Dryden Observer, 20 Apr 1923, p. 1

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'he - Early Buds dk kok BC Yolume IV. Dryden, Oat. Apri 20th 1923 'Number 46 Te eed Fire INSURANC ~ Pianos 'Remington ~ Typewriters NAT NNANS == { i t Interesting and | so Say All of Us! Popular Wedding * kkk The Coronation of Dryden's Queen H. Bartlett has been transferred by «ONE of the finest pageants ever the C.P.R. to Keewatin. Miss Lottie Nelson, Eagle River, was in town Monday. Presentation to Mr Beveridge | SN 1 The arrangements committee drew "a full house at the Smoker held the! other Saturday for the employees of the mill. In many respects this gath- PH I RM AGY ering was one of the most interesting 3 : of the series. The new manager, Mr H. F. Bullard, met the men in a social : 66 3 The "Ansco' Camera way for the first time, and made a The Camera of Excellence i: staged in Dryden," is the only poss- "ible description of the splendid affair ! April 6th, when the Women's In- Widespread interest was stirred Wednesday afternoon, the 18th instant when Hector M'Allister M'Kay was united in marriage to Helen Jane, daughter of Mr and Mrs J. K. Guthrie of Dryden. The ceremony took place at the home of the bride's parents, Rev. J. M. Beaton officiating. Miss Jessie M'Kay, sister of the groom,' was bridesmaid, and Mr Jas. Guthrie, fon Mrs C. Crigget, Minnitaki we stitute reached the climax of the Queen shopping in Dryden Wednesday. [Fn : : Hector M'Lean Angus, Kenora, is in The vote resulting in the choice of Dryden for a few days. } Miss Aldra Smith was a popular one, Mrs Philbrooks, Minnitaki, was a giving the victory to one who is in a visitor here Wednesday. Mr H. F. Bullard, manager of Dry- very favourable impression by his direct, concise address. A thoroughly | entertainng programme of singing, sport, ete., in which everybody joined, : brother of the bride, acted as 'best filled most of the evening and devel-, man'. = oped a lot of new talent. : Only immediate members of the two A very interesting feature was the' families were present in the afternoon somewhat impressive farewell to the but the great array of handsome and retiring manager, Mr J. B. Beveridge valuable wedding presents on display ! who. was specially invited to be pres-' who has been employed on the Power artistic completeness that neglected no bore testimony to the popularity of the lent. Messrs A. M. Taylor, Dick i young couple, and the respect and; Hodgkinson and Bill Davis-- three |. station, left for B.C. Wednesday. | detail, appropriate costumes being ; ; 55 i: : : AT Duncan. Fort William, has Worn by eoch participant. 'A herald esteem 1n which both families are held long-service veterans-- ascended pes Amateur Developing and Printing I onal > tor digs Dryden' (Verne Campbell) after hie Blast of throughout the district. platform and took their seats, where-' upon Mr H. H. Humphreys stepped with his son Alex. : : a trumpet, announced that the crown- A Happy Party : Messrs Gangloff and Froshoug from ing of Aldra, Queen of Dryden, would| In the evening a large party of forward and was given the most earn- { special way a Daughter of Dryden. In |e own person, as well as by inheri- ) fe j tance, Miss Smith holds a place in the den Paper Mill, left for Toronto Sun- esteem of the older residents that day on important business. {could not be successfully disputed by Miss Eva Stratton expects to leave any rival. for Kenora next week where she will § After a lengthy concert program by spend some time. | the best talent in town, the Coronation Mr Young, of Westinghouse Electric ceremony was gone through with an EER THE ANSCO FILM It fits the light--dull or bright PEER Full line of Photographic Supplies kkk x kk HK ) Rold by:-- : Sold by Everything a good Drug Store Douglas Lane (Post Office Building) DRYDEN .. ONT. Eagle River came down on Wednes- day's local. : T. W. Thompson, Ignace, spent Monday in Dryden on matters of bus-: iness. i Geo. Vankoughnett, manager of the Oxdrift branch of the Co-operative, C B CA E was in town Tuesday. ] . ® | Doc. Henry of Ignace paid a visit to Dryden in the early part of the week. 1 4 Mrs M. J. Crosier and her younger daughter came down to Dryden Wed-* nesday. (Opposite C.P.R. Station) kk ok Kk 'Lunch Counter and Dining Room Meals served at any hour ; - Mr Depew, manager of Ignace Y.M.: : take place. } waiting, Sid Wright and Tom Foote, Then the royal procession entered, the Queen, beautifully gown- ed in white satin and ermine, making her entrance preceded by a group of children, Ross Hambly, Peggy Bever- idge, Kathleen Bartlett and Olive Bur- ton, who