Dryden Observer, 1 Dec 1922, p. 1

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Volume IV. Dryden, Oat. December 1st 1922 N umber 26 RYD PH) 'X Just to remind you that Xmas is only 27 shopping days away DO YOUR SHOPPING EARLY There is every advantage in selecting "GIFTS" now oy, A pmcaceas]. WAGY as Gifis! & Buy while our Stocks are complete. Don't wait until the best "GIFTS" 'are picked out, for-- A small deposit will reserve any article in our store, and our stock this year is especially varied and complete A "GIFT" selected at the Dryden Pharmacy has a value in sentiment without measure The Masquerade eoskisk Xk The long-loocked for Masquerade Ball held got Tuesday night was, as al- ways, a huge success, and provided; the a gathering with a great a- mount of fun and enjoyment. The novelty and beauty of the dresses and of the "comics", de a great night of it. © An affair of this kind allows consid- erable latitude for expression of char- acter and personal some remarkably striking were worn, their significance and var- ied nature exhibiting a wide diver- gence of taste, albeit many of them must have been quite expensive. The music was up to the high stan- dard expected by a Dryden crowd, the Mr Gammon proving a great hit and adding greatly to the effectiveness of, the orchestra, while the catering, even to the coffee was beyond criticism. The' total proceeds amounted to the sur- prizing sum of $216.70 for admission. By Lo courtesy of Mr Offer we give! a list of characters as far as suc were obtainable in the erush-- For that '""XMAS GIFT" you wish to be "just a little different," try the Drug Store--"The Store of many "GIFTS" wo LOOK--To encourage "Farly Shopp- ing" we will allow you 5 p.c. discount on any "GIFT" purchased for cash on amounts up to $10.00, and on amounts of $10.00 or over, we will allow you 10 p.c. discount, providing they are bought not later than Dee. 16th, 1922 CE OR Ok XK Send a GREETING CARD 1t costs so little But it means so much wok ok oR SHOP EARLY kok ck sk QUALITY ---- SERVICE "When in need of GOOD BOOTS--MEN'S OR - BOYS boils Lie dd ud MEN'S RUBBERS HARNESS Horse Blankets Bodts or ies ® pairs~: CALL AT WILLARDS The Store of Service and Quality. doko KK If you are solo HOCKY BOOTS, or SKATES this Winter, I shall have a good assortment on hand shortly. Sizes to fit all feet and prices to suit all pockets. -- Good assortment of PULLOVER & WOOLLEN MITTS on hand # 3k kok kk A full Supply of Dr Scholl's remedies always on hand. Service Free. Our Hocke vy Boots have arrived and are now on exhibition. ' The assort- ment is varied and the quality first class and prices right. Cur Skate Sharpener is now runn- ig. Orders promptly attended. H. WILLARD, Dingwall, Elder at a Funeral, Mrs wall, Little Miss Muffett. Mr J. eridge, Retired English Gentle-* irs J. Bs Beveridge, Chinese! Mr FE. N. Beveridge, Turkish: Gentleman. Mrs F. N. Beveridge, Turkish Lady. Mrs H. Humphreys, Bridge Fiend. H. Humphreys, Jack Pot. Hal Dingwall, Santa Claus. Migs Campbell, Two Faced Couple. Arthur Pitt, John Bull. Jack Pitt, Mexican. Mr Burton, South Sea Island "Lady". Ena Mont v, Hiawatha. Lorraine Pid- geon, Plevott. Fern and Jessie Taylor, Two Little Girls in Blue. Miss Foster, Gypsie. Kathleen Hartneft, Marguer- Miss Crone, Crinoline (1st prize). Mrs Rhodes, Oriental Princess. May Lewis, Highland Dassie Missess Thomas, Plerettes. Miss Scott, Blue- bird. Ella Russell (Keewatin) Turk- ish Lady. Florence Tustain, Poudre. Mrs French, Grecian Lady. Pearl Rod- tka, Water Lily. Bessie Harris, Joan Arc. Miss Pitman, French Lady. s Lucas, Minnehaha. Pearl Crerar, Clarence Plotts, Robin Clarence Durance, Pierott. Miss Daisy Durance, Pierette. Miss Elsie Durance, 18th Century Costume. Mr O. Jacl kson, Roman Chariot Driver. ite. Mrs Lane, Spanish Dancer. Mr Lane, Uncle Sam. ou W. Nixon, Pilgrim of the Night. T. C. R. Crawley, Japanese Nobleman er Prize). Mr Hugh Pronger, The New Cook (1st Prize Comic). Miss Ingall, Dutch Cleanser (1st Prize Comic). Miss Hawkins, Powder Puff. Miss Maloney, Dutch Lady. Ivy Pronger, Dutch Girl. Mrs J. Harris, Bo-Peep. Mr J. Harris, In- dian Chief. Mrs Warren, Bewitched. Me Warren, Plerott. R. J. Pronger, Bulgarian Count. Mrs