al THE DRYDEN Orinhvee _ Ye os 1 {bon wofe Benzoj n and Almonds < itens and Freshens the Skin' is Medicinally" correct - J & Ws Li : BEN-HUR-- The Perfume = that . = lasts BEN- HUR-- Toilet Water that pleases BEN-HUR--Face Powder (new) ; 'that stays on - We have pe received a fresh shipment of Woodbury's Toilet Preparations: ls FACE POWDER, TAL Crimes SOAP, TOILET WAT ER, VANISHING FACE CREAM, 7 BCOLD CREAM, we. ir he The' demand for Ansco Cameras and Supplies is far exceeding our highest expectations Dok RE FOR' "SERVICE &' QUALITY Try the Drug Store' First Towaship of Van Horne ch x kK k PROCLAMATION NOTICE is heveby given that I will| attend at the Township Hall, Dryden, on Monday, Hay 28th, 1923 between the hours of 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. to receive nominations for one Councillor or the balance of the year. Notice is also given that if more candidates than are required be nom- inated, a poll will be held on Monday, June 4th, 1923, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. : D. ANDERION. Oloke "1 have a ood HEAVY TEAM for sale, 82,000-1hs weight; also Harness and Wagon. -- Apply F. A: HAKALA Vermillion Bay. | U.F.0. held _ Waldho Warblings | WALDHOF, COnt.--At last we had a} dandy shower of rain and everybody | is locking very hopeful new seeding : complete or nearly so, except potatoes | which will follow in due time. | i Tact week vhere arrived in our set- | tlement a puie-bred Holstein bull No. | 38642 Springfield King Schniling. i Mr J. L. Birnie, the livestock com-| raissioner of the Department of Agri-| éulture, Ottawa, who deliver ed the | animal, claims it is the hest bull be- | tween Winnipeg and Toronte. Set ilers should not lose sight ofthis geld-: enn opportunity to better the standard | of their cattle. Mr F. Titze is the | caretaker of this beautiful sire. ; My ©. Kurtz completed the new warehouse for the Waldhof Farmers' Co-operative Club. The building, not- withstanding its small size, is a very ood advertisement, not only for the swners, but also for the young con- tractor. Surely he will not fail to get more and better work. The school in Wabigoon is one and Mr Brown in Tagle River suilding of his new home. As reported a few weeks ago, the! a social evening which | was a complete success. The whole ~ommunity combined to make this eve- aing one of the greatest in our history The Waldhof Brass Band--a little baby not'a year old yet--was blow- ing lustily, and by the applause the visitors were more than pleased. Of course! How could it be otherwise ? Waldhof young people have organ- ized a 'group of real players and we may just as well say well done. Hope you kids will try. it again, and be sure not to wait too long. Mr A. A. Har- vester won applaus, also Mr Kiesclack awarded him also the | . re BE TEX ness of the season. £5 wl DIHGWALL GARAGE DRYDEN Fern Motor COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITER Ford ONTARIS OXDRIFT oF dR i OXDRIFT, Ont.--The Oxdrift ¥ Wo- men's Institute held their annual meeting May 17th in the community hall, fourteen members and one visitor being present. Officers for the years 1923--24 were elected as follows: : President--Mrs H. Pateman. Vice.~Pres iss Gladys Salton Sec.-Treas.--Mrs M. McTavish. Directors--Mrs J. S. Corner, Mrs A. Salton, Mrs F. Brignall. Auditors--Mrs W. Jackson, Brignall. : . District Representatives--Mrs H. Pate man, Mrs A. Salton, Mrs J. Adams. District Director--Mrs H. Pateman. The June meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Salton. During the past year this branch raised the following amounts for var- i causes: Cobalt Relief Fund, $3.00; Mrs F. Queen still more when he presented his Wal- dhof Home Brew. (which was very dry but had a large kick) Next thing you will hear we are go- ing to enlarge our hall, of course it really was far too small to hold more than = three hundred 'visitors. And mind you 'this is will go perhaps quicker than you might think. = Of course, every time this paper of yours predicts 4 something, it happens alright, right or wrong why not this time. Mr Jahmert is the proud possessor of a new. Star car. ; For Service--Pure bred (registered) Shorthorn Bull at Lot 3 Con. $ Van Horn--apply 1st--8c J AMES HATCH { Mary Fund $7.00; Community Hall $254.90; i Total, Hospital, $6.80;, School Fair 70 Monthly solieyiion at meetings $22.00. We therefore take this opportunity, of thanking eevry one in the commun- ity who" helped to make last year a suceess. Mrs H. PATEMAN, Pres. Mrs McTAVISH, Sour BARGAINS! 5 Tor Sale--FORD TOURING CAR -- cash or terms, snap. Apply to Hans Keliberg, Waldhof; or to £ 16/23 C. T. WILLIAMS, Quibell. JS FOR SALE--FRESH COW--apply P. HORSLEY, Box 71 Postal Co- Operation Affixing Stamps Always place stamps in the upper right-hand "corner of the envelope, well clear of the address. And by the way, when you are putting' them on, ' remember to moisten the ENVELOPE not the stamp. You see, the trouble is that if you lick the stamp in the 1d-fashisned way, you may in, a mo- nt of enthusiasm, remove too much of that very necessary mucilage which Sy keep it in place on your letter. So just moisten the envelope and press the stamp down firmly upon it, as we aid before, in the upper left-hand cor- ner, making sure before dropping the letter in the street letter box or post office receiver that there is no danger of the stamp coming off while on its way through the mails. For if