Volume V. : Dryden, Oau Number 3 wv i : - e . 7. ~ (eed Pe (Church UnionVote T BULLETIN ; . 1e br UC) Te. Tharsday 4 p.m.--Dry- : os VOTE WELL OVER THREE TO 1e this afternoon, 6--3. : EB pen i A ONE; COMMITTEES PROCEED TO THEATRE Ww GB 1 * PEE i TASK . MAKING LEGISLATION F IDA i IE i The Member for Kenora seeps Seat Unchallenged EFFECTIVE, Ri Y SATURDAY son is once more in' ! y { : FORT WILLIAM, Ont., June 12--By} s frst g CONGRATULA TIONS from all directions will pour in upon |a vote of 426 in favour, to 129 against, Charles Ray 2 wa splendid Doter Heenan, M.oP., upon his distinction in being the first Labor che general assembly, just Se the in : The Sold by:i-- Douglas Land {Bost Office Building) A All kinds of Fleet Foot Under- wear at PROUDFOOT'S * Se oak Hk Alan: Buy » Dad a Tie on Fathers' Day, June 15th. A full line of Tatest Ties T. PROUD FOO T Tailor and Gent's Furnisker DRYDEN ONT. ~ CB. CA 2. Station) Lunch Coufiier and Dining Room ey yoy jared fat Ea {On posite Meals served at hour Cooki Se Hoosk ng and Servs %* Clealiness & Qu ality Guaranteed TOBACCOS, SOFT DRINKS CONFLCTIONS Ln BING : nd TOW N OF DRY DEX ; PROCLAMAT TION NOTICE is hereby given that attend at the Town Hall, D Friday, June 156th, 1923, betwees hours of 7.30 and 8.30 p.m., to receive wf for one Councillor "for the balance for the year 1923. Notice is also gven that if more candidates than ave required be nom- inated, a poll will be held on ¥riday, June 22nd, 1923, between the hours of 9 a.m. and b p.m. J. BE. GIBSON, Clerk Dryden, June a 1988, eu" eres = mT SALE OF TIMBER will be received by the un- dersigned up to and neluding Monday' the 25th day of June 1923, for the right to take the Spruce and Jack Pine Saw Logs and Boom Timber, most of which are now lying in the wa Good Lake at Richan, and some at the | old mill site of the Rock Lake Lum- ber Compa ny. ' Further particulars conditions of 'Sale, etc., may be ob= ed upon application to the under- to Jas. D. C. Smith, Actin ber Agent, Kenora, Ont. "BENIAH BOWMAN Minfster of Lands and Forests Ye. 9th, 1923. Tenders tain signed, or Crown, Tit - Forni, PY as to terms nE ! s had S621 to deserve on in the have pe that would s anybody, looks as if 4 were all set t they 'have had Lo made aga mE en goodwill of cen fans are i ht with the boys till d to the finish. won watin Gamer r man was Very consid- day and provided Dry- rth real Weather to yden and Keewatin hattle a double header which was well worth waich- ing hough defeated in the first pose i running, Dryden fans that they ar see in enn us pitchers' bat- an ww Tt : between Kozak and which Carey : innings to a 6--4 win for tin fore the tie could be brok- sure pitched good ball and to win but poor base running e - at least three times. d for Keewatin, was and although hit inst six «to fine win. called in the . of darkness pitched fine Duncan and ei ON, TD fi) & ag HSA 7 wih AS SEB/ ALL Noes zbout this: Dryden won hands down. Ling except good base ak pitching the best brand career, it was nice to boys walking back Dickson made his eighth innings 'the m Bp Sonene, 2 HOP'S JOURNEY Ci Dewdney, Bishop of left Kenora on June Tth he 10th at The Pas, Leav- the Hudson Bay Line e 13th, he will travel car and canoe to Split Sunday the 17th there. | Tork Lil y, and then on to Fort The trip will take until ning a Ea when the in Saskatoon. Tenders will be undersigneds urday, July 7 chool puilding as basement th up 7et 7th ters of ling an addition on the end of present building for use a cloakroom. Observer. 2 Tenders for School," fto the secretary of the Board. Lowest or any ¢ : cepted. } Bed dworth, Ont. age game itself was such a that every body got the taste the luck have begun this; vr their favour | the league. gh as the field. hem the i in other onidoned ff in heroes o the northern missions, Tenders for Imprevemenis on School Tenders must be séaled and marked' next few days. and addressed acquire this fine car would do ender not necessarily, placing the order now, Wm. WHITE, Secy. _soon absorb the whole shipafent. member in Ontario, if not in all Canada, to spree seat in. parlia- : by acclamation. Almost unanimously it will be conceded that the honour is i well deserved, and that his return to the legislature for second term unopposed is for him a great personal triumph. His untiring efforts on behalf of the district he represents and his mfailing courtesy towards every appeal by anyone who invoked his help, have secured for him such confidedce and support as to .ompel recognition by all parties that his position is impregnable. That he has the 'reputatin of being engaged in endless contro- what he conceives to be the advantage of Kenora District has enhanced his popularity in his own constituency, however it ~E a versy for may have influenced those of other' parts of the province. ; 'The great campaign that he led to secure the Backus industry for his home town, whatever its merits' otherwise, has positively nd demonstrably brought prosperity to Kenora; and no argument that can be brought against the