Dryden Observer, 23 Jun 1922, p. 4

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wp DRYDEN OBSERVER PET SORA 8) REE, EE TERED ee | Public Meeting | Lively Discussion takes place. etree en RIE INE Tuesday night's meeting called in "an endeavor to formulate ways and, . means of promoting practical hospital , | sentiment was well attended, and a most optimistic enthusiastic sentiment , prevailed throughout the whole pro- ceedings. Mayor Pitt was the ; principal speaker, and opened the {meeting by reading letters from Waldhof, Dyment, and the united Formers., all of them sympathetic, helpful and hopeful. The speaker then gave a resume of the various activities in connection with the establishment of a hospital in past years, proving conclusively that at one time the District had contemplat- ed a greater capital expenditure than it was now called upon to provde. He then corrected an apprehension which had existed in his own case as well 2s in the case ,of the concerned. Owing {oc negotiations carried on re- cently with Miss Holland, an officer of the Red Cross Society in respect to the establishment of a six bed Ladies' Baseball ; i The Pitt Nine and the Fly Catchers renewed their fight for baseball fame on Friday night. In the midst of a sandstorm the Fly Catchers pulled ' "economy. ' out an 8--5 win, but they were work- 'ing all the way. The young Pitt girls got down to brass tacks and stepped right into Myrtle Beddome's pitching. On the bases they showed the speed that was their best feature last game The infield, led by Alice Berry,played much improved ball. Alice covered first base like a blanket. With her good pitching; the Pitt Nine looked like a real ball team. ; It was the same old story for the Fly catchers. The Beddome girls and Mrs Hambly were too dependable. Thursday night's dancing left them a little slothful, but in the excitement of the game they forgot tired feet. Myrtle Beddome was a little off colour] in the first couple of innings, but after (hat she played in her old form. At the bat the Fly Catchers were ahead of the Pitt Nine. Their big guns hospital at a cost of six to eight thousand dollars, which building it was understood the Red Cross would provide and after a year or so of operation turn over to the District for local maintenance. The present plan of the Red Cross explained the Mayor is to secure from the district | as large an amount of the capital ex- penditure as can possibly obtained. The plan provides for the erection odation for nurses and accessories. This would mean a men and woman's public ward with three beds each and. {| four private wards with space for the erection of two extra unusual series of accidents. This plan would be carried sufficient ! into fi bombarded the Pitt inner and outer works with great gusto. Then let us say a word about Clara Self and Jessie Taylor. Their base-sliding was picturesque, in fact the whole Fly Catcher Team, with their new sateen bloomers formed a vision of ! shimmering delight. Beatty's Store Kenora, will give to i jRotice to Baseball Champions-- i of a Ten Bed hospital with accom-, the first player in any Club in. the League making, after the date of this publcation, a Home Run as defined in the official rules, a "Borsalino Hat." The officiating umpire's decision to i be taken as final. beds in times of an epidemic or an] Donation towards Piano Fund-- Mrs Morris, secretary of the W. I. excellent fielding and Nellie Hunter's | Addresses lnstitute Mrs Stephens, lecturing under the auspices of the Women's Institute 'certainly gave the ladies of Dryden some really useful hints in household The fireless cooker de- seribed which effects a saving of twenty-five per cent in fuel as well as an equal expenditure of energy we may hope to see in almost every home in the town. Many ways in whch, thrift may be substituted for ordinary wasteful methods were outlined and house keeping and home making measures were dealt with in an in- spiring manner. | The talk to girls in respect to every day conduct can scarcely fail