Dryden Observer, 28 Oct 1921, p. 1

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Volume XXIX. 'Dryden, Ont. 'October, 28 ~1921 Number 21 = TOWN OF DRYDEN NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF BY-LAW Notice is hereby given that a By-law was passed by the Council of the Town of Dryden on the 2nd day of August, 1921, providing for the issue of debentures to th amount of Nine Thousand Dollars ($9000.00), for the purpose of constructing and installing a Telephone System, and that such By-law was registered in the registry office of the District of Kenora on the 3rd day of October, 1921. Any motion to quash or set aside the same, or any part thereof, must be made within three months after the first publication of this Notice, and cannot be made thereafter. Dated this 4th day of Qctober, 1921 J. E. GIBSON, Clerk. DRYDEN PHARMACY EVER-READY SAFETY RAZORS Complete with blades, $1.50 TINY TOT TALCUM POWDER The New Baby Tale. Delicately perfumed Highly recommended by leading der- matologists. MEDALLION ANTISEPTIC TOILET PREPARATIONS Includes :-- COLD CREAM, TOOTH PASTE TALCUM POWDER and SOAP Of delightful fragrance, offering refreshing cleanliness. Mail Orders attended to. THE STORE OF SERVICE AND QUALITY. DOPE R069000000DLLDOHRRHE # A.J. GARDINER & Merchant 2 C. S. GRABOWSKI Proprietor. weneral EAGLE RIVER, ONT. AGENT FOR Cockshutt Plow Go.. Frost & Wood Implements Barnla's aw Eurs Bought and Sold GHPOCIOVDLVLLHHOD Drgam. Cannarvatare Suva WoT Heda < wi SOOO OEPPE0IOHOEDBEOTE DRYDEN Ontario. THE HOME OF THE COMMERCIAL TRAVELLER Well Heated Sanitary Newly Furnished throughout Quiet Homelike Rates Moderate Auto Service for trips to outside points. entral Hotel DRYDEN REALTY COMPANY (Opposite C.P.R. Depot.) Money to Loan ON GOOD FARM PROPERTY. If you want to Buy or Sell Farm or Town Property, we ean help you. CALL AND SEE Us. Life, Fire, Hail and Automobile In- surance, Conveyancing Bookkeeping Stocks and Bonds bought and sold Agreements for Sale Discounted ete., ete., ete. D. LANE, Manager. Sell's Garage F. C. BAKER Special arrangements to store & overhaul motor- boat & auto gas engines] for the winter. Dryden A FEW OF THE THINGS in the HARNESS LINE I have on hand. Horse Collars, Breeching Straps, Side Straps, reversible Brass Ball Top Steel Hames, Hame Straps, Martingales, Pole Straps, at Side Checks, Chain Breast utraps, Overdraw Checks, Kling's Hame Fasteners, Heel Chains, Team Breeching, Team traces, Success Chain Traces, tested 4500 ibs each, Breast Collars, Buggy Traces, Open Bridles, Winker Bridles, Halters, Double & single Lines, Team Back Pads, Belly Lands, Sweat Pads, assortment of Collars, Pads, &e. Neatsfoot Harness Oil, in Quarts. H. WILLARD, Boos and Harness Repairer. Ontario Bhi me Rheumatism ? Or Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago? 'The remedy is simple, inexpen- give, easily taken and harmless. Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules Your druggist will supply vou. Write for free trial to Temple~ ton's, 56 Colborne 8t., Torcntos SOLD BY THE Dryden Pharmacy CVANS The Popular Candy Shop. CONFECTIONERY, FRUIT, BREAD SOFT DRINKS. TOBACCO. This little Store, so conveniently situated, and whose service is so cheerfully given, is becoming the favorite shopping place of those of our citizens who live in the upper portion ef the Town. Opposite the Town Hall. Our business is to please you. We are not satise fied unless you are, If we haven't the brand you want we will get it, Teachers' Convention "Twelfth Annual Meeting Kenora . - Teachers' Association The twelfth annual meeting of the teachers' convention was held in the Kenora High School on Thursday and Friday, October the thirteenth and fourteenth. The convention