Will be abzolutely Fresh Kille ALL SCRTS OF wolTRKHOLD HARDWARE ; 3 1 r shave of i og : ; Intl oh True were for convenience. Funnels, = applied on the 20 p.c. if the tender of us Se Ly Duy oar i or come in June. Subjet chosen--kHow 1y we ned 870.000 ana 3 11 ia gi Poy measures, scales, saueepans, ete, for ie Why should we hear of $70.600 206} 1 een our boys and girls ou th farm: sie wibchen, lanterns for the man of the house to light his way to the barn or down th: cellar. All first class in every respect except the price, which is decidedly low. |LAND FOR SALE than nine equal annual instalroents, with interest at 6 p.c. per annum. SEach tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque for 10 p.c. of the tencer offered. This amount will In the event of a tender of a ve- turned soldier being accepied, no ad- vances will be granted him for Stock and Equipment or Permanent Im- provements under the Soldier Settle- ment Act, 1919. Tenders will be opened February 28th, 1922, The highest or any tender not ne- cessarily accepted. If the land is not seld en the date "hove mentiloned, the 1 i tion will naturally Yow, i fully watched by '{ the only Farm Facts and Fancies | Dryden Agricol ural Society Meeting arenas -- of the Board ofDirectors of the Dry- Agricultural ove date. President J. Hutchinson presided; Members present, Mrs. Johnston, Mrs Risigarri, J. McKay, Wm. Tew, and Chas. Morton. Tew-Iorton--That the Ara for Seet. Bond: five be paid. Tew-Morton--That the following el ause be py to Tak Seven: Any 'gestion to the farmers in the Oxduift district that they organize themselves The matter has often been discussed, but always it resclves itself into the question as to what good would he got out of it. look at the neighbouring organizations of Machin on the west and Van Horne on the east: what benefit have they derived? What becmes of all the money raised each year for ta pony Their roads and » than those in ed 1 <, When the bene- fics Se me tangible, then organiza- Society met on the ab- They or rived of all the prize money taken at the fair. Morton-Mrs. Johnston--That, Wice, Tew and McKay, be a committee to go over the Prize Test for Stock, Veget- ables, ete. McKay-Tew---That Mrs. Hutchinson Mrs. Risigarri, and Mrs. Johnston be a committée to go over Prize Test for iadies work. Wice-Morton--That President Me- Kay and Secetary be a committee to lock after specials and finances in con nection with the fair. Wice-Tew--That the fair be held water «1 we power north of £ Dry den one left in the immediate district and if power is to be trans- mitted anywhere, surely the country : folk Shorts Soe as much cha nce in i sharin out before this a r - | welefave depends not on the i mills, but on a contented and pros- rames G: 'nor yet at i who i3 © ing to do a dollar job wilh fen cents Thousands of dollars have geuze out of New Ontario for the benefit o: Olid Ontario and it is up to every ons bac 'Jogging along in a Rut." Mrs. H. Patemnan showed samples of needles used over a hundred years AC 1% was decided t have a lady speak- $30.000 being paid for one nile o: road down cast, and thew think ocur- selves well off if we get a amount for a di that would make a big county in itself, This ic where every formers ul on Teta tion, and every corporation, every Council and School Bord it get busy and send petitions asking this more money be spent on the roads in New Ontario. Mrs. Lenard Pateman gave the See. Treas. $37.00 as a gift from the "Willing Workers Club" towards the Memorial Fund. Miss Gladys Salton gave $12.00 as a gift from the Happy Thought Club also to be added to the Memorial Fund. The total amount raised for the War Memor:al Fund up to dale was © $239.06. Ay BiIlial strict FORSALE atin ene 110 x 88; cement with steel fittings. Close to Kenora, 40 acres cleared and 40 pasture; balance woodland. 5-roon frame Poy clay loam soil.--Apply A. R. ASCOUGH, Kenora FOR SALE--CUTTER, complete with shafts; in new condition. Team Har- ness. Truck with shaft. Alse about 20 pure-bred Plymouth Rocks. or J. DURANCE, Albert St. Durandale Farm. Boat Bargani.--Boat, 26-ft long. 5-ft. beam, 15-h.p. motor. Can be seen at Eagle River. Call op Mr Hampe. MEN and WOMEN to ssll to women in homes rubber-lined, waterproof Gingham Aprons, for use in the kit- (By The Hired Man) DAIRY FARM FOR SALE |" oe iid ari $16 guy and WHILST on the subject of municipal-{ pPRYDEN, Feb. 18th.