THE OBSERVER, DRYDEN, ON ARI. Brass Band to Play E. A KL SE The U-Need-Tu-Kum Club is hold- GENERAL HARDWARE ing a skating party Friday night and : : fortunately the band has been for the same evening. It sure 'wood of the band to play Friday. _-------- e's Store' "The Peopt Stocktaking is over and we are ready with a good, clean SATURDAY SPECIALS : ; SALMON, Prince Bupert, tall per can... ..% all like a little enccuragment. Fresh Stock i Sha i Sm tall per can 20 turn out and give them a hand. : ; ; ! PILOCHARDS tally, per fi, oo vii. vena» .16 bo g requ : ela : 4 Re nia il SALMON, Copra falls per dln 00.00 15 A The sincerest compliments that can dk ok SATION Winperad y L Gh ; ? a SALR oppared DEIR Lal ied s 4 hes 15 be paid to " ice gH Pe ue ey For the next fifteen days we will SARDINES. Sac's & Telland ' 2 ing re er He ig ai spose of all Hockey Boots, Skates ots INES, Sag's & Jelland, per tin...... .10 jalng the ani Sues So ral ol and Hockey Sticks at Cost SARDINES Drimswick, 4 ting ...%...... .25 ' worry of the holidays is over it ives | se i a person more time to take advan CHICKEN HADDIF mer fin... 00.03 25 kok ok of the splendid skating weather we : Act Quick have enjoyed for the past few weeks. ] ; joy ¥ Only a few more barrels of Apples left, all in good sound condition. If you want a barrel, order at once The hockey game between the Fiy Catchers and the Tea Tasters will be held on Friday evening, February 16. Now bei 0 Fy exh ibi ted at our Both teams are in strenuous training. this will be the treat of a life time, Dryden and Kenora Show Rooms s0 don't miss it. : George Deckert, captain and goal tender of the Tea Tasters, put hic gang through a good work-out Tues- Oxdrift Co-operative Company, Lid. KS : Tor Do WAY i Fo day evening, The manner in which po George handled and coached his nen ¢ show him to be a past master ut the . } Ce ¥ i i a 3YRE cr= game. Tom Graham has a wicked ji 7 fF T ae Sedan 1 especial ¥; b S shot, snappy and true and shoots from BUILD ERS SU DRLIES " S Diece of elegance and refinement, either side. Herb Wilde was out for h ¥ E T d 1 i { I a warm-up and sure handled a pretty Picture Fra ming < , 'GILaer ue stick. We look for some smooth com-| , ) 3p 'and is indee wonderiul va bination work from this pair. Bini | daniioha Gypsum Hardwall and Woud © If you like ay the new price. § | Richardsen was on the ice for the full fibre, Elc. CHOICE MEATS hour and showed up well. Bill and ; . : , el Pete put in part of the practice hour Undertaking mn connection Fresh Killed (not frozen y LT 7 in setting up exercises. | The Fly Re i Ne : ou E iE . ge 7 en Sa = i ti Catchers have hod a practice. Dusty at, a ii he We ik r we <i import- i bi 5 i Warren has got them under his wing ANDERSON & HARRIS ed Frozen Beef--its cheaper but good i ; and is showing them the fine pointsy, quality. i! | ! of the game. The Fly Catchers' try- ) 5 ; "outs and practices are all done under M J CROSIE Si > resh Daily:-- cover of secrecy. We have no dope ° ° : HAMBURGER STEAK (or MINCE) fellows. Gi ene al MM er ¢ Lb & nt, : Home-made PORK SAUSAGES CARNIVAL on February 23rd OXDRIFT, Ont ; Dry Goods Groceries D. FRE]D, Proprietor. Boots and Shoes : Hardware and Farm Produce rl ra NE 4 ' Frost & Wood and T Cockshutt Implements ' 4 y 1 8 ] , | on i IROBT. SWEENEY The Welcome Ha Arg Showrooms: g : b i given this new car ? | General Biacksmith & ~ DRYDEN, Opposite Royal | |) showssharoncemore Wy woodworker Stock Taking and Price Cutting | he $ 7 gn i R Ld