Dryden Observer, 27 Jan 1922, p. 1

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WF LAER 7 SCrv r . Volume XXIX. Dryden; "Ont, January 27 1922 Number 30 RAW FURS Ag usual we are Right There with More Money for your RAW FURS, i not convenient to bring or ship, a post card will bring our travelling buyer, Mr 'B. E. Blair, to you. He will cover your section regularly, and it will pay you to , be on the Joci-out for him. FORT Yn The Store of Quality and Service. THE "DRYDEN PHARMAGY J --------"" Try the New Tonic-- VIGOR ~ WINE is in a high degree a tonic, possessing invigorating qualities. able for persons 'convalesing, weak or lacking appetits. CONTAINS 'NO DANGEROUS ~ DRUGS. S---------- For All Stomach Treuble Adler-I- Ka = "Most throughly INTESTINAL CLEANSER AND ANTISEPTIC : Pleasant to take. Never causes' trouble. t ; o----h MAIL ORDERS ATTENDED. TO. Golden Star Ledge No 484 a AFKAMGR Vv Moots in the Masonic Hall, Dryden, 'the Second Tuesday of each month. _ Visiters' Cordially invited. D..BEID, wu, M. HUMPHREYS, Soe. pS MACHIN & TEASDALE Barristers, Solicitors, ote, IMPERIAL BANK BLOCK Box Chocolates- THE 4 Service, Cosy little CY " Highly desir- Tue Great Lakes Fur Trading Co. Ld. DINORWIC, Ontario. ; LONG LAC, Ont: F. C. BAKER for the winter. BE Car ark Special arrangements to store & overhaul motor- |boat & auto gas engines War Path The big gme on Tuesday night, Married versus 'Single, was a struggle of giants: At least that's about how it felt, and some of them aad a hard job getting around next morning. The gingle men were in slightly better con- dition for the scrap, but the married thet had the advantage of more ex- perience in that line. And it was some scrap, right from the drop of the hat. It made the fans grip the fence and yearn to get a hand in on the rough stuff. But the rink shanagers kept their weather eye open, and all the players managed to get off the ice without having to be carried feet first. But in a fast game any- thing's liable to happen, and I guess we'll be among those present at the next session. Dickson, Rachon and Hanley figured they could put it over, even if they are not married; but Wilson, Warren, Duncan and Adair showed them the advantages of experience in team- work, and forced them to be content with a tie--even if it were not a marriage tie, and the game ended with a score of 6 and half-adozen. They say the women are going to get on the ice next time and help their husbands. get married in time to protect them- selves are liable to get a severe taste of what married men have to live through when lovely woinan dons the Gat yourself a pair of SKATES them to. Prices te challenge Comparisen. Our {s in good working order. put in shape. H. WILLARD, Boot and amen Repairer. E varvbody knows leton's tic Capsule Rhee tron 0 SOLD BY gens EVANS The Popular Candy Shep CONFECTIONERY, SOFT DRINKS. "This little Store, se cenvenleatly situated, sad whoss ssrvies is se cheerfully given, is becoming the favorite shepping place of Cpe 'Opposite the Town Halk Charming Gifts: deluxe A. VERY LARGE VARIETY. Kodaks for the Young and the Old BEST OF ALL GIFTS. Pipes and Smokers' Sundries : A WIDE ASSORTMENT. Our new, dainty Tea Rooms are ready for booths, where one can enjoy the refreshing beverage with a friend in o Ladies especially will find snvenience, I .& Walters. frem H. Willard, also boots te fasten Skate Grinding Machine Bring us yeur Skates, and have ther. that in Censda there are mere hy asters prescribe them, tv drggiats il} sell them. Write ton, Terents. Dryden Pharmacy FRUIT} TORALCRD. these of our citizens whe live Im / the upper pertien of he Town ~ ~~ a ' war-paint. Dryden - Ontario cee ro IGNACE TRIMS LOCAL BOYS. : ; ; Before a wild and rather excited GET READY FOR THE crowd of hockey . fans, on Thursday pa NEW RINK. Te nd juniors goes oe : : ride of Drydén juniors to the dus ENJOY BS us YOU'RE by a score of 5-1, and on. their own ice. From the start to finish it was = hard fought game, and if Ignace been in a battle. : ; The first period ended "fast and furious with no score. The second was played with the teams using their subs, and ended with the score 4-0. The third period also started fast, but both teams were beginning to feel the strain. Dryden's solitary goal was scored by our brilliant centre forward 'Norman, alias "Fat"? McMillan. Al glory to Fat; he kept. the crowd in a good humour by his fancy, plays and his favourite stunts of falling down every once in a while, ~The brilliant players in the Ignace combination were Rhoades, Frenchy, McNabb, and goal tender Parker. The Dryden stars were Davidson, Hartnett, McMillan, St Pierre, and' Marshland. with the puck, but was able to walk allright. Cheer up, Tommy old boy; you arn't dead yet. 5 A. Craven gave general satisfaction as umpire, while Bob Stewart of Ig- nace acted as judge of play. Hencksl and Duncan acting as judges of goals, Dryden team was in good trim, but