--A meeting | 131 acres, with the only Soll -fnodern | Sore. JSBDIC Setar an Tear Jonna ities, it is often thrown out as a sug- : 2 Dairy Barn in this section of Ontario, Send 75c. for sample apron and full particulars. Money refunded if sam- ple returned. SRTTISH RUBBER TSOMPANY, 23% Mcfsl* Street, MON- TREAL. 22 FARM FOR SALE, Offers will be received up till and including March 1st, 1922, for S. % Lot 6, Con. 3 Wainwright Townzhip, consisting of 160 acres more or less; 27 acres under cultivtion,°25 acres hay 2 acres plowed; frame building. No Letter quarter section in Dryden dis- trict. Clear title. Highest or any offer not necessarily accepted. Sealed offers to be left with Mr J. E. Gibsen, Crown Lands Agent. ALEX. H. SKENE. The Busy Store Oats for 'for the U. F. 0. and we about 400 bushs for disposal. Price G3kc perous country side. Take no heedj Jeptember 21 and 22. {of the fo ner's pleas for een Tew-Morton--That we adjourn to "THE SOLDIER R SETTLEMENT 'ation 'n the power scheme and where f he call of the Secretary. 4 1 > c veara BOARD oF CANADA will a) town be Ina few yeais . A i The influx of new settlers during 2 ; I J vn i . Offers for Sale eo pe ga 0 We gust renee ells anew OXDRIFT acies, more or less, being the N. bi $ part ot Lot 20, cod 5 nto Twp ie Tl be paid to opening "Jogging along in a Rut" To Farmers H 3 "1 ALL. rT 1 3 Le 5 : sew roads. The road policy 0% The members of Oxdrift Women's iy in the District of Kenora. Tu | ke th The terms of sale are 20 p.c. of i j Cor ermrent is not keep ng wi . tute met at the home of Mrs. 3. purchase price in cach on acceptance, [Hsin i J IE Jorzer, Thursday, Feb. 16th. f tender, the balance in not erg) oman Cl a Mrs. T. H. Lewis gave a paper on We ar bh ii dli { ; C I -1 d oF tenner, ec are handling a Car=-load o Sced still have :1r left in the car per bushel = : Tal ke 2 se: the west half . Treas. was instructed to pos : 18} f Ticard wil be prea to val ies Take typ len] eas se: the wes Sec Joon was instructed to post apotl cas n 0 ear RR 5 of Thon Tewachip--apart from ihe notices calling a meeting for those in| Weaie shi ile To Ia Be fii main at {wenty years less than] favor of a Community Hall : it is fin lisp ; : } 7 ' . : Fos ure Framing Tenders should be in plain envel- six miles of road have been bb The next meeting of the W. I. will salioha Gypsum Hardwall and Wood Fibre, 1c. : : i opes marked "Tender for the purchase of, &c." and addressed to the DISTRICT SUPTRINTHNDENT, SOLDIER SETTLEMENT BOARD, ws Dated at Tor >, February 1922. be held at the home of Mrs. Lenard Pateman on Thursday March 16th. when our Junior Members will take the programme. where th rty-six miles are laid out in; the surveys; and yet there is mot a vacant lot to be located in the town- 'ship. At this rate of progress the year 2000 id th gi lines at leas must think w Oxdrift Brevities 5 easy, or else we should i Miss Marshall of Hamilton, Out.: a ! Will arrive in about a week or ' ten days. Ep -- i Development Branch. have been Sing "Home Rule for, who taucht in Oxdrift School Tour ha 5 ARMS i N & £ Hy I Norihern Development Branch have re g who taught in Oxdrift School iouy; EY » 8 21 il Bl "Ol RR SEED GRAIN. Ontario" long ago. _ | vears ago, is spending her holidays} See our D1 y Goods Window next rei erie : NOTICE TO - SETTLERS. to Dr ri shopping | with Mrs R. Skene, ] +he a we ek fay T thing in Ladies wv re Rid, ww BR RAS A Registered paientces or locatees He {aa ¥ oye Gravelling muskegs Letween Minn- iy © obtain Seed Cats and Wheat al the , , {| taki and Dryden is the wrking orde:' Co Aeon or i Seog Te C 1 A a oA y they i fi i® é 1 ¥ NE > lowest cost price, not exceeding $10U) © 7. 4 of the day, while the Community Hall, J sets, ii is Ls0NS oiour 13 ¢ i i ' ; 5 all right if one has f ards | in Son ; % » in value for each settler. 2 cord J | takes no back seat in being the talk-i Pi k ¢ %: Forms of apolication may be ob Sg EE ing order. ! rin RP ¥ ° : : ao AT r 5 nn 5 Lhevopoiz § vor T fs tained from the Crown Lands Agent |. | ot : ; ike ; 5 3 sly ped Livers ¥, ACGRS ET 2 the District Fepresentative of the those who are ; Thos. H. Lewis of Oxdrift has suc-} MAIL CRDERS SCLICITED. y a 4 3: > pe t £ EIR #1 from ither stroll Zot the 5 & ceeded in winning 1st. prize for Al-: Hr : and $v Deporuent BL ETI . }sit in the station. An SS i gilke Seed 1st. prize © nd £ oe 2° the Northern Development Branch. Ne ts ovis] oo i iil 0% pe or Cold Rain hy 2 this is provided ir © 2 Oats ss & : ai £ Oats at Ottawa Winler Falr, receiv-, " Fy chasis rg Bars 2 Parliament Buildings, Toronto. District Representative, next 1 5 oe $55.00 for his Oat t 2 yaw # 21 Applications must be propesly filled | Bank. Hexo is a nice warm, cosy ie opie of ' DEPR Sa , 2 a i in, and returnde to the Local Crow: Ach o ety of > : "S51 Winners-- 5: . gh 21a with (a3) hn al Tr yy 24 Lands Agent not later than March 1, Tp | 1st. prize T. H. Lewis Oxdrift Imp. i DRYDEN = ONT. H 1922, A no orders will be syle chef 2 desired, Mr Cool is Gold Rain, $30. : @ y ready and willing to converse on any- | , est ? 