Dryden Observer, 18 May 1923, p. 2

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Sie THE DRYDEN OBSERVER Le : ; : lS 3 Y EH - 7m BUILDERS' SUPPLIES} Health Talks |Hop at Wabigoon § ] Jl aR : By Dr. J. J. MIDDLETON a : Det, Seas Fi Pog 9 o I Picture Framing wp A Dance will be given in Johnston's A fe : &y A ) 5 Bow ow ow Hall Wabigoon, on Thursday, May J Z eople = tore 9 Tautioba Gypsum Hardwall and Wood |, °F : 24th. Admission, Gents 50c., Ladies \/ CBr. Middleton will be glad to answer Nhe ridtod in st undh Bass oe ' ; A Fibre Fic all questions on Public Health matiors ey nen, Maing ! tatty Le ; ; oe ". _ iball game in the afternoon. 7 TL ; WL through this column. Address him at Don't forget, in Johntton's Hall. the od Yan ' ' Cra oy + 4 ot : : Jon reel 3 u , tne un Pi Unis wally 1 CAnnoCtIOn Spadita House, Spadina Crescent, nd IN : l =] . place where you always have a good " 3 Porontn, Ont. ny : / Fresh Stock of ; Vv He) Sines lig Lo oo _-- kT AN DERSON & fi ARRIS | The question of height and weight ° NOTICE vi G ROCCE Ri HI LU RED ME ATS, ) Lo YR ARVIN of people at various ages is always : FEL . i : he i o" : i DRYDEN ONTARIO. important from a health point of view. If there is anyone Runde Tepdup \ BRE ETHIE 2 ET bay soy / 4 i i Ty re on ially is of t0T vicinity belonging to a religious # FRUITS AND VEGETA BLES / A { p In infancy the weight especially is of J aE , A ; : ? of wm : \ SEY Kish OF HE, Ar! extreme importance in keeping watch body known as Tone would 9 : : : vo ARS ¢ EE : 3 ie baby's health and developmeni|tiey please communicate wit i] o Ch ANY MESH CF + Try ltinYour Stove 30 Days Free | 0a haahh ond Ruler : _ Arriving ever Week \ \ ate er ad od ARCH M'ARTHUR 2 ry e @ FE ; Fh 2: The OLIVER Oil-Gas B f a certain age should weigh ; J WIRE FENCE | I a iy EN fe Tor songs © Box 128, Dryden § : : ' : : Ls ZED Does away with coat | | 2 CeFlain amount, allowing for such |18--F5 3 nt HEY VY # you wish we an supply. We | og Sp aod Cheat, things as its woonths of life and so an. = = 0 keen a full stock of wire goods on I ygoaneil-gasstove. | Most mothe.s know something about | op ; 5 i : , : ¢ Tint wt atl tine Pel ie - ul pe pn) fe bast. what a child should weigh; instinct Classif ted \/ : i whine hs i vrial Wand Hl 27) ay (I Ho fives to make. No teaches them to realize that something | Charlie Silver : ot an Electric Wash i : Lo what 1 pose you wish 1t a we ¥ : oder, chopping. shoveling, carry. 'swrong if the baby does not gradually ARE BY DoH a i. 4 iE Sv H Pre ! 3 Vi: & i . a ' ¥ 3&1 avy & I 4 Lally ew TT B "qm oe \ i A I= ¥ 7 Lie ol ] \ will figure up the cost. We are EES Ti oS i Ee Se a MIE ject of | Ing Machine for sale, "SEA FOAM", |) Oxdrift Co operative Comp: iy, Limited. 3 , Q 4 an't ¢ 0 , Bim] ; : or Zig pik att 1: litt i 2 headquarters for all hardware, | i 2 firebox, easily eiivpe {ini or ont, abdolately safe. infant feeding and care has now heen i Wenig aitechods Hie Gil = A ; A tools, small goods, etc., needed in hemper Giver evan heat. oseanty EAE reduced to a science; valuable and {3009 as new : 5A RG PR AG ye Sides \ / . Simply turning valve. Kita any stove. Tio 3 x 3 i 4 ; i . pA . ; 8 , 'time, 1abor, health. and definite information is always to your