Dryden Observer, 15 Jul 1921, p. 4

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Ca Xo ta Si : ie i J 4 Si DRYDEN OB: ; i TR do Teint Ly ad SERRE A Le da BT WABIGOON. ee [@ DISTRICT NEWS EVANS : : CER () ERED ) CID ( -- OE a HENS O-CERD-()-CHD-O-GEED-(O GED O CNED ) GSB SED (GEE ) SHED) GEED-) ET) CD OSH () GH SED-() SE EHD ()- EI ()- C2) GED (ED (Gs ERED () SED - EER O ERER-() SHED SEED Cn] CE - (GED OE O On July 1st the social club held a Dates The Popular Candy Shop. QUIBELL reception in the assembly mm : CONFECTIONERY, FRUIT Light refreshment : : Miss Sadie McKinnon of Winnippeg| MENG refreshments me of) BREAD {is visiting her sister Mrs Shields. 2 : SOFT DRINKS. ACCO. 3% itive bee mee Bs iol song rendered by Mrs Pidgeon. The Ll 708, een . The Hay and Clover is looking ex- tra well after the refreshing rain. Mr and Mrs T. C. Williams leave for a vacation for the west this week. Mr D. 0. Paradis Chevoriet Car which week. has a arrived new this Mrs McEwen and Mrs J. Anderson are visiting members of the W.I. at Dryden this week. A successful trip was made by car to Dryden, by Mrs Bocn and Mrs to be held in Dryden. also was present. Mrs Thompson A delightful evening was spent Saturday last, at the home of Mr Adolph Will.- Quite a few of our Quibell resident were present. Supper was served by the Milling boys. Miss Ray held her farewell at the School June 28th. Mrs Boon superin- music brought in the young people, and an impromptu dance resulted, the boys tastefully attired in shirt sleeves and overalls. Though strictly infor- mal it was none the less enjoyable, and after a final round on the ice cream and pop, the merry band de- parted about 11.80, giving vociferous cheers for the president. Dance will be held.-- A dance will be given by the Wabi- goonn branch U.F.W.O. in Johnston's Hall, on July 23rd. Those desirous of a good time should attend this one. To build Community Hall.-- Wabigoon is striving to raise the amount necessary to build a commun- ity hall. A series of dances and en- tertainments are being held by the. U.F.W.0. to raise the money. The importance of this contribution to the public good deserves the encourage- ment and friendly assistance of all their friends in the surrounding dis- Meetings OXDRIFT CLUB meets on thel FIRST FRIDAY of the month in the Schoolhouse at 8 p.m. W. W. HOWELL, Secretary | WAINWRIGHT CLUB meet: in the School at 8 p.m. the first Saturday of each month. 'R. D. COATES, Secretary. EAGLE RIVER CLUB meets second Saturday of each month, at 8 p.m. ALEX. TURNER, Secy. WALDHOF CLUB meets First Saturday of every month in the Schoolhouse, at 8 o'clock - @ This little Store, so conveniently situated, and whose service is so cheerfully given, is becoming the favorite shopping place of those of our citizens who live in the upper portion of the Town. Opposite the Tewn Hall. LD L Dryden Lodge No. 1694 » «meets the first Wednesday f each month at 8 pm in the Town Milling, representing the Quibell Ladies provide lunch; gent.s 50c. ns Visiting brethren cordially W.I., to attend the general meeting ed. H. REHILL, Rec. Sec. J. E. HARRIS, W.M. beatin Brotherhood of hp Sulphate ond Payer Mill Workers Dryden Lodge Mo. 105 Meets 1st and 3rd Thursday each tended the Candy Booth. Miss E. tricts. E. Sa month, at 7-30, in the Mill Hall. Moore taking charge of the Fish ee ----r : JH. HILL, F. RUSSELL, Pond. Mr R. Milling and Miss Ray | 14 lovers of Moroni. GLENGOLAND CLUB U.F.0O Pres. Rec. Sec. gave selections on the Violin and dU 7 wo . h : -- Piano. Mr Swan who was present] Mr P Shannon, of Medicine Hat |2% S . 