3 : er x , filled after this date. 2nd. prize Doug. A. Cumming Oxdyrifl oy PIE POR GHD rte] BENIAH BOWMAN, Minister of Lands and [ore 1H T ine. He felis nine fashions thing in the agriculturs however, that fer are strictly taboo. One of tl Russell Irish White, $27.00 2rd. prize Yi hI) Bain ne Mountjoy Irish White, $24.00 i Burketon ~ i! i [ t A By Parties having seed grain to sell Notary Publie { communicate with M. F. Cook, Agr Conveyancer, Hig. | cultural Representative, Dryden, stat- Lid TRY Ne @umt ing the kind, price and quantity. R. H. PRONGER, he troubles and trials of an| and several other competitors. zditor is the receiving of anonymous: communications. The signing of one': name to a leiter does not necessarily mean the publication of the name: Pp Mr Lewis also car ried of first prize Zor Gold Rain Cats and first prize for. Potatoes in the year 1919 at Ottawa hut is only an earnest of good faith Winter Fair. : and a means of protection for the] "FFF ESTEE mem rices u in 1a sublisher. Sometimes it is really good! MUNIC TPALITY or VAN HORNE matter that is sent in, but having ne ASSESSOR Avplications will he received by the undersigned up to six o'clock of Tri- day, February 24th, for the position of Assessor of Van Horne Towpshie, name attached, it finds its Way into ihe waste paver bask Or the other hand, some Inc 4 grudge or a bit of spile, FARM MACHINE ERY and IMPLEMENTS, Here are some of them-- 1921 Price 1922 Price ; F d Q 4 av SL Ee I Hr § @ ol DIC RED BOBSLEIGH .. $6500 82560 |mm wie ibcnt soo or Gio Sh sim + Wi AGS @Y = HANES 5 9 0 n villous or libellous ter whieh if}, 8 Lay bar 103. 00 54. 0 nublished would mean litigation or lary of £75.00 ANDERSON, Clerk. ord in CRAM CRT 4350 21.50 sail for the publish QL 7 . 'he letter doubt hf ME 01 3 hecause it does not f SAW FRAME BREE 69.00 33.50 FOR SALE. Ten acres fine garden | Sieighs fi tj land (fenced), -mile from T : WO $10, QA W FRAME "ns . 40.00 22.50 ssue, and Le puis up a cry about LD ar FI i Tom tn ; 5 . Int ouritism in the ross, IMoral--i D. Spray Degdes : Come and ece our cord-wood SAWING CUTETT. }you are ashamed of your name, dont] = 8 that always stand the test write to the papers. NB. iy Hired Man ALWAYS signs his name to his notes. Although this is the hardest week chat has been experienced in this dis- trict--I don't mean in severe weather --the co-operators are full of cheery optimism as to the future. Judging by the stories that are in circulation some individuals must be using up quite a large amount of grey matter in their efforts to mak;e the business look futile. So far the story goes that the store building is to be used as a Community «Hall, ancther story is that it is to be the Oxdrift Church , another that it is the Farmers Folly. Ragas ring Customer: "You say this hair res- i x torer is very good, do you?" Druggist: "Yes, sir. I know a man who took the cork out of a bottle of this stuff with his teeth, and he had a moustache next day." Fri, complete pak newest type engine, $165.00 | + ll Ready to use. Our Machine Shop is still running, and offers Service in all kinds of Repair Work. - Auto & Engine Repairs. Turning & Fitting. Repairs to Gramophones, Sewing Machines, Cycles, &c. Yurance Bros. Auto Garage CHEVROLET & McLAUGHLIN Motor i Ono> set Double Harness, in good Condition. FARM FACTS---continued. ability as a home for inebriates, nor yet as a last refuge of those whose whose brains have given .way under the strain of inventing yarns, but that the Co-operators have no mis- givings is shown in thé fact that they have placed an order for a carload of Seed Oats, and that the whole load was sold before the order went out. Anyway things will be humming be-| LL, Dryden Grown Baled Hay Na RSE The oid Massey Harris Stand f II BIACK. Avent a en S10 ap oot Yb IE Y= SN PRR WL