ct OBSERVER, DRYDEN, ONTAKIO. Ee Health Talks % istic School Reports ROWE By Dr J. J. Middleton ER Ga * xk % : OXDRIFT | Hi E Does fatigue cause the greater per- For the month January centage of industrial accidents? Many Absent for exmination ** authorities think it does. But Mrs E| Senior IV.--Ross Jackson, Myrtle A low 'price level never before E Osborne and Dr H M Vernon of the Crosier, Wandie Weeks. Industrial Fatigue Reasearch Board, Charlie Latimes™* : : are inclined to doubt it. These | Junior IV.--Gwen Lewis, Thornton reached : by any car in Canada observers claim that the controlling Browning, Clifford Lewis. g factor in causing accidents are speed Clifford Lewis®* of 'production and the psychical state 1II--Valborg Johnson, Edna Jack- of the workers. This latter factor is |son, Ernest Neely, Edith Lewis, Millie suggested by the number of accidents | Herring, Walter Herring, Victor | that occurred in a shell factory just Johnson. ; after the workers had begun their| Class II--Clara McGonegal, ;Stella night-shift. They were then for the |Jackson, Alfred Pollard, Kenneth moskt part in a lively and excited, Browning. state, but as they calmed down in the Classl.-- Loretta Dunlop, Willie NEW PRICES ON ALL FORD : MODELS course of the night, accidents grad-|Jackson, Mabel Skene, Allen Skene, Ford Touring Car F.0.B. FORD, Ontario CE de Sh [} 2 vally fell to half the original number. | Pearl Pollard, Beatrice Spalding. - \ The unimportance of 'modern fatigue | Senior Primary--Alice Weeks, Edna Chassis fn . J $345 as a factor in the causation of acci- | Neely, Cecelia Spalding. m Runabout ' 405 dents is suggest by laboratory ex-| Junior L-- Leslie Herring, Victotr : * ve, : oy . periments. When a test involving Pollard. Touring 1 . oi 445 moderate muscular activity was carri- A. K. LYONS, Teacher So . : IN j ed out continuously for a period of ---- 3 Truck Chassis . 4905 ot r h | three and one half hours the accuracy GLENGOLAND : : : C oupe A ] ; 5 1 695 for the month of January ; rs much more slowly in the latter half ; J A ; i of the experiment than in the first Conduct Marks not added in the totals Sedan . . : 785 2 : . half. There was no indication of loss Mayme Crerar:-- Arithmetic, 70; His- Government Tax added to' these prices tory 90; Geography 83;.Art 85; Com- position 98; Literature 90; Physical = Ch ead EH tat Ti | Culture 80; Writing 45; Reading 46; ing on Chassis, Runabout, Touring, Truck Chassis, $85.00 extra. Oa 'Coupe °® : : ] h e B e st : 1 S ; i Temperature of the workshop of Spelling 96; Conduct '97. | and Sedan starting and electric lighting are standard equipment. 3 = 7] factory would seem to have some beax- Elsie Wheatley: -- Arithmetic 70; His: : : : tory 90; Geography 83; Art 90; Com- * kk kk * of manual skill, such as might under The above prices are F.0.B. FORD Ontario. Starting and Electric light- 1 "attained improved throughout, though | industrial conditions have led tom in- (ing on the number of industrial acci- {os It was found that the least position 83; Literature 85; Physical 9 : deg. at Rn Se their | Reading 46; Spelling 100. 4 9 ry en frequency gradually increased till at George Snider:-- Arithmetic 70; His- ] 152 deg. F. they were 35 per cent more tory 85; Geography 85; Art 90; Com- : position 72; Literature 85; Physical HAL DIN G WALL, Mg Tr. lower temperature, (470) they fell oft [ Culture 80; Writing 42; Reading 46; | seme ommoss AN Ye numerous than at 67 deg. AAt a still slightly, perhaps becduse the workers Spelling 86; Conduct 95. were too cold to work with their usual Senior II. Pass-- ; speed, so that there was a consequent Mavis Reid-- 92, Thomas Snider-- 86 ' diminution of accident risk. At Failed-- temperatures above 67 deg. the acci- | Ben Brignall-- 5 dents showed a slight rise among Junior II. Pass-- women workers, but tlie men suffered Margaret Crerar-- 74, th Brignall-- 38 per cent more accidents at 77 deg. 30 Margaret Tuckey-- 75, Bill Tuckey 'than at 67 deg., their greater liability ; 19, James Ver az, Gordon Cre- This is the month oo when the balance sheet is made out. ) send Hant ur being probably due to the heavier and *rar-- 15. ; . ok 3nd pt i a more trying nature of their work. Failed-- s fp want In the Bigelow Building, (Opposite Town Hall) ; i It has been observed in some in- Phan Brignall-- 57. ¥ 'hh dustrial plants that a large number of | Senior' I. 'Pass-- : 5 ------------ The January Sale has gy ts occur = within . ten minutes Tm Reid-- 88. a ; Ss Fil Qiafter starting in the morning and |X aliet-- ; AAAAAAAA put the : Stock into within ten minutes before closing at Newton Brignall-- 70; Fred Snider-- : : Ln rr is night. Lack of concentration would {6% \, f seem to be the principle cause of the Senior IIL. Pass-- mishaps in these cases. But as the Sadie Tuckey-- 79, Edward ity morning's and afternoon's work pro- 80. gresses, it has been found that acei- {Junior TIL Pags-- | dents increase. What is the cause ? Marjorie Snider-- 84, Cligerd Snider-- Fatigue may have some part in it, {5 but the speed of production and the Junior Primary. Pass-- D bj psychical state of the workers would jackie Snider-- 85 . HE On t appear to be ¢ the chief