Dryden Observer, 16 Dec 1921, p. 1

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The OFFICIAL COUNT of Election Tolurn by Major Powell, returning officer, gives a gery of 58 to DOUGALD KENN EDY, M.P., of Dryden Valine XXIX. Dryden, Ont, December 16 1921 As usual we are Right There with More Money for your RAW FURS. If not convenient to card will bring our travelling buyer, Mr B. E. Blair, to you. section regularly, and it will pay you to be on the look-out for him. bring or ship, a post He will cover your lips The Great Lakes Fur Trading Co. Ltd, - DINORWIC, Ontario. FORT WILLIAM. LONG LAC, Ont. Only a few more Shopping Days left. DRYDEN PHARMAGY LOOK AT OUR WINDOW ! © YOU WILL FIND THE DISPLAY FULL OF SUGGESTIONS FOR 'XMAS GIFTS. Inside the Store are other equally attractive presents in endless variety. Ask to see our de luxe line of Pastore a Perfumes, ol Fie iss wg Swan Fountain Pens, Cold and Silver Ever-Ready Pencils. SAFETY RAZORS--. Gillette,-- Auto-Strop,-- Ever-Ready. CIGARS. -- PIPES. In "Xmas Packages. CHOCOLATES. {WILLARD'S CHOCOLATES. LAPP'S CHOCOLATE 5S & PI CKLES | Made in Winnipeg On Sale at Winnipeg Prices. BOOKS. ---- Reading to suit all. FICTION. : BOYS & GIRLS OWN ANNUALS. Big Selection of CHRISTMAS CARDS. Tags, Stickers, Ribbon for tying parcels, CREPE PAPER FOR DEGORATIVE PURPOSES. TH ee We take this opportunity te wish you all The Compliments of the Season, Golden Star Lodgs No 484 ~, a AF &AM GR Meets in the Masonic Hall, Dryden, the Second Tuesday of each month. "Visitors Cordially invited. : D. REID, W.M. H. HUMPHREYS, See. HAC. MACHIN, Ba trister, Solicitor, &o., IMPER/AL BANK BLOCK KENORA Ont. ! and LOWNTY'S XMAS] F. C. BAKER Special arrangements to store & overhaul motor- boat & auto gas engines)? for the winter. Dryden io GET READY FOR THE NEW RINK. ENJOY LIFE WHILE YOU'RE YOUNG. : Get yourself a pair of SKATES from H. Willard, also boots to faster / them to, Ontario Rd a oy Prices to challenge Comparicon. Cur Shale Grinding Machine is in good working order. Bring us your Skates, and have then put in shape. H. WILLARD Boot and Harness HY Everybody knows that in Canada there are more Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules | Sold than all other Rheumatic Remedies combined for Rheu= matism, Neuritis, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, etc. Many doctors prescribe them, most druggists sell them. Write for free trial to Templeton, Toronto, SOLD BY THE Dryden Pharmacy EVANS The Popular Candy Shop. CONFECTIONERY, FRUIT BREAD SOFT DRINKS. TOBACCO. This little Store, so conveniently situated, and whose servise is so cheerfully given, is becoming the favorite shopping place of those of our citizens who live in the upper portion eof the Town. Opposite the Town Hall, = THE Service, Cosy little desired privacy. Christmas Gifts: Box Chocolates-de=luxe ; A VERY LARGE VARIETY. Kodaks for the Young and ithe Old Pipes and Smokers' Sundries ; A WIDE ASSORTMENT. Our new, dainty Tea Rooms are ready for enjoy the refreshing beverage with a friend in Ladies especially will find | this a great convenience. Burgess & Walters. Ta BEST OF ALL GIFTS. THE outstanding feature of Dryden; was the series of entertai inments given by the children. Starting with the Public School Concert last Thursday, ! St Luke's 8. 8. the Tuesday following, Thursday of this week the town has been treated to a bewildering variety | of talent--of a quali ty, moreover, that is never likely to induce satiety. Kin to the excited interest of the children themselves is the sense of ex- alted pride welling in the hearts of parents and friends who formed the audiences. At each performance the Mill Hall was packed to over- flowing, indicative of the never-dying grip that child-love holds on parental affection. be conceded that the whole trend of such performances is commendable. desirable tendency is eliminated. The child mind is healthily stimulated, and | the spirit brightened by the effort to excel; and in the audience the ideal of unity is strengthened and broadened. cer was perhaps the most ambitious, St Luke's the most entertaining and enjoyable, while that of Union Church was the most elaborate and impressive The group dancing in the first namec and the fine choruses, were "greatly appreciated and were a credit to the training of the teachers. St Luke': concert was dlistinguished by more attention to detail and a more finishec performance, and especially by th ovely melodies selected for the differ ent turns, not forgetting the appre- priateness of the costumes. Unior Church S. S., in combination with the Bible Class, displayed more. caer ir the setting of the stage. of the various scenes was grealy en- anced by the artistic lighting effect a by Charlie Harris, who hac Yonred the able co-operation of Ma oth, town electrician, The chima, h whole performance--and perhap she most beautiful pieture ever pres a Dryden aud'ence--was un: ony the Christmas scene of the s of Bethlehem, in the won Wp song "Holy