Dryden Observer, 23 Mar 1923, p. 3

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--- Delicious "H. C. THE DRYDEN OBSFRVLE To be found at ""Prongers' Doherty PIANO in fumed oak, Regular $450 our price Slightly used Columbia GRAPHANOLA, mahogany Fumed Oak Virgie GRAMAPHONE, reg. $125.00 for $75.00 Columbia GRAPHONOLA, mahogany finish with 5 records, $45.00 Edison Cylinder GRAMAPHONE reduced to ............ $35.00 Any of the above mentioned instruments on terms to suit purchaser We also have a nice assortment of VIOLINS from $8.00 to the famous Varene handmade model at ; $26.50 Latest RECORDS and SHEET MUSIC always on hand Anything you don't see in the store will be ordeed with the great- est df pleasure DOn't forget to come in and see our line of Easter Goods! ELE R. J. PRONGER Golden Star Lod: wey No 484 AF &AM, GRC SH BUSINESS? : men this year, Meets in the Masonic Hall, Dryden, the Second Tuesday of each month. Visitors Cordially invited. F. P. MATTHEWS, W.M. A. J. CLEMPSON, Sec. } ; DRYDEN LODGE, Ke LO.O.F. 417 meets at the Town Hall every 1st and 3rd Monday of each month at eight o'clock. HERB WILDE, N.G. : D. ANDERSON, 3Secy Visiting Brethren Cordially Invited. | = increasing. Business is improving where. write for free prospectus. Winnipeg, Man, Colleges in ether Cities. L.O.L. DRYDEN LODGE No. 1694 meets the first Wednesday of each month, at eight p.in., in the Town Hall. Visiting, Brethren cer- dially invited. ; : J. E. HARRIS, W.M. BADEN SMITH, Secy J. E.GIBSON,| NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER, &e. | Agent for 4 THE ROYAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY : PRIDE. ONTARIO. yyy pure ODUCT JAMES McFADYEN REAL ESTATE ] Dick Trist Bryden Livery, Transfer ad Exchange Bara ¢ ol | i 3 @ 3 gay po 4 CESIVIVOCLT bow Epes DRYDEN =- ONT. § Lo a CHPOVIL L 2eBEDOSDR0y Made in Canada AND TE IRSURANGE . prypEr . ony. |11€alth and Toilet FOR SALE-- Pure Bred Clydesdale Specialties STALLION hc "KHARTOWN KITCHENER" Largest business of its kind in the Passed Stallion Enrollment. Board, world Form 1. Rising 7 years, good worker, ; "proved stock getter--apply | ) Ra 81 BOX 478, Kenora | DAD ROWLAND, Retailer A SN Every Quality goes into every Loaf Sweet and Nutritous FRI Put a Loaf on your table at every, : meal Made with greatest care The Dryden Bakery -. H. BALL, Proprietor FREER D Planning for a We are making plans for a big Spring Campaign. By all the signs this should be a good season, and we intend to be ready with sa big stock of the Implements and Supplies a farmer needs. Watch this space, and keep advised of the latest ideas and prices of everything you need in the Implement line. Ig Season! eX ens I CIKNELL, Implements - The Old Massey-Harris Stand J Some of the Many Bargains DONT YOU TRAIN FOR © We will neea 1,000 girls and young We had more than 350 calls for office help between March 1st and August 1st. The demand is and will be booming before you com- plete your course, if you start now. Success graduates are preferred every The SUCCESS BUSINESS COLLEGE Positively no connections with success POea ve awn Ry bad a4 222 1.2020 1 gi Joint Commission had his water power ? tied up, and until its findings were ra-. $ (tified he could do nothing. Something . © had to be done at Ottawa and Wash- 5 ington. Ottawa had been persuaded to COMPLIMENTS ABILITY i OF OUR MEMBER TR The activity and ability .of Mr. Peter' Heenan compels acknowledgement not | only of friends, but political opponents * as well. When the Port Arthur News- Chronicle takes occasion to compliment Mr. Heenan it must be gratifying to his constituents. That paper has continu- ally endeavoured to undermine him per- sonally and everything that he had un- dertaken to do or say since he was el- ected. Therefore, it is with no small degree of satisfaction that recently they have made admissions in regard to him such as this editorial does, and this is no small accomplishment in the space of three year of persistent work to have an apparent enemy converted in- to an apparent friend, which must be gratifying to the citizens of Kenora ge- nerally. We copy in another column the art- icle referred to. While this article to an extent is commendable, it is strange that partizan bias will persist in misre- presentation, even in an article inteded