Dryden Observer, 18 Apr 1922, p. 2

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to better times. . maintained. ALL THAT is GOOD The Road To Success In a letter received orn ly from a Saskatchewan farmer, in which he outlined the rather disastrous results of his farming operations during the season of 1921, particular reference was made to the damaging effect of the wet weather which prevailed around threshing time, and which, he sald, was the finishing touch and converted what promised to be a profitable year's work into an actual loss. But, he concluded, "the rains which caused me so much loss this year put the soil into great shape for next year!" It is not always easy to look for and find the silver lining to the dark clouds which overhang and threaten disaster, but it is nevertheless the sens- ible thing to do. Worry has ruined many a person and killed many others, but worry never yet helped anyone nor advanced them along the path to hap- piness and prosperity. The farmer quoted above had the right idea. What had happened, had happened. It was past and gone, and could not be helped. Let the dead past bury its dead! But all was not loss. That which had resulted in immediate loss had nevertheless laid the foundation for future gain--if one had but the optimism and courage to hold on and take advantage of it. : This should be the spirit of the men and women of the West today on 'the threshold of another season of activity in the banner industry of the West. There have been hard times, but there is no reason why hard times should continue. Hard times, it should be remembered, is not the chronic condition of this country, but the exception. By the exercise of courage and industry the people of Western Canada can quickly bring about a rapid 'and complete transformation if they but emulate the farmer we have quoted and set to work in 1922 just as if the past year had been all that anyone could have desired it to be. : This year should see all our people, in city and country, taking their courage in both hands and setting to work with determination and a will to succeed. There should be nothing timid in the way the opportunities which another season presents are grasped. A letter received from a second farmer contains the ringing declaration that he is going to seed the largest acreage this year he ever put in, because, he says, he needs the largest pos- sible return he can get from this year's labor to offset last year's losses. That's the spirit which defies and in the long run makes failure impossible. By this we do not mean that every farmer should seek to put the last possible acre into crop. Unless the land has been properly cultivated and prepared it would be inviting disaster to do so. But we do mean that the fact of last year's losses should not discourage anyone from going ahead as they would have done had the out-turn of the 1921 season proven satisfactory. Fvery man in city, townand country who is in a position to do so "should not only work himself bul should courageously proceed to provide as much work as he possibly can for others. If everybody will only stop talk- ing hard times and courageously set in motion the one little wheel he himself controls, it will not be long before the revolving of the many little wheels here, there and everywhere will start the larger wheels of industry and com- merce revolving all over the country. Starting slowly at first, they will in- crease their speed and the momentum thus gained will, in a space of time so brief as to prove positively startling, provide work in abundance for all. Canada has plenty of assets, and Western Canada particularly so. . The only thing lacking at the moment is confidence; an indomitable courage to zo ahead. The Canadian dollar which has for 'so long been at a discount, has rapidly gained -during the past few weeks and is now almost at par. The British sterling is steadily climbing upward. Sure signs of a return The world's needs are as great, or greater, than ever be- fore... All Canada is suffering from a lack of housing accommodation. Yet we have the lumber in abundance and the workmen to build. Confidence and courage would soon put this army of artizans at work and one of the Dominion's pressing needs would be met. _ Taxation is heavy, but that cannot be helped. It is the price we are pay- ing for the continued liberty and civilization we enjoy and which was