it does then, although the letter will be sent on to its destination, the person whom it is addressed to may have to pay up and may make uncomplimentary re- | stock. tiness, 1 marks accordingly about. your care- lessness. Advise your correspondents of your correst post fe address. Soils i * kk % Owing to purchasing another bus- am offering for Grocery Store. This can be handled with very little capital on good terms. All fresh Located on the first floor of the Bigelow Building. % ok kk ? LOOK QUT FOR BARGAINS NEXT WEEK / 0. H. PRONGER, Prop. sale my § forte solo by Miss Ina Callen, Song y i Mothers' and an Banquet. IGNACE, Ont., May 18--Under the ; LE of Mrs J. E. McNabb. and | Mr Wallace, student minister of Presbyterian Church, a mothers' and daughters' banquet was held in. the Community Hall on Friday, May 13. Two long tables, tastefully decorated and filled to overflowing with many tempting viands, were placed in the centre of the hall but so well did the mothers and daughters respond to in- vitations to the banquet that an extra table had to be requisitioned before all the guests could be seated. Mr Wallace acted as toast-master and was supported by the Rev. J. M. Beaton, of the Union Church at Dry- den, Mrs J. E. McNabb and Mrs Dun- can together with Messrs J. Leworthy and C. Depew and' representatives of the girls' club. After the sixty guests had done justice to the many dainties set before them, their needs being attended to by members of the club, a very interest- H. WILLARD, Boot and Harness Repairer. |} Dress Shoes and Boots Just the sort you need for this weather. kk sk XK A good assortment of: WORK GLOVES & BOOTS, Fok kf % C.C.C. Bet and Worm Remover "Guaranteed" Money refunded if not satisfactory j EE SE A Good Supply of: HARNESS and PARTS COLLARS SW EAT PADS RF Xk ® FF 7 ing toast list and programme followed, the items consisted of: Toast, "The King" by A. Read. Reply, "God Save the King". Toast, "The Sunday School" E. Davies Reply by, C. Depew and J. Leworthy Toast, "Tuxis Boys and Trail Ran- gers" by Margaret Robertson. Reply by Gordon Callen Toast, "Mother" by Violet Cobb. Reply by Mrs Duncan. Toast, "C.G.I.T." by Willie Callen. Reply by Rev. J. M. Beaton. The address given by Mr Beaton was inspiring and encouraging and de- signed To give in outline the work of the organizations promoted absolutely for the welfare of the daughters lO hiees of this Branch situated sons of Canada, and judging from the hearty applause accorded Mr Beaton at the conclusion of his address, his A full supply of Dr. Scholl's Remedies phways on hand NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Tenders will be received by the undersigned up till Noon: of Monday, the 4th day of June, 1923, for the stumping and grubbing of the centre thirty-three (33) feet of the right-of- way for the Keewatin-Manitoba Boun- dary Road from Mileage Seven (7) to the Manitoba Boundary in the District of Kenora, a distance of approxim- ately twenty-three (23) mile Plans and specifications may be seen andForms of Tender obtained, at the at Ken- ora, Dryden, Emo and Fort William (289 West Amelia St.), or at the office of the undersigned. : € message was well received. Other items on the programme were: Piano- and Chorus by Rosella Leworthy, Song and Chorus by Jessie Wormworth. The proceedings were marked from beginning to end by a very lively spirit of interest and it was a very successful first attempt on the part of the mothers and daughters of Ignace to bring their organization to the fore- front. " Votes of thanks were tendered Mrs McNabb and Mr Wallace for their sincere and earnest efforts which con- Tenders showing a mailing date later than June 4th, will not receive | consideration. : A marked cheque for One. Hundred Dollars ($100.00) must accompany tender for each section. The lowest or any tender not neces-~ sarily accepted. : C. H. FULLERTON, Director Northern Development Branch Parliament Buildings Toronto, Ont. You are known by the company :you keep out. of as well as by the company tributed much to the success of the function. It is to be hoped this will be the first of many such gatherings. - you cannot get into. No man ever got lost on a straight road.-- Lincoln. u A BATTERY SERVICE is also maintained as One of the essentials of our garage. A Charging Plant has been instal- led and 1s continually : at work. Fil Trek FILTERED we x FREE AIR Take all you want GASOLINE Per Gallon 35cts. "The most modern system of Gasoline pumping ,has been installed, the self-measuring Centri- fugal Separator entirely eliminates water or the slightest particles of dirt and foreign matter. - line, 13 New Superior Roadster CHEVROLET has answered the ever-increasing demand for quality cars at rock-bottom prices with the announcement of the New Superior Models Sensational Values are represented by this new at the new reduced prices. Improved quality, artistic design, added equip- 'ment and increased economy, combine to emphasize the Chevrolet's admitted leadership as producer of ~~ || the World's Lowest Priced Comrilete Automobile, A TRIED and TRUE CAR New Superior five Passenger Sedan Lod regret in purchasing a NEW CAUTION In buying your NEW CAR be sure you do the right thing, "LOOK before you LEAP' We can guar antee you will have no cause for. SUPERIOR CHEVROLET, Better be SURE than SORE - and SORRY after buying another make without a reputation. "Look Before You Leap" CHEVROLET