Ci THE DRYDEN OBSERVER - Siren weds A ett Delicious Bread for Every Occasion y Quality goes into every Loaf x month at eight o'clock. 3--31 FORT FRANCES, Ont. Sweet and Nutritous Put one on your table at every meal Made with greatest care The: Dryden Bakery BALL, H. Proprietor : Golden Star Lod: No 484 A..F. & AM, GRC. >: 4 0 N <Q Meets in the Masonic Hall, Dryden, the Second Tuesday of each month, Visitors Cordially invited. F. P. MATTHEWS, W.M. A. J. CLEMPSON, Sec. L 0. 0. F. DRYDEN LODGE, Ne 417 meets at the Town Hall every 1st and 3rd Monday of each To Friends 01d and New Kk ok Kk Xk HERB WILDE, N.G. D. ANDERSON, Secy Visiting Brethren Cordially Juvited I have again taken over the B. B. Store and, once more solicit your patronage. L.O. L. DRYDEN LODGE No. 1694 meets the first Wednesday .of 'each month, at eight p.m., in the Town Hall. Visiting Brethren ecor- dially invited. J. E. HARRIS, WM. BADEN SMITH, Secy 7. E. GIBSON, NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER, &e. Asoka Our constant 'Agent for Sn endeavour will THE LAE be to give the _DRYDEN . ONTARIO best possible JAMES MoFADYEN REAL ESTATE AND INSURANOE BRYDEN ; ] ONT. FOR SALE-- Pare Bred Clydesdale STALLION "KHARTOWN KITCHENER" Passed Stallion Enrollment Board, Form 1. Rising 7 years, good worker, proved stock getter--apply BOX 478, Kenora Service as in the past. Wok ok ok kX JAS. O. GOUGH DRYDEN ol ONTARIO tores DRYDEN, Ont. 72 Pronger's Variety THESE PRICES CAN STAND THE TEST aren IR Girls' Latest Style Swagger HAND BAGS voor. iii vere $1.35 Ladie's = Lg 5 " CAE cael Cr pr J 1.75 FRENCH IVORY at reasonable prices, for instance :i-- Ladie's French Ivory MIRRORS from $4.50t0 ............. 8.00 i ,, HAIR BRUSHES from $2. A5t0 La. 3.25 Men' s- Ebony Military BRUSHES in Leather CBRE 2a ds oh 5.00 Men's Rubberset Military SHAVING BRUSHILS .......... 1.25 We also have the well-known "Pene-Hygic" HAIR BRUSH. 1.15 Cheaper HAIR BRUSHES from 35c to ....i ovine sons 75 Glass FRUIT NAPPIES (note the price) Ne EY .10° Plain white and Clover Leaf design CUPS each.............. .I5 Ching BOG CUPS wo Io. 'vt canine sans pes svn bass tiavss 15 Rockingham TEA POTS, six cups, each .............ccoone 75 Samian TEA. POTS, six ciips, each ........c0nvhisonminsi nen 85. and other items too numerous to mention, but woi:ld be pleased to have you come in and see for yourself R. J. PRONGER Er CEEESECRCIITEITESETIES Planning for a Big Season! ~ a big stock of the Implements and Supplies :1 farmer needs. Watch this space, and keep advised of the latest ideas and prices of un you need in the Toplemerst line. H. C. BICKNELL, Implements The Old Massey-Harrris Stand '| Ontario. "|roads or other public works in this By all the signs this should be a good season, and we int¢:nd to be ready with Mirthful Musings By the Hired Man. kk kk Qur remarks concerning the gravel- ling of the roads and conditions of the by certain farmers. According to them government gave a grant for the work and if we kick it will be withheld--and what will the farmer do then, poor thing! One thing is certain, that jut as long as the farmer looks upon a government (no matter what party, class or group) as his master, just so long will he get what is coming to him, and that is-- we should be only too thankful that the contempt. There is no more a divine right of parljament than there ever was a divine right of kings. Parlia- ment exists to administer the wishes of the people and it is up to the people to see that they do it. The Country of the Future-- - For two generations at. least Nor- thern Ontario has been exploited for its timber and minerals, the revenues derived being chiefly expended in Old Therefore money laid out 'on north country is not a charity in any sense. Ome former government recog- nised