was opened by the Rev. E. Diamond. Mr G. A. Toole, mayor of Kenora then gave a short address of welcome to the visiting tea- chers from Keewatin and Dryden and smaller points along the line. He urged the teachers to impress upon their pupils loyalty to King and Coun- try and respect and courtesy to par- ents and elders. Mrs Caucutt, vice-chairman of the Kenora School board also extended a weleonie to the visiting teachers. The minutes of last year's meeting were read and adopted. The president, Mr Keenan gave a short address on, Work as Teachers, stressing the importance of disiplinary power, dignity, tact and sympathy. Nomination and election of officers then took place with the following re- sults.-- President--Mr S. Shannon, Kenora. Vice- Prositant-Miss | M. Maclnnes, Kenora. Sec-Treas.--Miss A. A. Dolan, Ke- nora. Managing Committee: --Miss Ingall, Dryden; Miss Adams, Keewatin; Miss J. McLeod, Kenora; Mr Adams, Kee- watin; Mr Keenen, Kenora; Mr Jack- son, Dryden. Miss Rutledge, Kenora, and Miss Nelson, Keewatin were appointed au-| ditors. B. A, Thursday, a.m. The teachers then returned to the High School where Mr Geo. H. Hof- ferd, M. A., of London Normal School, gave a very interesting address on Nature Study and Elementry Science. He encouraged originality and investi- gation of truth by the pupils them- he He believed the primary. pui- 'pose of Nature Study was to arouse a love 'of animal and plant life. The teaching of it should cultivate a bond of sympathy between teacher and pu- pil. Thursday evening a concert was held in the assembly hall of the High School. Mr D. McLeod acted as chair- man. A very enjoyable program was rendered, chief entertainer being Mrs A. J. Sutherland, lecturer in elocution, Winnipeg Normal School. Friday, a.m. Miss Vernie Pearson, of Kenora, taught a very interesting information lesson on Japan. The lesson was illus- trated by a number of articles from Japan as chop-sticks, doll's umbrellas, clogs, kimonas, dishes' and stationery. Miss Foster, of Dryden, gave a pa- per on "Canadian Poetry." She divided the poets inte school namely :-- Great Lake poets of whome Wilfrid Campbell was a representative; Birch | Bark school represented by Bliss Car- man; Vaudeville including many of Burglars Get Long Sentence Elwood Tomlinson, Richard Roberts, Archie McKenzie and E. Levecque appeared before His Honor Judge Chapple at the District Judge's Crim- inal eourt Friday morning, the three first for roberries committed at Kee- watin, Kenora and Dryden and also erts were also charged with carrying guns. The case for the crown was conducted by Major Cook. { The priseners pleaded guilty to all the charges and were sentenced by His Honor as follows: McKenzie and Tomlinson to 3 years on the Keewatin charge, 2 years for Kenora charge, 5 years for Dryden charge and 1 year for breaking gaol. Tomlinson also got one year for carrying a gun, mak- ing 12 years in all. Roberts was sentenced to 2 years on Kenora charge, 5 fior Dryden and 1 for jail breaking. Levecque, who did not escape from gaol was sentenced to 3 years on the Keewatin charge and 2 years on the Kenora charge. All tthe sentences will run consecutively. In imposing sentence, Judge Chapple emphasized the gravity of the offenses committed by the young men, and un- pleasant as his duty was, society must be protected. He advised them that if their conduct in. prison was exemplary that they woul i be to earn a reduction in th ¢ e I sentence. The prisoners evidently id A) ex- pect so long a sentence, .and their faces blanched a little as tlhey heard the words. They all come frorn Winni- peg and have relatives residirig there. Sn a ry ------ JU DGING AT DRYDEN. FAIR. (In the Wiors Section) The ladies are to be