- a - Se 3 5 a = S A Gis 2 3 . 5 . 7 5 = 7 Sa be y : THE DRYDEN OBSERVER ___ = Ee SS GRRE (io Ren ISIE a gi | CHICAO SYNDICATE TO FINANCE DARK DAYS WILL PASS REDUCTION IN FREIGHT RATES | E \ V4 A N S - i@ THE WACHMAN MINE. : : . EXPECTED. ~ cen Commenting on a lettér received Lloyd George exhorts to Courage It is generally understood in rail-| ~~ The Popular Candy Shep. from a committee in Chicago which : ~ and Confidence | way circles that a reduction of 10 D.C. CONFECTIONERY, FRUIT is preparing to further develop the Premier Lloyd George while at|in freight rates willl be announced BREAD -- properties of the Wachman Mining Barnsley, said there never had been! almos immediately, and that it will SOFT DRINKS. TOBACCO. Co., a well-known Dryden merchant a time when ministers of the crown | become effective in about fifteen days - = { says: "I am pleased to learn that they were as hard-worked, Other countries Staffs of the companies have already This little Store, so conveniently a are preparing to support the invest- solved the problem by working in| heen instructed to commence revision! situated, and whose gerviee . is i ment already made in development at shifts, which they changed pretty fre-| of schedules on a general basis of 10 so cheerfully given, is becoming 'of the property, and a few days ago stant excitem{ and larger industrial | 2 ight binding themselves to they reported richer stuff than ever. disputes than ever previously. We ord tonight as g hie nt the instruction of the Denver conven- this mine. They have a fine camp and quently. p.c., though it is possible the reduction] the favorite shopping place of buildings, as well as plenty of machin- "Since I became premier," he said|to be ordered on livestock and grains| those of our citizens who live in ery set up and on hand to carry en "there have been seven premier's. in | will be greater. It is said to be the the upper portion of the Town, -- ------ = i mining. : France, six in Ital, and nine in Ger-| plan of the Commissioners to establish a = > Eh what I can learn from their many. That is one way of getting rates fair to the CPR, though it five: Opposite the Tewn Hall, | miners and employees, the prospects through your work, but in no country | cognised that a reduction on this = never looked better. It would, I think, is the minister's lot happy. State bur- ground means a heavier deficit for _ -- 2 Ibe unfortunate for themselves, and for dens-are great worries, especially in| the Canadian National System. ; L 0 L Dryden Lodge No. 1684 the district generally, if they were not ' times of excitement at home and a- CL » ~~» meets the first Wednesday ; : of each month at 8 pm in the Town to go ahead after the progress that broad. aE American Federation of Labor is Hall. Visiting brethren cordially : has been made. *Some peop) niin per : Active in Irish Controversy | nvited. ~~ = > Some of the richest ore ever dug in ier, "did not have enough fighting in : : ; i" H. REHILL, Rec. Sec. Canada has been found within a mile the war. For two years we had con- Shi ei Soe I.E. HARRIS, W.M. ; An the prospects today I have more | have settled the greatest industrial Hon to pn the Tith soodl tin International ; Brotherhood of Rul eh Aun faith in the Wachman Wlaim than | dispute we ever had and in a way thei a a T-- a : Ls - wi eir struggle for the recognition of 1 apy : ever, and I wish hem all success in| which I think is a precedent, giving he Th tin ; Sulpkite and Raper Mill Workers Rg {their financing." parties a share in the prosperity of : ia : . : 1 A fants ae the industry itself. Although there] Besides calling on President Hard-| Dryden Lodge No. 105 | EABERY ELECTION ANNOUNCED. : ime ing and his cabinet to take steps to : =. . { Right Hon -- Meighen, prime Sab he bring about recognition of the Re- Msats Ist and 3rd Shutthy ach : . ) ' ; i month, at 7.30, in the Mi - i minister, will reccommend early dis-| in the long run I think we adopt the public of Ireland, and urging the ; 7:30, 3l ; nn A el fe pee ree rw Sd FEL Ese Commons and a general election be-1 {his dark hour of industrial depression Si h Trclon d he nl er > = Se ec. eC, fore the New Year. This was his to remember that England has passed fs diy the Danser Convention -- message to the people of Canada at through worse times. We shall pull sind « spel] communication to Me Golden Star Lodge 'a Londen, Ont, meeting, Thursday through and I want to proceed in thes Lloyd: George, his cabinet ard wom. bers of parliament, setting forth the views of the United States labor and protesting against the campaign of : voilence and destruction in Ireland. | Meets in the Masonic Hall," Dryden All local unions are also instructed {the Second Tuesday of each mont™ to write to the president and wvice- | Visitors cordially invited. = night. confidence. The announcement, which had been "When I went to France recently, awaited