them. At last he agreed that he might have taken the wrong viewpoint and promised: to act accordingly. He did so and completely recovered his health and appetite. The. following year he was reappointed to the position that he had regretted losing. I This is just an 'example, but it is one from real life. There are many such, and they prove beyond a doubt that to be healthy, our minds must be cerene, our viewpoint cheerful and our bodies fit. "One without the other will not bring a stae of heatlh that could be regarded as ideal. Can we so convince the average man Health Talks By Dr. J. J. MIDDLETON Provincial Board of Health 'Dr. Middleton will be glad to answer all questions on Public Health matters through this column. Address him at 'Spadina House, Spadina Crescent, * Toronto, Ont. You Uan Pay { 'The People's Store' { You - Special - We have just received Fifty ¢8-1b Barrels of the Celebrated "PURITY FLOUR. These barrels make excellent flour con- tainers for the home. While they last we will sell them at the same price as the bags. Car of FEED due to arrive Saturday. * ok kkk x k kk Correcting wrong impressions is one of 1the most important tasks confronting those who try to do educational work along health lines. Habits and ideas once acquired, however erroneous they may be, are hard to dislodge. The or woman--particularly the man hold- old saying, "What's good enough for | i€ public office, that public health my forefathers is good enough for me" j activity is n asset rather than an ex- ' Inas upset many teachers. Every once penditure? If we can do that, we have in a while one meets prejudiced people 'made tremendous Progress, for in my --the type that know better than any- _experience, -and that of many others, body else. No matter what the sub- "the average man regards public health ject js--health or otherwise-- they expenditure as something that could cannot be taughe. Recently 1 met a easily be postponed till mext year Org man holding public office who held the year after that. Mind you, all the | very skeptical views abut the value Deople who throw cold water on the} of health education and the work of immediate inauguration of health re- Health Departments in general. He forms-- such for instance as the © did not know any details about the appointment of a Public Health Nurse: good work of the Health Department --readily admit that the proposition is} 2 in his own city. He knew, or pretend- & praiseworthy one, and just as neces-. ". ed to know nothing about the dis- sary as sidewalks or sewers. But : appearance of typhoid due to water they persist in regarding everything' filtration and chlorination, he: knew expended as an outlay from which y nothing of milk inspection, he knew there can be no expectation of direct nothing of the work of the public money returns. health nurses and lowering the infant! To correct that impression is most death rate and having physicial de- 'important. But how can it be done? fects corrected in children, he knew 1 have tried it by pointing out the en- nothing of the Schick test or the value Ormous sums we spend annually for of antitoxin in diphtheria, he knew the upkeep of asylums, hospitals and nothng about the work carried on in institutions' of various kinds, when a combating venereal diseases, nothing comparatively small amount spent on about industrial hygiene that is aim- preventive work would half empty ing to raise health standards in indus- these institutions. We could further try and lower the rate of sickness emphasize this by pointing out the and accidents in plants and factories _cost of the maintainance of law and i order, on account of the mentally un- and workshops of every description. ; : None of these things he knew about balanced and crimnally disposed mem- ers of society whose upbringing has or appreciated, and yet he was willing ; to throw cold water on all health often been neglected and unsupervised offorts. There are many such men and who, as a result, drift into degen- ind women. = They are stumbling | racy. hlocks everywhere you go. They take up the wrong side of the argument without any reason except prejudice, and why this prejudice has developed 3» nobody seems to know. : Again we see the individual who puts more confidence in a bottle of medicine than in all the health talks] © : ! or health articles that come his way.