Dryden Observer, 8 Sep 1922, p. 2

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SER eA EEA ed PEC Ol EC ur THE DRYDEN OBSERVER % + CRESS IRE A SR rat RE Ce ria fm se ee mm mei FE RS RS RARER i CR SEE | SPECIAL The Yard Where Lt.-Giov. to Visit Dryden, Public School Opens ok EK x ok kX retary, Colonel Fraser, will spend the Bevele Tire £2.0 » : ; fil Povele TIES orm rrimmnm om $2.60 Predominate interval between the morning and eve- "a Bicycle Tubes rm timmey 1.10 [ning trains at Dryden Wednesday, It is expected that his honor lieu- 1] " 100 & Quality tenant governor Henry Cockshut, his daughter Miss Cockshut and his sec- The public school opened with a very promising staff of teachers. The fourth class has an attendance of 43, the third 57, second 43, the first 48, senior primary 40 and the Sian =n WE desire to thank our patrons for ten 43. A total of 279. taking prompt delivery of fruit order- 1-Callonerocks Lo as 2513 A.J.GARDINER § EAGLE RIVER. ONT. pe tion, comprising parts of the Township of Eaton, Aubrey and Wainwright, in the District of Kenora. \ Stove Pipes, two lenghis .35 : September 13th. The governor and his Stove Pipes, EIDOWS oicomcw 25 party will be welcomed by the mayor | . ee ; to of ett Txtension Saw Bow oan) ANYTHING and REVERYTHING and councillors on the station plat- A wire from Mayor Geo. Toole © ; whansion Saw Bows oo... 3.00) Baar bh: 75 i) ] "| Kenora, to the Mayor of Dryden, fixes Wo hive soveral Tundred hr i J And a) FOR A BUILDING orm about 8.30 a. m, ce 5 a Zor ba several unared yaske Chopping AXes -- wom -- mes 1.20 £ . i Tei Saturday Sept. 29rd as the date for 3 : : The council is very desirous that all ; th orders which we were unable to fill, Air-Tight Heat Ll 00 Jitsons od Ho it tent the Old-timers ball game between the os citizens who can make it convenient | =. oo Pyll particulars will be and have decided to secure another Air-Tight Heaters di Lib : . |will be at the station to assist in this | > : Lil 2 Rn : | A few of our lines:-- oe) ay oiven next week . mixed car. Air-Tight Heaters, Small .. .--... 3.00 . ES welcome and be introduced to his hon- |= -. a Tomi, anarts all aoa A CARLOAD OF B. C. SHINGLES | whose stay in the town will be |: A 3 Aft ss be msdir will please we am X¥X and XX. limited as he especially desires to see ~~ M. F. Cook, agricultural represen- ne With to re-order Wil Bp Ak 2 aT 20 : Saw the surrounding country. While de- tative, reeiveed a telegram from Hon leave their orders at once at either Hay Pork, 340g J Loi sinalo 5.1.00 : finite plans cannot be made, it is ex- Manning Doherty, Minister of agrical- our Oxdrift or Dryden store. We ex- Window Screen, 14:30 ion A Complete Stock oof pected that the remainder of the time ture, requesting him to duplicate the pect prices to be even lower than Steel ~ Range, Black Ename, LUMBER of all kinds. will be spent in viewing the country exhibit of vegetables and roots sent those of the car just disposed of = helper 50.00 Wood Fibre, Lime, An with luncheon at Eagle River. ito Toronto for Ottawa Exhibition. : pe? baat em rt mn mm maha LAV y 2] - be . - ¥ Steel Range, White Enamel __..52.00 \bracite & Aiherta: Coal. : : The exhibit left Tuesday. Second growth Axe Handles __... 55 : WANTED -- Fifty Plymouth Rock - . : Bony Tourist Tubes --.._. Tha Pullets. Hatched March or April. Re-| Mr Douglas Lane has been appoint- 0 i i C i C ; Lid AZRGrl $l mre . 3 vx ply stating price to ed secretary-treasuret of the school Xr} Q=0perative LOI any i 30x3% Good Year Casing, aon J Winterbottom BOX 42, Dryden Ont. {hoard. . =. . . P p : Ys ' Kd a . 