Night, Silen' The atmosphere of sweet Nnght." reverence that surrounds the sacred the Divine Birth was ained through the whole 'radition of ~arvefully sust seene, MINNITAKI ( OBSE ERATIONS A Christmas Tree and dance will ve held in Minnitaki School on the 23rd December. Among the many popular songs being sung around here of late, is that pathetic little ballad entitled "I want 50 go back on the farm." After being in the service of the C.P.R. for a number of years, Mr A. I. Bennett has resigned his position as section foreman. The many duties Ii connection with his farm compels him to take this course. His many "riends wish him all prosperity in his new venture Mr W. Weare has returned home irom Kenora, where he has been firing on the road. Bill Collins has rscovered from the slight chill he experienced a short time ago. We understand that before he reached home he showed a high tem- perature. --RAVESDROPPER. A very successful Short Course in Agriculture was held in Dyment during the week of November 28th by M. F. Cook, agrucultural representa- tive. The subjects taken up were Poultry, Bees, Dairying, and a general discussion on land clearing, crops and crop rotation, drainage, and the pre- paration of seed- beds. Moving pictures were used to illustrate different points where possible. The Course was held in the School J House, and had an average attendance of forty-thr ee, which would show that keen interest is being taken in this section of the district in matters per- taining to farming. At the close of the Course the ladies provided lunch, after which a Social Evening was enjoyed by all present. Municipality of Machin PROCLAMATION NOTICE is hereby given that I will attend at the School House, Eagle | River, on booths, where one can MONDAY, December 26, 1921 + to receive nominati ons for Reeve and . Councillors for the year 1922. Notice is also given that if more candidates than are required be nomi- nated, a poll will be held on MONDAY, January 2nd, 1922, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. yo Eagle River and Vermilion Bay. ALEX. TNRNER, Clerk. Clerks Office, Eagle River, g December 15th, 1921. GOD SAVE THE KING. i community life during the past week: and ending with Union Church S. S| From a critical standpoint it will z Under such auspices as those of thel Public and Sunday Schools, every un- Of the hree, the Public School con-| of, viz. the election of The beauty { "Of Such is The Kingdom" St Luke's Papas St Luke's A nl Bazaar, held Dec. 16th, was as usual a great success frm every point of view. The Hall as well as the booths had been beautifully 'decorated, and much credit is due to 0 those who did their part in contribut- 'ing to the success of Hi event. and a tea- 001M, which were Br esid over by the following ladies: -- «Fancy Work--Mr Lar son and Mrs Berrey. Plain Sewing--DMrs Edwards and Mrs Dearden. Home Cooking-- Mrs Lappage and Mrs Wannacott. 'Candy--Mrs Wm, Kerney and Mrs Frank Hardie. Cabbage Patch Mrs Biggs (Mrs Hallum). Tea Room-- Junior Girls' Booth was presided over by Miss Waldron, assisted by Misses Consie Kerney, Queenie Thomas, Effie Jones, Eva Bartlett, Eva Dixon and £. Elsie of the Girls Guild. The total proceeds of the Bazaar amounted to over $500.00, which com- ares well with former years. - BIBLE CLASS SOCIAL. A very enjoyable evening was sp in Union Church parlours on M yight of last week, when the Adult Bible Class held an organization 'Social. ! Although the Class has been going for some time, the need of 2 proper organization to carry on the work that is opening up was deeply felt by the members, and the enthusiasm chown in the election of officers augurs well for its future success. : The evening was spent in song and games, interspersed with a Toga arranged by Miss Awde, Thos. Foote, Russel Lott and Arthur Pitt, During an interval in the games lusiness of the evening was dispose et il the i] Jonvenors of Committees, which re- iia in the following: Qfficers Hon. Persident--Mrs Golden President--Mr McReedy Vice-President--DMiss Awde Secretary--Arthur Thompson 3 Treasur er---Mrs Sweeney sacher--Rey. Committe Devotional---Ir McReedy Social--Mrs Monteith Musical---Myr D. Lane Membership & Advig--CGeo Wice. The serving of a dainty lunch by the ladies brought the evening to a pleas- ant conclusion. The Bible Class meets every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock for the study of the Sunday School lesson. We will be glad to welcome VY ou Chiletinss Suggestions LADIES I BLOUSES CAMISOLES BOUDOIR CAPS HANDKERCHIETS, LADIES' GAITERS For er TOQUES, MITTENS BOOTEES, SILK VEILS, WHITE DRESSES. in Xmas [boxes HURLBUT SHOES--the best made Shoe for Children. a ¢ Mrs GATES Store formerly occupied by CLARK > Co. os of Dryden PROCLAMATI NOTICE is hereby given that I will attend at the Town Hall, Dryden, on MONDAY, December 26, 1921 between the hours of 7.30 p.m. and 8.30 p.m. to receive nominations for Mayor and Councillors for the year 1922. Nominations will also be received