Dryden Observer, 1 Sep 1922, p. 3

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npr THE DRYDEN OBSERVER OXDRIFT Oxdrift Union Church will hold a - social evening in the Community Hall on Friday evening, . September 1st.) The annual election of Church officers will take place some time during the programme, As this is a community /Church all the community should rally ' to make this the best year in the his- tory of Oxdrift. On September 10th the Rev. W. J. Little B.A, will visit Oxdrift, conduci- ing the afternoon. Service. Mr Little 'was one of thé ministers of the district about twenty years ago; all the old timers will be glad to see him again. The Co-op. has completed the organ- ization of a wonderfully efficient delivery staff. They are sure of a Wynn, and if you know the inside facts this also means a Lott. 1 Ex-Mayor A. R. Hutchison visited "Kenora this week, being an interested i spectator at the Fair, He reports a fine exhibit, especially along horticul- tural lines. Keewatin held a horticultural ex- hibition in the Oddfellows hall last week which was a credit te the town. The display would have been an honor to a much larger community. Mr J. A. Kinney was a visitor to Dryden Tuesday afternoon. ; i) can no mai Grow up than Peter Pan and that is why » her latest production TH 2 To BAC & Direction by Jack Pickford and Alfred E.Green ; "see her in... "made her famous . + heart interest...intensly effective. - ; Qenario by Marion fairfax Pholography by Charles Rostier is just the tu ing picture that i 2 1 i ve of charm you want fo e kind that «brimful of a STEN in the Bigelow Building EE SE SE a SPECIAL LIST Sugar, 11%-Dador $1.00 Palm Olive Soap, 8 for __._ 2B Blue Ribbon Tea, per Ib_ 53 Red Salmon, per tin ----...___.. 33 Beans, (white) 11-Ibs for _ 1.00 Klim, per tin 47 Fry's Cocoa, per tin. oo mii 29 Brown Sugar, 11%-ibs for __.._._..1.00 Rolled Oats, per tnbe coc. 2B Laundry Soap, per pkt. -- cme 14 Rice, 11-hes for 1.00 Red Rose Tea, per Ib com 56 Syrup, 5-1b pails for oem =. 48 Corn, per tin .16 Peas, per tin .16 Tomatoes, per tin _ corms 21 Salt, per bag 11 Magic Baking Powder, per tin ____ .29 ok ok o® 0. H. PRONGER, Prop. DISTRICT NEWS GLENGOLAND. land September 13th. Mrs Cameron with her daughters, Miss Jean and Grace, of Winnipeg, arc guests of Mr R. McGregor. Mr and Mrs H. Martin returned on Wednesday mornning from their trip by motor through Dauphin country. They describe crops as good in some places, not worth cutting in others. Mr A, McPhail, we understand, is taking up his abode in town. Glengoland services are well attend- ed by the fair sex. Must women al- ways take the lead in the paths of right? What's wrong with the men? A crowded house at song service speaks well for Mr Strapp. Sorry we must lose him so soon. Harvest Home services at Glengo- land September 10th, at 7 p.m, Every- body try and make it a red letter day. | few days at her home in Wabigoon. | One, Sunday. : Miss May Walmsley sails for Eng- | IGNACE. Mr Angus McFarlane from Savanne spent last Sunday in Ignace renewing ; old acquaintances. { Mrs BE. McAllan of Ignace and two | daughters, Mrs J. Humphrey and Miss J Gladys McAllan spent a few days in ! Winnipeg last week. Mrs Wm, Horne and daughter Beatrice form Butler spent last Satur- day in Ignace, the guests of Mrs B. Cobb. : Mr and Mrs Homer Beaton and family closed their summer home at Ignace Beach, and returned to Fort William last Thursday. Mrs Brunsell of Kenora, was the guest of her daughter Mrs J. Quirk, for a few days last week. Miss May Pontin returned to Ignace Sunday night, after having spent a Mr M. Windy returned home Fri- day from Fort William. Mr N. Robb left for Dyment on No. Mr Depew has arrived in Ignace to relieve Mr J. T. James as Secretary of the Railway WMCA It's beginning to look quite deserter now at East Beach, nearly all the campers. having closed their homes and returned to the Fort, If you don't believe its lonesome down there, ask Notice of First Posting NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in Section 9 of the ONTARIO VOTERS' LIST ACT the copies required by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered of the list, made pursuant to said Act, of all per- sons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Munici- pality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly, and at Municipal Elections; and that the said list was first posted up at my Office at Dryden, on the 19th day of August 1922, and remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law. August, 1922. J. E. GIBSON Clerk of the Municipality of the Town of Dryden. wT ~~ Farm for Sale The Soldiers Settlement Board of Canada offers for sale by public tender the following desirable properties: -- 112 acres, parts of Lots 6 and 7 Con, 1, Wainwright Twp. Kenora District, 'Situated 8 miles from the thriving town of Dryden on a good gravel