Dryden Observer, 13 Oct 1922, p. 2

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THE OBSERVER, DRYDEN, "ONTARIO. 4 Th ROBT. § The Ie Yard Where | 1H Genera! Rlacksmith ! . : nore Service. & Quality ah ris gy. jominate ANYTHING and EVERYTHING FOR A BUILDING. "A few of our linesi-- A CARLOAD OF B. C. SHINGLES ' XXX and XX. ok kk A Complete Stock oof LUMBER of all kinds. Wood Xibre, Lime, An- thracite & Alberta Coal. | Seranton Egg per ton del'd $24.50 A TT ee STI "4 Seranton Stove » 25.00 ton ad 7 2450 {Drun r Lump ,, -. , 14.00 7 iy fae | Blacks i Coal yl, 2500 a Rory 2 ® ok KX Ff | DE TR WE I ET hott "SVHAT A SPLENDID STO oi 3 Winter 0 ol Your friends 'will wish they, too, Lumber, Coal , nad 7 ak and Builders' Supplies. £1710 ne o es Geor rgian Stoves § an Stoves lgypDEN 0. ONT. when they see it in your kitchen. It's : i a elegant in appearance, roomy, and has jocsconsssnstsssssenceses. A.J.GARDINER all the up-to-the-minute conveniences a housewife or cook appreciates. You rood uniform iire and = ean gob up, A General Merchant 4 keep the range properly heated with- Don't faild sg ar out fuss extra labour. to see this Georgian Stove. : @ EAGLE RIVER, ONT. : Se 3 An FTXRXFE AGENT FOR A ® i i h¥ GENES L HA BD WARE ) Impisments gharnla'e frvnam Canaralara oo LAeLE hd Ww Wawa wwpuIaivi Gg Raw Furs Bought band Sold a 95959918490} BUILDERS SUPPLIES feassossorsssassossvassost Picture Fram The hill November days have (al- ng. Manitoba Gypsum Hardw fibre, Llc. Under ig LNDER (SON & he most) come, but no need to fear as the balm vag HAND STORE, WEST END RING STREET is well sttocked with Coal and Wood Heaters, Stoves and Ranges. Bedsteads, Springs, = Mattresses, Singer Sewing Machines,Phonographs, Organs, Cream Separators, Churns, . Tables, Chairs, Writing Desks, 'Wash- ing Machines, Dishes, Parlour and Hanging Lamps, Baby Carriages, Car- pets, a lot of empty Sacks for farmers in potato packing time, and other articles too numerous to mention, at VERY REASONABLE PRICES. fa Dry Goods | W.E. SPEARS, Prap. them at Bargain Prices that afford to miss. yon SPRINGS, MATTRESSES, AND OF SIMMBMONS BEDS, BULOWS ALWAYS ON HAND. vot & cold weath- . you had better ISHIM Gs We carry every ything. Space will not permit all details. LONG & SHOR Woo MITTS AND GLOVES. GLOVES '& MI S, LI NED AND UNLINED. nS, COATS, PANTS. Also WHIP ht PANTS, AND BREXCHES. WINTER CAPS. HEAVY LINED BOOTS AND RUBBERS oF AVL KINDS: KINDS . Gent' 8 window next week for RANGE of RUBBERS. /; vatch our COM PLET .| ment and furnace. Goskshutl Plow Gp. Frost & Wood & EMPIRE FIRST & SECOND- | Goods Bought & Sold on Commission. Farm For Sale FOR SALE---Good FARM, two miles from town of Dryden; 160 acres, with 70 acres cultivated, balance pasture and bush; 9 roomed house, stone base- Two wells, with pump. Running stream through centre of the farm. Log barn, 26x50; stable 20x26; poultry house, driving shed and blacksmith shop, 20x50 Stock and | i and | machinery can be bought if desired Also 160 acres, all bush, good timber and pulpweod. Shack, 14x24, well. Seven miles from town. All the above is good farm land | and a splendid opportunity to make 2 home. . Responsible party can secure favourable terms. Owner 'obliged lo cell because of failing health. Write for particulars care of the Dryden | Observer. : i FARM FOR SALE %mile from Dry-. den, 80 acres, % under cultivation, good buildings. Apply, DAN KEATLY, Dryden Ont. Conveyancing Collecting General Practice. DRYDEN ONTARIO. be FOR SALE -- slightly used | PIANO, latest ' style, full, rich | WHY DON'T YOU TRAIN FOR; BUSINESS? We will need 1,000 girls and young! men this year, We had more than | 250 