for three (8) School Trustees for the full term of two years, 1922- 23, Notice is also given that if more candidates than are required be nom- inated, a poll will be held on MONDAY, January 2nd, 1922, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 Jd. E. GIBS ON, I Clerk's Office, Dryden, Dec. 15 1921. : - GOD SAVE THE KING. ORT (SEA PROCLAMATION MONDAY, December 26, 1321 | between the houds of 12 and 1 p.m. Councillors for the year 1922. nated, a poll will be held on MONDAY, January 2nd, 1922, between the ne of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. D. ANDERSON, Clerk, Clerk's Office, Dryden, Dec. 15, 1921. GOD SAVE THE KING. Mrs J. E. Gibson and Committee. The l- Officers andj! § Myrtle Crosier; Reading, Winn Municipality of Van Horne NOTICE is hereby given that I will attend at the Municipal Hall, Dryden, ! between the hours of 12 and 1 p.m.,|on | to receive nominations for a Reeve and Notice is also given that if more} pon iitates than are required be nomi- SON'S BAY CO. Incorporated 1670 QO! ost, Strongest, Best. FURS Our RE PUTATION is the Oldest. Our PRICES are the Strongest. : *®E Our GRA DING is the Best. Mail, Express or Bring your Raw Furs to us for Satisfaction. How about a pair of H. B, DENORWIC, Ont. Blankets? We have them! OXDRIFT The Bazaar and Concert arranged the Schoolhoure, and was a decided SToeoa The Club is composed of ge girls, who will again meet e home of Mrs Leon Pateman on the third Saturday of the month. This girls' club is a credit and an nspiration to any community. Their president, Miss Lily Brignall, is enevr- getic and go-ahead; Miss Rissa Adams makes a very able secretary. The members of this club devote their time and energy to the furtherance of their motto: "For Others." The object of the Bazaar was to ob- tain funds for the carrying on of the work, a to help defray fae cog of : 1emorial to he b by the girls of the Willing Workers' | Uh took place on December Sth at! Specie] Tailor Made IT Made-to-Measure $25.00 | Some of the values. up The booths vote laden with g vari- on of beautiful articles--- the taste ay requirements of every- body being catered for. There were 1 py dolls and Peter rabbits hand- ade hankeys, aprons, and a fine as- ir of crochet, sofa pillows, &ec., to mention only a very few of the articles displayed for sale--all the ork of the girls' busy fingers. The rab Dox was extremely popular with 'he young folk. 'The candy booth was well patrnoized as usual, and the large cock: of homemade candies was quic y sold out. The lucky winner of the hand-painted velvet cushion was John Reid. The rendering of a short 3 17 ed collect: program Club Poem, by Club members; Comic Petite ] Mr Cooke; Presodent's Ad- dress; Report by Secy, Rissa Adams; Coo, Song, Emma Latimer; Pictures, Mr Cook; Recitation, Rigsa Adams; Bead- ng ing, Mrs Recitation, ia Pate- Comic H. Pateman; man; Song, Norman Moore; Pictures, Mr Cook. Mr ols, who contributed not a little to the success of the evening, showed some extremely funny pict ures, and evoked roars of laughter. After the program, the Pr declared the Sale open, and ery short time nothing but the have tables ained. The usd good lunch wag served, the surplus eakes heing ing his customary success. The total pro- ceeds as announced! o the President were i-- Proceeds of Bazaar __. ._.§117.40 dspenditovey oooinana 0 A411. Total Receipts mmm -$103.29 The girls, to whom great credit is due; went home gratified and happy t the: success of their. Bazzar, and all were pleased to think that the cter- nal question of Christmas gifts was solved for another year. opened fhe S Poni Song Maple Leaf; Pe py j lent, auctioned off by Mr ony Adams with M. J. CROSIER General Merchant, OXDRIFT, Ont dealer in Dry Goods Groceries Boots and Shoes ; Hardware and Farm Produce Agent for Yorkshire Insurance Company Frost & Wood and - Cockshutt Implements £0 $55.00. Will all be sold at pre-war prices while they last. Come and examine the Goods' before they are all gone. Thos. Proudfoot TAILOR & MEN'S OUTFITTER I E. GIBSON, NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER, &e. i: Agent for THE ROYAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY DRYDEN ONTARIO . 0. E.; DRYDEN LODGE No. 1694 meets the first Wednesday of each month, at eight p.m., in the Town Hall. Visiting Bretivtn cor- dially invited. H. REHILL, Rec. Sec. J. E. HARRIS, W.M. IL 0. 0. r DRYDEN "LODGE, Ne 471, meets at the Town "Hall every first and third Monday at eight o'clock. A. J. Clempson, N.G., D. M. Keatnor, Recording Secretary. ey Brethren ry invited. ---- FE. B. LINDEN 4d T-ARY, ETC. Conveyancing Collecting General Practice DRYDEN . ONTARIO HOUSES For Sale and Reut ~--ALSO-- FIRE INSURANCE JAS. MOFADYEN, mm MADE IN DRYDEN. Four PHONOGRAPHS, of Nicé De- sign,; well made; powerful motors and good tone-arms that "play "all makes of records; Cheap. Will take lumber or wood in payment: A can solicited. --B. L. BLAIR, Dryden."

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