| § : He doesn't want to know about the} The Welcome <value of sleeping in well-ventilated bedrooms. He doesn't want to know} 7 about the physicial evercises and how i they keep the body fit, nor does hel i care about the proper kinds of food to eat, or the valug of a contented, happy outlook on life. What he does from day tod ay is to go along his own pre- judiced -paths, disregarding the inevi- | k ~ Thanking all our customers for past favours, and trusting to be again favoured with your business. on -- ~-- [Price $710-00 t.0.b. Oshawa, Ont.] Oxdrift Co-operative Company, Ltd. Including Self-Starter, and Lighting Equipment New Superior Touring Faster Greetings 000 Neon-Frozen Fresh Meats BACON, HAM and EGGS ; For Easter : | ® ® % * kX THE CHEVROLET IS NOT AN EXPERIMENT But The Product of Years of Experience FAAPAAARPAARAAN NS ; Courteous Service D. FRE]D, Pefpris: "Phone No. 6 Get Particulars of our deferred Payment Plan tps ee ic ® {5 ob TR | cy ---------- LE given this new cat NI. © S-- i shows that once more oe KK FEROSENE TR AC TOR S \ ~ Cp : W. C. DURANT 1 SAVE YOUR HORSES knew what the public : apeilad; AY 2 ALKING over plowed ground all day tires your team as. : well as the driver. How about pulling a load besides? MODEL A-£2 TOURING $1280 Tn these days of scarcity of horse and man power the f.o.b. Toronto. Ont. heavy farm work such as discing can be done most speedily "and economically with a Case Kerosene Tractor. The 10-18 or smallest Case Tractor can pull an 8 £t. double action dise harrow set to full depth, Busy faymers can work the "iron horse" day and night if necessary. Don't forget that Case tractors operate over dusty fields without dust entering cyl- snders. The Air washer fully protects the Motor. The all cut steel spur gears are fully enclosed and run in cil. The weight of the Case 10-18 is only about 8,400 Tbs. this, with the liberal sized tires prevents soil packing. Other important features explained in full descriptive literature sent out for the asking. Lob us tell you more about the 10-18 or larger Case Tractors. F. T. BRIGNALL OXDRIFT ONTARIO W. 5H GARDNER Specialist in all kind of pipe work. 0X0 ACTELENE WELDING : EXPERT xk kX and Cemetery Fences made to order FARMERS !! We have in stock, a good supply of Laad Plaster We are giving away a splen- did book of Practical Homes "and Barns. Call at the office and get your copy Agent Fer-- ~HARLFORD Residential table consequences of his wrong meth- ods fo living, trusting to medicine to . put him right when the "impending Y} crash comes. How many wrecks of a} Cop humanity we see round us as a result: Bd 500 of such practices. How many untimely deaths' occur through neglect of the principles that tend to prolong life! : *. What is the moral of all this? What | : is the remedy? It seems to me that | Pham AAR one important thing to do is to edu- {DRYDEN cate the young, to teach .them the | --mmmerrmd re ---- TR : little simple facts of health before they os : i | J acquire wrong habits or impressions. VEGETABLES SOLD BY WEIGHT | % What is taught, however, in Public AND GRADE Health Education is important. Too dit Rn Y 4 Patrons of grocery stores will prob- 2 often there is a tendency to emphasize the value of physical fitness, and ne- ably have observed displayed in "the " | glect the equally important question stores a sign reading. "Vegetables ; of mental and social fitness. Health is sold only by Weight and Grade--The | aot alone a question of physical fit- } Root Vegetables Act, 1922". * Those | ness by any means. Our mental who have made purchases of Voge} attitude, our viewpoint towards our tables since this card has been display- rellows and towards life in general, ed will have learned that these pro-| has much to do with our condition of ducts are no longer sold by