Dryden Observer, 3 Jun 1921, p. 1

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N pd ta nee dr rt ot Ea a a I EE Ly Tro ad ls a ad El 1 El A a ru rp A lr Ti dey a ~~ Volume XXIX. Dryden, Ont Tune 3 1921 Number 1 ATTENTI (as Engine and Auto Owners ® amp b Send your repairs to ALLANSON & McCHESNEY Lake ot the Woods Garage, KENORA 'We Guarantee our Engine Overhaul work. Reasonable Rates. HARNESS LINE I have on hand. the Horse Collars, Bréeching Straps, Side Straps, reversible Brass Ball Top Steel Hames, Hame Straps, Martingales, Pole Straps, Flat Side Checks, Chain Breast Straps, Overdraw Checks, Kling's Hame Fasteners, Heel Chains, Team Breeching, Team traces, Success Chain Traces, tested 4500 tbs each, Breast Collars, Buggy Traces, Open Bridles, Winker Bridles, Halters, Double & single Lines, Team Back Pads, Belly Bands, Sweat Pads, assortment of Collars, Pads, &ec. Neatsfoot Harness Oil, in Quarts. | H. WILLARD, Boot and Harness Repairer. DRYDEN PHARMAC Everything 4 good Drug Store should sell, Mail Orders attended to. Willard's, Patterson's. Lowney's, CHOCOLATES. AUTO STROP and GILLETTE SAFETY RAZORS. FRENCH IVORY SWAN FOUNTAIN PENS SAFETY RAZORS SMOKER'S SUPPLIES STATIONERY. SCHOOL SUPPLIES DE LUXE STATIONERY QUALITY SERVICE A FEW OF THE THINGS in i i ED () ERE () SED () CRS () E50 () SEE OSE Coon Central H Totel lce Now Cpen Under the management of Mrs. Florence Holmes, as- sisted by Miss Hilda 0 (SE (SE SE (SED () GE (ENE If you wish for any Special flavors in Ice Cream, Sodas or Sundaes, we know how to please you - Try our- ~ Golden Glow American Belle Pink Lady Summer Maid 3onn Ton Princess Pat Merry Widow Ask for a Club House Sundae For Canoe Pariies 'We put up dainty lunches, Ice Cream and every kind of Fruit and Chocolates f vou phone us at No. 2 we will have your order ready ora a Fr 1 nt Ls a ding {0 Aid: AVE | DINOR WIC, Ont. RAW FUR HIPMENT INVITED Highest Prices. Express Charges paid AGENTS FOR The "Decca" Portable Photog . handy Suitcase Model, © A 4 3 = ods 10 ENQUIRIES SOLICITED. erp een en et TRS -- KODAK "s, FILMS and SUPPLIES CHOCOLATES ~ fn > = i, o> AJ 5 C = COME AND ia caph Tf 13-1bs § i 3 + ok i Eo" & Nr } § S School Fair Dates The School Fairs for Kenora Dist. will be held on the dates following. The Prize Lists will be out by the end of June, so that everyone will have ample opportunity to be ready for the Fair, Let the motto for this qr be "Bigger and better than ever." This can be done only by the co-operation of all. Let the School Fair be a real holi- day: everyone turn out for a day with the children. Anyone wishing to offer Special Prizes at these Fairs should have their name and the amount or description of their prizes "in to this office not later than June 15, so that they will be included in Hot Shot from Fighting Peter Heenan. Speaking to a representative group of citizens in the auditorium, Fort William, last week, Peter Heenan, M.P.P., talked on the needs of this district, according to the Times- Journal. The government tock in revenue from this end of the province, north of French river to the boundary, three millions last year.i It spent two millions, milking these ; districts for one million. Is that a' square deal? i -- Manitoba | stir up international feeling so that. the United States will not ratify the' this district. | iately collected to OXDRIFT Coming! -- CO-OPERATIVE SHARES ISSUED! On Friday, June 10, at 3 pm. in At a largely attended meeting of | those interested, held in the Clover Growers' Hall, the new Charter of the Oxdrift Co-operative Society,' Limited, was presented by Mr M. Fi Cook, agricultural representative for Printed subscription: Forms were circulated, and paid-up' subscriptions for Stock were immed- the amount of $1000.00. The full amount in cash was handed in with the applications. Such an enthusiastic response to the | ¢ ; : {first call augurs well for the success There is an effort being made to of the Society. 