[ORR Dryden, Ont. 'October 16. 1921 Volume XXIX. Ca sz n -- New "Chevrolet" Prices 5-pass. Touring Car, $915 Roadster, $915 ~ Light Delivery $915 | Chassis . $850 F.0.B. DRYDEN, Ont. 'Standard equipment includes every essential found in higher-priced cars. Chevrolet value becomes more apparent through comparson with other automobiles. Here are some of the "four- ninety" features: -- selective type, Hand! Electric Lamps i Demountable Rims License Holder Electric Horn | Complete Tool Equipment 1 Extra Rim ; - One-man Top After adjournment for lunch, the finance committee reconsidered "That each local committee finance' its own expenses, and that 50 pe. of all monies collected be paid into a general fund, to be placed at headquarters." The amounts to be collected were also allotted to each section. Several motions were carried at this stage to facilitate proceedings. It was resolved that delegates. only be given the floor; that movers. of nomin- ations be allowed five minutes to in- troduce their candidate; that all names submitted be left on" the list till one secured a clear majority; that nomin- ations be proceeded with. : Eight names were submitted to the} meeing of whomé four withdrew--E. | F. Ross, McIntyre; ~H. McKinnon, Pater Heenan and A. R. Ascough, Ke- nora: Those ballotted on being Dougald Kennedy, M. S. Campbell, Dryden; Jas. Dunbar, Port Arthur; Geo. Gilbert, Kenora. The first eight ballotts failed to se- cure a choice; and the slight variation in the figures made it. 'desirable to adopt a different method. Mr Southron seconded by J. W. Langly (Fort Ar- thur) moved ne "That after each ballot the lowest drop out till two be left; the winner of the next ballot to contest again with No. 4, and the winner of that in turn with No. 3; the resulting . winner tobe declared the * final choice of the Convention." =~ This was carried by a large majority, and the final ballotts showed Dryden Man Nominated THE opening Convention of the cam- paign in this federal riding to 'select a candidate worthy to represent the constituency in Ottawa was held here on Monday, 10th October. In accord- ance with their recent practice, labor and farmer delegates met to combine their" influence in promoting the can- didature of one of their number to carry their banner. It is generally recognised that the numerical strength of these two bodies in the Port Arthur-Kenora riding is so considerable that it was expected that the initial moves of the two older parties would be largely in- fluenced by'the result of this conven- tion. If the two wings of the farmer- labour party could agree on a candi- date, it was felt that they would have no difficulty in carrying the seat. There are no outstanding questions specially applicable to this section of the country, and the purpose sought is merely to add the weight of -opinion of Western Ontario to the movement that is sweeping Canada for a freer and more liberal conduct of its politi- cal and fiscal policies. ; The great upheaval caused by the war, 'and the universal restlessness resulting from the conditions incident to reconstruction, following the gene- ral recognition of. the fact that the plain people must bear an increasing proportion of the problem of govern- ment, are accumulating evidence from Sensational Burglary DRYDEN was startled Saturday morn ing to hear that, while. they slept, the sacred right of citizens to peaceful enjoyment of their property had been brutally invaded by a gang of young burglars. . A long record of freedom from serious crime had so accustomed the Town to the accepted standard of decency that there is no question that Dryden fell an easy prey' to' the rapacious hand of the spoiler. But once the alarm was given, action was swift and certain, and with. a few hours of the commission of the crime the fleeing criminals found themselves remorselessly held in the clutch of justice. Wriday Saturds MARY PICK in Transmission: control Three speeds Forward & Reverse Electric Starter Speedometer Tire Carrier 'Side Curtains Pay us a visit, and See these Facts for yo ; ; Durance Bros. OMOBILE and BICYCLE REPAIR WORK. DEPENDABLE WORK. REASONABLE F AUTO and BICYCLE ACCESSORIES. YOUTHS ESCAPE FROM JAIL ARE RECAPTURED Kenora, Ont, Oct. :16--Elwood Tomlingon, Richard Roberts, Archie McKenzie, J Gallivan, four prisoners who escaped from