barn, hen house, garage, etc. RR Tne De A sé had from Boards of Health forthose | TOR S. LE--HOUSE and LOT, No." ' : 5 - ; %- Kk %is% Olaf Isakson who are interested. {8 Duke St. Dryden. Must be sold. - g {O Fresh BEEF 5 PORK, M : $ La = ] However, in the matter of height |*0 settle up A Lh : : / E. A. KLOSE |@rwoey ovo || Voit bout Stars om. ition, reste | | £T LAMB & VEAL Er Aa : | F=4 : g | adults the case is somewhat different | 1--6 ) : Dryden, Ont. | f E DRYDEN ONTARIO Care of E. A. Klose 1 as i on and ww Shad = Se oe WE koe iy a In A ow th io o as to the exact amoun at people | FOR HE y-TeR0y 101 JE. T 2 T g ------ rn er should weigh, or the exact height they | eave by 1st of June, others later on : IL H A MEU RGER STEAK . Li : + | should be. Height is to a large ex-{25--5e JAMES HATCH : Made Fresh Daily PY x 3 tent a question of heredity, it being ; pau ; L AS B : G ESS (often noticed that a young man or wo- } FOR SALE--Two Fresh MILK COWS 7 J : Ea : t ; o Ld nan above the normal height usually | 25--5¢ JAMES HATCH ; 2 : ) J i : : has at. least one parent noticeably tall.' . J A Select Line of je} : The opposite holds good in the Case {FOR 'RENT-- DD 1 FARM being : a : i : of" short people. Children take after! 1 : ry a wid 4 COOKED mM EATS ; = 5 : hi JL ; "r= Lot Nine (9), Concession Four 4), Y "OUR SODA FOUNTAIN {fei paris in in regard Tus as] rym (Oy Concession Fete (4), always on hana | : 4 - : they do in physical fentures, disposi- J. A. KINNEY, Barrister : : Is new in full swing, with all thegood qualities of last year, and is don, ete. Of course there are excep- 25--5 4 X i s 3 -- enora, Ont.| °F 3 i telor AT YOUR SERVICE dons to this, as to most of all con- her any | "Phone No. 6 D. FREJD, Proprietor. lb She os ditions of a similar nature, but gensr- FOR SALE-- Registered J ersey COW Fe we ; . ; mother's foot-steps as regard height. i Soe EC i 15 freshon Toft Visi z Ou r N. ew P arlour Numerous experiments have been §>o = : di & CURTIS SOE Sip SEE : LC made to prove that good feeding in Si A: Th. an infancy and childhood will undoubt- = adly add something to the height. In | fact, © some countries of the world, anxious to increase the stature of its people, have adopted school feeding movement to try to bring about the : Ei f ER TRAC TOR S . desired result. It might be added {PRYDEN BUSINESS & PROPERTY a SAVE YOUR FOR SES pr that something can even be added to jfor Sale or Rent.--apply to ~~ ally a child follows ins father's or BREE, A A SL -- | FOR SALE--40 h.p. STEAM ENGINE, rear-mounted; in good running condi- tion--apply, BOX 25 ? OBSERVER OFFICE the height by. standing straight. R. J. PRONGER Sor over plowed ground all day tires your team ag Investigations have found that re Fort Francs, Ont. : well as the driver, How about pulling 2 Joad besides? pupils being measured showed differ- i In these days of scarcity of horse and man power the nm ence in height of from one to three JFOR SALE-- Pure-bred J ersey BULL | leony form bE Sen Bs discing can be dane most Speedy : inches brought about by a change !One year old in June. A fine individ- | and economically with a Case Kerosene Tractor, The 10-18 ps from bad to good posture. The proper §ual--apply ; or smallest Case