to be complimetary. It misrepresents Mr. Heenan as being at first opposed 10 the Backus deal for water power and timber limits, but changed and was the ¥ means of getting the deal through. An * limproper inference may not or may be intended, but this statement is untrue. It certainly would be unlike Mr. Heenan to be opposed to anything calculated to benefit Kenora. s The truth is that, like all good citi- zens he desired action. When he was elected as our member in the legisla- ture there was nothing doing either as regards utilizing our water powers, or the building of a pulp and paper mill as . required by the terms of the Lake of the Woods timber concession. Mr. Heenan decided to "start some- ting." He .demanded that some one should get busy. He asked Premier Drury to notify Mr. Backus to comply with the terms of the Lake of the Woods concession. This was done. Mr. Backus replied that the International ORDER NOW AND MAKE CERTAIN YOU GET A CAR AT THESE PRICES Runabout $405 Touring $445 Coupe $695 Sedan $785 Chassis $345 TiuckChassis$495 F.0.B.FORD,ONT,GOV T. TAXES EXTRA STARTING AND ELECTRIC LIGHTING STANDARD EQUIPMENT ON SEDAN AND COURE 'ratify the Commission's findings, but ; Washington has not done so even yet. However, the situation was com- promised. It was pointed out that if the owners of the Norman dam were also. ithe owners of the water power on the East channel of the river something could be done. There was a condition in the title to the Norman dam and sur- : roundings granted by the provincial government which prevented the wid- ening of the East channel or tapping the' water of the Lake of the Woods in any other way. The solution of the deadlock caused by the taking over by the Joint Commission of the Norman dam for wa- ter control purposes, was for the town of Kenora to sell the water power to the Backus interests, and they, and: they only while they were the owners of the Norman dam, could widen the: " DINGW 2 Dryden FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED, FORD, HE average Canadian Family : consists of five persons. The new low price of Ford Ca: makes it possible to add the sixth member to it. E You are considering the purchase of = car--of a Ford Car. You have realize that the man--the family -- without hb also car is at a disadvantage. You have als realized that Ford Cars are now so low priced that it is possible to give yourself and your family what others have. ER ERR TR A Ford Car fits into the family routine-- does your work and that of the family -- makes the family routine unhurried and unworried -- makes it possible to save some time for recreation--+to visit friends --for the country dweller to get into | town --for the town dweller to get into 5 the country. The sixth member of the Canadian Family --the FORD CAR. The Price of the Touring Car is $445 -- Freight and Government Taxes Extra, And it can be bought on a Monthly Payment Plan: Ontario ONTARIO 1123 East channel and increase the power a= there, thus taking that that much more Colonel Gibson, Vice President of the {water out of the Lake of the Woods Spanish River Pulp and Paper Com- through the East channell and an equi= pany, when examined during the recent valent amount less through the west libel action in Toronto admitted under channell which is regulated by 'the stop oath that his three Companies held logs-in the Norman dam. three limits as follows; - Mr. Heenan investigated the condi- 140 ton daily capacity mill at Stur- tions both in regards to timber and wa-' geon Falls, having a timber area of 3,- ter-powers and had advices ifrom both 000 square miles. Ottawa and the Hydro Elec tric Com- 150 ton daily capacity mill at Espan- mission and placed the whole matter be- ola with 4,000 square miles of timber t fore the Town Council, Boar d of Trade fands. vand citizens generally, after making 2° 415 ton daily capacity mill at the Soo kurried trip from Toronto for that pur- with 7,000 square miles of timber lands. tpose. He then left for Tororito, leav- Making a total of 705 tons daily ca- cing the question to be decide d by the pacity mills with timber lands to supply 'people of Kenora, "hem of 14,000 square miles for which + It was made quite clear tc) all that they only pay Crown Dues, the same .the only solution was for the town to as