endan- gered a few short years ago. Our liberty and civilization is beyond all price, and is worth much more than we are now called upon to pay for it. And these taxes are only burdensome because as a people we are not producing 5 sufficient amount in excess of them. The cure for the. ills of today is not fault-finding, theorizing or worry. It is constructive hard work that will put the world right. It is not the men who are working hard who are complain- ing or threatening trouble, but the men who want to work and cannot obtain employment. Therefore, let every citizen go to work to create work in order that there may be employment for all Only so can good times, the desire and hope of all, be brought about and The worker is happy; the idler never. Discontent prevails, not in the busy home and community, but in the slothful one. Therefore, Canadians, to work and see to it that work is provided for all. Law Declared invalid The North Dakota law regulating grain inspection and purchase has been declared invalid by the supreme court, which upheld the court of ap- peals for the eighth circuit, holding the law in conflict with federal stat- utes and an interference with inter- state commerce. TRY THEM IN YOUR GARDEN DE LUE'S GOLDEN GIANT New York Head Lettuce SWEET CORN, one io two weeks A leader as a summer head lettuce. Pkt. 10c. oz. 50c. 2 ozs. 85c. post Report is Denied Official and categorical denial that the French language papers had been instructed to publish nothing more about the case of Rev. Father De- lorme, under arrest on a charge of murdering his half-brother, Raoul, was given by L. J. Faris, publisher of La Patrie. earlier. Ear half as long again and Go 12 to 14 rowed where Golden Ban- pu. tam is 8 rowed, Better quality, more BRUCE'S SPECIAL FLORAL productive. Pkt, 25¢c. ¥1b. 40c. %1b. 65c. 1 Ib. $1.00 postpaid. NEW ALBINO TOMATO. Pure white in color, containing no acid * Pkt. 25¢. postpaid COLLECTIONS = in Asters, Sweet Peas, Tall and Dwarf Nasturtiums, Floral Gems. © Pkts, in each, 50c. each postpaid, FARMERS, LOOK! Hubam Annual White Blossom Sweet Clover. It is the greatest fertilizing plant known, a wonderful hay and pasture crop, and unsurpassed as a honey producer. 11b, $2.10. 101Ibs. $18.50 poripei Write for copy of our big catalogue. Free for the asking, JOHN A. BRUCE & CO. HAMILTON, LIMITED CANADA ESTABLISHED 1850 "SEEDS THAT GROW" 5 246 | | mean pure blood. Opening Dates of Mountain Resort Hotels Rocky Mountain Resorts ~~ Range Amongst the Most Picturesque in the World | The opening dates of resort hotels > the s 1522, as an: by the Canadian Pac ific Rail- as follows: i} } mer season, nf ings Hotel LL... May 1 Boloat Laake Louise rald Lake Chalet a » House In addition Wapta Lake Camp ati Hector, B.C., and Windermere Camp | at Invermere, B.C, will open. June, 15th. These resorts in the Canadian Paci- fic Rockies are of wo wide fame, ranking among the most picturesque | in the world, and are visited each | season by thousands of tourists from all parts. L June 15] A silk thread measuring between 600 and 700 yards in length may be unwound from a silkworm cocoon. ROSY CHEEKED HEALTHY WOMEN Know the Full Value of Rich, Red 'Blood Robust, -healthy, red-cheeked wo- men seldom worry. Their condition of mind and body is such that they can rise above the causes that bring melancholy and brooding. It is the woman with weak, watery blood who is thrown into nervous unrest by lit- tle annoyances that grow so great in the imagination that it seems as if she must scream to relieve her feelings. A woman's health quickly fails her when her blood becomes thin and weak. The stomach is disordered and all appetite vanishes. The nerves lose their strength and so sleep is not regular and does not refresh the body. A state of weakness arises that in- creases gradually and gives further cause for worry. Good blood is neces: sary to every woman who has grown pale and weak, and in this condition Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will be found of great benefit, because they enrich and purify the blood. Women who are anaemic, suffer from indigestion, palpitation, headaches and nervous -attacks will find new strength through a fair use of these pills, Among the women who have proved the value of" this medicine is Mrs. Enos Levy, Hac- kett's Cove, N.S. who says: "About two years ago I began to fail in health and was very weak. My constitution was all run down, and my blood was weak and watery, as was manifest every month. I had heard of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and what they would do for the blood, and being in such a low condition I decided to try | them. By the time I had finished the fourth box I found to my delight that! 1 was a great deal stronger, and my blood a deep red color. 