Tractor can pull an 8 ft. double action dise [ 5 height of the desks and seats in schoo! STEWART & CURTIS | ndi 32 25 dad DY ayy fan work 2s fon must be adhered to, otherwise the ; y Hghv iL necessary. Don't forget that Case | | : ; ; : tractors operate over dusty fields without dusk entering ecyle children will suffer. Up to about nine {FARM FOR SALE--Adjoining Town inders. The Air washer fully protects the Motor. "The all ? oh 5 : oe ; o -, a» . a, VLTOL das dvd La Si <. - years of age the back of a standing lof Dryden; 80 acres more or less, all | steel spur gears are fully enclosed and run in ofl, The weight child is straight, but when it has {good soil. o osite Nymark's. A snap | AR ats rs Art PT [ 4 25a -% on Pe o [5 or Lal A 5 BY EA : +1 4.3, nye A reached twelve or fifteen years of ace f . 5 ith y + cultivatl ; of the Ca S08 only 7 gant x this, pi Riks liberal : St j1or purchaser either for cultivation or sized tires prevents soil packing, Other important features the hollow curvature of the hack 1s las residential property. Apply to | explained in full descriptive literature sent out for the asking, much more pronounced. It is about © M. NYMARK, : Let us tell you more about the 10-13 or larger Case Tractors, this stage that variations from the $0--5 Box 38 Dryden, Ont. : Seld by:-- i : normal curvature begin to show them- | F. T BRI 'e) N ALL A. G. RIPLEY Dryden, Ont. Ser s, FARM FOR SALE Be For growing children or for adults} 121 acres, 1% miles south-west ofl : § ] OXDRIFT : ONTARIO ES Sa "00 tb0rsree sever evsees | LU 1S NOt necessary to give meat every Dryden., S% Lot 6 Con. 4 Township | - RE 2 ; bs day. Many people can live and thrive of Van Horne on shore of Lake Wab- | fie ee FA R ME RS ! ! 3 ¥ J without meat at all, but for ordinary igoon. 5 roomed house with | cellar; | : hes 5 a 2 Dick Trist diets, meat once every other day, and barn 20x28; hen-house 14x36; shed | = 4 at one meal a day is enough. Chicken 90x95. This is a fine location for e 4 | and fish can very often be substituled small fruits tables ltry. | } de aA ; a Sina 1s, vegetables or pouitry. I ryaen Livery Transfer § | for meat with advantaffe. An ideal place for summer home with ] ay d Cheese should be eaten sparingly, l excellent sandy beach--apply Exchange Barn We have in stock, a good supply of Land Plaster We are gwing away a splen- | and not more than once per day. i: STEWART & CURTIS One should especially cultivate a hada a ae LS VV VV VV VV SPN | taste for fresh vegetables as they con-1& : 8 did Buok of Practical Homes tain important food factors that are | 2, may ) i ' | not in' cooked or preserved foods FOR SALE--Thirty tons of baled and Barns. Call at the DRYDEN 2% ONT. These factors are known as vitamines hay, prime quality. rs office and get | rveevet rageesesesst |and are very necessary fo health, Also small stack of loose hay at your copy EE Fresh fruit Should also be eaten daily, [§ $17.00 per ton--apply, : -- , | and milk and water shoud! be taken R. H. PRONGER, Dryden Agent Fer-- Wisi M J C ROSIER freely, leaving out tea and coffee as | ANAAA Orit idl ~ HARTFORD FIRE INS. * e LR winch Ghost le, fia Eh fete --WANTE D--o i i 5 and 1 Merchant ; = : GALT COAL Genera e a) WANTED-- All kinds of