18-19 D 20.5 ac. 27.29 2.83 30.12 Pat, Do., do. - 1-2 5 115x25 3.99 2.40 6.39 Pat. Do., do. 9-10 5 115x25 3.99 2.40 6.39 Pat. Do., do. Re ge -- 24-25 5 115x25 8.99 240 6.39 Pat. 'Do., do. = 28-29 5 115x25 3.99 2.40 6.39 Pat. Do., do. 1-2 6 115x25 3.99 2.40 6.38 Pat. Do., "do. A | F RE 9 5-6 6 115x25 8.99 240 6.39 Pat. Do, - do. . 24-25 6 115x265 3.99 2.40 6.39 Pat. Do., do. ; g/ 28-20 6 115x256 3.99 240 6.39 Pat. Do., do. i DRYDEN, On: B. 9-10-11 6 115x25 5.97 2.40 8.37 Pat, Deo., do. 3 | Wi 10 7 '115x12% 1.32 2.40 3.92 Pat Do., do. i > 15-19 5 115225 1.70 240 410 Pot Name unknown, : - KENORA, Ont., April 25th, 1921. JOHN W. HUMBLE, : Sheriff of District of Kenora.