strewed rose leaves on her path. Her train bearers were Patty Blair and Lily Lewis. Two ladies in waiting, Misses Kathleen Hartnett and Valerie Ray, and two gentlemen in followed close behind. § Upon teking her seat in the Coron- ation chair, beautifully decorated in red and black plush with a handsome on friends gathered to extend felicitations despite the almost impassable state of! the roads due to the spring thaw. The big house was taxed to its cap- acity to accomodate the many guests. The Grand March was headed by J ack M'Kay, sr., leading the bride, and a good old-fashioned quadrille gave the' start to an evening of hearty enjoy-| ment. Many whose muscles have lost something of the spring of youth caught themselves whooping it up with the best of them, to the lilt of the grand old melodies that have glad-1 dened the hearts of - generations of. bridal parties. est attention while he spoke of the] retirement of his friend and colleague, | Mr Beveridge. At his own request, he; explained, he had been given the hon- our by the committee of introducing the special item of the programme. The Social was primarily intended to] give opportunity to employees to join} in harmony and good fellowship, 'and! forget for a while the troubles incid- ent to the making of Kraft. ! But the gathering that night had al special object---to do honour to their | retiring President. Shakespear had said that "Parting is such sweet sor- row," and they could all agree 2d] should stock xk * K SERVICE and QUALITY LT TL te ddim] H. WILLARD, Boot and Harness Repairer. tt ntti re * ok kk Now is the time you'll need good Footwear. It will pay you to look over my stock. There is no paper in these shoes--nothing but good Solid Leather. ; x *® / 2 i ; : i i! " 4 CA. spent the week end in Dryden on gold top, the Archbishop (Mayor Guests from all points in the district true this was on such an occasion. Ig: MEN 3 DRESS BOOTS, Cooking an ervice unexce e0. vudiness. 1 Pitt) pronounced a solemn benediction were present, representative of the]was indeed a sorrow to see one with; WORK BOOTS & HIGH CUTS 38% A. Maples returned Sunday from ;and placed the.crown on the head of thriftiest portion of the community, to} whom they had so long shared their Also on hand-- Clealiness & Quality Guaranteed Toronto, where he has spent the win- the Queen. A Courtier (Jack Pitt) pre- add their expressions of goodwill to labours depart from among them; it MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS PE ter. cented Her Majesty with a bouquet of | the young couple whose future path-}must be equally sweet for the onelA few pairs Boys' Boots to clear TOBACCOS, SOFT DRINKS Billy Self has stopped over at Fort American Beauty roses, and a Lady wo, Outline Is Tole ienn nih tho) Po to Imow thst he oy behind} A oood supply of Harness & ' William for a few days, on the way} (Mrs Morris) paid tribute in the name |love and kind wishes of a host of [him "a monument to his work, not ind paris on hand: Sweat Pads CONFECTIONS homie trom Toronto, 4. BYE of the W.I of ten dollars in gold, |friends. brick and iron only, but in the hearts Collars, etc swe © of those who were associated with him aR CHAN BING Proprietor | A trainload of immigrants from the 'Hebrides passed here this week on the way to establish homes on the prairies SUITS SUITS SUITS from Winnipeg, where she has been N : under treatment for the last two S 1 : Suits 'Ready-Made Made-to-Order z Mr O'Shea, who has been superin- tending constrution at the Mill depart- ed Wednesday for Toronto and New York, having completed his big under- taking. | : Seotty Kidd is in line for a medal for life saving, having pulled A. Maples out of the river. Wednesday through the ice. - The Minstrels are working overtime, and their entertainment promises to be much superio r to anything of the kind yet seen here. Several unique turns are on the programme. A date will soon be set for their appearance. The chug of the auto is once more heard on our streets, positive sign i that winter is over. The record speed with which the snow has cleared and the water run off is a tribute to the good work of the Road and Culvert Committee of the last two years. SEE OUR LINE OF P Exodus 14: 10, 18--22. The study at { afternoon, after the latter had gone: Poet and Orator. And once more the herald made proclamation, calling upon all loyal subjects to greet their Queen. A torrent of popular applause burst forth from the multitude, which was overwhelmingly greater than any pre- vious crowd ever seen in the hall. After the drawing of prizes and the * serving of a banquet, the evening was spent in the enjoyment of a dance. LIBERATOR AND LAWGIVER MOSES-- Liberator and Lawgiver. the Adult Class of the Union Church on Sunday morning will be 'Moses'. 