Ignace had them beat when they start- ed their famous combination. Our boys have that part to learn yet. A. Duncan is going to act as our man- 'ager and coach when we play them a return game. Then let Ignace; look 'out. We've just got to practica till 'we can beat that little bit of a jerk- water jown, So let's go! rr -------------- FUNERAL OF MRS MILLER. Many old friends 'attended the fun- eral of Mrs Wm. Miller last Wednes- day afternoon. - Service was held' in Dickson, after which a long line of Kvehicles followed the cortege to the '1 place of rest in Dryden Cemetery. W. I. WHIST DRIVE of entertainment, its success ig ifn- 'mediately assured. This axiom wds again in evidence at the whist drive given by the W. I. last week. Every- body who could posibly spare the time was present, and a pleasant time was had by all. Mrs H. Pronger won the lady's prize with 108 points, while Mr G. Deckert collected for the honour of luckiest gentleman. Mr A. Burton refused to let his evening be spoiled because he landed for the booby prize and everybody sat in to the delightful lunch in the best of humour. A short dance was given afterward, the music being supplied by. the big four, Mr F. Risegari, Mr Bartlett, Mr H. Adair and Mr F. Foulis, who yank mentalists in the district. H. A. Wilson has added anther snappy téan $0 his outfit. an ay So any singles who don't did win at least they knew they had" Tommy got a nasty. cut in' the face the family home by the Rev. S N. When ladies take hold of & mattér among the most accomplished : instru. Women On The Glengoland Steps to the Front LA A rousing time was spent at Glen- golan last Friday night by the big crowd of people from all over the district who responded to the invita- tion to come to he social. Dougald Kennedy, M.P., was the guest of the evening, and this being the first official meeting with his sup- porters since the final declaration of his notable victory, his welcome was correspondingly enthusiastic, A general program filled the happy hours, including dan¢ing under the lead of W. J. Robinson, backed by the support of the leading instrumental ists of the countryside. No one suffered unduly, even when such pro- minent performers as W, J. Martin, John Crerar, &c., inflicted a few well "chosen songs and speeches upon them «fortunately the baskets had all been disposed of and the money collected before this occurred. No ill effects have so for been reported. The boodle accumulated amounted to' the impressive sum of $62.25. "The cheerful spirit in which the vietims accepted their losses is highly creditable to them, and a matter of satisfaction to the promoters. Success to the U.F.O. the people who put the go in Glen-go-land. The Secret of long life The Tuxis Boy's Club invited their girl friends of Union Church S.S. to a toboggan party at Kerney"s Hill, Wednesday evening.' A most enjoy- able time was spent shooting down the steep hill for an hour, after which the whole arty adjourned to Mrs Ray's where a splendid supper was served. The menu was soup, chicken sandwich, raisin pié, 'bread and butter, coffee, and cake. One look &t the table was enough to break a boy's heart, to think 'he had only one stomach to fill when he wanted six! Out of the deep sorrow he felt the impulse to express his feelings in poetry, of which we herewith give the first stanza :-- 'Each boy a girl, each girl a boy, They all dug in with hearty joy; And shared the heavenly delights Of snowshoe given appetites. There is a future before a boy like this--writing for the agony column. Any boys of fourteen and over who wish to join the club see Vernon Black Bert Lott, or Ted Burgess. EE Drvden Agricultural Meets The annual, 'meeting of Dryden and district Agricultural Society was held hére on Saturday 21st January, the president, John Hutchison, occupying the chair. The financial report was read and approved of, the Society being shown in a healthy condition. The president congratulated the 'Society on the successful year they 'had, and spoke of the encouraging signs for 1922. The hearty support of the: whole district was behind the Society, and only thorough organiza- tion was needed to ensure the most successful year they had yet had. A motion was adopted that the So- oy affiliate with the national body. . 'A discussion took place as to whe- 'ther oats and clover, or oats and potatoes should be entered for the field crop competition. After several attempts had been made to reach a decision, the entrance of Mr Wright from Wabigoon gave the deciding vote to potatoes and oats, which two crops will this year be entered for competi- + tion, Officers for the year were appointed as follows:--John Hutchison, pres.; Wm. Tew, 1st vice-pres.; E. W. Wice, 2nd vice-pres. Directors--E. Tustain, H. Martin, A. Pitt, Chas, Morton, Jno Adams, Ine, McKay; Mes F. Risegari, Mrs D. Hoftehisoti, Mrs J. V. Johnson. D. Anderson wag dgain unanimously chbsen a8 Seérétary. On 4 motion of Mrs Risegri second- &d by Mts Johnson, it was agreed to appoitit D. Kennedy, M.P. Hon. Presi- dent of the Society. A. R. Hutchison, in regard for his long associaton with 'the Sotiéty, had the honour of being made. a guest of the Db. A. S. conferred upon him. -A vote of thanks to the auditors, H. Willard and W, J. Robinson, was en- thusiastically, carried, and they were 'again chosen to fill the important taskj« 'for the current year. 