Dryden Observer, 27 Jan 1922, p. 4

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ERR enn eTOAT Parnes ap re gf A ES GL La Ws Hy ~ © DRYDEN OBSERVER Eg RE PT TT EE ER Lo swing to the great variety ol ons in my large stock I have found them impossible to cla 1s8ify, and therefore no iris. Store ; gi CY 8 | touch on matters which relate to On- § | taro just as much. He is. a very.in- AFR EEE © University of Manitoba Extension Work, January 21st, 1922. Rev. J. M. Beaton, Dryden. ; 5 = Farm Facts and Fancies. : (By The Hired Man) 'AS this is the first time that I have appeared iin print this year, I take the' opportunity of wishing everyone of Dear Sir--I have at last been able to work out a circuit to include Dry- den. Dr R. C. Wallace professor of geology, could give a lecture there on Tuesday, February 7th, his subject' {being "The development of the North- land," illustrated by lantern slides. Dr Wallace was for years commis- sioner for he Manitoba Government in northern Manitoba, and he knows all the recent developments in minng, fur-trading, &e., as well as a host of other interesting facts about that won- derful country. His lecture will not Le confined to. IManitoba, but will teresting speaker and I am sure would | . 3 1 provide a very enjoyable and instruc- "tive evening. EE B | 1 hope this date will be convenient 4 to you, and that- you will be able to ® make arrangements, El for your interest in our work us § very truly, Thanking you M. EDWARDS, a Assistant Secretary. The above letter explains * itself. : i Arrangements have been made to give Bl the above lecture in Union Church as fahove, at 8 o'clock in the evening. of Tuesday, Tih February. Adn nission of 250. will be charged, but.pr ovision is made to admit high school pupils days. PAPER MILL CRESCENTS SOON TO PERFORM BEFORE 'PUBLIC. FOE THE e------------ wf Dryden's Senior Hockey Club re- cently organized, and which for the past number of weeks have been put through a series of good stiff work- outs, will soon appear tors local enthusiasts, Considerable delay has A sl] owing to lack of equipment, but at last, thanks to the generosity of those bills will be issued. 'I confine myself to the very brief statement that the goods and values are well worth coming many 'miles to see. i It might mean some trouble "to call, but you will find the trip was worth it." ALFRED PITi DRYDEN, Ont. calied upon to assist financially, the style. tion of maroon. and vhite, with nicely designed crest bearing the letters £ P JM. Cl 9 The rew Club is headed by M. D. | Hambly as president. Johnny Wilson, master mechanic of Dryden Paper Co. | Alls the office of vice-president, and 4 ice. H. Adair, veteran ball player and manager of the local champion ball and with the assistance of Duncan, secy-treasurer, will handle the business affairs of the Club. Other players of note who will pursue the elusive puck are Joe Rochon, Dusty Warren, Bert Blair, Joe Hanley, Ox- val Jackson, E. Dickson, A, Duncan and others. ' to display their ability, and will be welcome to coive along. It will be 2 case of the best men holds the, job-- on shown to mobody. "he officers of the organization have | A no effort to try and give the {fans an exhibition of 'the famous national King of Winter Sports, and | the patronage of the public will be greatly apprecited. Watch closely for dates of games. © A Bear seen in the district the other day was nearly responsible for a call being serit for the police: regardng a breach of the O.1.A. But calmer in- vestigation established the fact that the ere wa. Ss potting» unlawful Bruin. i PHYSICAL CULTUR i cL ASSES Reg tilar classes in calisthenics will be institued for the benefit of girls in forms: iii, and iv. of: Dryden" Public Schoc)l. These will include: Swedish exercises from the syllabus of physi- cal fraining, and indoor games of all descriptions, such as dodge ball, vol- ley ball, pass ball, French tag, &c. 'Gymnasium exercises include jump- ing, skipping, running, Indian clubs, dumbbells, and interpretive exercises. | Character' and folk dances will also be 'included in the schedule. will be three-quarters of an hour for earth class every two weeks. : It has been decided 'by the Board that in future pupils from outside the Ssetion will be charged $10.0C the Public School, and $25. 