Volume V. Eo Dryden, Oat, I he 29th 1923 _ Number 5 Ri ypgwriters £8 by:-- Yr. Doug Los Tone oz Office Shay, ¥ | were defeated. ¥; B. CAFE (Opposite C.P.R. Station) Lunch Counter and Dining Room Meals served at any hour Coglting and Service unexcelled LE pk Clealiness & Quality Guaranteed TOBACCOS, SOFT DRINKS +. CONFECTIONS CHAN BING Proprietor GET YOUR : uits Shirts Boots & Shoes ALSO Gent's Furnishings FROM 'T. PROUDFOOT Tailor and Gent's DRYDEN s Furnisher ONTARIO S.S. No. 2, Tealand School Tenders for Improvements on School Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to and including Sat- urday, July 7th, 1923, for raising the school building and constructing a ent basement therefor. Also build- 9. addition on the end of present building for use as a cloakroom. ; Plans and specifications and full particulars can be "seen at my resi- dence or at the pits of the Dryden Observer. Tenders must be sealed and marked 'Tenders for School," nl 0 the secretary of the Board, = ! Lowest or any tender not tors lly iccepted. 3edworth, Ont. Win. WHITE, Seey. COLE--WEHITING ~ Paul Cole and Ellen Whiting were narried in the Union Church on Tues-}, lay morning, June 26th. "Rev. J. M. 3eaton officiated. Koko ww RODTKA_ GAUTHIER On June 27th, Henry 'James Rodtka nd Anna Violet Gauthier were mar- ied by Rev. J. MacLean 'Beaton. The eremony took place in the home of Ir and Mrs Gus Rodtka, Glengoland. © Miss Margaret Howell was the ridesmaid, and Fred Rodtka, brother f the groom, was best man. .. Only hose immediately connected with the amily were present. After the cere- 10ony the wedding supper was served. 'he gouple will live at Fort bi At Dryden, Ont, on Tuesday, a 6th, to. Mr and Mrs J. K. Tavingne daughter. : ® Conser vali ve AY fotory | i [+ al : |" Drury Government Annihilated. InMonday's aledtiog "the Conserva- "tive party made a clean sweep of the a province, capturing 76 seats. The UFO, ho Id second place with 17, and ithe. L als follow: with 14. Five of | the 'ministers of the late government The Lieut-Governor has formally} invited Hon. G. Howard Ferguson the ; Conservative leader, which was swept! day, to form the next government of the province. My Ferguson, the new premier, ex- pects to form his 'new cabinet next week. © He will take over 'the Lie a Dy on July 16th. Fan si th et Suffers from Fire DEAR EDITOR: In a recent issue you gave publicity i to part of a conversation between you sued by the Forestry Department, and only the part which might be inter- preted 'as savoring of destructive legislation. Anyone having any practical knowledge of the 'present system of fire ranging and issuance of permits for the preservation of our forests knows it to be absolutely futile and simply a farce. Really con- structive legislation in this matter would, in my opinion, be to place the setting out of fires, during a certain period, under the criminal code, with a penalty say of a five hundred dollar fine and one year in gaol or ment of the fine. I understand a sis- ter province, Nova Scotia, has already enacted such legisation. Your remarks concerning = responsibility brings up the fact that there is no unceertainty 1 whatever as to the origin of the fires refoerved to. which did so much dam- age south' of Minnitaki J River between the and' Eagle Lake. : the Gov ernment Beav er started Con. 5 and Con. 6 in west Aubrey. But just how far the Legislature would consider itself liable for loss is another question. And the voad kpolicy of the Department--to which T may refer more fully in the future as' carried out in this district at least reconsideration by the because, although undoubted] ly inten- ded as an assistance to 'development, in the business, he may not do it all fInstallation of Officers for the year "fobstructive--W. W. FRENCH. CXDRIFT, Ont., June wd w ALDHOR, Orit Botwork gtarbed in our community this week, hope the Farmer-Labour. Government will pro- vide enough money to complete part of a very backward road system. However, as long as Peter Heenan is at once but certainly he is making a good show. Good