I Sir Ridgan,_ oho da. Ad PEE DRYDEN OPSERVEI Delivery IAt present we can make immediate delivery of Ford Cars. T his is a bigger advantage to you than you think. Fords are always in demand, and our limited allo is quickly taken up. Take this matter seriously. Get your orders placed right away. Make sure of the model you prefer by securing it now. 411 ary 4- L wi BY ~€ i ¥ LiLES You and your family intend to experience the delights of motoring sooner or later You need faster trans sportation to take care of your busi- ness interests. The Ford is the ideal car for a wide range of uses, for Genial and economy. Get N your Ford now, while we have in stock the model OU Waliv. Ford owners oF without delay. nn where | bogs ht. matter ervice and £ RL vice and keep at eal tim MASSEY. 1S is coming down in prices, alon g with £ 'oC ULCe. ] this Fall 5 reduction on! Wag r; from 15 to 54 on't Cream § i; Home kn 50 Mad: 50 Het n A5 a Ip oo hg A Uae Material and supplies. We Lumber W ood I Fibre Fla Portls and Ceme on t tad Lime nd Fase Brick to Wall Board Taried and plain Building Paper One, Two and Three ply: Roofing Building al we h ave it. ven prompt attention. : nol Mate Y Seniro IV. are prepared Dryden Public School SEPTEMBER REPORT No. on Roll 265 Names in order of Merit (* equal) . Berrey . Wallin . McMaster® . Wilson* Sheperd* Thorp Reid Offer* Curley* . Doudiet Black Wigle Hunter . Bigelow Anderson Kerney Reaney Doudiet . Weaver Clempson . Swanson . Quirk, absent . Smith, absent . Pinkerton, absent . Wright, absent vrEEOopmEAOEEEREAHpRD RP APR Junior IV. Sg . Morden . Upton Resigari Wallin* Nelson™* Louttit Reaney Marks Holm i 6 Latimer Oliver Colliss Blair . Hutchison Campbell Foot Martin . Dixon . Russell, absent H. M. JACKSON Principal ERCHSEREARERRREY SRE | Senior III. Costante Sfreddo Ethel Davidson Dennis Wright Stanley Ettles Fred Cooper Katie Finlay Gordon Reid Ada Wilson De:othy Dawkins Nellie Cullen Elizabeth Johnson T.ouis Sfreddo a Thompson ohert Higgins Antonietta Sfreddo A buy now. You sic inviced Lo ingoeot our Stock Mail orders ; Alice Halderson Grace Lappage {ive Moore Featrice Dixon George Higgins Albert Noble ! Junior 1.5L Willie Dixon Gladys Nymark Mary Pilkey Violet Shelley fas Catherine Sharpe Grace McKellar Wallie McMaster Edward Pilkey Jack Cooper Marjorie Taylor Violet Smith | "Frances Edwards Eidon Wright Howard Kentner Nellie Yaroshuk Ernest Klose Eva Kentner Arthur Clark Walter Moore | Margaret Hunter ! George Martin DOROTHY WARDROPE, Téacher Senior I. Pryce Davies » Jeanette Reid Jimmie Smith Herbert Davies Orval Adair Mona Reaney - : Albert Berrey i Dougald McBratney Robert Cooper Elsie Moorehouse Alice Bigelow Arthur Doudiet . Thomas Sharpe Jimmie Weaver Pearl Stefanuik Vada Robinson Lenore Stefanuik Olaf Smith George Gough Margaret Trist Duncan McKellar Junior I. Christine Colliss Henrey Petch Laura Robinson Bella Blake ards, Ltd Modern Merchandisers of Lumber, DRYDEN, Ontario. May Bartlett Phyllis Hawke A Pleasant Hour The Bible Class of Union Church Sunday School meets in the Church basement at 11 o'clock every Sunday morning: This class has been crowded out from the regular session of the School at 2.30. Among the aap which come up are such as the following: "How are we to know when to keep straight ahead, or when to change our course? "What are some should try to find and connect him- self with his own' Church when he goes to a new place to live?" "How may we show others that we mean what we say without causing them to think we are stubborn?" "What are some of the ways we may help those who are doing work we cannot do ourselves?" "What is wrong with us if we are unwilling to work in the Church or Sunday School because we cannot carry out our own plans?" Wouldn't you like to come and join in these discussions? This service is for you, remember, and we would be glad to see you present. Oxdrift Services to continue. The Church Boards of Dryden and Oxdrift Union Churches met at the home of Mr M. J. Crosier the other week, when