by all sections of the Domin- foreign ministers said: 'You are an ion, came as a surprise to all but a extraordinary people, the queerest in few of his hearers. But when he had the: world. You never do quite what said that he considered it the proper] we expect you to do and never the thing tgo recommend early dissolution! sort of thing that we do. We don't No 484 ~~ AF &AM,GR applause rang through the theatre. understand you." That is the thing SiR Te Lone D. REID, W.M. Redistribution could not be carriedj that is giving us confidence n Great - a atiion x the 2 he H. HUMPHREYS, Sec. out within a resonable time, the min- Britain. It is the calm courage I want ny : 1 : -- = --e ister stated. The census returns would | British people to keep. Then we shall men a : - not be complete until December, and get through all our troubles and keep a To jo ro Ea T. =. G1 B SO N ) Ca 2 So a Steady phy Sommer Venue ond and Dominions will also be asked to NOTARY PUBLIC . of indecision with regar 0 tari experience. eep up your courage support the Irish Republe. United CONVEY ANCER, &c. matters. and the world will come right." a fraternal: delegates to the : Er The real challenge to the govern-| -- : = Slee ~~ AGENT FOR : ie A ess will ment came from the farmers party, British trades union congress wi which demanded free trade. That Peace Negotiations for Ireland | visit Ireland to convey personally to ot J edie oy nll Firs Tha Utane. their policy was wrong he was certain] Dublin, Sept. 1.--The reply of the oe lik trade unionists sincere II ya Ir € nsurance i it | Irish Republican cabinet to the latest | Wishes for success. and he was equally certain that it LT p Officers of the federation are also om pa ny, : Please cast your eyes on the Mens Window and sec the very nice cotton pants I am selling at would be proven wrong by events, A! communication of Premier Lloyd Geo- revision of the tariff in Canada was! ree on the British Government's peace | instructed to take up with the trades [| Wi re DRYDEN 10 oe To" decide the principle of | Proposal was dispatched today to Mr | Unions of Great Britan a propuasl) wns z c= ONTARIO the tariff was the big imperative Lloyd George, who is in Scotland. insusurale 3 stmpalin for ifs trinl] se ie ; 'question today. Until it was decided| The Publicity Department of the | and punishment of officers and men of 8 -- we cannot have tariff stability, we! Sinn Fein will await announcement of Shier Py eh seul nd Ty ? | 8 'Us 1\ N = cannot have business stability, we its receipt by Mr Lloyd George before | €€3 guilty 07 atvocties mn Lelong na . ; . : J cannot have confidence, we cannot making its contents known or issuing manner similar to that 0 which Ger- Barrister, Solicitor, &e. - have full employment. We cannot! a statement concerning it. men officers arenow being tried and IMPERIAL BANK BLOCK : a : oi : the | punished for violation of the rules of : j have health and growth and virility.{ It was authoritativly stated that the 2 ibid > | . Until we know whether the people| Sinn Fein reply is an acceptance of | Warfare in France and Belgium. KENORA ft . Ont. 5 B a pb § want a protective tariff or whether] the invitation of Mr Lloyd George for ; SE ee > = g z ce 2. 1 O < | they don't, no tariff is secure. "i a further conference in London. No iar FOR SALE. : & : ; Referring to the growth of the far- | plenipotent aries have yet been nom- ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE M. J . CR OSIER : ; : ; mer movement, the premier said that! inated, however. : 2 Apply ; they had proved in the decisiveness! Belfast, Sept. 1--Soldiers were rushed a MRS J FRENCH General Mer chant, : of recent victories that no policy had! to the Grove Street section of Belfast oi a OXDRIFT, Ont, the least security until the gauntlet' this morning, when several shots were they -had thrown down was taken up | fired in that district. When the troops Municipality of Machin : -- and an answer given by the whole! arrived, however, the gun men had Dr G Sealer in Groceries people of Canada. vanished. this was the first 3 fy Goods roceries = If a redistribution bill could have of the street fighting sinc - NOTICE OF EIRST POSTING. Boots and Shoes La been passed without long delay, he! when six persons were k ~and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that] Hardware and Farm Produce would have urged holding out for it, { thirty injured many seriously. : Toll have transmitted or delivered to the - CS tr and had sincerely intended to submit date the death roll totals sixteen. | person mentioned in Section 9 of the Agent for such a measure. Both the farmer and | Troops are patrolling Spingfield Road 'Ontario Voter's List Act the copies Youlshiny Insurance Company liberal parties, however, attached less! in the area, which causes the author- required by said sections to be so Tost : Wood and J. importance to the need of redistribu-! ities some concern, as it is a part of transmitted or delivered of the list,| ocxshutt Implements This special for about on» week | = : | tion than did the government, and che Falls District, where the fiercet | made pursuant to said Act, of persons they had voted last February to dis-! riots of the Past year occured. The appearing by the last revised Assess- R : H P RON GER . . 