thing he will be there for the next term. The rain of last week was a little more than a god-send. Not only are our crops looking better and there is. still hope now for a splen ndid crop, but our many fires are completely extin- guished. Much damage is already done, but it is a lucky thing no human lives were lost. If this will serve as a lesson for careless people and per- haps settlers and campers in general, then' the price is not too high, Only after a few weeks everybody will go his own way and nobody will cave ; &--h. : + There. will be four, 1 "Labour" raters and. one Independent. into power by a huge maj jority Mon-! office | and myself regarding the policy pur- J" Wins Double Header Dr yden took both ends of a double- header here by the scores of 10--2 and Although' the games were mot as snappy as the previous ones against {| Keewatin, there was some real nice fielding at times, _especially the two ess ---------- double plays by. Rochon, Porter and Taylor. Miller pitched good 'ball in the dfternoon. game, whilé Kozak, Ithough hit a little harder, haridled ining game. By these two wins Dryden still re- mains in the running for the first ries, having won" four and lost two, "gw two tie games to be replayed. LEAGUE STANDING re Per. Won Lost : *KEEWATIN 6 1 857 "*DRYDEN 4 2 .666 BFEKENORA 0 7 .000 { * Tie Games ° 1 } " BASEBALL FACTS Two more wins and we are tied for first' place. Keep up "the good work boys. th : . Miller is showing fine . form this year, holding Kenora to four scattered hits in the first game.. Faster relays. from the outfielders would save runs. : 'Speaking of Farmers, they run in ball. A little less ragging the. umpire would help some. Remember it is not twoy. §vears confinment in default of pay- Iti' ' road] i es constriction on the line between a 'paying proposition. © Clarke got well behind. the bat and will make Quite a help id Pecore. ; THE PLEASANT HOUR Dominion Day service in the Union Church Sunday night. EN ae As o'clock Sunday morning at the Union Church south building. The subject is "John the Baptist." This Testment characters. How far will a 'man go to stand up Heth" today ? for DIVINE SERVICES Sunday July 1st. GLENGOLAND:-- Sunday, School ot. Preaching Service Nie BERRY SCHOOL HOUSE: -- 2 pm. : / ; ; inadvertantly caused by its employees should very properly be taken under : Legislature, ! it really is a deterrent and absolutely Sunday School ..____._ 2.30 pan. HOME of Mr E. NEELY:-- Preaching Service ._..._ 11 a.m. AUBREY: -- Preaching Service .__.._. 7 pa J. 2, COOKE, Pastor: t CHURCH OF ENGLAND NOTES. Services on Sunday as follows:-- IBM, iin ons ; "MINNITAKT ____._.__-3.30 pam. EAGLE RIVER _ T.pm. The Rev. Canon tito se A be here ron Sunday and. will visit the three missions, Those wishing their chiid- | ren baptised will make the necessary arrangements. Holy Communion will. be celebrated at each place. © L. V. POCOCK, Student in charge | he firing end for Dryden n ihe eve-' hard luck at 'times not only at base-' is the first of a series on Great New mother «Winnipeg where he will spend a few ; through the east. Clay Paragraphs Mr and Mrs Ae Eagle 'River, motored down to Dryden 'Wednesday. Wm. Connon spent 'a few days" in Poyt Arthur this week. is pe fit> : Win. Richardson came. back to town an Tuesday. : . Robt Skene and son Tack, Osdritt were in town. Tuesday. : Dr. Henry spent <a ils town Monday afternoon." J. 0. Self spent the 'eck-end in Port Arthur. Miss Annie Wallin . Js. short holdiay in Winnipeg. Miss Lily Brignall, Oxdrift, was in town Wednesday. 3 D. Hutchison made a hurried 'trip to Igndce Wednesday. P. Schonenberg, town on Monday. ; hours in ng a Waldhof, was in 'THe Misses Crosier were down from Oxdrift Monday. ; Pete Latimer, Oxdrift, was seen in town Monday. : S. Grabowski is in Winnipeg for a few days on business. W. W. Howell, Oxdrift, was down to Dryden on Monday. ~ : I.