this when $5,000,000 was set aside for the development of New Ont- 'ario--and ten times that amount is not too much to demand for a territory that in another po will - out- rival old Ontario's Deki 4 A proud People-- When you hear a man saying he would not know where his next loaf of bread was coming from if'it were not for the government grant; one wonders what has become of the old 'pioneer spirit of twenty years ago. They-- the pioneers -- didn't "sit down and grumble; they went to it with axe and shovel, resolved to make a country of their choice, and how well they suc- ceeded is in evidence everywhere. The patry doles in the form of road grants were made to go as far as they would, and insignificant school grants ' were utilizes to best advantage for educa- tion. - Compare that state of affairs 'with what we have today and it makes one wonder whether newer arrivals "in the settlements will evel come up to thie standards set by the pioneers. The matter of Immigration-- This leads up to the question of the bringing in of more immigrants. How many farmers or farmers clubs have written our Member protesting against 'I the bringing in of anpy more settlers till the country is in a fit state to re- ceive them. We know how difficult it is to get a profitable market for our produce, and yet we will encourage more to come in and. compete in the same line with us, and thus lower still further the already congested market. Further, it is only immigrants to go on the land that are sought.: Organised {labour has effectually put a stop to _ bringing in skilled artisans from other , countries to lower their wages, so why not farmers. More Production-- The month of April is here, and the formers will scon be getting on their land to prepare for another season. The old ery-of more productionp is still heard, and as of yore farmers will re- spond. Working night and day to satisfy the demand; 'in: the 'meantime receiving just a little bit less 'than he did before! Why not combine to do a little less work and cultivate fewer acres, and by lessening production do the same as the other fellow -- force prices up! I know it is rank heresy to preach starvation of the masses, but how much does the other fellow consi- der the farmer when 'he does the same wort thing, or the laborite when he goes on surprise party at the home of Mr and | 'strike? What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. For Health and Happiness-- The Motor League has only been in existence a few years, but it has done more to et roads. put into. shape in five "lyears than farmers have in fifty. One of their big cries is that good roads will increase tourist traffic into the country. If this be so, why should not Dryden share in some of this" easy money. Millions of dollars are spent annually by people seeking change from their everyday life by a week or two spent inn the country, or by the should be instituted .by Dryden Board of Trade, pointing out the advantages of Dryden as a holiday centre. First we have the lake and river, on which excursions could be arranged by 'motor-boat or cance. Then we have good roads north, east and west. Part- ies could be taken by road to Wabigoon for a picnic on the lake, and return by boat or car. Another day could be work do not seem to have been relished © and family are lake or seaside. A vigorous propaganda ASIDE from their low prices, HEapuiGHT Pants GUARANTEED Fit right-- : Feel right-- Look right-- Wear right RE OR -- UNION HEADLIGHT iu TROUSERS GUARANTEED fads a pair of these HT Trousers and wear same sy days. = If the cloth does not give satis actory wear, your- money refunded or a new pair free. SEAMS GUARANTEED NOT TO RIP If garment Si at waistband we will pay you FIFTY CENTS. If garment ripsat seat, crotch or leg seams