Dryden Observer, 24 Aug 1922, p. 2

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T HE E DRYDEN OBSERVER will be here next Cronth, Come in end look at cur supply of TT, T bo? Swi Weare GUNS CASH R. H, Flour, We are now MACKINAW PANTS, BEATE ell stocked with ammuni-| tion for every sized Gun or Rifle. TRverything at the latest price PRISON SPECIALS, 28h . Feed Oats, per Bag . Basket Fruit in Season stocking up with New Goods for Fall and Winter, for Father, Son, Mother and Girls. BOOTS, RUBBERS, SOCKS, SHORT AND LONG MACKINAW COATS, WORK GLOVES, SHORT And LONG, Also PULLOVER MITTS, HATS & CAPS. FLANNELS, SERGES, SILKS. No order too small or too large from $1.00 to car loads. Wood, Pulp & Mining Camps. Hopes Deferred Now | Realized | (By John ER. Lumby} "Locking back upo Dryden distriet raany years, most > werly pioneers of that distr a are in way to being realized. Tw six years ago the faith of the first ad venturers was pinned to gold min- and RIFLES. bl years not one | real, producing gold mine has been established. Today, however it looks I very much as if the Redeemer -- justify the name which Herman of Chicago, gave it when he said it! tation of the we Saw r and Bon- anza, worked as if they were intend- 2d to be made into a business- like | propo without boom 3 every evidence of good and conserv- i ative management.-- Times-Journal. ; 5 veya as first time 1, and with "PEACOCK ALLEY" MONDAY 28--Aug--29 TUESDAY MAE MURRAY at the STRAND in SEPT. 2nd $3:95 1.80 in the District of Kenora. in described for taxes the 21st day of October, A.D. 1922 at 3 1listrict of Kenora. Orders filled for § Unpatented, FOR THE DATE OF OUR NEXT BIG ALUMINUM WARE SALE.' kK XK T WILL HAVE A BIG RANGE and AT PRICES NEVER HEARD OF BEFORE. E. A. KLOSE GENERAL HARDWARE Picture Framing Vianitoba Gypsum Hardwall and Wood fibre, Llc. Undertaking ams smn ANDERSO & HARRIS contieotion BPPOLIHLPITY SBOE REPOTOIE DRYDEN ONT. 25H HOOT HIVES OOVO Be Ne nt ate Conveyancing Collecting General Practice. DRYDEN GNTARIO winter if you act at once.' | The price is bound to go up as winter BUILDERS SUPPLIES Assessed to Lot Con. : Geo. Adams Nw oo12 4 Vo BF. T. Brignall 8. Pt. Yoga S Dr den J. R. McCutchison | NPL2 1 : Golden Park Mining Co., S.Pt.5 2 NBDERS SOLICITED, Golden Park Mining Co., S.E. Pt. 6 2 La W. Johnston S.% of B.%2 8 2 W. Johnston S.% of S.% 7 2 Coal 'Shortage VW. Johnston Nu of N%S 1 W. Johnston N.W.% of N.%2 9 1 In a statement issued this week the| 3 WwW. Kennan SW.% of S% 6, 2 government fuel committee draws at-| 130. Ophea 81,12. 5 tention to the fact that there is now| aiandard Trust S110 5 over a 4-month shortage in producton | niax Schellenberg S. B. Lot NWBT 5 of coal. From the strike in the Amer- a 5 Blof 8.%8 5 'ican coal mines the shortage cannot SEY% of 8.%9 5 now be made up in time to meet the| jiss Eo Scholes W.5 10 6 needs of the comng winter. | w. W. Wells N.3 of 8.% and In view of this serious condition, it 8.3% of 8.% 10 is well to draw attention to the fact| chaos Wright N. Pt. 6 that there is still a chance to secure| yng Garritt S.% 11 your requirements in coal for mext| D. Grant S.1% 10 S.% of N.% 9 S.W.% of S.%2 1 S.E.Y% of S.% 2 N.