Dryden Observer, 2 Sep 1921, p. 1

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mim ryde n : Yolume XXIX. Dryden, Ont, September 2 1921 = Number 18 New 5-pass. Touring Car, Light Delivery Standard equipment - other automobiles. ninety" features: -- ~ Transmission: control : - Three speeds Forward & Reverse Electric Starter Speedometer Tire Carrier Side Curtains ie ~ Pay us a visit, and See "Chevrolet" Prices| 'F.0.B. DRYDEN, Ont. found in higher-priced cars. becomes more apparent through comparson with Here are some of the "four- selective type, Hand H ome Brewed $915 | Roadster, $915 $915 | Chassis . $850 her recent illness. east this week for a two weeks visit. includes every essential Chevrolet value Toronto next week. -a visit in the east. Electric Lamps _ | Demountable Rims License Holder Electric Horn > Complete Tool Equipment } Extra Rim * One-man Top these Facts for yourself. up residence in their new house. sister, Mrs G. Larsson. is to Foster trouble. and Friday, September 22 and 23. Mr F. Stewart, Miss F. Taglor has recovered from Mrs F. N. Beveridge : left for the Mr A, Thomas, Oxdrift, will visit Mrs M. Morris, Secretary of the W.. I. will spend the next two months on Mr and Mrs J. Harris ld to Dryden this morning, and have taken Miss Ethel Haire Y of Moose Jaw, Sasketchawan, is in town visiting her Uneasy rests the head whose job it Prospects improve daily for the | success of the Dryden Fair, Thursday of the McDonald NO EVENT of the whole year affects a greater number of people, or is of munity and the nation, than the opening of the school term; for on | the work of the publie schools de pends our future as a civilized people. Beyond their attainments of a cations as instructors, the personal | influence of school teachers on the incalculable, On them vests to a great degree the responsibility of implanting true conceptions of chaw- acter and conduct in those whom the quickly passing years will soon inves: with the dignity of full eitizenship. Well} is for us and well for Canada, that the standard of training and conduct be held high, and that our teachers as a class are worthy of our highest respect In no other pursuit is the expectation of high purpose more in evidence; in none is it more Setiool Holidsys Now Over! more interest and concern to the com- ] 3 i i i scho- larly nature, apart from ther qualifi-' minds. and natures of their pupils is She ema ects A ttm tots stunt totam Spit os outsmart ethmote vo st st vss fot we ee 2 LY ER SA Ee Sl atest tons yt est po amt it swt mmm stl wan emmuto i otto mr i Durance Bros. SPECIALISTS IN AUTOMOBILE and BICYCLE REPAIR WORK. FULLY EQUIPPED SHOP. DEPENDABLE WORK. REASONABLE _CHARGES. FULL LINE OF AUTO and BICYCLE ACCESSORIES. Lumber Company, was operated on in Kenora Hospital last Saturday. He i is progressing favourably. -- If you are thinking of buying The Rev. Robt. Nairn's book of Poems and Addresses, do it now. 65¢ a copy from nobly responded to. To the various tecahers in whose care is placed the welfare of the chil-§ dren for the next twelve months, the friendliest hopes of all good parents are today directed. & NOTHING would: F armers suit us better than the opportunity to come and SHOW. you capablities of Ford Cars and Trucks. Pick out the nastiest, roughest, stoniest hill in your neighborhood. : The Ford engine will take you over it with power to spare. After all, that is the test the sturdy Ford--a marvel of power, simplicity, Sndurames and economy--is meeting every day on every kind of road. Tord power is steady, smooth--instantly responsive--always there when wanted. = = No wonder the Ford i | is the preference of more than half the e car owners in the world--it has the power. * DRYOR PHARMACY " EVER- READY SAFETY RAZORS Complete with blades, $1.50 TINY TOT TALCUM POWDER 'The New Baby Tale. Delicately perfumed Highly recommended by leading der- surance. : matologists. : Conveyancing Bookkeeping 'MEDALLION ANTISEPTIC TOILET Stocks and Bonds bought and sold ls PREPARATIONS : Agreements for Sale Discounted ] Inclu desi : ete., ete. ete. | COLD CREAM, TOOTH PASTE TALCUM POWDER and SOAP Of delightful fragtond, offering refreshing cleanliness. $0600000000066000066000000 A.].GARDINER General Merchant 'EAGLE RIVER, ONT. Raw Furs Bought