Dryden Observer, 16 Dec 1921, p. 3

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REY A Jide Bede toin agro BARBERING THE LAND Should Be Put on the Land ¥ --Chemieal Value of Bar Manure -- Wood for Terms of Coal. Fuel 4 (Contributed by Ontario Department ¢ Agriculture. Toronto.) animal the hu atten ion that their value in Leen up soil fertility warrants yard You May Put the Heated. Term Harvest Cultivation. Agriculture, Toronto.) { other particulars suitable for the 'long storage of perishable products 'Qut of Bounds -- Early After Contributed by Ontario Department of Cold storage practice so far has 5 & | been connected with the large Pro- national Crop Improvement. Service., under four heads: | duce warehouses in our towng and "In the Pacific Northwest, wheat which causes the smut spores to die. WHERE THE APPLE PAYS. Th | _, FARM COLD ! }L. : Got McCormick [NTERNATIONAL Deering = | Fate : Los:es u- Have an Up-to-date Equi Soil, Location and Transportas for Family Purposas. tiom to be Considered. Waste Boagins The Farm Rofrigernior 0 or Boon It Helps to Be Nesr Cities -- The Labor Question Still a Serious Problem -- How to Restore Damaged Pastures. 2 (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) pr This question will be discussed Climate, Sel, Labor and Transportation, ; Soi Hr TE Lat Jit v ; 2 : The Factor of Climate. &@ | : ; are permi ted to waste. | cities. These establishments eculd spores live over winter in the ~ o cH @. : S orf farmer appreciates the val 4 mot do suecessful business if toeir, aud the ordinary treatment with So far as climate is concerned = ie farm manures, but he di s th plants were not provided with 18 fo iariianyas i not effective unless abplea can be grown commercially in EES antl ofc atving: ting hy ; 6 5 n _ any part of Old Ontarle, south of a NN task of giving these materials storage chambers kept cool and In, ore ins hoon on potniion ob crops 2 line drawn from Parry Sound to Ottawa; in faet, there ave commer- 1 i i "48 a consequence, dense clouds of A : 1. Pha i 1. 13,32 y tha Sag MEE ; cial orehards produsing fruit at a Chatham iy National Bob ng of animal manures. is wm of the farm, such as eggs, Duties sant spores, which may be seen for aL jane h rth : pleasant task at any time but t~ cheese, fruit, and $0 forth. Some : ; 2 profit considerably farther north. well seasoned wood, and are following of a proper systva wou' | day, probably not so far distant after Lic, arise from the threshers and than thls. Many people think of ea ; ap Mn doy, TROY 3 spread wheat contagion over the en- commereial apple orchards as being ironed No bel 2p Bobele reduce the disagrecablencss of i all, the farmers may become sufii- tire country," says Mr. P. Schleuss- ciently well organized to build andper, Perth Amboy Chemical Com- equip mechanical cold storage ware-pany. + houses of their own, whereby they "Sometimes when this smut cloud will be able to have complete eon-ig properly mized with air, a piece of trol over the products of their Owhwire or nail will strike a spark in necessarily confined to the milder parts of the provinee, and to the lake districts, but the fact is worth emphagizsing that we have varietiss of apples suitable for commercial culture in every county of Old On- work and 2: the same time 7 i waste. The average farmer of Onto ar wastes the fer nur by at Made with 2-in., 214 and 3-in. runners, cast or steel. Either cross value of tne mo one-third 3 hains or stort reach. . least a through neglect in management. i labor until they are disposed of t@the separator anf the result is an tario. The winter hardiness of the Loss Runs Inte Millions of Dollars. | the consuming public. The extent togxplosion worse than a thirteen-inch many varieties grown throughout | which individual farmers may makegun, blowing machines to pieces an use of such cold storage plants oBpften killing and