we will pay you ONE DOLLAR. This pair of Trousers sold wader above guarantee ta D. W. SCOTT L: ii - - Ontario drift, thence to Eagle River to see the paper mill auxiliary and the lake and river. Then on to the settlements at Wald- hof and to Quibell on the Canadian National Railway. In fact a very in- teresting week of excursions could be worked out, introducing new scenes and features daily. An orchestra could be provided for dances each night and : Joe Cross with his band could be in- duced to make musical evenings at Eagle or Vermillion Bay. This is only a rough outline, but it has possibilities that if taken in hand by a capable group of enthusiasts would make Dryden the centre of real holiday at- vasifon. What about it! The BISSELL DISK HARROWS Noted for GREAT CAPACITY, Light DRAFT, & Wonderful DURABILITY. | Furnished in 2, 8, 4 and 6- horse size, in In-throw and Out-throw types. Also in DOUBLE-ACTION TYPES, for use with all Standard Tractors. I have the Bissell Agency for ° DISKS, PACKERS ROLLERS, and SiLOS For sale by JOHN MOORE MINNITAKI, Ont-- There was a Mrs Peter Holmes last Saturday night. Their daughter, Mrs Norman Kerrey, leaving Friday for their home in Alberta. We wish them a successful trip. Among those who went down on the morning train to Dryden on Wednes- 'day were Messrs Thos. Pollock, Pete Weidecken, Gerald Tarras, Wendell Holmes, N. Kerrey and Mr Robertson. Edwin Selbanc is building 'himself a house. * ROBT. SWEENEY General Blacksmith & Woodworker Oxygen Acetylene welding in connection spent in a visit to the north country, FOR SALE Fifty Tons of No. 1° putting in a day among the pines. Still TIMOTHY HAY. $20.00 per ton at another itinerary would be west, to' stack--apply, view the farming district around Ox- 4--6 D. McKELLAR The Busy Store | {We sell he. famous. Yous the reason Ford cars are so popular is that the price of Genuine Ford Parts is propor- "BUY NOW AND [ tionately as low as the price of | GANEEAN Ge Hi And labor charges are fixed. AT THESE PRICES You know what a repair job will Runabout $405 cost. i Touring $445 $e ' Coupe $695 DING W ALL 3S 023 Sedan $785 Chassis $345 Truck Chassis®495 FOB FORD.ONT.GOV T. TAXES EXTRA [EF STARTING AND ELECTRIC LIGHTING STANDARD [QUIPMENT ON DAN ND COUPL FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED, FORD, ONT. DRYDEN-- - - - --ONTARIO Time Saved BEE SUPPLIES | Send us a list of your wants and we will quote prices that will save you money ra ~. 1 ] siso Dudant's Wired Comb Money Saved STEWART | & Dryden - ox i i Ontario 'BUILDERS SUPPLIES WATKIN'S PRODUCT > Picture Framing : Made in Canada Health and Toilet Specialties Largest business of its kind in the world Manitoba Gypsum Hardwall and Wood | : Fibre, Etc. Conia mn onsietion ANDERSON & HARRIS Dryden ; > ------ _DAD ROWLAND, Rust | Ontario i OXDRIFT. | 1 Colonia} Sawen Pan J I Cay 14 Qt. Dih Pan ty "90 Colonial ro "MONDAY, April 16 aN EG e a8 iat = dial E. A. KL OSE, Dryden EE CTE A emer & HARROWS MecCormick-Deering Disks can be had either IN-THROW, OUT-THROW or TANDEM 16-inch disks, 6, 8, 10, or 14 feet wide, for use with team, small tractor or 1 arge tractor. : DISK Plows Little Genius P&O tractor plows, 2 or 8 furrows 12 or 14 inch, P&0O 2 Brush Breakers 14, 16 and 20 inch, with or without truck and tractor hitch, Hamilton, Oliver 'or P&O sulkey or walking ploughs, all sizes. We sls; handle. the famous Fleury Plows made in Aurora ; : 101 in need of a Tractor, Wagon, Plow, Disk Harrow, Seed Drill, Soothing : Harrow, Harrow Cart or anything in the line of Farm Machinery, get our literature and prices before placing your order. We guarantee satisfaction Sold by : : X 3. S. CORNER, Oxdrift, Ont. * Agent tors me {INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER go axy of Canada, 148.