00 in the natin School per year. 5 i tree. Tickets will be on sale in a fyw team are now in possession of a new | outfit which will set them off in grand y {watched by the farmers. The new uniforms are a combina- will also captain the players on: the: team, will fill the office of manager, Alex. Any players: who may show up for, workouts will be given an opoprtunity The time allotted for the exercises: 1 .also take the opportunity of apologising for the abseuce of this col- umn for some few weeks to those numerous enquiries missed it. What with the election, and its uncertainity of result, 'Xmas and' its .usual excitements, and then Municipal elections and. School Board time has passed so rapidly that I was in the new vear befora I realized if. First and foremost I must on behalf of 'the farmers and ethers in this district congartulate Mr D. Kennedy on his magnificant victory in the elec- tion. It was a clean fight from start to finish, ~ although but little known outside his own district, his election evidently expressed the determination of the people of this riding to have 'et least a cleaner and saner view of the life political. . Congratulations are also due to Mayor Pitt. The citizens of Dryden certainly make no mistake in their ideas of the proper man. to represent their views in municipal life, and look to him as the right person to lift their town out or that moribund state into which it seems to have fallen. That the Mayor and his new Council will infuse some new life and vigor into the civic life is the hope of the sur- rounding communities. - Whilst on the subject of Shintdipatie ties it is often thrown out as a sugges- tion 'to the farmers in the Oxdrift district, that they organise themselves. The matter has often been discussed, but always resolves itself into the question, as to what good would be got out of it. They look at the neighbouring orzenisations of Macin West, and Van Horne, on the cast. What bencfit have they derived? What becomes, of all the money raiesd each vear in taxes? Their roads and schools are no better than unorganised portions.t When the benefits ar tangible then organisations will natur- ally follow. on ue *. The development of the water-power north of Dryden will be: carefully It is the | only oné left in the immediate district and if power is to ke transmittad any- where surely the country folk should have as much chance in sharir? in it as the mines. As pointed out before in this column, Dryden's welfare de- pends not on mines or mills, but on a contented and prosperous country side, Take no heed to the farmers'. pleas for consideration in the power scheme and where will the tova be in a few years. OXDRIFT WANTS TELEPHONES At a representative meeting of the Oxdrift district, called for the purpose of considering the nstallation of a tel- ephone system, it was agresd to take {immediate steps lrading to the accom- plishment- of the same. Messrs Crosier Brignall and Corner were appointed a commitiee to meet the Dryden Muni- cipal Telephone Commission, to see if the' System might be extended to in- tude Gadrift. It was learned thal averal residents who are unable tc connect up with the line at present are willitiz to help ereet he poles, as iney know something of the value of mis utility in an emergency. The committee will report to a meeting at the Oxdrift co-operative store on the first of Foran Northern Developinont Branch. SEED GRAIN. NOTICE TO SETTLERS. Registered patentees or locatees may obtain Seed Oats and Wheat at the lowest cost price, not exceeding $100 in value for each settler. Forms of application may be ob tained from the Crown Lands Agent, or the District Representative of the Department of 'Agriculture, or fron the Northern Development . Branch, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. Applications fhust be properly filled in, and returnde to the Local Crown Lands Agent not later than March 1. 1922. Positively no ofders will be filled after this date, "= .BENIAH BOWMAN, Minister of Lands and Forests. Pariiod having seed grain to sell, communicate with M. F. Cook, Agri- i ftir ral Representative, Dryden, stat- ing the kind, price and guantity. readers "A Prosperous New Year." | who have been i two sections of approximat ely six and kind enough to say that they have: NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Tenders will be received by the under- signed up till noon on Wednesday the first day of February, 1922, for the cutting and burning of the Right of Way for the extension of the Kenora- Redditt Road from Sturgeon River to Redditt in the District of Kenora, 2 distance of 12% .miled, more or less, which distance is to be tendered for in a quarter (6%) miles each. Plans and specifications may be geen and forms of tenders obtained at the office of this Branch situated as follow: 'Keners Dryden Eme Fort William (239 Wort Amelia St.) or at the office of the undersigned. A marked cheque for One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) must accompany tender for each section. : The lowest of any tender not neces- sarily accepted. C. H. FULLERTON, Director. Northern Development Branch Parliament Buildings, Teronto, Ont. PARTNERSHIP NOTICE is hereby given that the Partnership heretofore subsisting be- tween us, the undersigned, as Saw Millers at Oxdrift, in the Township of Aubrey, in the District of Kenora, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent, All