11.00 ' er EE -- J. W. BRILL, Manager, Dryd 20x04 Rib Cases. vio... 1400 Lumber, Coal : Imre . W. BRILL, Manager, Lryaen ei EE ie "451 and Builders' Supplies. TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS T. H. SCOTT, Manager, Oxdrift. Sweed Saw Blades -- ome 1.25! DRYDEN ! ONT. : Baby Carriage, was $33.50; sale 95.00 | meee - for Arrears of Taxes : 4. Callon crocks Le 1.10 5060606608800 850000000000% BY virtue of a warrant issued by the Reeve and Council, under seal of the 7 a BGallon 'evoeke aids ooo 1.50 : ® | Municipality of the Township of Van Horne, and Glengoland School Sec- S 1h] Ql [ I ty While P 3 ; i : fle: Prosent Stock Losts By virtue of a warrant issued by the Reeve, under Seal of the Muni- cipality of the Township of Van Horne, bearing date the 30th day of May A.D. 1922, commanding me to levy on the several parcels of lands there- / CHOICE FRESH ME A TS For all kinds of RIK RE EA KLOSE in described for taxes respectively due thereon, together with the costs in- curred, I hereby give notice that, unless the arrears and costs are sooacr We also carry an excellent Stock of . Qharnla'e fivaam Cannraiare os AGENT FOR paid, I shall proceed to sell by Public Auction, th id lands S T : TH il - = A a Cockshutt Plow Go. Frost & Wood AE i may be necessary for the a i a - Sr SMOKED & C 0 OKED ME ATs, Tunis: the 21st d £ October, A.D. 1922 at 3 'clock i the aft , in th oa UILDERS' SUPPLIES tinpiements a Hal, EY Princess Strest, ps of pi in oe i BUTTER, LARD 9 ETC. Cry pie wWr vu wupur ved 1)istrict of Kenora. a gh SH § | Toviship of Van Home, on PORK SAUSAGES and HAMBURG STEAK assesses sessasanoss § Unpatented, I Leasehold, others Patented. Picture Framing Waniloba Gypsum Hardwall and Wood SPOPEEHVGVVIE YPOEOO0OP Fibre, Elc. or hi ie? Assessed to Lot Con. Acres Arrears Costs Total he el made daily : Sal : Geo. Adams CN. 12 4 160 $33.40 $2.44 $35.84 § a ; ; : Undertaking in consiehion COME F.T. Brignall SE ER ene : i 7 J. R. McCutchison N.Pt2 1 90 8209 365 8.74 | attention always. "Try us. : -_ : 0 the : Golden Park Mining Co., S.Pt.5 2 42 31.45 2.39 33.84 L 9. Shin (00 2 : ANDERSON S&H ARRIS EMPIRE FIRST & SECOND-{ Golden Pars Mining fo, SE.P.6 2 85 2641 224 21.65 1L Saturday's Specials: 37 mar on HAND STORE, > Ti i SL > 2 is i > i SMOKED HAMS, per To_:.----.-- 40 MEAT LOAF and MACARONI RS = : JW. Johnston Yo of SVT ; kr 5 ; ; x La : i : wn : - WEST END KING STREET W. Johnston N " of N 4 <3 1 30 82.61 8.67 36 28 BACK BACON, per Bb mies ie 35 & CHEESE, per o.oo 40 J C SIER Sie Ve : 7s be a . : ) BREAKFAST BACON, per Ib__.. .50 Ashlove Specialty BOLOGNA, 1..20 o h for Bargains In W. Johnston N.W.% of N.7%2 9 1 40 43.23 268 4691 | COOKED HAM, per 1 vse on 5 22 . y s a mnie . xi ec 1 y Fer ite SE G ral Merchant, 4d Hand Furnit IW Kenan S.W.Y of S156 2 40 3231 241 3462 Ly iicq VEAL & BACON, per 1... 45 Special Smoked HAM for boiling? enegrai iv erchant, Secon an urnttire| sno. Ophea S112 5 160 82.28 8.66 85.94 [Rye ied TONGUE, per 60 in pieces, per Tb : OX DRIFT Soules Mishings Standard Trust - Sw10 5. 160 4695: 280 S482 ! Pro 2 ia ese 50 4 1 : Ont Singer Sewing lac ines Max Schellenberg S. B.% of N.%.7...5 15 04.07 3.95 98.02 Watch this space for Saturday's Specials. ow Blogs in tea Phonographs. Organs. Books. ; Bis ofS%8 5 8) 10056 4.10 104.66 D. FRE]D, Proprietor. y 9 geen Also Mill Supplies, etc. etc. - RN gn 5 a0 woes BROD a EE ------ Boots and Shoes H A Visit will Re Yeo 'Miss BE. Scholes "Tw 10 6 156 9812 4.05 102.17 ° g pay You. . ; . ™ardware and Farm Produce W. W. Wells N.% of S.% and te cCormick wrost & Wood and i ; S3%ofSH10 2 120 a : Ed tT eX 1 al d } ¥ whe : ! ( Chas Wright N. Pt. 6 1 80 34.41 2.46 36.87 BD FD LP Cockshutt Implements |! W. E. SPEARS, Prop. Tro Gorrie. SU a 10 SEI aR nie 0 BR Fo il Prt : ams | | D. Grant S.% 10 4 160 70.02 3.35 73.37 § . ; Henry Hardy S.% of N.% 9 5 80 28.90 2.33 . 31.23 8 7 : Geo. Keatly SW.%ofS.