Mr. Backus is paying for his, not- sell its power so that there 'would be withstanding the fact that a railroad has one ownership to both the, East and to be built to log the English River area West channels. © The town of Kenora 'while the material for the other mills then renewed its former application for may float down rivers and streams to the White Dog water poviverr and by ihe point.of manufacture. joining its forces with Mr. Fleenan to This is irrespective of the large ana back up the Backus applic ation for the additional territory set aside by the late English river timber limit, something Government before going out of pow- was. accomplished. er in 1919 for the use of the Spanish The result of securing "the son1e own- River mills, which is understood to be ership for both channels of tlie river approximately 5,000 square miles. have since been manifested by tte large = There is another point of partizan increase to the water power in tiie East 'misrepresentation in the News-Chron- channel. ; icle article. While it was - within Mr. It was after getting the people's de- Heenan's power to use his' vote in the irom Hal Dingwail--apply, cision that Mr. Heenan decided to fight the whole deal regarding the wihite dog power and the English river ti mber li- mit through to a finish. He wa s repre- senting the wishes of his consti: gents all the way through. In dealing with the large timtper area allotted forduse in the Town of Kenora the Port Arthur Chronicle is Ii kp many other papers of the dyed in the: wool partizan type. They fail to. point out the large area that such ind ustries must procure in order to justify 1 the in- example. Wit ll . 5 As 5 vestment in connection with the esta- tible with the facts to assert that Mr. blishment of an industry such :as t ais for Heenan ever had or tried to put the Legislature to embarrass the Farmer- Labor government, there is no evidence whatever that he ever even threatened to use that power, for he and Premier Drury have always been on the most friendly relations. It is also well known that 'McBride, of Brantford, for purely selfish motives made several attempts to stampede the Labor members of the house from support of the government, and that the steadying effect of Mr. Heenan's personality invariably foiled such attempts. It is therefore incompa- gw a nme ets vm ---- EC tha * ln oH threatened use of his vote in the legis- lature. No, Mr. Heenan is above that kind of thing, and the premier recog- nized that he was only serving his con- stituents by his efforts to negotiate the Backus deals for water power and pulp- wood. It was purely Mr. Heenan's strong personality that brought those deals to a successful conclusion. As to the merits of those deals we will have something to say in a future issue of this paper. BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Picture Framing fanitoba Gypsum Hardwall and Wood: fibre, Efc. Undefaking in congection ANDERSON & HARRIS FCR SALE-- Used DODGE CAR in first class condition, run oniy 8000 miles. Cheap at $750.00. Particulars QUALITY HOUSEWARES are here in all the latest ideas tor such utensils, . Come and see them. They range from a caser- ole to a common sauce pan, Li: there isn't an inferior article the entire group. It will be wort your while to pay us a visit if on to see the newest ideas in house keeping science. Xk ok % EB A KLOSE GENERAL HARDWARE DRYDEN OBSERVER If in need of a Seed Drill, Disc Harrow, Spring-tooth Harrow or Cultivator, smoothing Harrows, Plows, or any other small imple- ment, we have it, or can get it in short time Before placing your order for Power Machinery it will pay to get our literature and prices on the New = McCormick-D 15-30 Tractor with ball and roller bearings at 29 points, improved air washer, all moving parts enclosed 'and running in oil. The ir 25 Titan which has given satisfaction wherever used, 8 and ro ft. "zc- tor discs, P&Q tractor plows. All up-to-date machines, made and backed by the largest manufacturers of Farm Implements in the world to-day you Sold by J. S. CORNER, Oxdrift, Ont. Drury government "On the hip" by the Agent for :-- INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY of Canada, Lid, fiw WHAT ABOUT IMPLEMENTS THIS SPRIKG * cering

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