R. J. Pronger, Irish Colleen. Tom Foote, French Officer. Iva Bartlett, Spanish Dancer. Elsie Upton, Turkish Lady. Jimmie Beddome, Pierott. A. Bridgewater, Convict "18". Mrs Edgar, School Girl. Frank Torter, Rudolph Valentino in the Four Horsemen. Mrs Deadman, Turkish Lady. Daisy Beddome and Katie Parks, Two Imps. Valerie Ray and Edith Hardie, Babes in the Wood. Dickie Cummings, Buster Brown. Mrs Cummings, Gypsie. IL. C. Cary, Afri- can Coolie. Much credit is due to the commit- in charge of arrangements, viz Hambly, Miss Myrtle Beddome, oh = 0 3 0 [7] pt jo] Le iss Boot and Harness Repairer. La S20 2 22 260000000 by Dick Trist Bryden Livery, Transfer and tation Barn BASBEAT ESOC LY < é Ps ¢ & + R YDEN ONT. 5080909 I ovvove0ses, E | cei Dryden Bakery WALTERS' DRYDEN MAID BREAD | : "It's wrapped" CAKES AND PASTRIES 'Bread and Cakes on sale at the Bakery Special attention given to phone orders Phone 86 T. WALTERS 2 $ i St Luke's Constance Xerney, Miss Mar- uerite Evans, Miss Alice Berrey, Miss! anor Smith, Miss Clara Self, Miss Aldra Smith, Miss Gertie McFadyen. Judges--Mr A Pitt, Mr F. M. Offer and Mr C. A. Burgess. (ED EE E (-EED O-G CD Special » 2 Every department of Union Church is working overtime for the S.S. 'Xmas Concert. They are determined to live: up to the great success of last year. Tickets on sale in a few days. 0Q 0 Annual Bazaar ;-- St Luke's Annual Bazzar next Tues- day, Dec. 5th, should make a strong bid for public support. The quality of goods on salg, and the various attract- ions offered, compare favourably with those of previous years. Curiosity has been aroused regarding the "Cen- tipede Lady", who is only rivaled in in- terest by the beautiful Doll presented' by the Girls' Guild, which is to be drawn for. 3 Our car of Eastern Apples just arriv- ed. Call and see them.--Oxdrift Co- operative Company, Limited. 7 display, and the funny antics of some | disposition, and ; costumes | introduction of the new Xylophone hy Veitch, Mrs Santa. Mr and Mrs M. 8. i the skeleton on Thunder Lake. : Department of Agriculture | The Drama k 3k sk 3k Agricultural Representative M. F. - Cook, left Thursday for Toronto. | Miss Mary McCrae, of Kenora, is spending a week in Dryden with her 'sister, Mrs Strut. { Stanley Greaves Forking at Contact Bay Mines, cut his foot last week and is under the care of Dr Dingwall. J. B. Beveridge returned Friday from a trip to Winnipeg and other western points. a MissElla Russell of Keewatin was in Dryden over the week-end visiting her friends. Mr Frazer of the game and fisheries department, Fort William, and Mz Martin, game warden of Kenora were in town Wednesday on official business: ! The much . heralded Star Car has {appeared in Dryden and A. G. Rilpey stand Tommy Graham are wearing i smiles that won't come off, over some- i thing they promise too let us in on at ia little later date. and dance will be in Oxdrift Community Hall on Friday, Dec. 8th, under the auspices of (the W.I. Warmest of welcomes, finest i floor, best and brightest music are jassured. You need the fun; we need the money. i A Box Social held 8 { At a recent directors meeting of the Oxdrift Co-operative Company, Mr J W. Brill was appointed Manager for. the two stores. Purchasing and ac- counting will be taken care of at the Dryden Office of the Company. Arthur Thomas, Aubrey, is back from a three weeks' visit in eastern points. Commenting on things in general, he is inclined to agree with the published opinion of J. J. Morrison tha until the farmers are more united, their problems will continue to exist. : Mr T. H. Scott who has been manag- er of the Oxdrift Co-operative Com- pany's Store, has accepted a position with the Pulp Company of Kapuskas- ing and Mr G. Vancoughnett has been enjoyment. Ignace Hard Times Hoskok ok The Hard Times Dance held in the Community Hall last Thursday eve- standpoint of good fun and genuine Dignified Town Fathers, together with boisterous young imps of tende years, wended their away expectant] to the scene of the intended fracas clad in the most repulsive yet appropia garments that they could musts the occasion. Thrilling stories could be recountec concerning the methods ad foried by certain localities in