9 - solve without it. j origin of thet ouble. here was an] ment Roll of the said Municipality to - A special fall session to be followed attack on Mackies* Foundry workers, | be entitled to vote in the said Munic- Notary Public by an appeal to the country, was un-| the police driving off the assailants ipality at Elections of Members of the Conveyancer, Eto. ee -- thinkable, because it would cause | with rifle fire, x + Legislative Assembly and at Municipal DRYDEN : ONT ; mid-winter election campaign which, One of the "most serious outbreaks, Elections; and that the said list was : ? oe = as n the great northern and western pro- | of yesterday occurred in the neighbor-| first posted upin my o.ce at Eagle = -- = vinces, was out of the question. hood of Brown Square, which is close | River on the 25th day of August 1921, | n 0 F Dryden Lodge No 174 There was no doubt as to what the to Old Lodge Road: Shortly b fore | and remains there for inspection. UU.P. meets ar the Town Hall issue would be. It was a straight | the curfew hour a daring attempt was And I hereby call upon all voters to Se First and Third Monday at 8 Son ' ; - : Bis i tariff issue that was before the elec- | made to set fire to a dwelling in Nel- take immediate proceedings to have Yelng imp, N.C, D. M tors. The government's policy, Mr |son Street with petrol, but the police | all errors or omissions corrected ac- Visiting brethren cordially iinvited Meighen declared, had brought pros- | extinguished the flames. With the ap-{e rding to law. - > = --<cegimmmmtoas perity, and today was in a better! rival of the curfew the sniping ceased| = = ALEX TURNER condition than were any of the other and the city became quiet. Clerk of the Municipality of Machin. | nations of the world, : a ¥ | By class appeal, misinformation and | Hay fever and Asthma are quickly ind ; : : Tan 2 | prejudice the farmer party had ga- | relieved with RAZ-MAH. Time to x Orie 23 hay fee on i By | ] " : : 5 thered strength until it was a poliical | fight Rheumatism is the warm weath- Machiz 5 Pam. 2 ' 4 * ig ip a General Blacksm 11 h § | party whose set burpose was to ve-|er. RAZ-MAH and. T.R.C.'s both sold Sor stmt ding on fil - 5 5 . : : = {| verse the fiscal policy of this country. |by Dryden Pharmacy, ; Tortus : : W = ; Ye : bentures to the amount of $3000, for 00 or er 1 : 5 10] ; on ety par > Yas =a | the purpose of building an additional! : = Br option eithew of | pp, pg, Willard explains that his| room to the new School, and such' Dryden = Ont at or of the liberal platform meant sal pri 5 3 he « Br : al: tetoe - the overthrow of the hie. tiey | Socal prize of $5.00 for the "Best Bylaw was registered in the Registry | of the country. In th >romie boliey | Collection of F owers in Basket" will| Office: for the District of Kenora, at : : a the meantime. the | 5 competitor to use a suitable | Kenora, on the 18th day of August,' : . farmers of Canada had not been un-{y . : ish v. = a §990000000900000000000000 - et b "1° | box if there is no basket handy. 1921, : dd fairly treated at the hands of the! : Any motion to quash or set aside on government. ; The facts placed before the farmers | LOST -- Between McNea Block and | the same, OF Phy part thereof, must TRIST & CHARLEBOIS {oy doning men by the government | McFadyen residence, on Monday 29th |be made within three (3) months 5 ; : i ; Thing ter the first. publication of this * re S| were of more importance than politics ¥ August, a Change Purse containing af : & fi 2nd promises His appeal, i as cone twenty dollar bill and some small | Notice, and cannot be made there- fey den Livery ,Iransfe R. Sweeney sh ------ i, : | was to the whole peop] change. Finder will be liberally re: | after. : : : g class it vas fo get togeher ang] ariel, Notify FO. Box 100 |. ALEX Tumnmm, oes § and = DRYDEN, Ont. : 2 1 show that Canada was once more re-| -- | Dated this 18th day of August 1921. Exch ange Barn ee : Bf Solved upon a course: that she. would] Live agent wanted at Dryden for To ] § i [3 1 not be turned aside, and that sshe was | Watkins 187 products. Watkins| Small Grain Separator for sale. : ee Se ny - Fog © steadfast, strong and true. goods known everywhere. Other ter- | $160.00 cash. Almost new. Apply : ann Ga TE LDR GER 00 -O-cmra-ai wok 1 The premier was cheered to the ech o | ritories open. Write today, The J.| ~~ MATTSON BROS, D RYDEN on ONT s - Ee / as he concluded his address. | R. Watkins Company, Winnipeg. L Oxdrift. & 20000006 10090000004 ©