%1 5 = 40 5.09 1.85 6.94 3 untin Season " A SEL otS%2 5 40 500 135 694 Deering a | Con Schnider, Sr. | N% 12 5 160 4054 262 43.16 § Sold by em Gough & Ely Pt. 4 6 2 27.78 2.30 30.08 3 Ss CORN ER Fe) 3 : pe . ° sclrift. will be here next month. ) Aubrey Township : B PE TES > TS A : Harry Rouse SE% ofS% 2 6 40 25.12 2.23 27.35 § Come in and look at our supply of | Wainwright Township SHOT GUNS and RIFLES Minnie Hannah Wp 11 1 160 129.68 4.84 134.52 uto A Al i North Dryden Subdivision. Township of Van Horne : a) ud : We are well stocked with ammuni=| sue i Oh a eg i Als Wear Thana =. TUE ; : Fie ey Bors 45 vi yl Tae am putting in a first-class Auto Repair Shop. tion ior every sized Gun or Rifle. ; rk ; Sar 42 na 7 Le ny & would like you to call and tell me your Autc ° . . 4 enaerson . H : . f : Everything at the latest price. R. Haywood 58 10.33 1354! 1209 Troubles. i : R. Haywood : i 59 10.33 1.85 12.18 : Is Zi STP a Kulkibush Ft 88 20.09 son 22.20 ADVICE CHEERFULLY GIVEN : Drmast Bihes: > 2h saul ame No Job too Large No Job teo Small. rit ir .0. 2.11 2. | . . . . uma i sp 2s 20 1A Good Siock of Oils, Greases, and Gasolin A. Holmshead 415 18.74 2.07 20.81 : Always on hand. A. Helmeshead 416 18.74 2.07 20.81 "A. Holmshead 280 18.74 2.07 20.81 FREE AIR and FREE DISTILLED WATER A. Holmshead Qn Dr 2.07 20.82 SERVICE A. Holmshead 86 18.75 2.07 20.82 A. Holmshead 87 18.75 2.07 20.82 ALL WORK GUARANTEED. ro P. Kasianyuk 56 32.21 2.41 34.62 le Bedi Sh igri es ie OUR MOTTO: The Customer must be satisfiec CASH SPECIALS, SEPT. 2nd Robt. Kenneth 14 2.65 1.85 4.50 A. MAPLES BILL SELF, Robt. Kenneth 15 2.65 1.85 4.50 : a Rot Bennet. en lag, 2.65 1.85 4.50 : Mechanic =. Proprietor S 1 Of Robt. Kenneth vq 2.65 1.85 4.50 ES -- Ce er rn gi ar YT = . S| Robt. Kenneth : 718 2.65 1.85 4.50 Gr an. ug Wh bel 5 0 lbs . $8.75 Robt. Kenneth : 19 2.65 1.85 4.50 : Whi: seasons Siok Leste, Robt. Kenneth 20 2.65 1.85 4.50 TT pri le EN Robt. Kenneth 21 2.65 1.85 4.50 ". EB ¥iour, 9omiD . : 3.99 Robt. Kenneth 226 - 265 1.85 4.50 i on ; 3 : Jno Kuba p82 11.93 1.90 13.83 d fi CRIA i) 1% Feed Oats, per Bag . . 1.80] mo xoba 283 11.93 1.90 13.83 Ca y or eav Y AJULICS BASKET FRUIT IN SEASON. on Dy Joie To 1 1700 | The Case 10-20 is noted for ts reserve For belt work this tractor drive We are now stocking up with New Goods for Fall and Winter, for | Tony Lukany 80 - 15.02 1.98 Yoog [ewer Owens winie that Hes notes Wi essere Soninp : iil Son Mothesisnd G01 "A. Longhead 233 15.26 1.98 17.24 are always capable in emergency, for stlo'fillers, bay presses, eed mills, ete. ; ather, Son, Mogher and Savis. ; 1 A. Longhead ; Eire TE 1.98 17.24 extra hard plowing or for grades. For all round use this tractor demas BOOTS, RUBBERS, SOCKS, SHORT AND LONG Dan McKillip 53 © 10.01 1.85 11.86 This 10-20 is recommended for pulling your careful consideration. It has lo MACKINAW PANTS, MACKINAW COATS, WORK GLOVES, SHORT | Dan McKillip b4 10.01 (0x 1.85 11.86 three 14 inch plows which it can pull proved its worth. It is economical : And LONG, Also PULLOVER MITTS, HATS & CAPS. Stanley Maymah 81 © 24.24 x 2.21 26.45 in sod or stubble. operation, burning kerosene successiy 3 Stanley Maymah ps eR 24.24 2.21 26.45 It also handles other implements Tt is built of the finest materials. Y E N EERGES, rem : Geo. Sargent 251 16.91 2.02 18.93 usually requiring about six horses, such get your monzay's worth. No order too small or too large from $1.00 to car loads. Orders filled for | Geo. Sargent 252 16.91 2.02 18.93 as two 7-foot binders, two 20 shoe grain Hee you dende A) your fe hl : : ] | s show you the advantages 0 Bl : Wood, Pulp & Mining Camps. : Miss I. T. Thompson . 869 11.92 1.90 13.82 drills, six section spike-tooth harrow, 8 Time. REA wo aivantanes of the § Miss I. T. Thompson 870 11.92 1.90 13.82} 10 foot donbledisc harrow,etec. indge. y 2 WwW ® nship, & Glengoland School Section. I ; 1%. QRDERS SOLICITED. DRYDEN, June 30th 1922 : : IRjcTORS Osantl, © ; nin ra bape 2 eto i - ER COTT Dryden" =. ..eotini ce. (CASE mma | FT BRA

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