% 12. Pt. 4 Henry Hardy Mr J. Winterbottom is taking orders} Geo. Keatly for coal, and can accommodate those who will put in their order at once for Egg, Stove, Nut and Drumbheller coal, " Con Schnider, Sr. Gough & Ely 2" OUT OT Ot OT BO draws near, and those who delay will be unable to get a supply at any price next winter. To protect yourself and make sure of your coal, it will be well to see Mr Winterbottom as early as possible and make arrangements for delivery when Harry Rouse 'SE.Y% of S32 2 6 Minnie Hannah W.15 11 1 M. J. CR )SIER General Merchant, XDRIFT, Ont. Dry Goods @roceries Boots and Shoes "Tardware and Farm Preduse grost & Wood and Cockshutt Implements ror Sale UPRIGHT PIANO. 1922 BICYCLE. 20 Laying HENS.--Apply J. S. GOLDEN, Dryden Also Mill Supplies, etc. etc. A Visit will Repay You. DRYDEN, June 30th 1922 W. E. SPEARS, Prop. 160 118 90 42 35 73 80 80 40 40 160 160 75 80 40 156 120 80 160 160 80 40 40 160 2 Aubrey Township 40 Wainwright Township 160 North Dryden Subdivision. Towsnship you need coal. Otherwise you may be Na, Arrears left in a very difficult situation when j Geo. Attwood £132 $23.12 cold weather comes. The government | Thos. Bowes 45 21.31 is anxious to impress the seriousness R. Cook 43 21.21 of the matter on our attention. J. W. Henderson 42 16.00 3 % % xk R. Haywood 58 10.33 ora R. Haywood 59 10.33 J Winterh ottom Dyment Kulkibush 88 20.09 3 J Dyment Kilkibush 89 20.09 Lumber, Coal Merrit & Kirk 48 20.02 and Builders' Supplies. Si : ii Jit ae . Holmshea i DRYDEN ho ONE. A. Holmeshead 418 18.74 A. Holmshead 280 18.74 pm Peonadied "Bt A.J. G ARDINER #1 A. Holmshead 86 18.75 ¥ | A. Holmshead 87 18.75 General Merchant P. Kasianyuk 56 32.21 ? Mike Killiam 57 18.27 EAGLE RIVER, ONT. Robt. Kenneth 14 2.65 Robt. Kenneth 15 2.65 m Robt. Kenneth 16 2.65 AGENT FOR Robt. Kenneth 17 2.65 Cockshutt Plow Co. Frost & Wood &| Eobt Kenneth 12 2,35 {etamanty Robt. Kenneth 19 2.65 : Robt. Kenneth 20° 2.65 ; Shavnia's Lrsam Sonsvnters Robt. Kenneth 21 2.65 ; Robt. Kenneth 22 2.65 : Raw Furs Bought and Sold 2c -- Bp TERESA TITEIIRIRTIIIY Jno. Kuba 29 11.93 ri a Tony Lukany 78 15.02 oC O nM E Tony Lukany 79 15.02 Tony Lukany 80 15.02 to the A. Longhead 233 15.26 EMPIRE FIRST & SECOND-| A. Longhead 234 15.26 HS 5 : : yan McKillip 3 WEST END KING STREET tanley Maymah 31 24.24 for Bargains in tanley Maymah ~ 82 24.24 phn) Geo. Sargent 251 16.91 Second Hand Furniture) 550 Choon ea Singer Sewing Machines Miss I. T. Thompson 369 11.92 Phonographs. Organs. Books. Miss I. T. Thompson 370 11.92 Mike Vergah 35 13.01 TREASURERS SALE OF LANDS for Arrears of Taxes Municipality of the Township of Van Horne, and Glengoland School Sec- tion, comprising parts of the Township of Eaton, Aubrey and Wainwright, By virtue of a warrant issued by the Reeve, under Seal of the Muni- cipality of the Township of Van Horne, bearing date the 30th day of May A.D. 1922, commanding me to levy on the several parcels of lands there- respectively due thereon, together with the costs in- curred, I hereby give notice that, unless the arrears and costs are sooner paid, I shall proceed to sell by Public Auction, the said lends or so much thereof as may be necessary for the payment of the said taxes and costs, on o'clock in the afternoon, Township Hall, Lot 11, N. Princess Street, in the Town of Dryden, In the Township of Van Horne. 