THE DRYDEN OBSERVER nation ern A Pog nd NAAN APIA NP PEIN PRN Weel mm Saturday MARY " ANNE MILES MIN TER 1 N Monday. L5=== \ COMING! Seth The Comedy Snpreme "TOO MUCH BUSINESS" TRAIN BUSINESS? We will need 1,000 girls and young ; a ie YOU FOR | men this year, We had more than 350 calls for office help between March | on The demand is | * {st and August 1st. increasing. Business is improving, and will be booming before you com- 'plete your course, if you start now. Success graduates are preferred o every _ where. write for free prospectus The SUCCESS BUSINESS COLLEGE Winnipeg, Man, Positively no connections with suecess Colleges in other Cities. : DRUMHELLER COAL ; 'Lump, . per ton -- $14.00 delivered Stove, per ton -- $13.00" delivered These prices. are guaranteed for the season, W. D. DICKSON, Dryden Small HOUSE and LOT for sale Lit Queen Street, not two blocks from the Sauare Store.-- Apply at Observer Office. OAK DINING TABLE (3-leaved) 42- inches diameter for sale.--Apply MRS DON BEVERIDGE, Drrden A wonderful bargain te on: an : Estate 155 Acrees, 30 under cultivation; good House, Barn, Chicken House, Spring Creek; Mile and half from Station good School, Roads, Fishing and Hunt ing. Also 8 Horses, 4 Cows, 5 Calves, 'Chickens, ete., House-Hodl Furniture (patented) : This is a real Thome. --Angly Owner C. KEHER, Quiibell, Ont, F. B. LINDEN, Notary, etc. Conveyancing Collecting General Practice. DRYDEN ONTARIO MACHIN TOWNSHIP 'Notice of Registration of By-Law NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a By-law was passed by the Council of the Municipality of Machin on the 19th day of August 1922, providing for the issue of debentures to the amount of $500.00, for the purpose of assisting D the Red Cross Society in providing a Hospital in the Town of Dryden, and that such By-law was registered in the Registry Office in the District of Kenora on the 22nd day of August 1922; Any motion to quash or set aside the same or. any part thereof must be made within three months after the first publication of this Notice, and cannot be made thereafter. GEORGE RUETE, Clerk. Dated this 24th day of August 1922. a AE A | | Sunflowers; Ds lee rE] Waldhof Fair Prize Winners + Wheat, sheaf; 1st Lily Spreng. ts; 1st Elfreida Warttig. oid Peas; 1st Hans Kellberg. | Garden Peas; 1st Leonard Spreng. 1st Pete Schoonenberg. nd Lily Spreng. Sweet Corn; 1st Mark Weiske. Leonard Spreng. : Gin. Mt. Potatoes; 1st Lizzie Kell- berg. 2nd Hans Kellberg. 3rd Richard Grossherdt. 4th Kurt Spreng. rich Cobbler Potatoes; 1st Margarete Tigcher. 2nd Hans Kellberg. 3rd Lily Spreng. Mangles; 1st Richard Grossberndt. gnd Alfred Allan. Surgar Beets Special; 1st Anna Titz 2nd Turning 1st Richard Grossberndt. 53 2nd 5 Saver 3rd Anna Titz. ; 1st Mark Weiske. 2nd Rich- 3rd Mary Erzar. pe ots Larrors tants th Kurt Spreng. Parsnips; 1st Richard = Grossberndt. Onions; 1st Hertha Weiske. 2nd Mar- at parce Fischer. 8rd Mary Erzar, 4th PE Richard Grossberndt. | Sweet Peas; 1st J. A. Schoonenberg. 2nd Leonard Spreng. Asters; 1st J. A. Schoonenberg. 2nd Margarete Fischer. 8rd Hertha Weiske. Phlox; 1st Richard Grossberndt. Elfreida Warttig. 8rd Lily Spreng. 4th Anna Titze. 5th Annie Kurtz. Mixed Bouquet; 1st Mary Erzar. 2nd fertha Weiske. 