Dryden Observer, 26 Oct 1922, p. 4

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EE) OER (HARE €) SHIH) CEI O- MET) IESE 4 THE ST ED STEER 6 RR FRED CEES OARS { the Redeemer OED (OTE €) TIRED (O<EIE oa I AT AI y REC R 5 AAA 126-10 The gfe are arranged in four pairs, the prices are 5; $4; $3; $2. and at any rate are worth investigating ve. am na ri : 3 ~ L~4 5 * 3 / | 3 | | ; 4 a& i: | 5 % i y p i LFRED PI 77. DRYDEN, ont. EDO CE SE GOURD OGG © o-- a ; : {living quarters. [Riley Jeast very easy and open for invest- | ment in | catting is decidedly {and electric fixtures. | | : LAE UBSERVIR DAYUEN, Inteasivs Mining 'Mr C. W. Riley, Manager of Con-- tact Bay Mining operations here, is back from New York, and other eastern points, He reported the Com- pany have decided upon the installa- tion of a ball mill with a grinding capacty of from sixty to eighty tons. This will be used in conjunction with the stamp mill recently acquired with property and the in- stallation of this machinery will be | started as soon as weather conditions make hauling to the mine possible. Mr Riley expects to start develope- ment again on the Bonanza claim, as well as the Redeemer as soon as roads are in condition for the delivery of wood, possibly at the beginning of November. The Company is contem- lating the further develo pement of the Rognon Mine at Contact Bay. The work will be started the latter part of of November or the first of Decem- bér. It is well known that some of the richest ore was taken from this claim that was ever taken cut in this coun- try. The ore from this property will be milled at the Redeemer plant; it "will be conveyed to the Redeemer mill by aerial tram. At present there are fiftten men at work on the property putting up buildings and repairing A contract. has been let to Mr James Hutchson for three thousand cords of furnace wood. Mr reports mining capital in the legitimate operations wild in disfavor, but any legitimate mining proposition is given a sympathetic consideration. Mv Riley, as well as visiting eastern '| points in the United States, spent sev- | eral days in Toronto, Woodstock and London. He also visited his old home town, Milverton which he had not seen for thirty-nine years. Mr Riley | says that everything in that part was prosperous, but although he saw some old familiar places he did not see any geiline faces. with furnace; cistern, electric stove, Also complete with storm windows. --Apply Mrs S. B. BLACK El 1 QUALIFIED HOUSEKEEPER, TO |} assist in housework, etc., by the day Willing to assist in any capacity.-- 26-10 Apply BERTHA NEILL, : "Dryden P.O. FOR SALE_TEN ROOMED HOUSE, Well- Baby Clinic to be held weekly on ATURDAY AFTERNOON at 3 p.m. Commencing Sat. October 28th. SA babies weighed Comem and have your Miss Veitch will be pleased to dis- cuss with the mothers the care babies. EMERGENT COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday night the Council held an emergency meeting at which the re- port of the Committee appointed to THIS WEEK'S NEW GOODS: -- handle the proposed water-works to! Men's Heavy Pullovers __.___ - 83.25 School was received and acted upon. Boys' Heavy Pullovers __._._..__. 2.95 my mi "Thane I. a The Committee, Messers J. B. Bev Heavy Wool, Coat Sweaters __.___ 4.65 eridge, H. Wilde and F. Matthews, Good | £ Mew Tock were all present and submitted ten- eae Supply Of Men's Mackinaw Coals, at ii io rg -- 4.65 ders for the various parts of the work, and after explanation and discussion contracts were awarded to the follow- ing parties: Yea I Heavy Black Mackinaw Breeches 3.50 Chee ked Mackinaw Pants ._.