injuring the erew. their farms is necessarily limited be- "The wheat smut tax amounis to cause the quantities of products re-millions of dollars. It is in most in- | quiring to be stored at any one timeatances entirely preventable by treat- are small. The exceptions are veryment of the sced, but so serious has farge fruit or dairy farmers, @ndit become that the American D : even in these special lines of farm-ment of Agriculture has a sepa ing it might not be a paying pro-grade for smutted wheat. Ontario is now very well established, and it is possible to select varieties which will be hardy for any distriet. Late and Harly Frosts. The most serious climatic diffi- culty in the Province of Ontario is the occurrence of late frost in spring, and early frost in fall. Other dif- With the ordinary cne hu acre farm producing 'wo hun: : tens of manure esch year, and va "ing this at $2.50 per load, then fiz , ing on one-third woste ' neglect, we have annual soil fertility through failure Get Our Prices before Buying. thy Lily J. 8. CORNER, or write Oxdrift. i al to oy : . : a BI0ER nll valde Lr the tenis a any 3 : Li se ¢ ei culties of a climatic nature ean be NTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO. Ltd, Winnipeg, Man. oR YOUR to ine an position in all cases {fo creel a it will be well for the Canadiali jargely overcome by the selection of tario tha! aggregates n expensive cold storage plant. Per-farmers to prevent smut from ever suitable varieties, or by eareful dis- 2 a SE & mnssmamaetsecs. (0F- dollars. We owe tn ths sonally, I believe the problem of eoldgetting entrenched while 1t is com- crimination with regard to soil, ele- LE SERS rE Be iy ; Emenee our farins all the fertility it storage on the farms should beparatively easy." vation, aspect, ete. It may be point- g g | posse toutes to thom, handled through co-operatively owne ed out, However, that: frosts are £ 7) nure waste of the past fy ed warehouses provided with ade a. i 5 id ¢ : st 8fy ed more common and more severe over § the farms of Ontario woul quate cold storage facilitics. large areas of flat country than & ' gate a colossal gum. 'This Was Apart, however, from the gues- where the topography is rolling or : be appreciated more by the ; tion of a cold storage with up-to-date hilly. Large areas of some of the a tillers of the soil than by those © | mechanical equipment for the southern counties of Ontario are A % 3 1 ro A \ pai » 3 0 re E 5 EE Shy 2 have permitted the was e. Whe or farmers' assoc Mas suggested therefore, more or less unsuited to > i there is an abundance, wastes are no? above, there is the problem on ale commercial 'apple orcharding hecause ® I noticed, but when soils fail to pro most every fa¥m 'pertaining to the of their fiat character A more roll & du a 3antiv . at Hon ie stor co : all gt re . ¢ Pduce abundantly some at } | storage for a few d all quan- ing country is much to be preferred given to those factors tha' will muin- | tities of various foods used on the - 85 that orchards can be made safer > tain or increase soi artility Alle tn dav to d: 3 30 h 7 I ; ; oy roe oy 0 ; c oe 5511 1 ny table Soran to 2 from frost by the better air drainage TH = MA KIN; Be) , The Waste Begins In the stable. ter, meat, milk, ete. afforded. : 1 Waste of manure usually beging i= grout ms a Suitable Soil In Every County® ! the stable, leaky gutters, or ne ah. | iénce to have on the So far os soils : ; i sorbing material to hold the linn } 601d storage chamber Bh re vane end, Ray of the ; portion of the manure. From the | IB Which to keep these very 02 3taleq that there iy an abundance N ? ot ma e. CAE ee nd in every country suitable for & . | stable it is thrown out sometimes | able articles of ar "our : ; © piled but more frequently not, and | abd Wholesome co ion brie growing, Well drained land is >G 4 Y re RLY no fa 4 Yorn 5 : ra a TE the