the district. jail on Friday night, were neatly captured yesterday afternoon, near Ingolf, by Provincial Constable Woods, Chief Headon and assistants... The three first were awaiting trial 'on charges of housebreaking and theft, and Gallivan is wanted in the east for: jail breaking. After their escape from the cells a- bout midnight, they secured their old clothes from the storeroom in the base ment and broke into Derry's theatre secured $20 from the till. They then went to the station, bought tickets and. urself. SPECIALISTS IN AUT FULLY EQUIPPED SHOP. CHARGES. FULL LINE O DRYDEN REALTY COMPANY (Opposite C.P.R. Depot.) left for Dryden, where they entered day to day. that Ee e of in Kennedy 29; Dunbar 28 me : i idly « i e 7 Loan _|four stores, stealing money and Progress is rapidly developing. Ie Kennedy 37; Campbell 20 Money to : jewelry. They were through with lessening regard for authority that is Kennedy 31; Gilbert 26 evident on every hand, 'the tendency to break away from old boundaries seen in nations as well as smaller communities are the symptoms of a new conception of democracy and liberty of action to which the world must adapt iself; and every added The result of the final ballott was received with: acclamation by the Far mer wing of the party. The Chair- man A. R. Hutchison, said that, as a farmer he felt bound to acknowledge 'the pleasure it gave him that in a convention where Labour had a clear ON GOOD FARM PROPERTY. If you want to Buy or Sell Farm or Town Property, we can help you. their jobs in time to cateh-a train for the west. They later locked themselves in the kitchen of a tourist car and, when the train slowed down at .Ingolf; jumped. out of the window, and: made for the woods, 'where they were captured by Kenors police who had PHARMACY TVYER-READY SAFETY RAZORS ' Complete with blades, $1.50 TINY TOT TALCUM POWDER CALL AND SEE Us. MA 52 et > RR TS nr oe LS te Ld SS cra SE nS Th re SY Ee et a EERE SE a hei an = eta SLR Madan Kl 5 LTE Be ta A Sg LR a A PT a a a a og TA a F.C Pr eae DCL ¥ lf LE Saudi PS lM Ab Ps a A Bl ray UE caf i] ard ER re wrt y TLL] fq) Titi ve. ne ET A a Ba HE Cl a AC tl pn oa gi i a eT iy orl] CO a i TF ET INC NT TTC Tei i | i PRE SEs ps2 oe RIVER SG a SARA, GE Ny a a i RE Ca I Ll Su rE sR ER sh ET at BE PE Of a The New Baby Talc. Bh t Lat i Jour ns 3 Delicately perfumed Life, Fire, Hail and Automobile In- | followed the train on a trdck motor. © indication 2 ' 2 growth bio - majority the fairness of their attitude OK -ORD Highly recommended by leading der- surance. ! ; i Bo i" Is is £ the bi and thie anity of the party had ben nn 2S DS? matologists. Conveyancing Bookkeeping The gang first entered the, store gonupioss or - that 1s o "zo strongly affirmed by the choice of ee ; i , i Walt esserice of existence. * the nominee 'of the farmer minority. Ta a z Stocks and Bonds bought and sold occupied by Burgess and' Walters, ; i rE ; Tr 2 or SL i A MEDALLION ANTISEPTIC TOILET | SUER S00 Boole Discounted | gaining admittance through the coal Today more than ever in-out slot | it was a good augury for thelr Joint Special Matinee Satur- PREPARATIONS a alt, e chute and up the cellar stair.: They | emphatically the day of the PIER success in the campaign to whieh they} d t 2 p.m Includes: -- : os : secured $15.00 in cash which they people. A | were looking forward. ay, a p.m. COLD CREAM, TOOTH PASTE . L, Manager. } pound in th h ister. : : oe a . wi . j : 0 ound in the cash register. = From] : Dryden, Ont., Oct. 10.--The District Dugald Kennedy is a Canadian of Prices, lle and 276. TALCUM POWDER and SOAP Of delightful fragrance, offering refreshing cleanliness. Mail Orders attended to. THE STORE OF SERVICE AND : QUALITY. ® 060000060000060060006008069 A.J.GARDINER General Merchant EAGLE RIVER, ONT. -- y AGENT FOR Cockshutt Plow Co. Frost & Wood Implements ¢gaam Conavalbara cwunl Wupur wid Raw Furs Bought and Sold 300000000002006000065000¢ Charnla'e wang ¥ VW Everybody knows that in Canada there are more Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules Sold than all other Rheumatic Remedies combined for Rheu= _matism, Neuritis, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, etc. Many doctors prescribe them, most druggists sell them. Write for free trial to Templeton, Toronto. SOLD BY THE 3 Special arrangements to $| boat & auto