-J. Clark, Keewatin, paid a Visit to Dryden last week. Miss BE. Percy left for her home in Kenora Wednesday morning. tS. Daiter left Tuesday for ? Wnaieey 'land expectant pleasure © y © - i > rhe Oxdrift Picnic' Rural cotmiunities do not have as many festive 'occasions as do towns halt : oo and 'cities: but perhaps those they wm a ; i --, have are more worth while. They are ve planned Tor, weeks 'ahead and every- MONDAY TUESD AY thing is done to make them profitable : SH 3 and enjoyable, 'and 'when' the time The Picture you have been looking arrives the: whole countrys side turns : out. This ig not; 'because : 'they have' nothing else to doy but 'because they know that a treat. isin store for them. The Oxdrift" annual Sunday School pienic is no 'exception to the rule and people far and wide know' that they cannot well afford to miss it. Thus, i it happened, even though the weather was very uncertain, that early on the afternoon of 'June 21st the Oxdrift picnic. grounds swarmed with eager seekers, pre-;. pared to dein. in the festivities of the 'an day. . Raney" in d All- Star Ce ot: Owing to the ator ad train, the THE GREATEST RURAL coMEDY. baseball game which was scheduled EVER MADE for three o'clock had to be postponed, ; YOU JUST WANT TO. SEE THIS ; and in the meantime the children' s) PICTURE-IT'S GREAT. : | races were run---"The young contend- Price 16 & 30 ing as the old surveyed." Some of the younger ones were. very bashful on a business trip. J. J. Horne, iC.P.R. Supt. at Heros, was in Dryden Tuesday. | Miss Lyons, of Oxdrift, is the guest cof Mrs S. N. Dixon, at the Rectory. Mr and Mrs F. N, Beveridge bade good-bye to Dryden this week, on leaving for the east. Miss Pittman left for her home in Kenora Wednesday, often school ¢los- (ing. Miss Ina Findlay was down from Kenora dast week on a elt Jo her Mr and Mrs H. A. Thompson, of Ignace, made a trip to Dryden last Friday. Miss Luegs, principal of Dryden School, will spend the vacation at her home in London, Ont. & : O. H. Pronger left Wednesday for days. 7 Miss R. Adams, school teacher at jhubrey, spent the week-end with her {sister Mrs Jack Harris. 1 ; 'Miss Queenie Thomas RR Wednesday after an' extended trip "through the whole 'game, that the fielders had to eat strawberries to pass were gone in almost less time: than it' takes to tell it. Ome poor fellow must have had lead 'in his boots, for his head persisted in going faster than his heels and eventually he landed sprawling on the turf. The effect, that contests of this kind have in in- stilling into the minds of the children ideas of true sportsmanship was evinced by one lad who was heard to say, "I'll do better next time." More exciting still was. the base- ball game played by W abigoon and} but not the older, esepcially a group: IT PAYS TO SPRAY of teen-aged boys to which our.atten-*° tion was attracted. They were clam- 1 orous to mateh their strength and to win the coveted prizes. As even the Spraying increases your crops' and profits Joo, 000,000 1s the annual loss in" Canada i in Fruits and Vegetables. most tardy was to receive a nickel, the SPRAYIDE, PARIS GREEN. entries were large. These particular boys gave the starter a great deal of or LEAD ARSENATE will positively kill the tato trouble, but finally they were merrily on their way and the hundred yards Bug and all. other forms 9% lea eating insects. 'Oxdrift. AU first it seemed almost We carry only the purest gat inevitable that the former woud have obtainable. FER ON to take the advice of a worthy sup-| 'porter of the home team and supply the distant trees with baskets, but the umpire said it was baseball and not basketball and 'ruled out the sugges- tion. Duwving the first two innings the battery of the Oxdrift boys was so effective that they wete given a con- siderable lead. For this Anderson who pitched for Oxdrift deserves great credit, he did such good work, not only during the first two innings but When enjoying the water: es s re to have an "Ansco" Camera with you and take a picture. 'Happy times come and go, but the Dic- tures live forever Our Printing and Finishing is. bes ing admired by all. "The best vet," so say all * 3% kk FOR SERVICE & QUALITY. H WILLARD, the time away and there was grave Miss Kennedy left Wednesday for Ignace where she will preside over ihe! i entrance examinations. 