0 a on he . helped with the races. The Schooll was a visitor to fown last week, and ay o mont ~ Qolden Star Lodge Children sold tags, 10c. each «aid that he intended to ship a car- |'® t€ Schoolhouse at 8 p.m. - All of the proceeds including the| 'oad of well-bred Percheron and Clyde Mrs R. A. REID, &; No 484 dance at night go towards the prizes| mares and Geldings to this part for Sec U.F.W.O. A SC ATSAM GR at the School Fair in September. distribution Ny ee The Children presented Miss Ray with a Gold Fountain Pen as a keep- sake to remind her of th happy days she had spent in dear old Quibell. KAMINISTIQUIA A very pleasant farewell party was given by the residents of Kaministi- quia in the school house, S. S. number 2, on saturday evening, June 25th, in honor of Mrs Bnnett, who wes teach- ing at this school, during the past These are good quality of horses, and all have been driven Watch for posters advertising sale. For Sale For Sale--WORK TEAM, 3000 Ibs. Dark Bay Gelding, 7 year old. Dark Bay Mare, 8 year old. Light Bay Gelding, 1650 Ibs, 8 year old, thoroughly reliable worker. WABIGOON CLUB meets first Saturday of every month, at 8 p m.. in the Schoolroom. VICTOR NORDRUM, y Secy. ter BEDWORTH CLUB meets the last Saturday of every month at 8 p.m. Visitors from fraternal clubs are heartily welcome. W. F. BICKNELL, Meets in the Masonic Hall, Dryden the Second I'mesday of each mont: Visitors cordially invited. Rev. ROBT. WILSON, W.M. A. E. BERREY, Secy. I. E.GIBSON, NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER, &c. Set Heavy 4 Double Harness, brass : Secretary. ~~ AGENT FOR year. mounted. VAN HORNE CLUB meets . . During the evening Mrs Bennett] Set Heavy Double Harness, in good [every third Saturday in the Town- R y | F | was presented with a complete set of condition. ship Hall, Dryden, at 8 p.m. 0 d ITE nsurance community silverware, as a small} l Steel Truck Wagon. CHAS. NORGATE, Com 3 i : token of high esteem, and appre- 2 Sets Bobsleighs. 1 Cockshutt plow. Secy. p Ys ciation, which the residence of Kam- inistiquia and the pupils of the school have for her, and in recognition of the conscientious and efficient manner in which she has attended to her duties. EB. Purnell made the presen- tation, and during his address ex- pressed deep regret of the residents at the loss of a teacher possessing the high qualifications of Mrs Mrs Bennett replied with well chosen remarks and thanked the resi- Prices on Application. GT. LAKES FUR TRADING CO, Limited. ; DINORWIC, Ont. dents and scholars for their many kindness during the past year, which would ever be a pleasant memory. Very dainty refreshments were served by the ladies, to which everyone did full justice. Sheriff's Sale of Lands every First and Third Monday at 8 o'clsek A J. Olempson, N G, D. M. n Dryden Lodge No 194 LO.0.F. tieets at the Town Hall Kens, Recording Sec. - Visiting brethren cordially iinvited 2. Sweeney DRYDEN ONTARIO