38rd Lily Spreng. Step Ladder; 1st Leonard Kurz. Arthur Allen. Milk Stool; 1st Leonard Spreng. 2nd Alfred Allen. Saw Horse; Kurt Spreng. Preserved Blueberries; 1st Lizzie Kell- berg. Mixed Pickles; 1st Lily Spreng. Raspberries; 1st Lly Spreng. Berry Tarts; 1st Margarete Fischer. Muffins; 1st Margarete Fischer. 2nd izzie Kellberg. 3rd Alfreda Worthy 4th Lily Spreng. School Lunch; lstMargarete Fischer. 2nd Lizzie Kellberg. : 2nd 2nd 1st Arthur Allen. 2nd Chocolate Fudge; 1st Margarete Fisch er, Lawn Apron; 1st Anna Titze. Dressed Doll; 1st Hertha Weiske. Needle and Crochet work (special) 1st J. A. Schoonerberg. Counterpiece (special); 1st A. Perduss 2nd Lizzie Kellberg. 3rd Bringfriede Perduss. : Knitting (special); 1st Bringfrieda Drawing Plans of House; 1st Lily Spreng. 2nd Lizzie Kellberg. Drawing Group of Trees; lst Annie Kurz. 2nd M. Fischer. Writing "Crossing the Bar"; 1st Kurt Spreng. 2nd Elfreoda Warttig. Will be starting in a short time now We have the very best in Plows. Any Plow for any kind of Plowing. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. LET US KNOW YOUR WANTS. PII, SUE H. E. Bi CKNELL, Implem: rents The Old Massey-Harris hs od { neth Mrs W. Aldum. Fagle River School Fale Prize Wi inners Wheat, sheaf; iat Prize, Adolf Too ] obson. Field Peas; First Prize, Fred Wright. Garden Peas; First Prize, Adolf Jacobson. Grn. Mts, Potatoes; First Prize, Ken- Turner, Second, Fred Wright. 1 Cobblers; First Prize, Adolf Second, Eddie Schultz. Mangles; First Prize, Kenneth Turner Second, Rudolf Schultz. Second, Fred Wright, Schultz. Beets; First Prize, Ingeborg Naslund. Carrots; First Prize, Ingeborg Nas- lund. Second, Lily Jacobson, Third, Kenneth Turner. Onions; First Prize, Second, Bonnie Delong. Sweet Peas; First Prize, Ingeborg Naslund. Second, Bonnie Delong, Mixed Bouquet; First Prize, Ingeborg Naslund. : Milk Stool; First Prize, Verndt Berg- lund, . Step Ladder; First Prize, Fred Wright Saw Horse; First Prize, Fred Wright. Writing; First Prize, Adolf Jacobson. Second, Lily Jacobson. Home Garden Contest; First Prize, Kenneth Turner. Second, Fred Wright, Muffins; First Prize, Gunor Berglund. Calf; First Prize, Kenneth Turner. Irish oy Third, Rudolf Lily Jacobson. EE LADIES' WORK Class 84-- Bread; First Prize, Mrs M, Hawes. Buns; First Prize Mrs M. Hawes. Pie, apple; First Prize, Mrs M. Hawes Cookies; First Prize, Mrs M. Hawes. Doughnuts; Tirgt Prize Mrs M. Hawes Butter; First Prize, Mrs A. Turner. Second, Mrs M, Wright. Mixed Pickels; First Prize, Mrs M. Hawes, Second, Mrs Wright. Sweet Tomatoes; Mrs M. Hawes. Canned Tin heraien: First Prize, Mrs M. Wright. \ ' Canned Raspberries; First Prize, Mrs M. Hawes. i Canned Strawberries; First Prize, Mrs M. Hawes. Second, Mrs M, Wright. Cranberry Jelly; First Prize, Miss Matjorie Adams. Second, Mrs M. Wright. Class 96-- Rest three House Plants; First Prize, Mrs Rask, Bouquet Wild Flowers; First Prize, Bouquet Sweet Peas M. Wright. Display of Cut Flowers; First Prige, Mrs IM. Wright. Second, Mrs Rask. Pansies; First Prize, Mrs M. Wright, Plain Sewing; First Prize, Mrs M. Wright. ; First Prize, Mrs Embrodery; First Prize, Margorie Adams. : Special by W, H. Allen-- Mens' Socks, $1.00; Mrs M. Hawes, Drawn Work; Tirst Prize, Doroothy Tyler. Second, Mrs J. Shapiand. Potatoes, Cobbler or Eureka; First Prize, Mrs