andzSeld $4000004004000000000040 ; 'Hay - Fever ) Hay COLDS, ASTHMA, ~~ spoil many a holiday. RAZ - MAH Positively stops thes troubles! Sneezing, weeziag, coughing, weeping eyes aren't necessa ee you like being that way. $1.00 at your druggist's, or write Templetons, Toronto, for a free trial. SOLD BY THE ibs each, Breast Collars, (Opposite C.P.R. Depot.) Money to Loan ON GOOD FARM PROPERTY. Town Property, we can help you. CALL AND SEE Us. D. LANE, Manager. DRYDEN REALTY COMPANY} If you want to Buy or Sell Farm or Life, Fire, Hail and Automobile In-| Miss Allan. Thursday on business. satile as ever, but declares he absolutely through with politics. We learn that a strong movement s on foot to build a skating rink wor- thy of the town. Must be some live] citizens here after all. Miss Morris has returned to Bran- don, where she is on the staff of the public school; Miss Margarite also has "J gone back to her school | in Meadows, 'I Manitoba. The Hired Man is doing the chores this week, but will have time for a few more spicy comments next week. Whether you agree with his opinions or not, you will probably admit they make people think. A dance will be held in the new Self's Garage hall of the Waldhof Entertainment Society on Saturday, September 10th. Everybody welcome. Ladies please provide lunch; gent's 50c. Come all, Mail Orders attended to. THE STORE OF SERVICE AND : QUALITY. - Consult - F. C. BAKER Gasoline Expert Regarding All makes of Engines. Mar ine, Automobile or Stat- I have en hand. Horse Collars, Top Steel Hames, Hame Straps, Martingales, Pole Straps, Hame Fasteners, Heel Chains, Team Breeching, Team traces, Success Chain Traces, tested 4500 Buggy Traces, Winker Open Bridles, Belly. Lands, Sweat: Pads, assortment o Collars, Pads, &ec. Neatsfoot Harness Oil, in Quarts. H. WILLARD, Dryden Pharmacy Boot and Harness Repairer. El i ICE CREAM : COME AND | > KODAKS, EF LMS Burges: & Walters Popular * Japanese Tea Room » and SUPPLIES PARLOUR | BE SERVED 0 ur Breeching Straps, | Side Straps, reversible Brass Ball _,at Side Checks," Chain Breast traps, Overdraw Checks, Kling's | Bridles, Halters, Double & sin gle | Lines, Team Back Pads, if the subject of "The Growing Child." i and bring your friends along. A Minnitaki correspondent whose modesty prevents from signing his name, desires us to quote Matthew f chap. XIL v. 34 to 37., and also draws attention to the tenth commandment. readers look up the passages. Van Horne Council Meeting.-- The regular monthly meeting of = = ionary Van Horne Council was held Saturday AGENT FOR Dryden - Ontario last, Reeve ffohn Hutchison, in the chair. Other Councillors © present Gockshutt Plow Go.. Frost & Wood were C, Coombe, Wm Tew, EW Wice, Implements | A Pew OF THE THINGS in} yas Hutchison. : Shanle' ) Cram Stan ars the HARNESS LINE A motion was carried Sean the { the use of the township hall to Dry- den School Board for school purposes, at a rental of $60.00 per pry It was decided to advertise for a Clerk and Treasurer for the Munici- pality at a salary of $125.00 a year, applications to be in the hands of the Clerk by noon of September 10th. Women Have Social Hour.-- Dryden Women's Institute met in the Town Hall, Friday August 26. After a short business session, a very pleasant Social Hour was spent. A beautiful collection of fancy work brought by Mrs J V Johnson served to start the conversatonal ball rolling. During the coming year we hope to have a series of papers and talks on 1 It is greatly desired that mothers of growing children will ake the oppor- . tunity to join our circle, and take part in the discussion of subjects which | are of such vital nterest- to every |! woman. The ten cent tea at the close of each | meeting is an established feature at . our gatherings, and some who cannot spare the whole afternoon can still find time to enjoy this privilege. Next meeting held September 30th, in the Town Hall at 8 p.m. "asin MUNICIPALITY OF VAN HORNE. Applications for Clerk. Applications for the position of Clerk | and Treasurer for the Municipality of | Van Horne, will be received by the undersigned. Salary $125.00 per year. Col Machin, Kenora, was in Town He is as ver- is It may be productive of much good if { constitution; :so be a brick and. build up the local structure. Tuesday next, September 6th. From more than one point is heard the report that additional room will be required. An addition to the newly- ready provided for. The final work is also being done on the alterations to Cairnbgorie School. Dryden, where able School are developing, will for the present occupy the township hall, in addition to the other buildings, to accommodaf the numerous classes. One more teacher is added to the staff. The following are the teachers for the year: -- HIGH SCHOOL Dryden.