road. Excellent clay leam sail, ings and water supply. Terms as follows:--10 p.c. of pur- «chase price in cash on acceptance of tender, balance inn twenty-five equal annual instalments, with interest at 6 p.c, per annum on the amortization plan. Bach tender mustt be accom- panied by an accepted cheque for $100 If tender is accepted this sum will be credited to the purchase price of the land. If tender is not accepted, money will be returned to the tenderer. Tenders will be opened at Toronto {ON September 18th, 1922. Also 160 acres: South part of broken Lot No, 10, Con. 4, Eton Twp, Kenora District. farm is very desirably located, being on the Government road, Two miles from Dryden. Has excellent buildings, good soil and water supply. The terms of sale are 20 p.c. of purchase price in cash on acceptance of tender, the balance in not more than nine equal annual instalments, with interestt at 6 p.c. per: annum. Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque for 10 p.c. of be applied on the 20 p.c. if the tender will, without Dated at Dryden this 23rd day of good: build-. This i the tender offered. This amount will ; is accepted, In the event of the tender | of a returned soldier being accepted, AGRICULTURAL Agricultural representative Cook has just sent to Toronto, the finest! exhibit of cereals and vegetables that strict.. The ex-| ever went from this di hibit was collected from the varioos farming sections of the district and! doubt open and minds of the Toronto le when it is placed on view. hibit consists of sheav 1 and barley; red peas and toma squash, beets, citron, celery cabbage. rabbi, cucumber and sweet clover, a half a bushel of alsike clover seed and a tomato vine were also included, The tomato vine was a sight for sore eyes. Praited in clusters to the hilt, even the smallest and greenest of the fruit partaking of it there are many ways '0 was of a character calculated to make one's mouth water in anticipation of] partaking of it at a later date. Such a magnificent collection of the products of the soil of the district must be a source of deep satisfaction to the agricultural representative, to the agricultural department and last but not least to the farmers and gardeners | of the Kenora and Dryden.district. 'B vy. the way, the bees come in for their share of the credit, as something over 3 ana Kohl A. G. RIPLEY, DRYDEN, Ont. a hundred weight of honey was includ- ed in the display. When placed on view in Toronto, this exhibit cannot fail in creating a most favorable im- pression of the possibilities of this country for agricultural development and should react in influencing further settlement from eastern quarters, as well as have an effect in inducing the powers that be to spend.more money in opening up a country that yields such magnificent results. | 1.O0.O.F. DRYDEN LODGE, Ns i 417 meets at the Towr Hall every 1st and 3rd Monday of each month at eight o'clock. H. ADAIR, N.G. 2. | D.M. KENTNER, Ree. Sec. Jey Brethren Cordially Invite. | . i ro : is wide Mi '1.0.1. DRYDEN LODGE No. 1£9= | meets the first Wednesdey of each month, at eight pan. in tk. Town Hall. Visiting Brethren car dially invited. H. REHILL, Ree. Sso. Golden Star Ledge No 484 AF &AM,QRS Meets in the Masonic Hall, Dryden, the Second Tuesday of each month. Visitors Cordially invited. F. P. MATTHEWS, W.M. A. J. CLEMPSON, Sec. I. 2. GIBSON, NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER, &e. Agent for Ka THE ROYAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY DRYDEN . ONTARIO 1 490 SPECIAL TOURING improved tappets make the engine extremely quiet. %. Many other improvements make the Superior Chev- rolet "490" the best buy and the lowest priced fully equipped car on the market. Ask for particulars of our deterred payment plan stock and equipment or tlement Act of 1919. 15th, 1922. The highest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted on either of 'these farms. If the lands are not sold on no advances will be granted him for | improvements under the. Soldier Bot | Tenders will be opened September | { § permanent | [4 J ! { i J 3 3 i the dates above mentioned, the Board | will be prepared to receive tenders to j purchase until such time as they are | finally disposed of. | Tenders should be in plain envelopes | marked "Tender for the purchase of Will be starting in a short time now We have the very best in Plows. Any Plow for any 3 i; (iii ) and addressed to, kind of Plowing. > The District Superintendent, SOLDIER SETTLEMENT BOARD, | OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. LET US KNOW YOUR WANTS, 52 Adelaide Street, Toronto, Ont. Dated at Toronto, Ont., this 16th day of August, 1922, es rem ns Hi. E. BICKNELL, Implements The Old Massey-Harris Stand for Sale--UPRIGHT PIANO, 1922 BICYCLE. 20 Laying HENS.--Apply : J. S. GOLDEN, Dryden ! 490 SEDAN Te

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