'A Directors idling will be called 'oh. Friday, 3rd February in the Town Hell at 8 o'clock. RAW HUDSON'S BAY Co. Oldest, Strongest, Best. or; FURS Our REPUTATION is the Oldest. Our PRICES are the Strongest. Our GRADING is the Best. Mail, Express or Bring your Raw Furs to us for Satisfaction. How about a pair of H. B. DINORWIC, Ont. Blankets? We have them! WALDHOF On January 16th the Waldhof far- mers' co-operative club ltd. held their annual shareholders. meeting. he annual report of the directors was read, which provides a purchasers dividend for shareholders of 4 p.c., while 5 p.c. on stock capital was adop- ted after minor discussion. A Board of Directors was elected, including the following gentlemen:-- T. Titze, L. Euler, A. Weiske, G. Kaufman, and N. Kraus. The chairman, Mr Titze, addressed the meeting, and in_ a few hearty words he thanked the old Board, and remarked that much of our success is possible only through the effective and unselfish work dome by the directors. He only hoped the new Board would do as good work, or still better. The Waldhof telephone system is taking real form. A Company will be formed and will take over the present private line, and will start a campaign for new subscribers.' WABIGOON.-- A masquerade ball will Le held here in Johnston's Hotel, on February 18th. Valuable prizes will be given. Admission for ladies is to please bring lunch, or pay 385c. Gent's 50c. Everybody welcome. FOR SALE Pe ?. Gamma d For Sale~--Sleigh Dogs, 2 yrs old. Apply L. H. DURFEY, Osaquan, via Ignace, Ont. Boat Bargani.--Boat, 26-ft. long, 5-ft. beam, 15-h.p. motor. Can be seen at Eagle River. Call on Mr Hampe. ; FOR SALE--About 6 tons of first- class Hay, loose. Also 6-lid, polished top, Dominion Range, with reservoir: and warming oven, in good cond tion. W. J. MARTIN, Oxdrift. MEN and WOMEN to sell to women in homes rubber-lined, waterproof Gingham Aprons, for use in the kit- chen. Can easily earn $14 daily and more. Rapid seller and ready demand. Send 5c. for sample apron and full particulars. Money refunded if sam- ple returned. BRITISH RUBBER COMPANY, 232 McGill Street, MON- TREAL. 2)2 FOR SALE BY TENDER. Tenders will be received by the under- signed up to February 15th next, for part of Lot 5, Con. 6, Township of Van Horde, lying West of the old Pioneer Farm and East of the River (reserv- ing the five acres in the Town Limits) consisting of 157 acres more or less. All good agricultural land, the pro- perty of D. Kennedy. | Terms:--one-half or more, Cash; balance on terms. The west or any tender not necess- arily accepted. J. E. GIBSON, Crown Lands Agent. It is remarkable the number of trips 'on business' that are found necessary bours. We assure our readers that the difficulty involved in obtaining a 'much-desired prescription in town has "nothing to do with the case." by some of our hardworking neigh-§ M. J. CROSIER General Merchant, OXDRIFT, Ont. dealer in ae Dry Goods Dreceriva Boots and Shoes Hardware and Farm Produce Agent for Yorkshire Insurance Company Frost & Wood and Cockshutt Implements J.E.GIBSON, NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER, &e. Agent for ) THE ROYAL FIRE INSURANCH COMPANY DRYDEN . ONTARIO L.O. L. DRYDEN LODGE No. 16954 meets the first Wednesday of each month, at eight p.m., in the Town Hall. Visiting Brethrem cer- dially invited. H. REHILL, Ree. Bes. J. E. HARRIS, W.M. L 0. 0. F. DRYDEN LODGE, Ke 471, meets at the Tewn Hall every 1st and 3rd Monday of each month at eight o'clock. R. MILLER, N.G. D. M. KENTNER, Rec. Sec. Visine Brethren Cordially Invited. eens F. B. LINDEN NOTARY, ET6. Conveyancing Collecting General Practice DRYDEN . ONTARIO HOUSES For Sale and Reuat --ALSO-- FIRE INSURANCE JAS. MGFADYEN, NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP NOTICE is hereby given that the, Partnership heretofore subsisting be- tween us, the undersigned, under the name of "Thos. W. Thomson & son" as General Merchants at the Village of Ignace, in the District of Kenora, has been this day dissolved by mutal con- sent. All debts owing to- the said partner. ship' are to be paid to Herbert 'Allen Thomson, at Ignace aforesaid, whe will continue on the said 'business, and all claims against the £aid. 'part nership are ta be presented. to the said Herbert Allan Thomson by hep the same will be sattled, ; Dated at Ignace, Ontario, this six- ! teenth day of January, AD. 1922, THOS. W.. THOMSON H. A. THOMSON FRANK TANNER, Withess, :

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