congratulated upon their most excellent. work. Per- haps a Tow v little Ss ons made by htt ent year. Av try to mot let any persomal © likes or dislikes affect our decisions. First the loaves of bread were .a little too large. Our standard loaf is 3-in. in height, 8-in. long, and about 3%-in. in'breadth. If we keep our Loaf down to proper size, it does not cr owd our display shelves. A loaf of bread is scored by points; also pastry and all cooking, and while one will make full points in flavour, crumb, general appearance, it May lose in shape, firir,g texture a1 \d some other points in t'2e scoring. will spoil tVie score in an othddrwise good exhil it of butter. for gaol breaking, Tomlinson and Rob- Lig] sudges, wel The samples of butter wer © Very good; but a trifle too salt, or toc » little, ay Too mu Town of Dryden Notice of Registration of By-Law NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT a by-law was passed by the Council of the Town of Dryden on the 10th day of September, 1921, providing for | the issue of debentures to the amount of Three Dollars ($3500.00), for the purpose of extending and improving the Electric ht System of the Town of Dryden, | and that such by-law was registered in the registry office in the District of Kenora on the 22nd day of October, 1921. Any motion to set aside or quash 'he same, or any part thereof, must ke made within three months after the first publication of this Notice, and cannot be made thereafter. Dated this 24th day of October, 1921 J. E. GIBSON Clerk. BEDWORTH | SCHOOL BOARD TENDERS Tenders will be received by the under- signed up to and including Saturday November 5th, for a Collector for S.S. No. 2, Zealand. Lowest or any tender not necessar- ily accepted. Apply to W. W. WHITE, Secy. FOR SALE. Art Huron bage burner, COAL STOVE with small oven, and hot air pipe, in good condition. Apply to MES FRANK SILVER Princess Street VICTOR PHCNZGRAPH S.1 V. & 20 Records for sale, $35.00; or wou!d take pigs or poultry in exchange. -- Mrs D. McKellar, Dryden. FOR SALE, team of Mares, 2800-1b, with Harness. Bull Calf. Cheap for cash.--John Me. e | Wilson, Dryden. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED To go to Sioux Lookout, Ont. : be careful housekeeper, and good with children. Apply by letter, stating ag», nationality and salary expected.-- Alex. Skene, jr., Dryden, Ont. Dryden, to represent "The Qld Reli- able Fonthill Nurseries," and cover surrounding territory. Splendid open- ing for the right man. territory, highest comtnissions paid. --STONE & WELLINGTON, Toronto, Ontario. HAVE YOUR FILMS DEVELOPED working yill spoil the grain of heen, and they there should be a percentag of mo' sture in good butter. Tre pastry and cakes do much credis to your ladies of this district. I have our popular poets. Another classifi- cation was made thus:--Poet of thr. ' North--Robert W. Service; Poet of the prairies, Pauline Johnson, the in- i terpreter of a dying Indian race; ' Poet of the habitant, Williar, Henry Drummond; War poets of w, 'home Col. | John McCrea and Berriard Trotter deserves special mention. Still another group consisted of Jean Blewitt, Kath- erine Hale and Marjorie Picthall. This was followed by a lesson with a class in Geography by Mr Hofferd, of London, illustrating the project me- thod of teaching. The subject Australia. was Friday, p.m. The afternoon session was opened by Miss C. A. Evans, of Keewatin, giv- "| ing another practical use of the pro- ® | ject method in a lesson in hygiene. Mr Shannon spoke of the change in the High School Regulations. A lively discussion, concerning the age at which pupils should enter and leave public schools followed. The financial statement was com- pleted and resolutions