__. 4.75 Good assortment of Men's Heavy Win- Exeavatio 7 ck filling, toi. : 5 % Sasi mm Las -- M8, '0%ter pants at reasonable prices. Swan an in Larson at 60c. per foot! TL > Dyanana Jon aly a >. PET L00L) Now Army Breeches at 18.05 7-feet deep and 24-inches wide; B5be.§ ; ; = : Second Hand Breeches __..._..__.. 2.50 per foot in case trench has only 'to be 18-inches in width. Grinell Company} Winnipeg, piping, hydrants and in- stallation of the system 8,872.00; and The General Supply Company for a vacuum pump of 25 horse- power; 250- gallons per minute capacity, with all Fleeced Lined Shirts and Drawers each garment: Heavy Wool pandora = Good assortment of Miths:-- Pullover Mitts, 50c per pair or two Sint OB Socks, per pair 35¢. or 3 1.00 'necessary equipments 1,275.00; making pairs for = aE a total of $7,153.00 which insures, with Calfskin, lined mitts, per pair 50c. or a fair margin for contingencies, the! two pair for 0 none 5 whole proposed systems installation! pyle skin gloves, 50c per pair or two for the modest sum of $7,500.00. palridor onl vo Te on Work will be commenced forthwith, and ere long Dryden's first Municipal water system will be in operation. THE Boman In the Bigelow Building, S PRICES: -- ; _Horsehide lined Gauntlet Mitts @ 1.75 Heavy Army Wool Gloves, per pair 50c. or two pair for --i.__.o.._.. 96 Horsehide lined Mitts, __.. Heavy Wool Mitts @ __. Inside Wool Mitts @ __. Cotton Gloves, 10c. per "pair or three pair for 2b An agsortment of Boys Mitts. : Men's Heavy Grey Work Shirts__ 1.45 Men's Army Shivis ees. 1.65 Union Made Overalls, all colors. 1:65 Men's new Army Boots __.__.... 4.65 Good line of Men's Sunday Shoes in Brown or Black, from 3.90 to 4.50 Ladies New Boots kh 85 Nice Poll Caps =... 020 1.00 Men's Suits from 6.50 to 16.00 We also carry a line of Furnture. Also Shot Guns, 22 Rifles, Repeaters. Violing Carpenter Tool Box (1) __...._... 8.00 Many other articles too numerous to mention, A visit to our store will pay you. S. DAITER'S NEW AND SECOND HAND STORE (Opposite Town Hall) El Our Coffee Mill has arriv- ed and we are prepared to serve you with Fresh: Ground Coffee of excellent) quality at 45 cts & 55 cts per ib. 5- 2 Complete line of - BURGESS FRUITS, CONFECTIONERY, GROCERIERS : AND TOBACCOS. LUNCH SERVED IN A WARM LUNCH ROOM. REASONABLE PRICES Saturday's Specials: 1 of Apples for__.. -1b of Bananas for_.. Smokers sundries and Stock. kok ck ok GC. H. PRONGER, Prop. NEW FO! |\FRIDAY : Old Price CHASSIS ""The Flower Selected A Story by J. Oliver Curwood D> PRICES Effective September 26th New Price - Reduction Ee $425.00 $395.00 ...... .... $50.00 RUNABOUT .... |... 495.00 Shed i bane = 3 ra TOURING ...... ... 535.00 495.00 ..... ..... 40.00 i f TRUCK CHASSIS ... ..375.00 545.00 ..... ..... 30.00 COUPE... =... .0... 840.00 780.00 ..... ..... 60.00 SEDAN... 030.50 870.00 i. chivas . 60.00 Lhe abOve prices are F.0.B. FORD, ONTARIO a Government Sale Tax Extra On Coupe and Sedan--Starting and Electric Lighting are stan- Comedy dard Equipment on Starting and Electric Lighting on Chassis, Runabout, Touring, MONDAY . TUESDAY LANE HAMMERSTEIN w "EVIDENCE" C>o BREAD BREAD and Truck Choy sis, $85.00 Extra. VALL'S GA! HAL DINGWALL, Mgr. AGE, Dryden THE B.B. STORE Bread is your best food. id Inter: Atin| Deering 1. S. Sold by CORNER, Oxdrift. Why not save by using the ticket plan 13 tickets for $1.00 The B. B. Store Light Lunches Kodaks & Supplies % ok % Full line of Pipes & Tobaccos ok kok ok x Fresh Stock of High Class Package Chocolates

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