measure' health. Athletes, models of physical and without reference to grade, as perfection, do not live any longer as has been the custom in the past. : a rule than ordinary individuals. Why? For the information of readers of Because they give attention to their this paper, it is pointed out that the physical fitness and often neglect the vegetables that have to be sold by: mental and social conditions that con-' weight are: potatoes, onions, arti- tribute their share to long life, health chokes, beets, carrots, turnips and: parsnips. When any of these are sold | and happiness. I well remember an instance of a | with the top leaves! still attached, they i young man calling to see me. His tare excluded from: the operations of" health was broken, he could not sleep the Act. Other exceptions include and he suffered from indigestion. I To = a i Since our announcement of last week of advance in the price of tea by the inquired about his condition and LE b> a Jd wi r = Tea Importers, of from 10c to 15c per 1b we have since been able through ially about the cause of his worried, |June an g end jpf September, and, our good buying and search of low prices to pick up unhappy viewpoint. It was this. He |seed potatoes. The Act also regulates' En 2000-1bs of TALADA TEA had been for a couple of years, sec- the marking and packing as well as' retaray of a church club in which he jthe size of the potato barrel. was keenly interested. His work as| The Act governing these regulations to sell at 65¢ per 1b: a saving over April Prices of 15¢ per 1b secretary was not paid for, but he did {is administered by, the Fruit Branch ; not want any pay. However, the |of the Dominion Department of Agri- . members of his club felt that it was |culture, Ottawa, and copies of it may You should buy heavy while too much of an imposition to ask this |be obtained from the Publications | prey Tots SLT 1] | ¢ b Dryden District Motor C6 Dealers ee, ores x % % EAST END KENORA . "Phone 401 Blue General Merchant, OXDRIFT, Cnt Dry Goods Groceries Boots and Shoes o Yon @_ Qe SJ fe ONTARIO § FIRE INS. and GALT COAL J. Winterbottom : Sa on Ii Hardware and Farm Produce and Builders' »upp ies. Front & Wood and DRYDEN . . ONT. .. Cockshut Implements Sgt AS Fi ie NOTE---We are in a position to do all kinds of REPAIR WORK, TINSMITHING, PLUMBING, PIPE-FITTING EVE-TROUGHING | Everything done to the satisfaction of the customer AAANAAAAAAAAAAAAAS MAAAANAANS ~~ We keep a full line of Nails. «inds of Finnishing Nails Barh-Wire, Poultry Netting All .65 Also good Bulk Tea per ib _ oh these prices last. Tea Importers are predicting Dollar Tea shortly. / Whyte Street for new . Branch of that Department. i See our China and Crockery Department Window on re SE TL 3 etree Lael bod pbb bob 35k Josh dod doll iondr lo bo dol), 3 x ET LAT cL or Bs te a EE) LIE I 5 pt ot 2 Mer RA LE YE BL? Le SS pL FLL 0k TOR FA FORA oe ah > Hes LR DN LB I a a gir + MB MLR oh ponte ME SEAS St EPR RE PE IB I NETS Si Sit FC A SS al ¢ 2A 0 IRS RF PALS Joc in LL eh 8 pA A NE A TER VEE i Tn TD 0 LS A SR A Cr ML VRS Ek A ERAT at MERI REE TT ne hs a Ne Sa el APELR PE gs lt ERLE ELECTRIC LIGHT LAMPS 40-Wat*® 30c. J. LATII Fy 4, 60-Watt 40c: young man to carry on his duties for a third year without relief, so think- ing it would be regarded in the right spirit, they appointed a new man to fill his place as secretary. This was the cause of his collapse. I reasoned with him and told him his viewpoint was wrong, that he had been deceived as to the motive for replacing him, FOR SALE--8 or 10 tons of HAY in' ke {SEE US NEXT WEEK FOR GRANITE WARE. WATCH WINDOW ON WHYTE STREET. Stack at $12.00 per tor.--Apply 13--4 BARGAIN IN MOTORBOAT FOR SALE-- 8 h.p. Dunn's MOTOR: J and that the club's action was in no way a slight, but rather an appreci- ; Hardware & Furniture Shop ation of what he had already dove: for' "real bargain.--apply 5 ; HANS KELLBERG, Waldhof 3 Fes SRR PR i W. E. RUNIONS | 20 ft. long x 5% ft. beam, all new. A ig Pyrex Cooking Wear, as Casseroles, Baking Dishes, Bread Pans, Utility Dishes, Biscuit Pans and Pie Plates, etc. LN