wisdom of the the English River limits'to E. government in awarding W. Backus can weaken popular faith in the sincerity and singleness of purpose of the out- a individual who bore the Punt of 'the struggle -- Peter Teenan, M.P. That being the case, 'how could any citizen of Kenora, unless cbsessed by narrow prejudice or personal ambition, be ungracious enough to "stand in opposition tothe man who has whole- heartedly striven for the public good? If the earnest work of Peter Heenan were to meet wil nothing but ingratitude from the town of Ken- ora, what incentive would be left for ¢ any man' to work for public rather than party interest? - t is to the credit of the leaders. of parties in this datrict that they have refrained from putting the Province to useless expendi- ture by forcing an election in pursuit of party advantage, and the reasonableness of any probable candidate who may have avoided a contest 2 the sacrifice, of personal ambition s should not be for- gotten or allowed to go unrewarded. Hardly anyone in Dryden and district at least but approves of the present strategy, the ulti- mate effects of which 'cannot but be beneficial to this section of the province. al nny Anniversary x 3 Donates Baseball Cup Next Thursday will be a greatly day in Oar, when the Antal Picnic will be held. Year by year this is getting to be a more m- 'portant affair, and this. yous there will be 'more to attract and inter- a js community than ever be- x A Memorable Hiro for fallen will be held in the Com- munity Hall, Oxdrift, Sunday afternoes; June 17th, at 3 o'clock. The service will ln an impressive one, and will be attended by ex- service men in a body. Rev. 5; N. Dixon, Rev. J. M, Beaton andj Looe have charge, and the services. eo part of the service upported by a select num- Ww Cook has Deen busy for the ¥ oh week orgar nizing a base- ball district league, for which a a challenge Cup has been Cid ber of instr -umentalists and appro- {by Douglas Iane, of Dryde ia hymns will 'be chosen. The Cup, of sterling Der on hers of local church choirsfan cbony base, stands about six- are invited to lead the singing. . {teen inches high, and is beauti- $080 fully engraved, the inscription Notice reading --- Ex-service Ll Dry wi oe DOUGLAS LAN d + are invitéd to attend the fr district 'are 2 Presented for Memorial Service at Oxdriit on ANNUAL COMPETITION Sunday next, at 3 pm. Its will be ey Schools be he greatly appreciated if owners ol; DRYDEN DISTRICT i* Hy ia i cars will assist in conveying the tah las het men. Those*desiring to respond IGNACE i %; QUIBELL - i to this appeal will please meet aby 7. the Town Hall at 1.30 p.m. This year the Cup will be pl lay- A joint service. will be held. fed for by teams representing the .¢ E. Payne will sound Re-jvarious communities in the dis- trict except Dryden, and "teams from every point will play the {opening games of the competition at Oxdrift Picnic. In succeeding years the Cup will be played for : and Ia Post. z CHANGE or BUSINESS disposed of my Grocery Store in the Bigelow Building to Mriby the A only, and each ¥. Lawrence of Osaquan, 1 take this year medals will be given to the opportunity to thank the public for membery of the winmng team. | the generous way in which iy always have dealt with me. Tt is the intention of my successor, Mr Lawrence, to carry on the business on similar lines, and T trust the pat- ronage of my customers will be con- tinued to him. EEE After the picnic a dance will be held in the community hall, for which a splendid orchestra has been n engaged. A. Milling, practical butcher of Eagle River, has been asked to run his raeat truck through Minnitaki to Ox- drift every Friday. This of course would be a benefit to these places, and Mr Millings is prepared to carry out the plan, delivering meat ordered be- forehand to all who desire it. Send your order in ahead by post, and have 0. H. PRONGER DIVINE SERVICES June 17th 11 a.m.--EAGLE RIVER Sunday School at 10.30 a.m. 7.30 p.m.--MINNITAKI A short address will be given to the ehildeen your meat delivered fresh to your door EVERYBODY WELCOME ey Friday, beginning June 22nd. L. V. POCOCK a MUNICIPALITY OF VAN HORNE Plans. and, specifications and. full] EET TE particulars can Te coen at my resi-| The carload of New ai Chev- Applications will be received for the dence or ab the office of the 'Dryden; rolets for which Durance Bros. have | position of Clerk and Treasurer for Van Horne Township for balance of 1923, at a salary of BPE per an- num. Sil ; Applications © the undersigned 23rd at 6 pm. -- D. ANDERSON, been waiting will be here within the Those who intend to well to {act promptly and secure their car by as the demand 'from. Kenora as well as Dryden will 0 pe in » he hands of by turday, . June Clerk special bodie Sg hour yesterday afternoon, ted in favour of the union of the Pr resbyterian, Methodist and Congreg- ational churches jn-Canada. This action on the part of the gen- eral assembly is absolutely final, there being no appeal from any individual or body of individuals