1 How true is the following des- cription of his character?-- Prophet, Saint, Statesman, General, Lawgiver, 9 In view of the requirements of the sixth commandment, should capital punishment be abolished ? 3 Do we know any greater man in history? If any, who? 4 What are the 'Pillars of Cloud and Fire' in the experience of an in- dividual or nation today? 5 What is the moral value of re- ligious buildings and institutions ? 6 What would be the effect on the ~ HATS The Latest and the Best C.G.I.T. met on Monday evening, when the girls made plans for a mother and daughter banquet to be: - held May the 10th. The older group matched and the scrap was called a ) : BOOTS & SHOES IN GOOD |is arranging a pageant to be staged] A man in Dryden who is willing to dri SE ae BE on after the banquet. Mr Wallace, of ii from $2,000 to $5,000 The bi t of th i peter. rst class orcers-price A)---phly : : per year. e big event of the evening wasi™ ] : i ih VARIETY Ignace, spoke during the devotional Tf you are a good A, have | the fight between Ernie Payne nd 'Misunderstandings have arisen as 2 DUKE St., Dryden Rye : period, giving a very helpful and en-| , fair measure of ability to sell any- ; Chuck Godfrey for the championship they were bound to do in so large an : couraging talk. All Ready-Made Suits Fitted to Your Size J. W. Wallace, student missionary, world if everyone kept the ten com- mandents ? -- WANTED-- during the past few years. "In the years which have passed since Mr Beveridge came to Dryden, much water has flowed over the Wab- igoon Falls and from the small saw- mill which was here when he arrived the present huge mill with its three paper machines and army of employ- ees has grown under his hand-- an achievement of which any man might be proud. "And let me say right here," Mr Humphreys exclaimed, "that the ex- pansion of the Dryden Mill to its pres- ent capacity is due entirely to 'the vis- jon of one man, and that man is he to whom we seek to do honour tonight The next event was between Buck ~My J. B. Beverid ge" (Applause) It Weaver and Jack Ferguson (heavy- is owng to his initiative alone that the weights) The last fight between these | development of the past two years Was two was given to Ferguson and from begun and completed. the way he started off it looked as if "But more important "than such he intended to take this one too. Every material considerations is the goodwill time he got the chance he would rush and affection that he has won, which Buck to the ropes, taking all the pun- will follow him on his departure. A ishmnt Buck could give him, and try man in his position has practically to end the fight right oo: But unlimited power, but also a tremend- Buck is a whirlwind on his feet and{°%® responsibility in the well-being managed to keep out of the way of and happiness of those in his employ. any sleep producers. This bout ended I have yet to hear of one man amongst in a draw. the hundreds who worked under 'Mr The two young Curley boys hich Beveridge who would charge him with treated the crowd to three rounds of a single unworthy or mean act; on the quick, snappy boxing. They were well New Champion OF KENORA DISTRICT * % ¥ The boxing bouts staged by the Dry-: den Boxing Club last Monday, were : the best yet seen in Dryden. Every. bout had plenty of action and the boxers were full of pep and fought their 'best. i The evening started with a bout | between Boyle and Martin (heavy-! weights) Boyle was a game boxer but; he fought wide open and couldnt stand the heavy blows that the more experienced Martin was able to land, giving up in the third round. contrary we all know of many, many cases where the man in trouble has thing we can teach you our business. Dryden is growing, let us help you while you wait, with= out extra cost Also complete line of fine quality Men's Furaishings Board for the season. Mr Wallace coes here from Manitoba College, Winnipeg, and having the western point of view, he should fit naturally into the life of the town where his work will be done. has been stationed at Ignace by the, "grow also. ! Life Insurance experience not ab- i solutely necessary. Write for infor- mation. Personal instruction and as- sistance furnished H. A. KENTY { Western Manager Continental Life Ins. Co., 504 Union Trust Bldg., Wpg. establishment, but in the course of time many who had criticized him most severely have become his best friends. I desire especially to place before you that better