1 have a Ioi|g4 of work to do besides taking care of my little one, and with my good health I enjoy it, and I can truthfully say I owe this condition to Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills can be ob- tained through any medicine dealer, or may be had by mail, post paid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. An express train has been beaten by twelve minutes by an eagle which raced it over a distance of 18 miles. He Has No More Pains in the Back NOW SINGS THE PRAISES OF DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS Saskatchewan Man Who Has Found New Health and Gained Twenty Pounds in Weight Recommends Dodd's Kidney Pills. Wakaw, Sask. -- (Special).--Simon Gawluk, a well-known and respected resident here is a sworn friend of Dodd's Kidney Pills. He has tried them and found them good. "f am more than thankful that I was led to use Dodd's Kidney Pills Mr. Gawluk states. "I had backache and after using Dodd's Kidney Pills 1 grew much stronger and I gained twenty pounds in weight. "Now I am very thankful to say I have no more backache ana I recom- mend Dodd's Kidney Pills to every: one." - That Mr. Gawluk's trouble came from the kidneys is evidenced by the relief he got from Dodd's Kidney Pills. They are purely and simply a Kidney remedy. They heal and strengthen the kidneys and put them in shape to strain all the impurities out of the blood. Sound kidneys Pure blood means good health. Ask your neighbors if Dodd's Kid- ney Pills do not make sound kidneys. Eastern States Getting B.C. Fish In a single day fifteen carloads of fish passed through Winnipeg from Prince Rupert, B.C., bound for New York and other eastern United States points. The Belgians ars looked upon ag the greatest potato eaters in the world, and the Irish come second. Protect the child from the ravages of worms by using Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. It is a stan- dard remedy, and years of use have enhanced its reputation. The silkworm moth hag been cul: tivated for more than 4,000 years. Minard's Liniment prevents Spanish Flu. W. N. U. 1410 THE OBSERVER. DRYDEN. ONTARIO. | Culicura Coplotins Are Usually Healthy The daily use of the Soap prevents clogging and irritation of the pores, the usual cause of pimples and blackheads, while the Ointment soothes and heals. Cuticura Talcum is delicate, delightful, distingué. Soap 25¢. Ointment 25 and 58¢. Taleum 25¢, Sold throughout the Dominion, CanadianDepot: Lymans, Limited, 344 5t. Pagal St.. W., Montreal, Cuticura Soap shaves. without mug, Alberta Good Reads Good Roads Board Will Have Super- . vision Over Work Under the terms of a Highway Bill that is to be introduted into the Al- berta Legislature at the present ses-| sion, a good roads board will be form- ed consisting of a highways commis- sioner, the deputy minister of public works and three other members to be appointed by the government. It will! be the duty of this board to see that road building is standardized accord-| ing to the best modern methods and | that the construction is properly supervised. The roads are to be classed as main highways, market roads, local roads: and colonization roads. Catarrhal Conditions Catarrh is a local disease greatly influ- enced by constitutional conditions. It therefore requires constitutional treat- ment. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is taken internally and acts through the Blood upon the Mucous Surfaces of the System. HA1I'S CATARRH AH MEDI- CINE gives the patient strength by im- proving the general health and assists Nature in doing its work. All Druggists. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio. Western Provinces Show Increase In Sheep Pure-Bred Animals Were Sold Farmers Last Year - To encourage farmers in Saskatche- wan to raise more sheep, upwards of to | 4,000 grade ewes and over one hun- dr ed pure-bred rams were sold to far- mers in the province last year by the Provincial Department of Agriculture. During 1921 the three western prov- inces showed an increase in the num- ber of sheep, as well as Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, while the four central provinces reported de- creases. If one be troubled with corns, he will find in Holloway"s Corn Remover an application that will entirely re-; lieve suffering. Assurance Company Celebrates Jubilee Business in Force of Sun Life Now Over Five Hundred Millions The figures which have been sub- mitted to the public by the Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada bear eloquent testimony to the fact that the Canadian public have adhered closely to their traditions of thrift, through a period of trade depression and widespread readjustment, The volume of assurance borne upon the books of the Company has reached the enormous figure of over $536,000,000.00. The total income from premiums, interest and other sources is far in excess of anything hitherto earned. At the present mo- ment it is considerably more than $100,000 a day for every working day of the year. No less a sum than $11,967,069.00 was paid -to policy- holders or their beneficiaries during the year, which brings the amount paid out since the Company's founda- tion in 1865, up to $114,155,003.00. A striking expansion of the Com- pany's assets is another significant fact. A surplus is disclosed of $10, 383,909.00 over all liabilities and capi: tal stock. This surplus, both in fact and proportionately, marks the year that has just closed as being pheno: menal, even in the history of a con- cern which has been busily engaged in breaking records for over half a century. Only one-third of the world's pop- glation is white. A Health Saving Rennie DON'T WAIT until you get the SPANISH INFLUENZA MINARD'S LINIMENT At the first sign of it. Its Healing Qualities are Amazing. THE OLD RELIABLE Authorized Biography of a Great Statesman and Fascinating Personality In "Life and Letters of Sir Wilfrid 1 Laurier," by Oscar Douglas Skelton | (8. B. Gundy, Toronto), there has been added a most valuable contribu- tion to the literature of Canada. To many people historical and biograph- ical works have a strong appeal, and there is a peculiar fascination in the life story of this remarkable Cana- dian. Sir Wilfrid Laurier was per haps the greatest statesman that Can- | Life of Sir Wilfrid Laurier one of the most alluring personalities. The book tells us that he was born at St. Lin, a little village north of Montreal, on Nov. 20, 1841. Then follows in detail the story of his early life, his student days and ambitions. After studying law and entering the legal profession it was a short and natural step to the commencement of the fulfillment of his political aspira- tions. Very interesting is the his- tory of his earlier political struggles, -and even in those days he showed promise of becoming prominent in the public life of Canada. One wonders that such a concrete and complete history of the long political life of the "Liberal Chieftain" could be crowded into two volumes. Most of the im- portant letters and papers covering the period from: the time he 'entered on his political life until its close are embodied in this work. Not the least interesting are the number of illustrations, including a number of Li known photographs, which have never before been published. Mr. | Skelton has produced a book which 'will provide Canadians with a better understanding of one whe was a faith- ful servant of his country and an out- standing figure in the political history of the British Dominions. Furs From Far Nerth in Successful Season Trappers arriving from Fort MeMur- ray say that furs are very plentiful in the north, and in addition to the usual run of pelts many choice silver and cross foxes are being received at Ed- monton. Similar reports come from the north as far as Chipewyan and Fitzgerald, and next week a string of dog teams will arrive in McMurray from Chipewyan laden with furs. Trappers One of the most effective vermi- fuges on the market is Miller's Worni £. Powders. They will not only clear the stomach and bowels of worms, but will prove a very serviceable i medicine for children in. regulating it in a healthy condition. There is nothing in their composition that will injure the most delicate stomach when directions are followed, and they can be given to children in the full assurance that they will utterly destroy all worms. 