thie a 1 for successful orcharding, ® around for months. Manure iz the year. This : ¥ 2m plenty of soil of this bd porated with the goil as nas the use of ice, ar L lout 0 1 t Service.) ie ak mm simon dey 2 37 i S50 18 500 715.7 . i i 2 as J. I *O mprovem SerY e il > sustaing the minimum loss. Iti able in almost every district of thig (National Crop Improvement Service.) ¢ 5 & : : qe minimu 88. RE LT Serer a : ry ; 5 ATH il and 3 possible of course to incorporate ma- | €OUBtry atl a reasonable cost. there «@iain inspection has been reduced tL g Up soll and climate, 1t 14% 11 oil nn aw lis is no excuse for farmers not laying ; . : .. may be said that no province or state B Ll re by in the winter s sw tonst® ® fine art. In order to avoid dis- in 'North America has sc large am g juent 3 ceur' 2 bae 4 he La 5 SEA Ri . he ; SIL) > when manure m ied - > in some cheap form of ice-house. inPute, a sample is taken from the car area so favg bie In soll and elimate Accumulat during the | thé summer time ; nal mar Ng. JA Js the Pree it is difevlt to team | found most useful two homo o. [If this statement milk and cream, supr or refrigerator in w e3 obvious that the tion of apple orgh- ure on to the land-oceur ir ng and autumn. These ac int separator ons are b tulien cars. of.) for. example, may be. kept firm, the ! Sa 0 is.dependent on > ns are id Care. of § oth = aie Jpoured. : iit shelter of a manure sheg | Wilk and cream al "This in 23 eg 2 : is not available, then bv | Ib gcod conditi Gili Bay "rodiable Near Cliles. eve by day. With ie: such a way as to raduce : and the®oest of minimum. nsporiviion is the mos: import. having to do with the All Seasonabls Fr Delicacies ed : is possible for the i nat as hale nure on the Land Harlv J e i cemmercial - apple and : : Land Early, such delicious d w ; + rio. In ott v most successful of our WY; HEE apple areha Y of transporta- the better these n with relation- te arm- cacieg™ as ice-cream, erbets, 1 many delightful and cool drinks, a of which are most ref ga stimulating h ks the hot and LETERD HY ers aim to get the manure on the land as soon as possible, When ssn. ditions Cn he appiication of the land are not favor-) manure in developing care of this by-product by year. In case 3 eg the more roviding sufficient. absorbent § sometimes a n the development of EE a a ae Ee a bl rr al al ea ts 'hold all the liguids, pil- ing. the manure in a manure shed keeping it sufficiently moist and firm enough to preven: heating until doubt then about ti farmer would ice a great adv A location be desirable, nd climate are to jos L whether i# be sto ance, the most dis- it is desired to apply it to the land from which it is v to be preferred, Many of the Old Country farmers riation facilities are store the manure in water tight pits BES Bo FHOBLALYDODODODLQEBVDL IO 2B BeBe LBBB LBODODOD LD 2BIBOTOT Ri SBOE SODLOBODID Bor De: POBVB ODOC cue onede Bos SOSBIVIT oT oTRON Pack it by tramping sufficien'ly tight | cally a small in Ontario possses to exclude all the air pessivle, ang joining the ice stor [soils and olf then turn on the hose as {frequently as necessary to prevent heating. The ox are several types : in trangporis~ storages suitable for usé on til facilities are Is your Furnace in good condition same system would do as much for In using these small ic pment can take 7 s : ; vie Ontario farmer as it is doing es, however, it must be orcharding. for the long winter season? for the Sco'ch farmer. ae wn the The Chemical Value of Manure. If we had to buy manures at prices equal to the retail commercial fer- tilizer prices better care would be taken of this soil fertility material. Few farmers realize that the manure cannot be about 40 or 45 4 scale, which of co enough to keep peri like fresh meat lo: days, and large quai maintained ' If any repairs wor alterations are ? needed, why net have them attended : to