2 : Steps are now being taken to have lation declaring these waters to be that in all probability will end in a! a Store opened at the earliest possi- lake of the woods water level agree- ble date. The first and most impor- the Prize List. @uibell = Sept. 13 mont, Ir Is boing done by a BYoUP tant proceeding being the appoint- or of engineers who couldn't have their : : Waldhof and Vermillion 14 : ; .. , ment of a suitable and experienced aa 2 own way when the international joint Minnitaki and Hagle ____,, 15 cominisaion. way oitdn , anager. 1 Oxdrift, Aubrey and Glen- : : = ; Mr W. W. Howell, secy-treas., ex- ? e Premier Meighen was not stating _ ia goland 16 a pressed the obligation they had all > 2 fact when he announced that the lake : Dryden... 19 : : been put under by the valuable help : : " of the woods control bill was passed a : Cairnbrogie 20 |. Mr Cook had rendered in the organi- ne 2 2 in order to carry out an agreement a i : = i Wabigeon .._ ... _ _. ow 20 'th the United Stat Thos bs oo zation of their Society. Evidence Ignace ue 20 oy hn ae on Ae a was becoming more and more plenti- : bement.. © 27 pC agement, ful of the value of his work in the 2 : We at Kenora are not going to ,., . ; - Aleeck = -- w= 29 low he lo district, and he took great pleasure Black Sturgeon ________ w 30 Bio) UIUESE DEovy 0 INLETLETe jp expressing acknowedgement of with our natural resources. Water power rights were given to us under Privy Council ruling, and we intend to fight for them. : Premier Meighen passed the lake? HOLD SUCCESSFUL BAZAAR of the woods control bill without ON Friday evenni, gMay 27th, the calling into consultation either of Women's Institute held their concert the members from this district. land bazaar in the Oxdrift Hundreds of men are out of work Proceeds were in aid of Roll of at Kenora because John Backus can- Honour and Memorial Fund. = The; not get his pulp development plans School was crowded as usual, and approved. Yet Mr Backus has no the following successful programme control over the water powers, as has gone through: : beer: publicly stated. He signed the Opening Song--Maple Leaf; All water powers over to the province.-- Song--Down the Vale, Mrs H. Pate- 'The big needs of Western Ontario man. are roads and industries. To fight Instrumental --Misses Washburn. for a square deal towards these dis- Song--Mrs Wheeler. {ricts, I believe all the members in Dance--Sailor's Hornpipe, Miss Hee- the legislature might sit as a group, nan. : and they could get pretty much what nan (of Kenora). was due to us. ' Song--Holy City, Mrs R. Elliott. Today is the day of the group Recitation--Miss Lyons. system of government. I am opposed Song--Mzr Arthur Mushlian. to the old party idea. It is claimed Selection--Violin and Organ, that the old constitutional form of Mamie & Johnnie Crerar. government, with the biggest party Song--Mrs Peter Heenan (Kenora). in power, is the bekbone of old Eng- land. I think it has been England's drawback. It affords an elected mem- ber opportunity to dodge his obliga- tions to his electors under the plea that he couldn't vote against the government. | Turning to the needs of the district Drummond. | the speaker defined them particular- Song--Gypsy Warning, Mrs W. Her- ring. such services by moving a vote of thanks to Mr Cook (appause). Drury will Fight Water Control. Toronto, June 3.--Referring to the Water Control Bill passed by the TMeighen Government, to secure con- trol of the waters of Western Onta- rio from this Province, Premier Drury said to-day: "That legislation must be contes- ~ ted. > We must do everything in our to have the measure repealed, 'ec are going to make this an it may either be a legal issue jon issue or both. Reports cing gathered now in prepara- tion for action in court. "And if we lose the legal battle," utinued, "then we shall _most go to the people of the ce with _the _control of _our as an issue." Migs ce its very existence in fighting » control of the waters of the lake of the woods. By passing legis- and Mrs McTavish. Dialogue -- Old-fashioned Auntie, Willing Workers' Club. Song--BRBells of St Mary, Mrs Heenan Song--Wee Lassie, Mr J. Crear. | Song--Oh, Oh! Antonio, Mrs C. L. for the general good of Canada, the federal house has roused Premier Drury and