gas engines Self's Garage F. C. BAKER store & overhaul motor- for the winter. Dtyden or A FEW OF THE THINGS in the HARNESS LINE I have on hand. Horse Collars, Breeching Straps, Side Straps, reversible Brass Bal Top Steel Hames, Hame Straps, " Martingales, Pole Straps, at Side Checks, Chain Breast straps, Overdraw Checks, Kling's Hame Fasteners, Heel Chains, Team Breeching, Team traces, Success Chain Traces, tested 4500 tbs each, Breast Collars, Buggy Traces, Open Bridles, Winker Bridles, Halters, Double & single Lines, Team Back Pads, Belly Lands, Sweat Pads, assortment of Collars, Pads, &c. Neatsfoot Harness Oil, in Quarts. H. WILLARD, Boot and Harness Repairer. Ontario 2 ryden Pharmay there they went to the hardware store SLT. I Latimer ily oF 1 J: balimer where they were less fortunate, their booty here amounting to only ninty cents, all in nickels. _ Proceeding next to Ripley's jewelry store, they made their biggest haul. A considerable sum in cash, ohe re- volver, several watches, . and many valuable diamond rings----one 'valued at close to $400--fell into their hands. The strong box belonging to a cus- tomer, and containing about $1,000 in unregistered Victory Bonds was also taken. The theives, However, were evidently unaware of the value of these Bonds, as they were later found thrown away in another part of the, town. oi a Finally, a raid was 'made on the grocery store of Pronger Bros., where the sum of $230 in cheques and cash was taken, of which three' cheques are still missing. Most of the money and valuables was recovered when the men were arrested, and is held by the Kenora police. A'preliminary hearing ! of the case will be held at Kenora on Tuesday. a i PEE The fact that the accused, im- mediately on escaping from Kenora, made straight for such an unlikely place as Dryden; in less than: four hours locate and break inté the most likely places at four different points, and the assurance with which they selected the easiést mode of entrance, gives ground for the suspicion that the whole thing had been planned before. hand. The men were strangers to Dryden, and must have been furnished with information by some one familiar Whether you want any- thing or not drop in' anyway the next time you pass and look over our stock. It is very complete. Burgess & Walters with this place. The Dryden: police are said to be working on a clue which may reveal the source of that infor- mation, and interesting: developments are expected. iw Dances will be held 'at' Minnitaki and Bedworth on Friday of this' week. Mrs J. B. Gates, has opened a high class millinery business in I. J. Clark's Store. i Mr D. Kennedy, Farmer-Labour Candidate and Peter Heenan, M. P., will address meetings at Cairnbrogie, Thursday; Minnitaki, Friday; and Ox» | drift, Saturday next. ; D. W. Scott has taken the agency for the famous Studebaker car." D. W. is having the time of his, life just now driving around in the "big. powerful "attention from all beholders. car, which is attracting' admiring Convention of the ~Farmer-Labou: Party of the Federal Riding of Port Arthur-Kenora was dalled to order at 10 a.m. by M. S. Campbel, President. After 'a brief outline of, tile purpose of the meeting, the, selection of a can didate to represerat their ingerest iv he Dominion Paliament, the Presi dent called on Mayor Alfred Pitt to an old Scottish family, whose grand- parents immigrated to dastern Ontario in the early days of this counkry. He same to Dryden from the east {wer ty- five years ago, and is well known and highly respected in this district where he has so long residetl with his mother and sster. He is unmarried, 2 good farmer, and has the reputation of -- address the de'egate in the name of th visitors welcome, and expressed the gratification 'of Dryden in being sel- ected as tae scene of such flux of delegates faxed the resources of the small town, but he predicted that as Dyden ovcupied 2 central position in the riding, a probagle scene of he haqped the accomn Towa wauld be raph better receive the comventions of the future. deliberafiions would ba «harmonious, and governed by propar regard for the 'welfare of the 'growing district to the interests of the gremt Dominion s. The Mayor, T bade {he being one of the most straightforward own, men in the countr:~ 'He is no orater, nor does he offer a panacea for