before freezée-up is actually upon - you? ! : from a horse weighing 1,000 pounds | ishable articles must uu EE hr ee eS EE is worth at chemical fertilizer prices | in a small chamber, no: ° . $42.15 per annum. A dairy cow | kinds at one time. Ii We are making al specialty of Furnace weighing 1,000 pounds will produce | limitation it will pay a : 2 s A po to a value 7 $39 7 rn amd ice, pred py 3 Fri Lbs A arm carrying four horses, ten 1 small ice-Cuid su work and Stove repairs 17 £ Is co W3 and ten pigs of average weight | needs no care. In a pro. duces, if valued at retail prices for commercial fertilizers, $640 worth ©f manure in a year. The un- fortuna %: bart of it is that from $100 to $300 worth of soil fertility ele- ments are permitted to waste oun too article I will deal with a most common aud prac of small ice-cold siora farm.~--R. B. Graham, © Guelph, ® time of the vear. ession, and -- care to ie right pro- 2 4 larys ares of one ening at cas time 4, ey cult to Ww nal ; dle. -- J WW, : many farius each year. The next | Beet Growers (a Crow, 0. A. Colls igi i time you travel by auto or railroad Shortage of st Tra just take note while passing farm | terrors ior the A rich sweet syrup that ca for yall cooking purposes, a substitute for sugar, cun {rom sugar according investigations of the Feder.) ment of Agriculture and ¢ the Minnesota College of barns how much waste is going on through the careless handling or no attention being given to the animal manure.--L. Stevenssn, Secretary, Department of Agriculture, Toronto. Stumg Enrm mabe HEpstment ures an be . by proper anpe. pastures ia mwi- ditle 0 ppare, 10 the inte Ces, YVood for Fuel In Terms of Coal. fd et i ninusy spots j ture. A busi of good at : In heating value one standard nes te Ao with good Bogm. n ; as make from three to five pt cord vf well seasoned hickory, oak, syrup. The beets In the Ze. Fhe top beech, birch, hard maple, ash, elm, way Ost Some. 5 : o ; ; Banh mentioned should be cut A Lee 7 ¢ ; ' o locust (Ww cherry wood is appro&imate- | gjjo0s and put in a barre TG ponte an .w Bree OO monk 2 ea i or | eavy : [1] 18 ly equa. to one ton (2,000 pounds) boiler and covered wit and wire rope," 8 SRproviment fn of anthracite eocal, according to esti- United (fem Rid and allowed to stand for mates by the forest service, aour. e water should "he Case 10-20 is noted for ite eservye For belt work this tractor drives a 3 P Be & Agri BUTS: 4 5 ' TR 71 a" i 0) wer. Owners state that these tractors Case 20x36 thresher, fully equipped LR pe BE on > en cc that any 1 i: tivide the pasture tits Ls xtra hard plowing or for gra des. For all round use this tractor demands Cha et 2h a "2 5 iy as 25 aE Aap Th Weiss i ~ This 10-20 is recommended for pulling your careful consideration. It has long One cord of mixed wood, well sea- | 7 rare ie nit or sre rithout fail 7 s ; ; a ot) & hree 14-inch plows which it can pull proved its worth. It is economical in na i mn BR dass jars or tin cans dosed ven cynamune Is nn onl a ii ity n sod or stubble. operation, burning kerosene successfully. Aut 2 hat have been storwd reserve until the hed wosther d August - minous eccal You 3 It is built of the finest materials. get your mounzy's worth. Before you decide on your tractor, let | us show you the advantages of the Case fine. You'll then be better able to] judge. - It also handles other implements -sually requiring about six herses, such 8 two 7-foot binders, two 20 shoe grain rills, six section spike-tooth h arrow, 8 3 10 foot doubledise, harrow, ete, all [SEP fall " % Store Btart a Family L account Yohy Not » Bln ee ne tro broken Ui Ned and 1. ct tha Tie levers KE ROSENE TF :ACTORS Pe 8a1ely o fillers on F. tT. RIGNALL, i : £4 : arpey Oxarift, Unt g cil working paris. [F* ER ; g 2 ie on ol that will sive 'iw Tv, bon es Ea RG A a i ti sc

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