his colleagues to a battle general election in this province. The premier did not say much of ly as roads, education for rural com- = the legal aspects of the case, prefer-, munities, and industries for towns Song--Sweet Bunch of Daisies, Nor- ving to leave that ammunition later. and cities, so as to spread the burden man Moore. : on, but he was very emphatic point- : of taxation. Now was a capital time Song--Misses Merle & Thelma Wash- ing out what he called the inconsis- | to get industries. All these needs burn. tency of the Meighen forces. "For should be easily obtainable by united Short Address -- Mre T. H. Lewis two years, while private interests. action. (chairman). School. { Song--Poor Old Joe, Mrs J. Adams} the Town Hall, Dryden, Miss Hay- == court, Institute speaker, will give an address .... . 3teesee Tovese Hoo MM. EGM.. 2 address: "Community Slackers and Personal Slackers." : Many earnest women have dis- covered that, as individuals, they are 'helpless in facing problems of the home, the school, the community and the nation. Only as they organize and throw their united strength into grappling with these problems can they hope for success. eee In this work there are many ser- vices which the government can render effectively only when there are local organizations with which to co-operate. It is to effect this co-operation that the dept. of agri- cuture sends out each year to all the . Women's Institutes of the province --- { trained, capable women; and no wo- man who is interested in the best things can afford to miss these lectures. . : : When Miss Harcourt has finished her summer lectures through the Districts 'of . Thunder 3 Bay, Kenora and Rainy River, she will return to give her series of ten demonstration lectures on "Home Nursing and First Aid." All who expect to take up the course in nursing should send in their names to Mrs M. Morris, secre- tary of Dryden Women's Institute, so that they may be notified when final arrangements are made. GENERAL BYNG TO BE " GOVERNOR GENERAL. London, June 3.--The appointment of Lord Byng of Vimy as governor- general of Canada, in succession to the Duke of Devonshire, was officially: announced today. The name of General Byng will ever be associated in Canadian his- 'tory with the great battle of Vimy Ridge, when for the first time the Canadian corps fought as a unit, owing much of its success to his leadership. After that victory he was * promoted to command of the Third Army, and was succeeded in the command o fthe Canadian corps by General Sir Arthur Currie, : E. W. Wice prognosticates-- Mr E. Wice thinks the indications for a bumper crop this year are the best he ever saw. The forward state of the crops, and the amount of mois= ture should, barring accidents, justify the expectation of one of the finest." Fair of the Dryden Agricultural, in® consequence, should be the most sue- crops in our history. The Annual # cessful ever held. SURE had control of the Norman, which|{ In aiming to secure proper treat- Mrs Peter Heenan of Kenora then regulates the flow into-the Winnipeg ment for this part of Ontario, the addressed the audience for a short' River, the federal government kept, speaker referred to talk of secession. time. She said it was the intention «till and did nothing, but just as This was not good, in his opinion. It of Mr Heenan, M.P.P., to be present, coon as Ontario obtains absolute con- | was a weakness. To say that because but business prevented the keeping trol of the Norman dam, the private we cannot get what we want we of the appointment. How pleased interests cry is raised." should get out, was an ignoble con- she and her daughter were to be pre-- "Tust how has Ontario absolute fession. Better keep on fighting, and sent at the W. I. Concert. control over the Norman dam?" the'in this connection a group of legis- The Secy.-treas. thanked Mrs and Pf PI ON Nf INN IN or Ne Nu Tree Press representative asked. Miss Heenan for their great help towards making the concert such a | lature members might be efficacious "Pipst, the agreement whereby Mr in forcing the government's hand. 