debts owing to the said partnership are to be paid to John Ellsworth Teets at Oxdrift aforesaid, who will continue on the said business, and all claims against the said part- nership are to be presented to the said John E. Teets and James Bullwer at Oxdrift aforesaid, by whom the same will be settled. DATED at Dryden, Ont. this First day of October, A.D. 1921. _JOEN. E. TEETS. JAMES BULLWER. F. BEVERLEY LINDEN, Witness. FARM FOR SALE. including March 1st, 1822, for S. % Lot 6, Con. 3 Wainwright Township, consisting of 160 acres more or less; 27 acres under cultivtion, 25 acres hay 2 acres plowed; frame building. No better quarter section in Dryden dis- trict. Clear title. Highest or any offer not necessarily accepted. Sealed offers to be left with Mr J. E. Gibson, Crown Lends Agent. ALEX. H. SKENE. C--O ------ Cr 300000000000 00000600000000 A.J.GARDINER § General Merchant EAGLE RIVER, ONT. AGENT FOR X Coskshutt Plow Co. Frost & Wood § Implements £ Sharnly's Crsaz Soparaters 'Raw Furs Bought and Sold 086046000000 000000000 R. Sweeney General Blacksmith Wood Worker Dryden Ont. EAGLE RIVER Applications for the position ef Clerk and Treasurer for the Municipality of Machin 'and unorganized portions of School . Sections, Nos. 1, 2, 3, at a salary of $175.00 will be received by the undersigned up to 6 p.m., Friday January the 27th. ALEX. TURNER, Clerk . TOWN OF DRYDEN Auditors : Applications will be received by the * a salary of $50.00 cach. J. E. GIBSON, NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF | Offers will be received up till and; TENDERS FOR WOOD EL Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned - 'up to February, 1st 1922, at six o'tlock, for the delivery of fifty (50) cords of Dry Tamarac wood four foot, to. be delivered and securely and properly piled on the School grounds befor the snow goes, ' The lowest of any tender not necess- arily accepted. J. S. GOLDEN, Sec-Treas. Dryden School Board. MUNICIPALITY OF VAN HORNE ASSESSOR Applications will be received by the undersigned up to six o'clock of Fri- day February third, for the position of Assessor of Van Horne Township, and Glengoland School Section, at a salary of $65.00. D. ANDERSON, Clerk. --------------TTSTTRIIA : nam FOR SALE--CUTTER, complete with shafts; in new condition. Team Har- pess. Truck with shaft. : Also about 20 pure-bred Plymouth Rocks. oe J. DURANCE, Albert St. Durandale Farm. A TB NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the estate of Peter Jones, late of the Town of Dryden, in the District of Kenora, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursu- ant to the Trustees' Act, R.S.0., 1914, Cap. 121, that all persons having any claims or demands against the late Peter Jones, who died on or about the 4th day of August, 1921, at Dryden, in the province of Ontario, are re- quired to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to the undersigned executor of the estate of the said deceased, their names and addresses and full partic- ulars in writing of their claims sad 8 statement of their accounts and the nature of the security, it ich held by them. And Take Notice: that after the 15th day of February 1922, the said executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased proportionately among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had nedtice, and that he will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim he shall not by {lien have received notice. J. E. GIBSON, : Executor. DRYDEN REALTY COMPANY (Opposite C.P.R. Depet.) Money to Loan ON' GOOD FARM PROPERTY. If you want to Buy er Sell Farm ov 2 | Town Property, we can help you. UL commas CALL AND SEE US. Be Life, Fire, Hail and Automobile Is surance. Conveyancing Boekkseping Stocks and Bonds bought and seld Agresments for Sale Disseunted ete, ote, ete. D. LANE, Manager. ----------------------esve ESD TAKE NOTICE that I will not be responsible for dehts contracted by any party other than my wife and my- self, and merchants sre hereby warned . to govern themselves accordingly. : WILFRED QUIRK Dryden, Ontario, 7 Bo NOTICE The books of the Dryden Cemetery Committee are about to be sudited. To allow this to be done satisfactorily, the committee ask that all parsens indebted to the Cemetery for lots, &e., will settle their accounts as soon as possible. Call or send cash or cheque to the Secretary. Mrs D. HUTCHISON. ----------------ee--y { NOTICE.--All milk dealers or persons ! selling milk, or other dairy products ,are notified that their licenses bx- undersigned up to. February 4th next,: ipired December, 31st. Every dedler for two auditors for the year 1922, at' ,or vendor must thetefore procurs & : {new license for 1922, otherwise he is liable to the penalties as provided im Towa Clerk. yore No. 123 of the Town of Dryden

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