Sein DRYDEN OBSERYER Ee TAG AE ra HOUSEHOLD UTILITIES of every kind for the modern house- keeper here. Handy devices that save steps, save labour and save food. Food choppers that make easy prep- aration of many fine dishes, all kinds of saucepans, kettles, pots, pans and the innumerable other things a modern kitchen requires. Come and see if your kitchen doesn't lack something 'we have here. f < B4 E. A SE (DEAS SUPPLIES v'icture Framing Manitoba Gypsum Hardwall and Wood tibre, Etc. Vubutdiag in connection AND ERSON. & HARRIS BR . KLO C20: 2¢00000¢ CRE TRIST & CHARLEBOIS Devden Livery, Transfer 8 and : Exchange Bara DRYDEN ONT. § POVVCOT FIC IVOGPBRy R. H. PRONGER, Notary Publie Conveyancer, Eto. OXDRIFT CLUB meets on the FIRST FRIDAY of the month in the Schoclheuse at 8 p.m. W. W. HOWELL, Secretary WAINWRIGHT CLUB meets in the School at 8 p.m. the first Saturday of each month. R.D. COATES, ~ Secretary. 3 p.m. ALEX. TURNER, Secy. WALDHOF CLUB meets First Saturday of every month in the Schoolhouse, at 8 o'clock OSCAR CARL KURZ, Secretary. WABIGOON CLUB meets first ' Saturday of every month, at 8 p. m.. in the Schoolroom. VICTOR NORDRUM, Secy. - BEDWORTH CLUB meets the last Saturday of every month at 8p Visitors from fraternal clubs are heartily welcome. T. C. PLOTTS, Secretary. © VAN HORNE CLUB meets 8 every third Saturday in the Town- ship Hall, Dryden, at 8 p.m. CHAS. NORGATE, Secy. GLENGOLAND Farmers' Club meets the Second FRIDAY in the month, at 8 o'clock p.m. : Mrs H. MARTIN, DRYDEN = @N'Y® Dryden P.O. Secretary. Make Hay while the Sun Shines We have HAY FORKS, SCYTHE MOWER SECTIONS, HIGH GRADE MACHINE Everything to 'makers T J LATIMER Hardware adu CL AE RE EGET « STA TD F. B- LINDEN E07 ARY, ETS Conveyancing Collecting General Practice. DRVDEN ONTARIO! ) M. J. CROSIER.| in stock:-- HAND RAKES, 'SCYTHES, SNATHS, MOWER STONES. OILS, ETC. meet the needs hay- Furniture Shop I 2i4 EAT Bnei fw Barristers, Solicitors, etc, KENORA Ont. General Merchant, OXDRIFT, Ons. ~ Dry Goods Civ: i Boots and 8hees j Ferdware and Farm Produce 9 rrost & Wood and Cockshutt Implements. | A EAGLE RIVER Notice re Tax Collector. Applications will be received by the { undersigned for the position of Tax | Collector for the Municipality of Machin. Applicant tn state salary. Applications to be addressed to the Secretaryy-Treasurer, GEORGE RUETE, A Eagle River. EAGLE RIVER CLUB meets second Saturday of each month, at & MACHIN & TEASDALE IMPERIAL BANK BLOCK ® TREASURERS SALE OF LANDS for Arrears of Taxes Municipality of the Township of Van Horne, and Glengoland School Sec- tion, comprising parts of the Township of Eaton, Aubrey and Wainwright, in the District of Kenora. : By virtue of a warrant issued by the Reeve, under Seal of the Muni- cipality of the Township of Van Horne, bearing date the 30th day of May A.D: 1922, commanding me to levy on the several parcels of lands there- in described for taxes respectively due thereon, together with the costs in- curred, I hereby give notice that, unless the arrears and costs are sooner paid, I shall proceed to sell by Public Auction, the said lands or so much thereof as may be necessary for the payment of the said taxes and costs, on the 21st day of October, A.D. 1922 at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, in the Township Hall, Lot 11, N. Princess Street, in the Town of Dryden, In the 1listrict of Kenora. Township of Van Horne. § Unpatented, L Leasehold, others Patented. Assessed to Lot Con. Acres Arrears Costs Total Geo. Adams N. 1% 12 4 160 $33.40 $2.44 $35.84 § F. T. Brignall S. Pt. 1 1 118 78.47 3.56 82.03 J. R. McCutchison N. PL 2 1 90 82.09 3.66 8b.74 Golden Park Mining Co., S. Pt. 5 2 42 31.45 2.39 33.84 L Golden Park Mining Co., S.E. Pt. 6 2 35 25.41 2.24 27.65 L W. Johnston S.3% of B.%. 8 2 73 77.77 3.54 81.31 W. Johnston S.1% of S.%2 7 2 80 84.46 3.70 88.16 W. Johnston N.% of N.Y & 1 80 82.61 8.67 86.28 W. Johnston N.W.% of N.% 9 1 40 = 43.23 2.68 46.91 J. W. Kennan S.W.% of S.% 6 2.40 32.31 2.41 8462 L Jno. Ophea 8.1% 12 5 160 82.28 3.66 85.94 Standard Trust 8.12 10 5 160 46.94 2.89 54.52 Max Schellenberg S.B.% of N.% 7 5 75 94.07 3.95 98.02 - B.% of S.%8 5 80 100.56 4.10 104.66 2, S.E.% of S.% 9 5 40 52.99 2.93 55.92 Miss E. Scholes W.