their efforts to se- cure possession of the attire of their { fancy. : o Gaol terms a-plenty would he m out, were Justice to demand it's « from the delinquents guilty of the ne farious pilfering processes that sta Cah the Fair Name of our widely famed Railway stronghold. i True: "One's conscience should b one's guide," but so many of us re: on ed such a deplor able lack of conscience commodity, that tis better if we en- deavour to forget our "Hard Times" misdeeds. Sufiice to say that, after assembling at the hall ,we promptly dug in and made ourselves thoroughly at home. What matters it if one's pants are a bit groggy or a bit drafty in the vicin- ity of the rear section, so long as one {is happy. What matters it if one's toes do pro- '| trude in surprised query, and ones el- bows poke out in violent and indignant protest so long as the owner is obses- sed with the ecstasy of a delightful | delineation of a dandy yet Devilish Dance, that dispels dumps and demol- ishes delusions with a determination that defies defeat and drives Dragons "Death" to Josette and disconsolate }- dispair? I ask you, dear reader, what does it matter? To elaborate on the numerous, joy- ful details of the evening would be a lengthy task indeed, suffice for us to state that Miss Gladys McAllen carried off the Ladies Prize in a dress that consisted of 'a couple of 'gunny sacks sent to Oxdrift to look after the sales end of the store there. Granny's Boy is the big attraction at the Garrick this week. My Wild Irish Rose is having its first run at the Province theatre, Winnipeg. These two pictures will be shown at the Strand here next week, which would show that M. Bailey is among. the men of Canada. Just to remind you of the Bazaar in aid of the Scandinavian Mission to be held in the Faper Mill Hall on Sat- urday. There wilt be an especially fine display of the quality of crochet and knitting for which the Seandinavians are justly famed. As this is a wortay cuuse, it is dese ving of liberal pat- ronage. To those who are interested in the. making of an attractive home, the beautiful volume being given away by F. J. Latimer will prove of imrnense interest. The book is entitled ""Mec-| Clary's Household Manual", and is a i everyone who is fortunate enough: to secure a copy. Sunday, investigating the finding of There seemed to be no doubt that the remains are those of Sam Kolden, the farmer who disappeared two years ago last September. Coroner Kinney decided 'lan inquest was unnecessary. The rel- atives of the deceased have been not- ; ified. An Official Survey :-- We have been fortunate ¢mough to 'secure a copy of the Report of the in refer= ence to this district. It is. of such a nature as to be of value. zs well as interest to most of our readers; but because of its length, and the great tervals. This week we have selected the "Forword", a summary of general development that is outlined. As the Report is compiled pr imarily for the information of the De partment and not for publication, every statement made | judicial in its nature. We take pleasure (in its reproduction, and endorse its} optimistic tone in the frallesst degree. most up-to-date of the leading show-| splendid contribution to the science of home-building. It is practical and in-| structive and will be a great help to Coroner J. A. Kinnop was in Dryden: judiciously held together by an odd stitch of twine; while Shorty Burton gobbled the Gent's Prize in a remark- able conglomeration of rags and tatt- ers, that would be difficult, if not im- possible to describe. Mrs J. Humphreys, together with Mr and Mrs A. G. McNabb, supplied the music, which was both pleasing and inspiring. i : The revellers abdicated during. the wee sma' 'ours, the majority feeling that Hard Times were probably more acceptable and pleasure-giving than Good Times ever were. Who ¢an tell ? Do not forget the Grand Masquerade Ball to be given on Thursday, Dee. Tth in the Community Hall in aid of Haileybury Fire Sufferers. thee and select thy costume. single soul on parade that night, step lively and anmplote your prepar- ations. y so Aline for the completion of the Skating Rink are going forward at 'a satisfactory rate, but all are impa- tient. THE