portion of a big man's life--the little unremember- seen that it wouldn't last the Tull ed acts of kindness that are the truest ' expression of the spirit that inspires eight rounds. : sa ; Ernie is a clever boxer, full of tricks Sn ih of seniority was 3 Vv, of Kenora District. Both these men are well-known in Dryden and it was hard to say just how the fight would turn out. This was supposed to be an eight-round bout but the way the first round started off it was easily T. PROUDFOOT Presentation Party: -- Mr and Mrs Campbell gathered al and has a whale of a punch but God- frey outguessed him every time. The first round was a draw. In the second "Ye Olde Firm" LR RN J A full supply of Dr Scholl' remedies always on hand AAA PAP AAPA FOR SALE RANA AAAS HAY FOR SALE-- Thirty tons of baled hay, prime. quality. Also small stack of loose hay at $17.00 per ton--apply R. H. PRONGER, Dryden § ANAAAAANAS NS NIIPI NSIS SF REO SPEED WACON FOR SALE-- One Reo Speed Wagon in first class shape, must be seen to be appreciated. Fitted with canopy top with seats; can be used for bus. also have its own cab--apply | 5 J. R. ROCHON Keewatin, Ont. TOR SALE-- AUTO LIVERY OUT- FIT, comprising of two Dodge Tourin; Cars, models 1921 and 1922, fully equipped; also one Bowser Pump and Tang out, nearly new--apply J.-R. ROCHON. Keewatin, Ont. TOR SALE-- Hand Power WASH- DRYDEN BUSINESS & PROPERTY for Sale or Rent.--apply to : : R. J. PRONGER Fort Francs, Ont. FOR SALE--OVERLAND TOUR" .«:3 CAR, $675.00. -- apply to R. J. PRONGER Fort Francs, Cnt. selected to present Mr Beveridge, in SETTING EGGS FOR SALE the name of the employees and staff, Its early chicks that does the tricks. with a solid gold cigarette case, hand-10.A.C. strain of bred-to-lay Barred somely engraved, and a sterling silver' Rock eggs from one year old hens, cup for Mrs Beveridge, and was at 2.$1.25 a setting of 15 or $7.50 per huu- loss for words to express his pride injdred, f.o.b. Wabigoon--apply the honour, of his personal regret at H. WRIGHT the loss of his old chief. Mr Beveridge feelingly replied, re- counting shortly his life in Dryden, the town to which twelve years ago he had brought his young bride, and in which his children had been born. He thanked them especially for Tailor and Gent's Furnisher DRYDEN - ONTARIO ------------ party of friends to bid good-bye to Mr round Godfrey cut loose and with a right behind the ear sent Ernie to the mat for the count. The next fight will be between Godfrey and Seaman Smart of Winn- and Mrs H. Bartlett who are leaving Aeinizmmnt & Company, Tid for Keewatin. Kenora Branch No hint of melancholy was permit-; The best in ipeg with the usual preliminary bouts. a : ted to spoil the evening. But a bunch! pfANOS AND PHONOGRAPHS i 0 Sat . ; of bright spirits brought with them en i Old instruments taken in exchange ; atmosphere of frolic and gaiety en instruments sold on easy terms No date has been set yet, but Jack give the guests of the evening an : IRA J. WILDE in charge Hill hopes to have that arranged for ~ | appropriate send-off. The occasion nionily dite. a you ave 10 1156 or happened also to be Mrs Bartlett's PP i a wan: asin JN OTICE !! Anyone whose skates are still at the Rink can get them Satur- day evening from 7 to 8 o'clock. Please call and get them. oo =" H : Bit At Dryden, Ont., on Sunday TOWN OF DRYDEN : birthday and the party turned out in| -- ite playful costumes to have a good time. Aoril 15th, to Mr and Mrs Robert | Call or Write 0 After some games and merriment, in- Notice to Residente en i iin (Old Country their kind remembrance of his wife, 00" i ? for the loyalty they had always TO CAR OWNERS T a 9 cluding the mock presentation of sev-| All manure piles must be removed rs THAD. COS Ss. DAI ER S eral parting gifts, Mrs Bartlett was Jat once, by order of the Town Council." pes. oy New & Second Hand Store presented by the ladies with a beaut} All cans, garbage, etc., must be col- | Ft LO . . . iful set bar pin. The best wishes of lected and piled to be ready for remov- Highest Prices Paid the bunch will accompany them to al by the scavenger. DRYDEN - ONTARIO their new home in Kespwatin. } BY ORDIR All Car Ownrs must procure and have license plates on their cars before the first of May. : Licenses may be obtained from D. LANE shown him, and for the goodwill that their words and gifts expressed. He} _BIRTHS-- At Dryden, Ont, on Sat-i hoped at some future time to visit , urday, 14th April, to Mr and Mrs; Dryden and meet them once again at | Joseph Miller, a daughter. is social gathering. | ¥ ) 2 a

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