the ills of the body politic. His nomina- tion is a triumph of clean living and high thinking--a man acceptable to every class in the community. a large and mortant Convention. The great in- TOWN OF DRYDEN and therefore : fi1ture conventons, sodations of the dly extended to NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF BY-LAW Notice is hereby given that a By-law was passed by the Council of the Town of Dryden on the #nd day of August, 1921, providing for the issue of debentures to th amount of Nine Thousand Dollars ($9000.00), for the purpose of constructing and installing a Telephone System, and that such By-law was registered in the rogigkry office of the District of Kenora or he 3rd day of October, 1921. } "Any mclion to quash or sct aside He felt assured that their they réwpresented, as welll as loyalty of which they were citizens. Mr' Campbell then calleal for nom- inations for: a parmanent chairman of the convewtion. The choice of A R Hutchison met the approval of the mating. i 3 On the wrotion of Geo Gilbert of Kenora, it, was agreed that # creden- tials committe of six be app 'ointed-- 2 farmer, 2 'labour, 2 veterans, Nom- inations being called for the foll, Wing were ihen. appointed: H. McKin, non, Kenorz, J. 1¥. Langley, Port Arthur (Labour); C. Nordrum, Wabigoon, R. Ascough, Kenora (Farmer); Davidson, Dryden, Wilson, Port Ar- thur (GWVAL). At the sujzgestion of Mr McManus (Kenora) ths front rows of seatssweire reserved for the delegates, to facili tate the counting ¢.f votes. At 11,70 the credential committee reported 30 Lahour, 24 Farmer, amd cannot be made thereafter. | . J. E. GIBSON, Clerk. | DRYDEN Qutario. C. S. GRABOWSKI Proprietor. COMMERCIAL TRAVELLER all reported present, and the gathei- ; ing got down to business. . : , A/ motion to appoint 2a Finance } Covamittee of nine being carried, the x Newly #4 . following wer selected', to act from thet y various distbiets:--F., T. Brignale = : Quiet Oszdrift; H. McKinno a, Xenora; M. Si se YYamelike" Camball, Dryden; Rd Eadye, Sioux: 2 Hopelje, vl JLooksut; Ing. Hutch json, Van Howes, Rates Moderate. ti the same, or any part thereof, must be made within three months after the first publication of this Notice, and Dated this 4th day of October, 1921 2 Central Hotel THE HOME OF THE) > nh South % let 4, con. 6, Township. | Turnished throughout y "FOR SALE. | VICTOR PHONOGRAPH 8 1°V. & 20° Records' for sale, $35.00; or would take pigs 'or poultry in exchange.-- Mrs D. McKellar, Dryden. rr FOR SALE, team of Mares, 2300-18, with Harness. 'Registered Shorthorn Bull Calf.. Cheap for:cash.--~~John Mc. Wilson, Dryden. : ol £3 FOR SALE, partly improved quarter section; good house, outbuildings; &e. Good water supply; on the mais high- way; clase to school and town. £600 cash. Apply Dryden Observer. © HOUSEKEEPER | WANTED To go to: Sioux Lookout, Ont. My be careful housekeeper, and good with children. Apply by letter, stating 2g, nationality and salary expecteds-- Alex. Skene, jr., Dryden, Ont, : HAVE YOUR FILMS DEVELOPED IN DRYDEN ey Save time and trouble. Drop:me 3 postcard, or mail your films to me st Dryden Postoffice, and I will devslop them and: deliver them 'prompily. Work guaranteed--R. EVANS, Dry- den P.P. ; 4 AUCTION SALE. Thursday. 27th Oct. At 2 p.m. at Livery Sstable of Messrs Trist & : Charlebois, Dryden, J. W. Robinson will offer for sale the follow- ing, from Captain Edye, Zealand Township: SR Light Chestnut Mare, 13% hands, hog mane and wile 'blaze; same was found astray on lot 23, con. T,'im the above township on Monday 25th: July last and unredeemed. wy } El 3 a Patented Land for Sale." South % lot 8, con. 4, Township of Wainwright: 160 acres of choice farm 3 GWY/A delegates properly accredit- \ renner reercimnmnerc~ Land, 5% miles from fawn, exception- ed. On the roll being called these) He: 7 ally easy .to clear y.ver frontage, : Well Heated ¥ spring creek rom "s" through lot abundance of pastu § Wainwright, 160 acres of ulpwood and log timber, also. quantity of tem this is six miles from town. Also, span of egcetionallys matched Horees; 6 and 7 years J. Seuthron, H. Mel: (ose, Port Arthurs. A11to Sarvice for Fred Kelly, Schreil wer; A. McDonald, AU > : | Sioux Loakset 5 . outside points. Bl dm i WA $ = % " ; ; 4 iN trips to weighing 2850-1. For particulire apply to" 1 me A. P. KELLAR, Dryach