M. Wright. Green Mountain; First = Prize, Jas, Shapland, Second, Mr Wright. Turnips; First Prize, Mr Wright. Second, J. Shapland. Cabbage; First Prize, Mrs M. Hawes. Second, Mrs M. Wright, Vegetable Marrow; First Prize, Wright. Pumpkins and Squash; Phist Prize, Mrs Wright | Beets; First Prize, Second Mrs NM. Wright. Carrots; First Prize, Mrs M. Wright. Corn; First Prize, Mys M. Wright, Tomatoes; First Prize, Mrs M. Wright Second, Mrs M. Hawes, Parsnips; First Prize, Mrs M. Wright. Onions, multiplier; First Prize, Mrs M Flawes. Second, Mrs M. Wright, Cucumbers; First Prize, Mrs Hawes. Second, Mrs M, Wright. Mangles; First Prize, Mr Wright. Best Coollection of Vegetables; First Prize, Mrs Wright. Second," Mrs M. ! Hawes. Oats, sheaf; First Prize, Mr Wright. Barley; First Prize, Mr Wright. Peas; First Prize, Mr Wright. Clover, red; First Prize, Mr Wright, Clover, alsike; Fivst Prize, Mr Wright Ensilage, sunflower; First Prize, Mrs I. Sholtz. Second, Mr Wright, i Best two Pullets and Cockerel; Prize, Mr Wright. land. Mrs Jas Shapland M.. First Second, J. Shap- / QUIBELL SCHOOL FAIR Quibell School Fair was held last THE | Latest in the Bigelow Building Cash Special SATURDAY ONLY 12 - lbs Sugar i-1b Blue Ribbon Tea. 40cC. kk kok 0. H. PROSOER, Freed, PIGS FOR SALE A few good PIGS for sale, 8 weeks old, also fall Pigs.--Apply GEO, KEATLEY G. A. RIPLEY, WANTE ED -- Pitty nal Rock Pullets. Hatched March or April. Re- ply stating price to BOX 42, Dryden Ont. 1. 0.0. F. DRYDEN LODGE, Ne 417 meets at the Town Hall every 1st and 8rd Monday of each "month at eight o'clock. H. ADAIR, N.G. | D. M. KENTNER, Rec. Sec. Visiting Brethren Cordially Invited. L.0.L. DRYDEN LODGE No. 1694 meets the first Wednesday of each month, at eight p.m, in tha Town Hall. Visiting Brethren ocer- dially invited. H. REHILL, Rec. See. Golden Star Ledge No 484 ; AE ZAM, Meets in the Masonic Hall, Dryden, the Second Tuesday of each month. Visitors Cordially invited. F. P. MATTHEWS, WM. A. J. CLEMPSON, Sec. 1. E.GIBSON, NOTARY PUBLIC COMED HOUSE.and TWO Ts TE Street For Sale. CONVEYANCER, &e. FOR SALE--1 Portable Lumber Saw Good Basement & soft water cistern. Agent for hi Mill, with 15-30 h.p. Case Steam Trac-| Coal Furnace, Electric fixtures THE ROYAL FIRE INSURANCE tion engne. Cheap for cash.--Apply ot i a COMPANY OTTO GANGLOFF, ove. Also Boat House. : : Vermillion Bay, Ont. MRS S. B. BLAGK, Dryden DRYDEN ONTARIO Is SE ae . Ea o a nT Hii TETRA Ai TI RDN fal. noises, and the Many other improvements make rolet £490" the best buy The new rear & ixle elimi ad tappets extremely qu et and the i, quiet and power= es rear axle trouble and make the engine e the Superior Chev- lowest priced fully equippe ed car on the market. Ask for particulars of our deferred payment plan week and presented a number of inter- esting features. The exhibits were of & : a high standard and tasefully arrang- : ed. The attendance was good and the interest displayed. by the pupils note- worthy and an evidence of the popul- arity of this feature of the agricul- tural department's programme in this district. The Observer regrets that a representative was not present to give a more detailed account of the exhibits and the programme, and will publich i a list of the prize- winners at a later date. 490 SEDAN