DRYDEN OBSERVER APRIL ENROLLMENT. i hid 272 AVERAGE ATTENDANCE. 244.42 Senior IV.--A Alex Wilson Alice Berrey Oscar Swanson Essié Curley Lillian MacLachlan Earl Black Warren Morden Olive Reany' . Gertie Doudiet" Frank Willard - Senior IV.--B Victoria Williams © E. Smith Dorothy Bigelow George Wigle Allan Offer. Doris Thorp Arthur Clempson- Frank Collis Dwight Wright Nellie Hunter Lewis Pinkerton Frank Kerney V. Doudiet Leah McMaster Mylo Upton Minnie Reid May Hutchinson Lenora Montieth Senior IV--C Dora Nelson Rose Reany Ernest Louttit Junior IV.--A Kenneth Wilson Margaret Latimer George Risigari Junior IV.--B Verne Campbell Jack Foote Bessie Blair . Kathleen Oliver Ella Holm John. Martin Reggie Dixon Absent-- ¢ : Myrtle Boomhower. > H. M. JACKSON Senior TH Honotes Ethel Davidson Nellie Cullen: Louis Sfreddo Katie Findlay Elizabeth Johnston Gordon. Reid Beatrice Dixon - Constance Sfreddo Antoneitta Sfreddo Tom Thompson g Stanley Ettles Grace Lappage Olive Moore Dennis Wright Edward Pilkey Robert Higgins Ada Wilson Pass-- Teddy Curley Walter Smith Albert Noble Junior III.--Honours Edith Howarth Catherine Sharpe Howard Kentner Gladys Nymark Minnie Reid: Eldon Wright Jack Cooper Marjorie Taylor Mary Pilkey Nellie Yaroshuk Eva Kentner Willie Dixon Violet Smith Grace McKellar Astrid Edgren 'ass--: Frances Edwards: Almina Black Olive Lewis Ethel Anderson" Ernest Klose George Martin Wallie McMaster Margaret Hunter: George Higgins Arthur Clark Violet Shelly Lillian Pilkey DOROTHY WARDROPE enior IL _-- = Jimmy Smith Jeanette Reid © Nona Reaney Tommy Sharp © Elmer Wice Arthur Doudiet Douglas McBratney: Alice Bigelow George- Gough * Vada Robinson | Patty Blair Abie Berrey Duncan McKellar 2 Charlie Gammon Bob Cooper Phil Wright Phyllis Hawke Orville Adair Clarence Charehois Roy Shelly | Absent for Exams-- Elsie Moorhouse i: Hazel Wilson Henry Petch Olaf. Smith Junior 1I.-- Fred Yworski Teddy McMonagle Lenore Stefaniuk Alice Holderson Winnie Boomhower Chrisie Collis Reta Stewart Gordon Campbell Margaret Cole Laura. Robinson May Bartlett . Pearl Stefanuik Lily Shelly James Yaworski Patty Wright Evelyn Pinkerton Bella Blake Richard Trist ©: Margaret Anderson Yola Sfreddo' Mary Smith Lotty Dixon George" Sherwood Betty Beveridge Thelma Brooks Senior I. Honours-- Grace Gough Evelyn Adair William Koshon Robert Berrey Alma Larson "Teddy Sherwood Grace Robinsen: Clara McBratney Pagg--": 2 Joan Offer : Gladys Noble . Victor Oliver Nellie Elsey Albert Robinson Lizzie Trist Sidney Lappage Grace Hardie Rosie Davis ; Absent-- ° : John Cole : Philip' Robinson Junior I.--Pass' ~~ # Frances Foulis Charlette*Dixon¢ ° . Margaret Marshland Absent-- Orval Robinson Senior Pr. A-- 'Jack Ayers Chali Horner Ivan Klose = Nellie Hardy Walter Davis Jimmie Hill Llyod Brisson Harold Beveridge: Edward Charlebois Mack Boomhower Grace Klose George Moore Ernest Curley Ellen Norgate Dick Cole Mary Blake Senior Pr. B-- Jimmie Davis Frank McMonagle Lily Lewis Monica Brooks Lloyd Offer Kenney Kerney' Lloyd Wigle Christine Sharp Madge McKellar Jean Dempster Earnest Pilkey = - Bianca Cova Jack Bartlett' ! Lawrence Stratton Junior Pr. AL Wilson Horner Donald Charlebois Billy Baker Margery Crawley Neil Campbell Howard Ayers . Eunice Gough Mona Proudfoot: Peggy Beveridge Vera Bailey Lila Allen Francis Ernewein Annie Yaroshuk Junior Pr. B-- Fred Lappage = Massey Beveridge Jimmie Brooks Henry Sfreddo Cyril Wright Lena McMaster Betty Swanson Wilfred Moore Edward Petch Olive Burton. ~ William Hardy Joseph Koshon Joffre Dixon. Ian Bige Lavern: Smith Evelyn Smith - Gordon Robinson Allan Moore | Justior Pr. C (Part A) Jimmie Baker Gladys Byington i Eilesne Brooks IRENE L. STEELS E. V. INGALL EDITH E. FOSTER 9 Small Car De Lure] Canada. trade. Special Touring $288 Cash in easy instalments. to Farmers. The New 490 Chevrolet will make you the owner of this fine Automobile. Balance payable Special terms 'We can give you the best terms in " Dryden and Kenora Your old car taken in part. Philip Charlebois Angus Allan Ruby Reid Conrad Davis * Eveline Miller Silvia Dixon Billy Matthews Robert Clarke GRACE GODWIN LO. 0. F. DRYDEN LODGE, Ne 471, meets at the Town Hall every 1st and 3rd Monday of each month at eight o'clock. R. MILLER, N.G. D. M. KENTNER, Rec. Sec. Visiting Brethren Cordially Invited. EE hn DRYDEN REALTY COMPANY (Opposite C.P.R. Depot.) 3 i It you want to Buy or Sell Farm er [E- T. ROWLAND. Retailer. Money to Loan ON GOOD FARM PROPERTY. Town Property, we can help you. CALL AND SEE US. Life, Fire, Hail and Automobile In- surance. Conveyancing Bookkeeping Stocks and Bonds bought and seld Agreements for Sale Discounted it etc., etc., etc. ' D. LANE; Manager. -------------- WATKINS PRODUCTS . SPICES ESSENCES TOILET REQUISITES STOCK and POULTRY TONICS rl i-- 195 Now Buys A Real New Edison ----_, New price on the charming Heppelwhite Model The Heppelwhite has been $253.00. Thousands bouht it at this price, because it ig compact and graceful--just right for the smaller home, Remember, the Heppel- white is a full cousin to the famous Official Laboratory Model. It, too, is made in re Edison Laboratories, under Mr Edison's personal super- vision. It, too, embodies the improvements that resulted from Mr Edison's three mil- lion dollar research. Take the Heppelwhite -- now, at the new price. Youll find it a better musical in- strument than any talking machine at any price. Come in and hear a comparison which proves it. FOR SALE.--Ten. acres 'fine garden land (fenced), % mile from TE, beside creek. Apply an D McKEITI ADR Nailin "R. J. Prati. the BUY ON OUR BUDGET PLAN, Tell us how much you are ready to pay down for your Heppelwhite. We'll make a gentleman's agreement with you--and let you budget the balance. Ask about this. isie Shan