passed. | The convention then closed with the singing of the national anthem. WANTED Boys Men Wise Heads, see Kings 4:29; Tim 8:15 Attentive Ears, Isa. 6:8; Luke 10:39 New Hearts, Acts, 8:37 y Tongues united, Mark 7:37 Acts, 2:7:8 { Eyes Opened, 2 Kings 6:17 Mark 2:14 Decision, Ruth, 1:17; Mark 2:14 The above acrostic may be found in i an old book, but it is as true today as when first worked out. i 'udged at eastern fairs, and have found less creditable work. I must comment on the lovely NEW quilts--an art which is gaining again in favour. As a whole, the ladies' work is a most excellent sample of the thrifi and efficiency of the wives and daugh- ters of Dryden agricultural district. We as judges love to see improvement in the Fairs from Fall to Fall.--Grace F. Garver. Score Card for Butter--Special, 5-1b prints. No. fl'vor gi'n color salt finish total 38 43 24 14 9 5 45 10 40 23° 12.9 5 89 5 40 24 12 9 Bi .90 26 44 25 13 9 5 97 22 45 25 15 10 5 100 15 12: 25. "15.10 5 97 10-16 crocks--Special. No. fi"vor gr'n color salt finish total 383.43 '24 14 8 4 93 22-45 24, 15 "1p 5 929 4 45° g8. 34. 9 4 97 2 44 24 14 8 5 95 26 44 20 14 9 5 92 15-42 247 15% .9 5 95 -Beore Card for Bread No. fi'vor erumb crust app'ance total 12-80 034 14 8 95 20 39 25 1s 10 99 dB i8T. ian. om 9 92 34°98 83 «19 6 85 Se 33 12 8 90 er ita FOR SALE, partly improved quarter section; good house, outbuildings, &c. . Good water supply; on the main high- h. § cash way; close to school and town. $500 IN DRYDEN Save time and trouble. Drop me a Bn stecard, or mail your films to ne ot rye 'en Postoffice, and I will develop them prox; ily. "hem «80d deliver Fork guaranteed. --R. EVANS, ? ry- den P.P. Patented 1. for Sale. South %% lot 8, con. "4, Townsh: » of Wainwright: 160 acres o. _€ choice farm land, 5% miles from town, .S¥CeMON- ally easy to clear, river fi outage spring creek running through' lot, abundance of pasture. : . South 14 lot 4, con. 6, Township of Wainwright, 160 acres of ulpwood and log timber, also quantity of tamarac; this is six miles from town. # Also span of excetionally well matched Horses, 6 and 7 years' old, weighing 2850-1b. For particulars apply to A. P. KELLAR, Dryden. 'LOL Thousand Five Hundred | 2 Registered Shorthorn PR or be sE-- sean Must | WANTED -- Local Representative at Trclnatva § a. Dryden Ledge Neo. 169 » meets the first Wednesday of each month at 8 pm in tks Towa Hall. Visiting brethren sordislly nvited. « H. REHILL, Rec, Sex. J. E. HARRIS, W.A. Golden Star Lodge No 484 « AT &AM, GR Meets in the Masonie Hall, Dryden the Second Tuesday of each mont" Visitors cordially invited. D. REID, W.M. H. HUMPHREYS, Sec. ee) J.E.GIBSON, NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER, &c. AGENT FOR Royal Fire Insurance ompany, DRYDEN ONTARIO Dryden Lodge No 194 . 0. 0. F. meets at the Town Hall every First and Third Mondsy a: 8 o'clsek. A.J. Clempson, N. G, D. M. Kentuer, Recording Ses, Visiting brethren cordially linvited F. B. LINDEN ETE. HoTaRy, Conveyancing ~ Collecting General Praztice DRYDEN ONTAR!O HOUSES : - For Sale and Reut --ALSO-- INS NSURANCE Mora ir "ADYEN, -- TET ey "YE OLDE FIRME. HRIFTZAIAN 0, Limited 1x i JAS, & 1 a 1 Kenora Branch 209 First Sireet Kenora, Ontario. THE BEST in PIANGS, PLAYER-PIANOS and PHONOGRAPHS Your old instrument taken in exchange. IRA J. WILDE IN CHARGE. District headquarters, FORT WILLIAM, Ost. 0.W.V.A. Applications fo membership and informafion con- cerning returned men, write to HH. M. DAVIDSON. Secy-Treas. Regular meeting at 2.30 p.ow. FIRST SUNDAY every brat, RARAAA ab Buy SE Burgess & Walters' v a lie Costs Only i Apply Dryden Observer. i0 cts. per Loaf ~~ rnnnd Ww pera ii ai

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