many matters of general interest were discussed. It was ag- reed that the Oxdrift services should continue for the winter in the after- noon, as ab present. At the close of the business Mrs Crosier served re- freshments to the members of the two Boards. At the induction of the Rev. J. Beaton to the pastorate of Union Church, he sought to emphasize the, point that "The town needs this | Church, and the Church needs the town." It is a heartening sign to ' earnest people to observe that, more than ever before, the Church is striv- ing to bring its message home to the hearts and lives of the people. Too often has the charge been made that the Church had. lost touch with the , masses of the people, in reply to the claim that people had become in diff- "erent to the Church. {At no time in our history has the need or the opportunity of the Church been so marked as the present. The moral fabric of society has been so shaken by war and its attendant evils that only the spiritual comfort that religion brings can revive the droop- | ing courage of those who are inclined to faint by the wayside. ' Well it is for us, then, and well Sr the Church, that it realize its duty to itself and to the world, and seeks to carry out the behest of its founder: "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." Elmer Wice Lottie Dixon Clarence Charlebois i Gordon Campbell i Fred Yworski Harvey Eckenswiller Lily Shelley Thelma Brooks i Reta Stewart Evelyn Pinkerton Mary Smith Richard Trist A ! Patricia Wright © George Sherwood Betty Beveridge Yola Sfreddo I STEELS, teacher. Report of Second Book Classes for September. Only the names of those who made sixty per cent published. Names in order of merit. Senior II.--Honours Grace Gough Evelyn Adair* Alma Larsson* Pass:-- : Robert Betrey* Teddy Sherwood* Gladys Noble* i William Koshon* Grace Robinson* Clara McBratney* Rolph Nelson* = Grace Hardy* Victor Oliver Nellie Elsey Edward Louttit Junior II.--Honours Rosa Davis Pass: -- Dorothy Fox Lizzie Trist Joan Offer Willie Silver Marian Hill Edna Charlebois Ethel Willard Charlotte Dixon + Margaret Higgins Daisy Howarth Francis Foulis James Yworski reasons why one} Margaret Marshland | E. V. INGALL, teacher | And our rapidly expanding overturn is a guarantee of their freshness and quality ROBT. MILLER, Prop. ig DPPH IEGRIFPIHIVOGEDY had : TRIST & CHARLEBOIS Bryden Livery, Transfer 3% PUA PHRGE ET POH and 5 . . : Meetings Exchange Barz i ¢ fOXDRIFT CLUB meets on the us SETIRST FRIDAY of the month in DRYDEN = INT» ¢ [the Schoolhouse at 8 p.m. SSE Sai = 'W. W. HOWELL, Secretary R. H. PRONGER, Notary Public Conveyancer, Ete. DRYDEN 2 @NT are RATT WAINWRIGHT CLUB meets in the School at 8 p.m. the first Saturday of each month. R. D. COATES, Secretary. eommn---- EAGLE RIVER CLUB meets »cond Saturday of each month, at ALEX. TURNER, Secy. ¢ A LDHOF CLUB meets First turday of every month in the 1oolhouse, at 8 o'clock E. GREUN, Secretary. cams and note how nrrfeet!v set and shar _ENGOLAND CLUB U.F.O. they are. , Feel the edges of our and. UU. PF. W.-O. meet on the second Saturday of each month edged tools and youll be delighted . 2 A CHENEC in the schoolhouse at 8 p.m. with their razor-like sharpness. Lond these edges stay Sal Cur tools are made of specially 'y which when once Aa stays ¢ Zor a long time. E 23 ah Ee Framing WADI ABIGOON CLUB meets first. . saturday of every month, at 8 pu. . in the Schoolroom. VICTOR NORDRUM, Secy. miner BEDWORTH CLUB meets the last Saturday of every month at 8 p.m. Visitors from fraternal clubs are heartily welcome. | 3g. 0} W. F. BICKNELL, Waniloba Gvpoum Hardwall wy Wood - Secretary. Fibre, Efe." Rae -- Sulaiiilen 4 (VAN HORNE CLUB. meets Ui iat i Ha "every third Saturday in the Town- 2 ship Hall, Dryden, at 8 p.m. CHAS. NORGATE, Secy. ANDERSON & » Cleanliness and General Store We carry full line of Fresh Groceries of the highest quality, also Flour and Feed We can supply everything in Hardware The Store that gives the best quality for your money ILLING Prop. '