H. A. C. MACHIN, Barrister, Solicitor, &c. IMPERIAL BANK BLOCK KENORA . . Ont General Blacksmith Wood Worker M. J. CROSIER General Merchant, OXDRIFT, Ont, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, DISTRICT OF KENORA, TO wit: [Dryden - Ont dole is BY virtue of a Warrant issued under the 'hands of the Chairman . and as I oy Goods : Treasurer of Unicn Schocl Section No. 1 of the Townships of Southworth PECe000940 0000080000004 = Groceries and Hartman, and the Seal of the said School Section, bearing date the 18th day of March, 1921, and to me directed commanding me to levy upon the lands hereinafter described: for the arrears of Taxes respectively costs incurred, I hereby give netice that pursuant to the Assessment Act, I shall on Thursday the 4th day of August A.D. 1921, at the hour of 11 o'clock Sheriff's Office in the Town of Kenora in the District of Kenora, proceed to sell by Public Auction so much of the said Lands as may be necessary for the payment of the said arrears and charges arrears and charges shall have been sooner paid. due thereon, together with all the Township of. Hartman in the forenoon, at the thereon, unless such Se A SR RC ONO TRIST & CHARLEBOIS Bryden Livery, Transfer and Boots and Shoes Hardware and Farm Produce Agent for =r Yorkshire Insurance Company Frost & Wood and Cockshutt Implements Iixchange Bara R. H. PRONGER, Notary Public Lot Con Ac. Taxes Costs Total Name and Address of Owner DRYDEN - ¢NT. $ Conveyancer, Ete. N% 6 2 160 1742 258 20.00 Pat. D. M. Anderson, Toronto a DRYDEN e ONT N10 2 160 17.42 2.58 20.00 Pat. Jas. Attwood, Winnipeg [= SRIV09LL 16600 buy, ,2 Nia 6 1 148 16.12 255 16.87 Pat. W. T. Shields, London, Eng. {= = = 0 ee. Et : Sta 65 2 206 19.72 2.64 22.38 Pat. W.T. Shields, London, Eng. : % Township ef Southwerth D i \ 7 d ce in ; H 1 : Sl. 10 5 160 17.42 258 20.00 Pat. W. F. Babcock, Dundas, Ont. O (& N¥% 5 5 146 2444 2.76 £7.20 Unpat. E. Lawrence, Osaquan, Ont. Ni 4 4 160 21.81 2.70 24.51 Pat. W. T. Shields, London, Eng. C. O." SELF ,- Proprietor 3 Mining Location-- ES at H.W. 163 33 6574 240 814 Pat. W. Bruce, Winnipeg Tewnsite of Dinorwic Lot Blk. Area Taxes Costs Total Name and Address of Owner 1-2-3-4-5 : : 6-7-8-9 7 115x25 17.88 2.59 20.47 Pat. A, J. Bannerman, Winnipeg, 1-2-3-4-5 : Man. 6-7-8-9 8 115x25 17.95 2.60 20.55 Pat. A. J. Bannerman, Winnipeg. 18-19 D 20.5 ac. 27.29 2.83 80.12 Pat. Do., de, 1-2 5 1156x265 3.99 2.40 6.39 Pat. Deo., do. 2 9-10 5 115x25 8.99 2.40 6.89 Pat. Do., de. }. 24-25 5 115x25 8.99 240 6.39 Pat Do., do. 28-29 5 115%25 8:99 240 6.39 Pat. Do,, do. 1-2 6 115%25 3.99 2.40 6.39 Pat. Do., do. 5-6 6 1156x25 8.99 240 6.39 Pat. Do., do. soil 24-25 6 115x25 3.99 240 6.33 Pat. Do., do. : 28-29 6 115x256 8.99 240 6.39 Pat. Do., do. Sr i ny 2 9-10-11 6 115x25 5.97 2.40 8.37 Pat. Do. do. Rt . : a Wii 107 15R12% 152 Bao ove Doo be oy This well-known Hotel is still furnishing the Ea 18-19 5 115x25 1.70 240 430 Pat. Name unknown. excellent service for which it is noted. The dining room accommodation is of the best, being unexcelled for courtesy and service, JOHN W. HUMBLE, Sheriff of District of Kenora. 8 KENORA, Ont., April 25th, 1921. Eom 5-0-0500 SHED 8 LTT 0-805 LAE 6 CHO CTH \

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