factors. © ANNA GAUTHIER buying. The Stock is clean. It has cost something to do it, but the Store can now live for the future, and ] not think of the past. | were LE Worry enn ne rem---- mmm---- about your Spring Suits as we re- TEN NEW / MEMBERS NEXT PAR-| GREAT CONTEST OF LEGISLA- ceived a shipment of New, Blue LIAMENT PREMIER ANNOUNCEs| TORS OPEN IN" ALBION All Western Provinces Gain By Re- LONDON, Feb. 13-- A plea for: 'com- listribution Bill Intdoduced in House [plete understanding between the peo-| . COMER Today ples of Great Britain and the United |. negu gr prices $35.00 to . $40.00 - Nova Scotia Drops Two States was made today in the house : Our prices, $17.95, while they last. ; of commons by Samuel Roberts during gt OTTAWA, Feb. 13-- Introducing they, op oech in which he moved the formal | We olin wnery aged supply redistribution bill in the house of com- |. qq. in reply to the speech EN {a of second hand Suits, odd Jackets mons this afternoon, Premier King in- iy one; CAPR pe Sid oh timated that 'the next house would 5 ? consist of 245 members. Nova Scotia 'Serge Suits, all sizes, also a few Brown Suits in the shipment. proper shape for new E Referring first ZA heh Britain's . i Te he war debt to the United States, he de- |. We have on hand a full supply If "we have loses two. a RE ned Wd Hos 10 pathor hard a of Men's, Women's, Misses' and 1 = two, Saskatchewan gains live, erta § Byitain. should be the onl is 2 } Boys' Boots and Shoes no announcement dg for gains four, British Columbia gains Tinin- should D8 the only belligerent | ra 3 ; nation to be meeting its debts, and} balancing its budget, especially as the} > ; debts were incury ed not for Great Bri- . Yukon remain as at present. ~ beain's own obligations in the war, bag] § all Men's ready-to-wear at reason- for financing such of her allies = as able prices. POISON GAS KILLS TEN were unable to finance. themselves. : rr TORONTO, Feb. 8&-- Ten emplc:ces At the same time he declared there | ; UE Consens Gun: Compr, of} 72% 10 ume in complaining for Great £1, T§uoar. puices as; you all know they this city, lost. thier lives this afternoon, | Britian's name was on the back of «By BTe right. through carbon monoxide poisoning -he bill and she must meet it. aE ix 2m and a number of others were seriously Sounds Labor's Warning Ie if not fatally affected as a result of Sir Collingwood Hughes, in second- : Don't forget to come in and an accident which occurred while some | € the motion for the adoption of the § look over our stock, as we have of the men were installing a second address, deprecated the straining of a lot of new goods on hand:" apparatus in the valve house of the friendly relations between France and | = : | plant for the purpose of increasing Britain, and said that if the difficulties it Men's and Boys' Dress and work Pants, also Shirts, Mitts and one. Prince Edward - Island, New Brunswick, Ontario, Quebec and the February, it is because we are preparing for the good; things to come. Pe It is not necessary to write the flow of gas in the mains in the facing Europep were to be settled, it] Jil * When in need of Heaters or event of pressure becoming weak. could only 'be achieved by Franco- . Lh Stoves, or other different ; British co- operation. Labor's battle cry, which may pre- sage the widely-advertised attempt to oo carry odd lines bring about a 'capital levy in Great : : : : : Britain, was sounded by Ramsay Mac- Donald, parliamentary labor leader, in (Cpening the debate on the address. He declared the only thing on which" ths died from wounds received when hel... tv could congratulate itself was w | Went to the assistance of his mother. [+ the number of unemployed had y His father, who attacked the mother, Tallin. amin 1,500, 000 to 1,400,000. § { was, it is alleged, killed by another {| son, Frederick, now held by the pro- vincial police. : lines of Furniture, we always SECOND DEATH IN FAMILY QUARREL, SON UNDER ARREST WINNIPEG, Feb. 13-- The second death as the result of a family quarrel at Valpoy, Man., occurred last night when Clinton O'Brien, 16 years old, The assumption seemed to be; he add- ed, that Britain had a surplus popu- lation and that 'this surplus was at the bottom. WORST BLIZZARD IN YEAR "That surplus," he continued, {] WINNIPEG, Feb. 13-- Manitoba | not going to starve or remain as a ] and Saskatchewan are in the grip of |surplus neglected and kicked from # the worst blizzard so far this winter, pillar to post in a society which has high winds and heavy snowfalls being | made them ' poor, simply --because | accompanied by below zero Gd wealth is so inequitably distributed, atures. Railway officials report all without doing their very best as cit- traffic subject to considerable delay |izens to change the system and make east and west of Winnipeg with pros- it more economic. and equitable. pects of still further trouble by night.| He added that the labor party dur- J Most trains due in Winnipeg today ing the present session of parliament | are yunning from 4 to 6 hours behind | would press the government more and - Wil l P vie H h P ) their schedules. more to deal with this problem. : : l ay ig es t rices ri 1 : ! 2 | py