1. Leasehold, others Patented. Acres Arrears Costs Total $33.40 $2.44 73.47 1:13.80 82.09 3.65 31.45 2.39 2541 224 TIT. 3.54 84.46 3.70 82.61 8.67 43.23 2.68 3281 241 82.28 3.66 46.94 2.89 94.07 3.95 100.56 4.10 52.99 2.93 98.12 4.05 49.11 2.83 34.41 2.46 32.46 242 70.02 3.35 23.90 B38 5.09 1.85 5.09 1.85 4054 2.62 27.78 2.30 25.12 228 4.84 129.68 of Van Horne Costs $2.13 2.15 2.15 2.00 1.85 1.85 5 2.11 2.11 2.11 Ta 2.07 2.07 2.07 2.07 2.07 2.07 2.41 1.93 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.90 1.90 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.85 1.85 2.21 12.21 2.02 2.02 1.90 1.90 1.93 : D. ANDERSON, Treasurer Van Horne Township, & Glengoland School Section. in the $35.84 § 82.03 85.74 33.84 L 27.65 L 81.31 88.16 86.28 - 46.91 34.62 L 85.94 54.52 98.02 104.66 55.92 102.17 1.94 Th 36.87 34.88 § 73.37 § 31.23 § 6.94 6.94 43.16 § 30.08 bi FAN $25.30 23.46 23.36 18.00 12.18 12.18 22.20 22.20 22.13 22.13 20.81 20.81 20.81 20.82 20.82 20.82 34.62 15.20 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 -4.50 4.50 4.50 13.83 13.83 17.00 17.00 117.00 17.24 17.24 11.86 11.86 26.45 26.45 18.93 18.93 18.82 13.82 14.94 ower. are always capable in emergency, for extra hard plowing or for grades. FREESTONE BLUE PLUMS, hs TOMATOES, BARTLETT DAM il PLU GREENGAGIE CRAB GRAPI * od EW Prices are lower PEA PLL PLU TR ES * wm Oxdrift Co- apni CHOICE We also carry an excellent Stock of bi SMOKED & COOX Have you booked vour at our Oxdrift Stores ? mtn order or Dryden Compary, Lid. JW. BRILL, Manager, Dryden Branch. kinds of amd SH MEATS y In Dabub £4 {ED ATS, BUTTER, LARD, ETC. PORK SAUSAGES and H made Mail Orders receive our attention always. Saturday' S SMOKED HAMS, per bo. .40 BACK BACON, per th oo. 55 BREAKFAST BACON, per To__.. .50 COOKED HAM, per Th .60 Jellied VEAL & BACON, per all Jellied TONGUE, per 1H. .60 Watch this space for th. AMBURG STEAK daily careful Try us. Specials: MEAT LOAF and MACARONI & CHEESE £2, per Tamils 40 Ashlove Specialty BOLOGNA, Ib..20 Royal Cream CHEESE, per Ib__.. .40 Special Smoked HAM for boiling in pieces, per olin 0080 Saturday' s Specials. D. FRE]D, Proprietor. inter Deering Sold by 3: arage ALL S. CORNER, WORK G UARANTE ED. ] am putting in a first-class Auto Repair Shop, & would like you to call and tell me your Auto Troubles. ADVICE CHEERFULLY GIVEN No Job too Large A Good Stock of Oils, Always No Job too Small. Greases, and Gasoline on hand. FREE AIR and FREE DISTILLED WATER. - SERVICE ALL WORK GUARANTEED. OUR MOTTO: The Customer must A. MAPLES Mechanic be satisfied. BILL SELLY, _ Propri ie tor. eady for The Case 10.20 is noted for its reserve Owners state that these tractors This 10-20 is recommended for pulling three 14-inch plows which it can pH in sod or stubble. It also handles usually requiring, about six herses, such other implements proved its worth. = The £1 For belt work this tractor drives a Clase 20x36 thresher, fully equipped silo fillers, hay presses, feed mills, ete. For all round use this tractor demands your careful consideration. It has long It is economical im > sparation, burning kerosene successiully It is built of the finest materials. get your money's worth, Before vou decide on your tractor, let You as two 7-foot binders, two 20:shoe grain | ho" ava ntages of the Cas drills, six section spike-tooth barrow, 8 Bink. Foolt then oo better able ee 19 foot donbledisc harrow, ete. judge. CASE 20m | F. T. BUsAL ; df « TRACTORS Oxdrift, Ont

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