to any other organization. It may take a year before this ec- clesiastical union is consummated. The bill which has been prepared will doubtless be modified, in non-essentials and -added to or: amended, as the re- sult of the work of committees and which are dealing with the union matters. The bill will then be presenied to the Dominion legisla- ture, and, if ratified, will then be tak- n before each of the provincial leg- islatures for local endorsation. : With all this completed, the matter will become law.' = The zers hour for the Presbyterian church in Canada struck yesterday afternoon at about ten minutes to five, and from that time until ten minutes after six excitement ran high and the situation was _ tense in the crowded auditorium of St. Paul's Presbyterian church. The floor of the church was filled to capacity with every available dele- gate and commissioner, in addition to many others who were mot commis- sioners and therefore had no voting powers. ; : Galleries were pI with eager, anxious people, most of them Presby- terians, "waiting to hear the result of the voting. Then, "when the counting was com- leted, Moderator Gandier adjourned meeting, and it was not until the evening session that the result was. made known. S FA 3 i] n 2 METHODIST CONFERENCE RE- ICICES AT UNION VOTE CON- GREGATIONALISTS TOO TORONTO, Ont., June 12--The ver- dict of the Presbyterian general as- sembly on church union caused gen- eral satisfaction at the Toronto Meth- odist conference today., "You fellows are beginning to look like Presbyterians already," was they jocular greeting of one pastor to a group of ministers, and all wore broad smiles. % ; "This looks like getting somewhere" said Rev. T. W. Neal, secretary of the Methodist social union. DER san "A Tailor Made Man" NONDAY = TUESDAY "A Perfect Crime" --All-Star-- WEUNESDAY & THURSDAY Mary Alden "A Woman' 8: 53 | Wo man" By Eatien i b J Something New. "The All-Rubber ; BATHING SLIPPER They protect the feet from cuts- and bruises while bathing. Splen- did = variety of colors to choose from. Nothing like them in town Sizes to fit all. = ER I & We lead in the quality and vasiety of BATHING CAPS. {Our 1923 shipment now on dis- play. | See our Window JUST-A LITTLE DIFFERENT I When enjoy ing the wate sure to have an "Ansco" Camera with you 'and take a picture. Happy times come and go, but. the pic- tures live forever Kk ck ok Sd ! Our Printing and Finielidi is ae ing admired by all. "The best vet," so say all kk kK What is possibly one of the most momentous decisions ever made by the Presbyterian general assembly in Can- ada, was arrived at last evening and | will make the session at the head of | the lakes in 1923 memorable in the | history of the church. The union of these two great evan-. alical churches under one govern- it, strongly opposed as it was by an earnest minority, has carried byi what must be regarded as an overpow- | ering majority, and will now be grad- ually brought into effect, as soon as the =n ry legislation has been. passed, providing for the disposal of { the properties of both churches and its vesting in the new: 'goevrnment. ¢ The debate has been one that will: stand out as among the most remark-" able that has ever taken place among men of opinions so diverse and of predilections so strong. Partly, owing | to the wonderful tact and judgement of the presiding officer, and partly ow- ing to the wonderful self-command' of the debaters themselves, the diseus- sion never departed from its high plane. Both the bitter opponents ot union and its warmest advocates seem- ed to be absolutely willing to admit the right o fthe other side to its own opinions and the controversy never de- generated into investive. The greater glory of Christ were the inspiring mo- tives of those who spoke in favour of their respective views of 'the manner in which htese could be best attained. Such = self-restraint and idealism were Lut to be expected in an assem- bly, where not only were gathered to- gether men of the highest intelligence in the Dominion, but also men of the finest spirituality and devotion, whose aim wes not glory for themselves nor' good of the church and the greater | FOR SERVICE 2 QUAL: ITY Bl taza H. WHLARD, Boot and Harness Repairer. J ------] Dress Shoes and ; Boots Just the sort you nped for this weather. * xk % A good assortment of : WORK GLOVES & BOOTS ® okE OX : iC.C -C. Bot and Worm Rottover "Guaranteed" Sy Money refunded if not satisfactor y \ *® * * * A Good Supply of: HARNESS and PARTS COLLARS : SWEAT PADS FX KX BM XT A full supply of Dr. Remedies Swi on hand. -- NOTICE -- Strayed from Lot 10, Con. 23, a BAY MARE. Information about same gladly received--apply : 15--6, JAMES L. DUNCAN TEACHER WANTED a teacher holding second class certificate 1922, Salary $1000. 00--apply | materials pain, but the' advancement of the kingdom of God. i= "Mrs FRIDA ROBINSON, sec-treas Wabiggon Ont. Scholl's Box 30, Dryaon : Wabigoon, Zealand Township, Ont. S.D. No. 1 requires male or female : Duties to commence September 4th, -