calls for office help between March ist and August 1st. The demand is increasing. Business is improving, | and will be booming before you com- | plete your course, if you start now. Success graduates are preferred every | where. write for free prospectus. The SUCCESS BUSINESS COLLEGE | : Winnipeg, Man, Positively no connections with success | Colleges in other Cities. co Ce F. B. LINDEN, Notary, et "tone. Will be sold at a bargain ; 'and on very easy terms. Apply, H. MUSGROVE 152 Langside St. Winnipeg! i 4 BY virtue of a warrant issued by the tion, compris See parts of the Townsh in the District of Kenora. . By virtue of a warrant issued by A.D. 1922, commanding me to levy 1listrict of Kenora. W. W. Wells N.% of S.% and . S.3% of S.% 10 Chas Wright Harry Rouse. S.E.% of S.%: 2 \ WW. 41 Minnie Hannah Mike Vergah DRYDEN, June 30th 1922 "TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS for Arrears of Taxes Municipality of the Township of Van Horne, and Glengoland School Sec- { cipality of the Township of Van Horne, bearing date the 30th day of May in described for taxes respectively due thereon, together with the costs m- curred, I hereby give notice that, unless the arrears and costs are sooner paid, I shall proceed to sell by Public Auction, the said lands or so mueh thereof as may be necessary for the payment of the said taxes and costs, on the 21st day of October, A.D. 1922 ars Township Hall, Lot 11, N. Princess Street, in the Town of Dryden, In the Township. of Van Horne. § Unpatented, L Lea 'Assessed to Lot Geo. Adams N. % 12 F. T. Brignall S. Pt. tT J. R. McCutchison N. Pt. 2 Golden Park Mining Co., S. Pt. 5 Golden Park Mining Co., S.E. Tt 6 W. Johnston 8.3% of B.A 8 W. Johnston S.1% of S.% 7 W. Johnston N.% of N.% &° -W. Johnston N.W.% of N. z 9 J. W. Kennan S.W.% of S.% © Jno. Ophea S. Yo 15 Standard Trust S.1% 10 Max Schellenberg S. B.% of N.%2 7 ' i E.% of S. Yo 8 3 9 S.E.% of S.% 9 Miss E. Scholes W.% 10 N. Pt. 6 Jno Garritt S.% 11 D. Grant S.1% 19 Henry Hardy S.1% of N.% '9 Geo. Keatly S.W.% of 3.147% : as z SE% of $%'2 Con Schnider, Sr. N.% 12 ~ Gough & Ely Pt.'4 Aubrey ' Wainwright Township North Dryden Subdivision. Township ; No, Geo. Attwood 132 'Thos. Bowes 45 *R. Cook 43 J. W. Henderson 42 R. Haywood 58 R. Haywood '59 Dyment Kulkibush 88 Dyment Kilkibush 8 Merrit & Kirk "48 Merriott & Kirk 149 A. Holmshead '415 A. Holmeshead 416 A. Holmshead 280 A. Holmshead 281 A. Holmshead 86 A. Holmshead 87 P. Kasianyuk 56 Mike Killiam 57 Robt. Kenneth 14 Robt. Kenneth 15. Robt. Kenneth 16 Robt. Kenneth 17, Robt. Kenneth 18 Robt. Kennetn 19 Robt. Kenneth 20 Robt. Kenneth 23 Robt. Kenneth io 22 Jno Kuba 282 Jno. Kuba 283 Tony Lukany 78 Tony Lukany 79 Tony Lukany 80 A. Longhead 1238 A. Longhead 234 Dan McKillip 53 Dan MeKillip 54 Stanley Maymah 81 Stanley Maymah 82 Geo. Sargent 251 Geo. Sargent 252 Miss I. T. Thompson 369 Miss I. T. Thompson 370 » 85 Reeve and Council, under seal of the ip of Eaton, Aubrey and Wainwr ight, the Reeve, under Seal of the Muni- on the several parcels of lands there- o'clock in the afternosi, in the ZERO BEE (<THE (SRO ERED © EE OEE O-SEN Will soon be here from the East EO 3 Use our new telephone directory and let us know your wants in Groceries, Feed, Provisions and General Supplies for the con- sumer. Our prices are as reasonable as any, and our service equal to the best. LOSERS O CTD O-ED- (CEE (GED OGRE O-CED- (3 Oxdrift Co-operative Company, Ltd. H J. W. BRILL, Manager, Dryden T. H. SCOTT, Manager, Oxdrift. For all kinds of CHOICE FRESH MEATS We also carry an excellent Stock of SMOKED & COOKED MEATS, BUTTER, LARD, ETC. asehold, others Patented. Con. Acres -Arrears Costs Total PORK SA lS AGE S d HAMBURG STEAK 4 160 $33.40 $2.44 $35.84 § d 2 L all 1 118 78.47 3.56 82.08 : 1 90 82.09 3.66 85.74 made daily +2 42 31.45 2.39 33.84 L¢ : ' 2 35 25.41 2.94 21.65 L! SIRLOIN STEAK, per tb __..._.. 