in leaving a permanent impression. A sane, sensible, scheme of life was presented in a convincing and attract- ive form and there can be no doubt that those who avail themselves of the privelage will be sensibly bettered through Miss Shen address. Fe SE 2 WHAT LADY BYNG WORE. Lady Byng was very gracious, and wore a strikig gown of Paisley foulard ruff. Her hat was black, broad-brm- memd, and trimmed with a cluster of burnt orange flowers. trimmed with black cire ribbon, with. two ropes of pearls and an ostrich! EAGLE RIVER Notice re Tax Collector. undersigned for the position of Tax Collector for the Municipality of Machin. t Applications will be received by the] Applications to be addressed to the} © New Motor Livery Starts A. W. Findlay has started a new Motor Livery on the North side of the track. His Chevrolet will be open for hire, by the hour or by the day at very reasonable rates. Special rates will be given for country trips. TOWN OF DRYDEN. Court of Revision. Notice is hereby gven that the Court of Revision for the Town of Dryden . will be held in the Town Hall, Thurs- day the 20th day of July, 1922, at 2 o'clock p.m., to hear and determiine appeals against the assessement roll of the said Town of Dryden, for the year 1922. J. E. GIBSON, Clerk. Datted at Dryden this 5th day of July, 1922. BABY CARRIAGE and High Adjust able Baby Chair, on Castors, for quick sale. Can be seen at the Observer Printing Office. : REGISTERED JERSEY COW and 3-weeks old Calf (purebred). Excel- lent milker. Cheap for cash. Apply C. ARNOLD, Dryden. Two good MILK COWS for sale. Will freshen 1st July. WM. DEVOE, Oxdrift. 2006568000902 20626006002900 } A.]J.GARDINER § | EAGLE ho ONT. ap -- & mn = 14 ) B effect providing cne half of the cap pital | last week turned over $74.85, the pro- Secretary-Treasurer, 2 Cockshutt MrT: : expenditure be provided. The hos- ceeds of the teas for the school piano GEORGE RUETE, } ockshutt Plow Go. Frost & Wood BW pital once established, The Red Cross: fund. The Principal and Staff of the Eagle River, BR Impiements Society undertakes its maintenance j Pane School wish to express their rial : Charnlg'e fram Canavabara without obligating the District in the' , gratitude for the generous help given Tay piven ven at once least until such times as local pros-:by every officer and member of the = YA x S i Raw Furs Bought and Sold perity was reached. Such proportions | Institute towards the furtherance of : PEHEDOLPLHDOVOHLDOOGOOHHE $ as to make it both feasible and ad-; this scheme. 7 The Popular Candy Shop. DRESSMAKING visable for the Society to withdraw. iL oi Bho 7 CONFECTIONERY, FRUIT | 1 MONTEIT : ODD ( U PS, | It was pointed out very clearly that is should Interest ali BREAD 5 bd a ho gpencd % droves . the present plan was much betler for; Madame ZENDIA, Canada's famouzg SOFT DRINKS. TOBACCO. making parlour in Suite 3, Friedman relievng it of any: Palmst and Phrenologist drafts Life "Building. Hours 9 to 5. : Give date of birth, the community, future stra'n and that it alco gave] Readings by Mail. $1.00 per dozen . oo i the Red Cross an index of the true! and year born, ask three questions and§ | hospital sentiemnt existing in the: enclose $1.00. Madane guarantees heart of the community. This hos-} satisfaction. pital the speaker continued, is not for Madame Zendia has proved herself The Silo re Dryden alone, but for the entire to be nothing short of wonderful, and wr Ext S ia] t : by district and Dryden has been selected he a and predictions are valued : rl e for the site, only on account of its} beyon praise by those who have con- . - ; Xira becla ' oa central position. Ya never was a; sulted her. ~~ She has convinced the FULL LINE Bread & Confctionery | EFFICIENT ° time when so much altruism prevail-§ most skeptical. of i rr in a few days. ed throughout the world as at present Address all communications to CIGARS, Wedding and | DEVELOPERS. and it is up to ws to show that we A ZENDIA, CIGARETTES Birthday Cakes and ry . od A 0 I appreciate the situation which has 230 