team work. " The first shot from the gun on Reduced Prices : OXDRIFT, ONTARIO |: "Special. attenti id furni : or, J. Winterbottom | ov Geos Geena' [ROBT. SWEENEY fz min sob ee wa cavess win jt [| i 3 . : - J ith leather soles Boots and Shoes Hy v vice at'all hours--apply 3 ry Torta Cod Tiare at ore Oia : General Blacksmith & 955 JAS. 0. TAYLOR | Just hel thing for home or house-wear, or. for school gorls as follows: od Supplies. are a bs ' Second Hand Store West End of King | Child's Black CANVAS SLIPPERS, sizes 5 to 10, anle oF al $1.95 DRYDEN ONT Cockshutt Implements Woodworker i Street, Dryden, Ont. | Child's White CANVAS SLIPPER sizes 6 to 10, sale ____. 1.45. TN uaa sd ONL a x % | SNAAIRANP SPSS P PSSA SS, Misses' White CANVAS SLIPPER, sizes 11 to 2 sale __ Sp -- \ NOTICE { Child's White CANVAS LACE BOOT, sizes 5 to 10 sale __..__._.__. 1.95 : : ga, : ah i 1! Misses' White CANVASS LACE BOOT, sizes 11 to 2, sale __...______ 2.25 : Oxygen Atetylen fee. VW. 5 CHEINAN, Davis Honk Lo as PUMPS, sizes 2 to 63, tale borer rin J 5 er, will revisit Dryden on June 10th i 1 : : : ; : . welding ian : Ladies White CANVAS LACE BOOTS, sizes 8 to 633, mole wwe _ 2.95 : nile o e lun 0) ra (High Heel or Low Heel) lity --- - \ in connection ON SSATP RP PINAL Ladies' White CANVAS LACE BOOT sizes 3 to mr gil Ll EON . -- TENDERS WANTED i (Rubber Sole and Heel) : An old range may waste : The BISSELL DISK HARROWS Sealed Tenders will be'received ; by the undersigned up to May 19, . Noted for GREAT CAPACITY, Light . ; : : : ~ more thar a new Garry costs DRAFT, & Wonderful DURABILITY. 92% © pm. for the following . "fwork :-- i " Furnished in 2, 8, 4 and 6-horse size, Moving Risegari Hated tim i Every woman knows how dreadful an old range with a poor oven |in In-throw and Out-throw types. School Grounds onto Lot oa oppo can be. How much coal it wastes! How often it ruin good food! Also in DOUBLE-ACTION TYPES, site side of Albert Street. i J000¢000002000000000000004 3 ; : a .. |for use with all Standard Tractors. WMoring: Cleon Bouts. Renin "Ye Olde Firm" i It is really an economy to have a modern Garry with its white I have the Bissell Agency for : ng ge ouse om / A.J. GARDINER } General Merchant \ EAGLE RIVER, ONT. School Grounds onto lot on south Wpirrt 7? : pi ih side of Arthur Street. 5 erntziman & Company, itd a. ind Both buildings to be placed on "Kenora Branch Jconcrete walls 10 in. thick and The best in \ 18 in. deep. PIANOS AND PHONOGRAPHS Work te be completed by June! Ist, 1023. : § Old instruments taken in exchange For full details apply to Mr .New instruments sold on easy terms Hugh Adair or Mr A. E. Berrey. "nickeled steel oven (washable) and its smooth, glistening exterior. DISKS, Easy to care for, easy to clean, a sure baker! It's a comfort ROLLERS, every day --a range you would certainly be proud of enjoy : T J. LATIME AGENT FOR Gochshutt Plow Co.. Frost & Wood Implements SEV VIVIVETLGLIL PO £ x Ex x > Sharnle's Croom Comovatars By D. LANE, sec-treas | > tr ; ) 2 Srphiahiia 0 - wih : ' : IRA J. WILDE in charge Pe Raw Furs Bought and Sold Hardivare & Furniture Shop OXDRIFT. Dryden School Board |. pram aon Yh ig : 19000000 0090000060000600900 i

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