25 BREAKFAST BACON, per b__ .40 9 73 777 and 81m ROUND STEAK, per Ho... _ .20 BREAKFAST BACON, per 1b__. .5b 2 20 84.46 3.0 88.16 | PRIME RIB ROAST, per © __.. .17 PORK CHOP, per § 1 rR 38 1 30 $2.61 8.67 86.28 . CHUCK ROAST, per Ih... _ .14 PORK STEAKS, per: Th... 30 1 40 43.23 2.68 46.91 i RIB STEWS & BOILS, per Tb_~ .08 LEG of PORK, per h._. 28 2 40 39.31 241 34.62 L : POT ROASTS, per Ib ome .12 LOINS of PORK, pet H..ce.. 28 5. ag 82:98 3.66 85.94 SMOKED HAMS, per Ibo. .40 SHOULDERS (whole) per th... 28 5 160 46.94 2.89 54.52 BOIL of PORK, per | ERT .20 b} 75 94.07 3.95 98.02 5 50 100.56 4.10 104.65 ba FRE]I D, Propriter 5 5 40 Bzey 120% mnos gimp : 6 156 98.12 4.05 102.17 244120 49.11 2.83 51.94 1h 1 80 34.41 2.46 36.57 4 160 32.46 2.42 34.55 § 4 169 70.02 3.35 78.37 § 5 80 23.90: 2.3% mya 8.1, 5 40 5.09 1.85 6.94 ' D ° Sian, B09 L853. 6.0L eering uo 100 ena 262 43.16 § : Sold by 6 2 271.78 .30 30.08 Township ¢ J. 8S. CORNER, Oxdrift. 8. 40. 251% 298° 97.35 § : --_-- 1 160 129.68 4.84 134.562 of Van Horne nid eae gin Will be starting in a short time now $23.12 $2.18 $25.80 21.81 215 23.46 We have the very best in Plows. Any Plow for any 21.21 2.15 23.36 ; 16.00 2.00 18.00 kind of Plowing. 10.33 1.85 12.18 OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT 1053 ii i : " LET US KNOW YOUR WANTS. 20.09 2.11 22.20 rit: = 20.09 2.11 22.20 E = ; N gn, 20.02 2.11 22.13 ; 4 ¢ em - EB. BICIKNELL, Implements 18.74 2.07 20.81 a ey The Oid Mas ssey- -Harris Stand WIL BOT 2081 18.75 2.07 20.82 18.75 2.07, 20.82 18.75 2.07 20.82 32.21 2.41 34.62 om 13.27 1.83 15.20 ; 2.65 1.85 4.50 RR a i £ = : Ih) 8 asim am Ready for Heavy Duties 2.65 1.85 4.50 oe : : : i 2.65 1.85 4.50 The Case 10 20 is noted for its reserve For belt work this tractor drives | 2.65 1.85 4.50 ower. Owners state that these tractors Case 20x36 thresher, fully. equippec 2.65 1.85 4.50 are always capable in emergency, for silo fillers, hay presses, feed mills, ete. 2.65 1.85 4.59 extra hard plowing or for grades. For.all round use this tractor demand; 2.65 1.85 4.50 This 10-20 is recommended for pulling your careful consideration, It has lon 2.65 1.85 4.50 three 14-inch plows which it can' pull proved its worth. It is ecoliomical 11.98 1.90 13.83 in sod or stubble. operation, b oh 11.93 1.90 3 oe 1, burning kerosene successfull, Ll. . 13.83 Et It also handles other implements It is built of the finest materials Yor 15.02 1.98 10a nsually requiring, about six horses) such get your monay's worth, : ig " 1 © jas two 7 foot binders, two 20 shoe grain Acton you decide on your tractor, le 2 1.08 17.08 drills, six section spike-tooth harrow, 8 a AB the advantages of the Cas 15.26 1.08 17.24 a ) ine. You'll then be hesiag able ti 15.2 1.08 17.94 foot doubledise harrow, ete. indge. 10.01 1.85 11.86 4 KEROS 10.01 1.85 11.86 § /N OSENE F. T. BRIGNAL L 24.24 2.21 26.45 | Cw/d Ba TRACTORS Oxdrift. O 24.24 2.21 26.45 Adele, Cat 16.91 2.02 18.93. : ti % = in Boe Te DRUMHELLER COAL FOR SALE--1 Portable Lumber Sav L. o OQ. . - Lt 11.92 1.90 13.82 Lina per fen --_ hg iii Mill, with 15-80 h.p. Case Steam Trac 13.01 1.93 14.94 mye, pov fou -o $1800 delivered on ool or Jol : i gne. Cheap for cash.--Appl; ' D. ANDERSON, Treasurer Thor prices are guaranteed for the ch TAPP Van Horne Township, & Glengoland School Section. } i ! NCLOFPP, : : W. D. DICKSON, Dryden Vermillion Bay, On

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