--Lt. A. Craven, Miss Ina Owde, assistant. PUBLIC SCHOOLS Dryden--H. M., Jackson, principal; Misses Edith Foster, Grace Godwin, principal; Wardrow, assistants. Oxdrift.--Miss Helena Wet ht. Minnitaki-----Miss Olive Ray Bedworth. --Miss Ruth Hagoland. ADOLESCENT SCHOOL ATTEN. . DANCE ACT - Section III of the Adolescent School Attendance Act, by the proclgmat on of the Lt-Governor, made July 13th 1921, comes into force on September 1st of this year. Under this section pupils between 14 and 16 years of age are espected to remain in full-time attendance at school unless employed on the author ity of a home permit or an employ ment certificate as provided by the Act. Such permit or certificate mus be secured from the school attendance officerf of the district to which the (a) Pupil is unable to attend by (b) Is employed on the authority of a home permit or an employment certificate; ; (c) Has completed a course of study equal to the requirements of the mat- riculation examination of university; (d) IS in attendance at some other educational institution approved by the Minister. The necessary permit can be Sool in Dryden on application to the atten- dance officer, Mr T. Colliss. ABBREVIATED BASEBALL DOPE {of Gee\ hasn't she got nice eyes! : Where are Dryden baseball fans? Does anybody know what straight- cut sporting ability goes to the make- up of the local team? Where is the football team? Their season is at hand. Has cricket no champion in all the Dryden area? Sport is one of the Pillars of the Be young with the young. Sport loses much of its thrill if the other The public schools in Dryden and surrounding districts will re-open on erected school at Eagle River is al- plans for a larger and more service-§ 'BE. V. Ingall, Irene Steels and Dorothy § reason of sickness OX other infirmity; § We render Ford service. Genuine Ford parts and repairs are always ready for you here at fixed prices. No delays. run. HAL DINGWALL WE ARE NOW BOOKING ORDERS FOR PENNSYLVANIA ANTHRA- CITE COAL-- = EGG, per ton . ae NUT and STOVE, per "ton. F.0.B. CAR, DRYDEN. Place your order NOW, and avoid disappointment. 518.6 65 .$18.90 CE Why not have those odd rezair jobe done while the weather is fine? new one. You probably have some miscellaneous repairs to make on your out- buildings; or maybe you intend building a storm porch. Do your repairing now, and have that satisfied feeling of being prepared for the cold weather. upil 'belongs. p a to nitend school under 'Place your order with us today for Storm Sash and Doors, to ensure he -- hall not wrply it prompt delivery Remember, Storm Sash and Doors. save Fuel, and will ee pay for themselves in one season. Our Lumber and Building Materials are the best, and our prices the lowest, No order too. 'small, and none too large. Anything from a slat to a carload. McD PHONE 22 = OUR Modern Merchandisers of Lumber, ~ DRYDEN, Ontario. NEW WAREHOUSE Is now complete a ard well stocked with the famous MASSEY-HARRI® Isbour-saving ling of Imple- ments and supplics ht every farmer needs. TRACTORS, RIDING PLOWS, WAGON S, FANNING MILLS, and 5 = POTATO MACHINERY. & = TENTS, San rman a $15.00 $12.00 ba Let us take you for a trial Dingwall's Garage, Dryden, ont. You may have your coal bin to fix up, or perhaps you want to build a & i a ET RE A AL NE a TH Te ib a 3 I a a a eH Ee nen yy ---- 41 pupw em|i 5 a -- OE nhs ve ess he pais st aul soso pth CHOCOLATES TOBACCOS Clerk by noon September 10th. Applications to be in the hands of folks don't look on, give pointers, in- stil courage and generally elucidate D. ANDERSON competitive and personal idiosynera- Clerk. cies and unilateral concatenations. The Old Massey Harris Stand | S. B. BLACK, Agent. Joiald Lumber Yards, Ltd i

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