'Backus leases the White Dog Baplds/ provides that we get that control. He | concedes that for the privilege of | hite Dog. Then there was a verbal agreement between Mr Backus and myself last fall that, no matter what happened, even if he were to lose i White Dog Rapids, he was to hand by the government. over the Norman dam. And last. Mr Heenan referred to a bill which success. It was a treat to see such | he has before the legislature which @ young gir dance, in the costume of he might call "the cost of living wage @ sailor girl. bill," because it sought to establish At the close of the concert the, a return to men at least mot lower members of the Willing Workers', than was required to live, according Club, of whom Mrs Leonard Pateman | to the cost of living bulletins issued is president, sold their candies--all, It was on this home made--and realized at their | point that the member insisted that Stall alone $22.82. They had decora- | week, at my request, Mr Backus sent | an industry which pleaded inability ted their hooth with flowers and: me a letter confirming that agree- ment." "The results of this Act would be far-reaching. That word navigable could be carried to almost any limit. Further, it will mean this: Oud partment of lands and- forests will have nothing to say about the waters that rightfully belong to us. All ap- plications will go direct to Ottawa. Even the Hydro will have to negoti- ate with Ottawa if it intends to de- to meet such a wage had no right to evergreens, and it was no wonder ] exist, and should pass into the hands they drew such a large amount in so of the province. It should mot be short a time. necessary for men to strike to get i his living wage, particularly from Mrs Elliott took charge of the Sale . fndustries developing the naural re- of Work stall; Mr Jack Adams acted { sources of the province, which were aS auctioneer, and after refreshments the kind of industries he had referred Were handed round, the cakes were | A clear explanation of the lake of Was realized at this stall. Clothis Mrs H. Pateman, Mrs Herring and @ This Store's purpose is to dress men better than they have ever "been dressed: to provide such styles and patterns as will ex- press the individuality of the wearer and give genuine satis- faction. : Call and See the New 1 to as operative by public ownership. sold which had not been used. 516.85, 2 the woods water levels control was ~ im =1 given, in which he referred to Mani- ferred to the strong support given i Spring Styles and 2% he a TOBACCOS BE SERVED a in our & Japanese Tea Room ANRC IPOS L COLIC TOLTNITIA, Sect, Dryden velop north." toba's efforts at dictating on water in Toronto by the guest of the eveun- | Wide Range of Tor a week Premier Drury will! storage there as nothing less than an ing to matters affecting the head of, P n So nurse his voice, then he will start Backus had no control over the water the lakes. On conclusion of Mr | atter. ns all over the province, with: powers, recent public statements not- Heenan's speech, W. A. Dowler, K.C., of the Woods legislation as, withstanding. Kenora District was enunciated a doctrine for dwellers in Other: strong in its weakness, and deter- the district which was received with ; members of the government are to! mired not to quit the fight to keep enthusiasm. He said people were | help, and a whirlwind campaign will : these provincial rights intact. And, gradually reaching the conclusion! be carried out, to give the public in winding up his address, Mr Heen- that this piece of Canada belongs fo! knowledge of every angle of the an remarked that : no government the people of Western Ontario, and : Sati : : could live in Ontario that would not the people should become ol oi con: BOARD AND ROOM at $8.00 a week. | fight for a cause, - wl { mon oy Dla may om y pls i OHN RUSH, Duke: Mayor Dennis was in the chair, going p stinies, and | ; ps i 4 {and in his introductory remarks re- nobody else. =e ; The Red Brick Sto r€ gpeaking the Lake the main topic of discussion. At prices to suit the Altered Conditions. ES

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