5 Traces of many diseases still pre- valent have been found in mummies -3,000 years old. : Minard's Liniment for the Grippe and Flu. Veterans Enjoy Buffalo Steaks Buffalo steaks were enjoyed, after a berta veterans of the old Royal North- West Mounted Police at their annual reunion in Calgary on February 9. eral Government from the Wainwright, Alberta. park at DANDERINE Stops Hair Coming Out; Thickens, Beautifies. 35-cents buys a bottle of "Dander ine at any drug store. After one ap- plication you cannot find a particle of dandruff or a falling hair. Besides, every hair shows new life, vigor, brightness, more color and abundance. Wools Cotton Root Compound, A safe, veliable repuinting 'medicins, Sold in three dee i joes of girscptherts 1, §1¢ , $3; No. 3, §5 per box. Sold by all druggists, or sent repaid om receipt of price. red pamphlet. Address § {THE COOX MEDICINE CO, TORONTO, ONT. (Fermerly Windser.) BOOK ON DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Mailed Free to any Address by the Author H. CLAY GLOVER | CcoO., 129 West Courth Street, New York, U.S.A. America's Pioneer Dog Remedicd ada has produced, and in any event Northern Alberta Have) "the infantile system and maintaining: long absence of this dainty, by Al | The buffalo was supplied by the Fed-| Yor can relish your weals without feat of upsetting your liver or stomach if you will 4 put your faith in{ =p Carfer's Litile Liver Pills. Foul accumu- lations that poison the blood are ex- E : pelled from the nn and nL dizziness and sallow ekin are relieved, 'Small Pill -- Small Dose -- Small Price Main Street Mad Gothamite.--I understand the town vou come from figured in a recent novel. Was the author born there. Visitor.--Yes; and if he ever shows up again he'll di¢ there. Mother! Open Child's Bowels With California Fig Syrup Your little one will love the "fruity" taste of "California Fig Syrup" even if constipated, bilious, irritable, feverish, or full of cold. A teaspoonful never fails to cleanse the liver and bowels. In a few hours you can see for your- self how thoroughly it works all the sour bile, and undigested food out of the bowels and you have a well, play- ful child again. Millions of mothers keep "California Fig Syrup'? handy. "They know a tea- spoonful today saves a sick child to- morrow. Ask your druggists for gen- uine "California Fig Syrup" which has directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother! You must say "California" or you may get an imitation fig syrup. "Pa" "What, my son?" "If the disarmament conference succeeds will it be illegal to keep a scrap book?" Sweeten the Stomach MONEY "ORDERS Send a Dominion Express Money Order. They are payable everywhere. = CANADIAN GRAIN TRADE YEAR BOOK A new publication giving full detail of movement, prices, exports, etc., of Canadian Grain and Flour... Also im- portant data on chief grain exporting and importing countries. Limited number of copies only $1.00" each.--DEPT, B, W. Sanford Evans Statistical Service, 171 McDermot Ave., Winnipeg, Man. INVENTIONS Send fer lat of inventions wanted by Manufac- Igoere, Fortunes have b: ideas, HAROLD C. SHIPMAN & CO. PATENT ATTORNEYS BLAC esn made {rom simplas "Patent Protection' bookiet on requesi. 231 BANK STREET OTTAWA. CANADA 100% PROTECTION FOR LIFE from one vaccination with Cutter's Liquid or Solid Blackleg Aggressin. Abso- lutely safe. Cutters Solid Ageres- sin Injectors work just like Blackleg Pill Injectors. If Cutter's Aggressin is unobtainablelocally, write The Cutter Laboratory' "The Laboratory that Knows How" Berkeley (U.S.License} California N.B.--Old Style Powder and Pill Vaccines still made. for those who prefer them. This guaranteed health tonic costs you nothing, the hens pay forit in ~ eggs. It supplies Nature's egg-making elements. / Prats Poultry Regulator ADVICE FREE. Let us help you Pratt Food Co. of Canada, Ld. Toronto Specify "Imperial" Linotype "Imperial" Stereotype "Imperial" Intertype "Imperial" Monotype From the very start "Imperial® Type metals found favor with the leading newspapers of that time. That was because we recognized the peculiar quality of metal necessary and experimented until our results satisfied us. That it satisfied others --is satisfying others--Is eloguentls proven by the fact that 90 per cents | of the Printing Establishments in Cane ada are consistent and regular users, | The Canada Metal Co, Limited WINNIPEG | uw. N. U. 1410

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