GOLDEN RULE APPLIED The Salvation Army is making an appeal for funds within the next few days, which is to be used for the sup- port of the institutions which it main- tains in this Province for the Public good. : ; The work of the Svein Army needs no eulogy--it sings its own praises. In the words of its honoured founder, the Army "Goes straight for 'Souls--and goes for the Worst." ©: Nor salvation of unfortunates--down on their luck and needing a helping hand mass of information contained, it has | been decided to publi sh extracts at in- conditions and the indication of future | g, fc : | the middle aged and the aged, sick in can be accepted as reliable and entirely | to aid them in winning back their gelf- respect and the chance for a new start. 'There is only one thing to be said of the Salvation Army: it is the Golden Rule organization. Its religion is ser- vice for humanity. Its officers and members are practical, in that they believe it is little use preaching either heawen or hell to a man and expecting his permanent reclamation, unless friendship and help take a practical form. So the Army is practical. has its institutions for the young, for It body or mind; it is a reclaiming organ- ization. Furthermore, it is run with a minimum of overhead expénse. It makes a dollar go to the last cent, and nothing is wasted: No appeal could be more phan this... ying the cards: | in the next six weeks. ning was a decided success from the |: does it confine its efforts to the normal worthy i Yio will be First? ;. " A. Dryden forsine-tellei wus ad | Prophesie s that 5 Dryden kid--2 girls and 3 boys -- will be drowned with- We don't know (their "names, but just want to call attention of parents to the unsafe con- j dition of the ice this season, that they {may take care that their children are jot among v he number. KEEP OFF ICE. DITR THE 'he other evening, and BIRTH--At Dryden, Ont., on Monday Noveniber 20th, to Mr and Mrs F. G. Lappage--a son. . At Dryden on Monday, November 18: to Mr and Mrs J. W. Wintersgill--. daughter. An Invitation is extended from Bar- clay as well as Cairnbrogie to thei dance on Friday, Dec. ist, while Qui- bell announces a masquerade for +h same evening. At Strand Theatre Monday & Tuesday Scene from "Grandma's Boy" Ct and life 2 TUREER <5 ance to make ood SRS Nb RE 1 EER fer find on ment, etc. FREE EMPLOYMENT ployed." normal prices, amid CH clothing forne Sgr 10 tives 1n POL all. parts of the world. an i y a joy to their friends, R money back. the Salvation Army | Canada West FOUR RESCUE HOMES through which pu hundreds of girls passed last year, many giving evidence of a real change of heart FOUR CHILDREN' S HOMES: accommo- dating 225 orphans and waifs, ee MATERNITY HOSPITALS : which aed for thousands of patients last \{f r. In Grace Hospital alone 1385 babies born in the last 12 months. IRLS' INDUSTRIAL HOME: Delinquent girls are sent bere by the Magistrate instead of the jail in case of first offence, thus | saving them from the stigma of a prison sentence, and giving NVOMEN'S BOARDING HOME: where working giris ome-like accommodation at small cost. WORK ; 585 meetings held with prisoners, 1998 per- viewed, and 456 met on discharge and assisted to | BUREAUS: skilled labor or what may be termed the 'Chronically Uner- NORKING MEN' Ss HOSTEL: where men find clean beds at wholesome surroundings. RISTMAS DINNERS AND WINTER REL IEF; ints edy children, food, fuel, medicines, etc. MISSING FRIENDS BUREAU: locates Hissing friends or rela- CE COURT WORK: An Army Officer attends court, roeiy to give a chance to first offenders or others. : 124 CORPS AND CUTPOSTS : where meetings in the open. air indoors are held regularly. @ NNUAL SERVICE APPEAL December 6th, 1972 VHOUSANDS of Canadians are now free from the agony caused by asthma. Life is once more a pleasureto themselves, their They've used Raz-Mah. AZ~"LAH, Suaranteed relief, or your druggist gives your -Containg no habit-forming drugs. op free trial write J.8.TEMFLETGN 2 80. Toronto, "Just Swalioh 2 Capsules." Su id by DR YDEN PHARMACY, Dryden, Ontario. in or that find work for une mem ¢- rn oaemhts CTT TRA PR VPN i OTTO UG I SOQ {

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