% 10 6 156 98.12 4,05 102.17 W. W. Wells N.24 of S.% and S.83% of S.% 10 2 120 49.11 2.83 51.94 lh Chas Wright N. Pt. 6 1 . 80 34.41 2.46 36.87 Jno Garritt S.% 11 4 160 32.46 2.42 34.88 § D. Grant S.% 10 4 160 70.02 3.36 78.37 § Henry Hardy S.1%5 of N.%%2 9 5 80 28.90 2.33 - 31.23 § Geo. Keatly S.W.% of S.% 1 5 40 5:09 1.85 6.94 : i SEL ofSL2 5 40 5.09 1.85 6.94 Con Schnider, Sr. N.% 12 5 160 © 40.54 2.62 43.16 § Gough & Ely Pr. 4 6 2 27.78 2.30 30.08 Aubrey Township . 'Harry Rouse S.E.Y of 8.% 2 6 40 25.12 2.23 . 27.35 § Wainwright Township Minnie Hannah W.% 11 1 160 129.68 4.84 134.52 North Dryden Subdivision. Township of Van Horne No, Arrears Costs PTR Geo. Attwood 132 $28.12 $2.18 $25.30 Thos. Bowes 4b 21.31 2.15 23.46 . R. Cook 43 21.21 2.15 23.36 J. W. Henderson 42 16.00 2.00 18.00 R. Haywood 58 10.33 1.85 12.18 R. Haywood 59 10.33 1.85 12.18 Dyment Kulkibush 88 20.09 2.11 22.20 Dyment Kilkibush 29. 2009 2.11 1122.20 Merrit & Kirk i 20.02 2.11 22.13 Merriott & Kirk 49 20.02 2.11 22.13 A. Holmshead 415 18.74 2.07 20.81 A. Holmeshead 416 18.74 2.07 + 20.81 A. Holmshead 280 18.74 2.07 20.81 A. Holmshead 281 18.75 2.07 20.82 A. Holmshead 86 18.75 2.07 20.82 A. Holmshead 87 18.75 2.07 20.82 P. Kasianyuk b6 32.21 2.41 34.62 Mike Killiam 57 13.27 1.93 15.20 Robt. Kennet! 14 2.65 1.85 4.50 Robt. Kenneth 15 2.65 1.85 4.50 Robt. Kenneth 16 2.65 1.85 4.50 Robt. Kenneth hi 2.65 1.85 4.50 Robt. Kenneth 18 2.66." 1.85 4.50 Robt. Kenneth 19 2.65 1.85 4.50 Robt. Kenneth 20 2.65 1.85 4.50 Robt. Kenneth 21 2.65 1.85 4.50 Robt. Kenneth 22 2.65 1.85 4.50 Jno Kuba 282 11.93 1.90 13.83 Jno. Kuba 283 11.93 1.90 13.83 : Tony Lukany 8. 15.02 1.98 17.00 Tony Lukany 79 _ 15.02 198 17.00 Tony Lukany 80 15.02 1.98 17.00 A. Longhead 233 16.26 i 1.98 17.24 A. Longhead 234 15.26 1.98 17.24 Dan McKillip 53 10.01 1.85 11.86 Dan McKillip 54 10.01 1.86 11.86 Stanley Maymah 81 24.24 2.21 26.45 Stanley Maymah 82 24.24 2.21 26.45 Geo. Sargent 251 16.91 2.02 18.93 Geo. Sargent 252 16.91 : 2.02 18.93 Miss I. T. Thompson 369 11.92 1.90 13.82 Miss I. T. Thompson 370 11.92 1.90 13.82 Mike Vergah 86 13.01 1.93 14.94 D. ANDERSON; Treasurer Van Horne Township, & Glengoland School Section. DRYDEN, June 80th 1922 mily STRA Harold Lloyd IN usy Store TW ich our Dry Goods Window next week for something snappy in New Patterns and Designs in Coloured Voile, To sell at 25¢ a yard SCOTT [ Digi MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED. "f extra hard plowing or for grades. Saturday A riot of giggles and laughs Bert [Lytell IN "THE RIGHT THAT FAILED" A Ringside romance crammed full of uppercuts and jabs No advance in Prices COMING: 'Hearts Of The World® The Quality All kinds of Fresh, Smoked and Cooked Meats, Fish and Fowl arket FRESH SAUSAGE and HAMBURG STEAK a specialty. Mail Orders receive our prompt attention at all times. YOUNG PIGS, from wanted. D. FREJi Barage and Autc ALL WORK GUARANTEED. I am putting in a first-class Auto Repair Shop, & would like you to call and tell me your Auto Troubles. : ADVICE CHEERFULLY GIVEN No Job too Large ' No Job too Small. A Good Stock of Oils, Greases, and Gasoline Always on hand. On May 1st I am putting at your disposal a FREE AIR: and FREE DISTILLED WATER. SERVICE ALL WORK GUARANTEED. OUR MOTTO: The Customer must be satisfied. A. MAPLES BILL SELF, Modhanie. Proprietor. 60 to 100 Ibs Ready for Heavy Duties The Case 10-20 is noted for its reserve For belt work this tractor drives a ower. Owners state that these tractors Case 20x36 thresher, fully equipped are always capable in emergency, for silo fillers, hay presses, feed mills, ete. For all round use this tractor demands This 10-20 is recommended for pulling your careful consideration. It has long three 14-inch plows which it can pull proved its worth. It is economical im in sod or stubble. operation, burning kerosene successfully Tt also handles "other implements It is built of the finest materials. You usually requiring about six herses, such get your money's worth, ; Before you decide on t .. 20. y your tractor, led as two 7-foot binders, two 20-shoe grain us show you the advantages of the Case drills, six section spike-tooth harrow, 8 jine. You'll then be better able to 10 foot donbledisc harrow,ete. judge. C S E KEROSENE | EF. T, BRIGNALL, A TRACTORS Oxdrift, Ont