S. Syndicate Street, a ' 5 3 a G and 7-in. plates. All were $3.50 to a Port William, Outaio. IPES made ito order. |prINTING : $4:00 per dozen equal to, or surpassing that of the ---- mee -- and Neilson's : Choeo= SERVICE. rest of the world. The Town of} Genuine SINGER'S SEWING MACH- TOBACCOS. lates. iy Dryden is preparing a by-law proyid- INES sold or rented on easy payments | -- WwW Th W. k b J S bt [ ing for the igcuance of twenty years: of $3.00 a month, without interest. CANDIES "e manufacture |xopaxs lS ee S P ecia debentures to the extent of five} Also Second-hand Machines, $1.00 d our Ice Cream d thousand dollars, and there never was{ and up. an from Cream pro=- -. di : 2 0 0 a time in the history of the community || - R. J. PRONGER, Agent, SOFT DRINKS cured locally. Lidar per ozen, ° when the widow's mite would have Dryden, Ont. hy; E "An everyday price for a nice 2 8 XK plate. ALF RED PITT, -- DRYDEN, Ost. EOE (SER () SES ) EE been as acceptable as it is now. The establishment of the hospital will al- which can be utilized in any emerg- ency for the accomodation of a patient or patients. The advantages of having the great Red Cross Society behind our hospital are beyond ques- tion, almost incon ceivable. No econ- omic conditions such as crop failures ete., in the district will in any sense affect its maintenance and the offer as it comes to us is a most exceptional one, and every energy and every in- munity should be directed towards rousing an = interest that will bring cherished desire. Oxdrift, Barclay, Dyment. were called'upon to express their - sentiments, and sympathy Delegates from assistance, were heard on every hand. Morday night has been set apart for the biggest rally in the history of {Dry den. All outlying districts have | i dand it is expected at the conclusion of the meeting it will be found the amount requisitioned has been largly over subscribed. and after all it is nod { (Cabinet) and 15 Records for sale. Cheap for cash. GEORGE! FERGUSON, id Dryden. 4 cc COLUMBIA GRAMAPHONE most immediately bring the visiting! school and district nurse in our midst, and later oui-post hospitals, buildings; strument in the hands of the com-. about the consummation of our long Cairnbrogie and with the movement and promises of} 'MACHIN & TEASDALE y j« B altogether the! Bl amount that each canigive that counts | } & 1 as much as the ae 4 No 484 oe ~~ « AF. Meets in the Masonic Hall, Dryden, the Second Tuesday of each month. Visitors Cordially invited. D. REID, W.M. H. HUMPHREYS, See. M. J. CROSIER General Merchant, Dry Goods Groceries Boots and 8hoes Hardware and Farm Produse Frost & Wood and Cockshutt Implements Barristers, Solicitors, etc, been called upon to send .delegates,! {IMPERIAL BANK BLOCK _ {empowered to speak and act for them | KENCRA . . Ont. | FE LINDEN Dr Routley, Red Oross Fepresenta- NOTARY, ETE tive will be present and address us.{ Conveyancing Collecting & | so let us rally and make the occassion General Practice. 1 I the most momentous in {he history of DRYDEN ONTARIO i the Old Town. Promise to pay, notes| =--=---- : Bia nd cash will be thankfully acuepted ~ NOTICE. | ; TAKE NOTICE that my wife, Mary Stefanik, having left my bed and ! board, I will no longer be resopnsible for any debts contracted 'by her. Merchants and others are' Hereby notified to govern Dryden, June 15th, 1922 | & A.M, G.RC.! OXDRIFT, Ont. RIP SRI AISI own a Ford. or to see your young folks. you back. RET SRE Ge themselves accordingly. d | JOHN STEFANIK | terms if you wish. 'We are in a position to make im- mediate delivery of any model--easy Buy where your money goes furthest is just another way of saying BUY A FORD! No sooner said than done when you It may be a drive into the country, or it may be a trip to the town. It may be to visit the old folks, - But, no matter where it is or what the object, the Ford will get you there and bring Touring Car $535 All Prices are F.0.B. FORD, Ontario Tractors are now down to $475 F.O0.B. Dryden.

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