KEMNORA, Central Mh W.C. DURANT a re | Men's Heavy Whipcord Pants, regular, 9.75. ne 7.95 yo BE RE BE CE SE Bea : rrr ve | | He at the public Oxyurn Acetyienc 2 es " A Pants regular 7 5 a : a - : Hl heeded, welding 2 oy ullelot ants regular Ba. ale __ = 4: ps ol r &i : 7 A MODEL A-22 TOURING 81280 |; " " ,» Cottonade Pants regular 3.50 and 3.25. Sale _mccricmn 2.50 I OC HEY STICK ) ATES | f.o.b. Gait: ort, ! in Con nection i.» »» All-Felt Boots per pair : 3.45 A W 4) 4 : I og ; hm ,» All-Felt Boots Leather Vamp per pair 3.95 i ; 3 Dryden District Motor Co I PROOcsceReOBLERGavemeevLs | Ono Men's Mackinaw Coat left, size 40 @ 8.50 " 5! Dealers J ¥ TRIES ' Packsack Coat, all-wool, regular 9.75 Sale .._. . T95 We h ave a large st of them on s # A. GARDINER - i; Two Boys Packsack Coat, all-wool, size 84 @ _-.. 6.95 i = 15 Danial Nepalis : Englis Prints and Ginghams, any colour, regular per yd. .35 Sale per yd. .29 ; BE 5 : § ig 10 p.c. off all Moccasins for cash h ana an d 'while th cy last Wwe arc : ® EAGLE RIVER. ONT. i) Smoked Bacon, Friday and Saturday, per Ih c 40 : ° X ' . @ 3 2 5 p.c. off all kinds of patent Medicinessuch as Tanlae, Wampoles Cod Liver offering them to you at a discount iE J H = : 4 Oil, Scott's Emulsion, B. B. Bitters, all cough Medicines, all Pills and Lin- . . PR AS i i AE oy 2 iments, Tooth Paste, Shaving Soap, Eno's Fruit Salts, Abbis Fruit Salts. of 15 p.c. off regular prices wp HEA § nr Pts a P a oNTARIO ¢ Cockshull Plow Co. Frosi & Wood § se kal 3 4 ERE vi > iE o py i ; We also have a fine assortment of] riry ror sate oy Dyas » ° 'Farm for Sale, one half mile north of | ¢ - harple HL HL Be H ig h Grade Al Umi ui Ware at .& Oxdrift, 160 acres, 25 acres cleared, 6 | & Raw Furs Bought and Sig - ie : acres plowed, 6 acres fresh seeded i pr ces whic h you can not with: red clover, balance in hay. New 2 : house finished with. V siding, 18x24, afford to (118s. price $2500.00. For terms apply | T. J. LATLMER, Dryden PE "FOR SALE-- Good DRIVER, 4 years J about 1100 Ibs, sound, quiet and geod worker. Price $100.00 cash. Sa : E. DAWKINS KERO OSENE TRACTORS SAVE YOUR HORSES» WA ALIKING over plowed ¢ ground all day tires your team as Y well as the driver. How about pulling a load besides? In these days of searci ty of horse and man power the i : 2 EY heavy farm work such as discing can he done most speedily HE FIRE FIEND plays the and economically with a Case Kerosene Tractor, The 10-18 " dame greedily. Last year he 2 wh a bi ait pull an 8 £1, Soilsinstion fle nil ta ny eats Tro See i depth. Busy farmers can work the "iron 8 el % | horse" day and might if necessary. Don't forget that Case half a billion dollars. ! tractors operate over dusty fields without dust entering .eyl- You are playing against odds if inders. The Air washer fully protects the Motor. The all cub you trust to luck. Any one of ; steel spur gears are fully enc land run in oil. The weight hundreds of fire dangers--mostly ne eam ina oy oh a sized tires prevents + Of Junge ant features : caused by carelessness--may burn explain od i in full descipive ire sent out for the asking. your property at any time. «BB Let us tel : ; ae Cause & Tractors, Protection demands fire insur- 1 5 ; HE ance, also fire prevention service. { F . T. BRIGN ALT, ) Tre Hartrorp Fir INSURANCE | OXDRIFT Company offers such service with 2 sound indemnity at usual rates. Obtain yours through this agency. J. Winterbottom Lumber, Coal and Builders' Supplies. DRYDEN "2 ONT. : Agent For-- : GALT COAL ONTARIO a ~4