2 Mrs Wm. Rhodes and son veturnsd' to Dryden Tuesday after spending' a 'Ishort holiday in Kenora. t+ Miss Ivy, Pronger left Saf turday. to! Mz L. F. Gould. of Comnpbellford," Ont., is spending a two months holiday} ! with his brother A; A. Gould. Mr" Gould says he sees a great improve- ment in Dryden since visiting here ; four years ago. A little surprise is being ettibgel for members' of the K.L.I. by means of' a' rifle association for which mem- bers of the K.L.L hrre alone eligible, Attend, the drills to get full particu- lors; Miss Foster, after two years op the staff of Dryden Public School, and a record of useful and helpful little services rendered on many occasions, about the big problem that will be with us as long as we have waste and timber-land unless we, I mean all of us, will co-operate and find a solution * to how we can avoid a disaster of this" kind a second time. At the regular meeting of Golden Star Lodge No. 484 AF. & A.M., the tool place, Wor. Bro. Pinkerton act- ing as installing officer: Wor. Bro. F. P. Matthews Bro. A. E. Berrey . W.M. Bro. H. Humphreys _ Sordi SW. Bro. "A. 7. Clempson wm J Wi Bro. Rev J. M. Benton REL LL 7 especially where helpful to 'young girls, left for hex home in . London, Ont, last Saturday. Miss Foster will seek another position, in search of ex- perience. "Mr A. R. Peppy, of Dingwall's Ltd, Winnipeg, was in Dryden Monday and Tuesday. Mn Peppy is a highly- skilled optometrist, and was consulted by many whose eyes have been giving them' trouble. It is better that such matters be dealt with by a qualified - ipractitioner than that people be left: to the tender mercies of irresponsible pedlars whose knowledge of eyesight is equalled only by their assurance. Police Court News i-- Bro. Alex Duncan nd 80m mm as Bro. Bro. S. Swanson J.. W. Collison Wor. Bro. Duncan Reid mmm TTR2S. Before Magistrate Bisheis Thats Bro. 'A. Burton --.--._.__.... Secy. day morning, Georgé Martin was! Wor. Bro. F. Pinkerton __.__ D. of C. ordered a whipping and given a severe Bro. Geo. Wice -- foo 8.D. reprimand for obtaining money by Bro. Me D- Wambly 10 0. oa, J.D. false prefohden. . f Bro. Geo. Dechert > 8.8, Bear B, Baker ui al - J.S. CHE IAP FOR CASH--FORD CAR, in 2 toood condition--apply, S. GRABOWSKI, Central Hotel _visit friends in Winnipeg and Fort Franes. Ira! 'W. Clark of the 'chemi; stry dept. at the ill, spent the week-end in Win- "nipeg. Mr and Mrs Jas: Dingwall, 'Winni- peg, are the guests of Dr, angl Mrs Dingwall. k Miss Gertrude Mcfadysn returned Tuesday after spending; a couple of days in Kenora. ret a Sh Boot and Homes + didi Dress S Shoes. . Boots , st the Sort you need" for this 'eather. ° danger that they would devour too many and spoil their supper. The 'boys in red were surprised to learn| that nearly every tme they struck at ,the ball it had already nestled in the catcher's mitt. In the third innings, | the Wabigooners growing desperate placed pitcher number two in the bo: He did for them what. Anderson had been doing for Oxdrift, and it was one, 'two, three and out. "When this was carrid out three sucgessive times and an . nnings passed: without any runs, the boys looked Bewildered, but 'were later more surprised to find that they had been fooled and the twist was all in the pitcher's arm. - Apart from the superior work of the Wah- igoon infield, the teams wére fairly well matched and at the end of the Rk Kk A good assortment of : 2 WORK GLOVES &. BOOT Si EE J 3 C.C.C. Bot and Worm Remover "Guaranteed" Ay refunded if not satisfactory y kx x 0) Good Supply of: HARNESS and PARTS Mrs Post, from Grand. Mere, Quebec, arrived in Dryden thir; week to join 'her husband who is Supt. at T3yden Paper Mill - Mrs Herb Martin, Glengoland, and, daughter Mrs Ross Hawes 'who is visiting here, were shopping in town on Monday, : S. Campbell,' eae by Mrs Campbell, lett. for Winnipeg Mlon- day, to spend = thw first part of his annual holidays. Beginning next week, the Strand will be open four nights a 'wee 'k, Mon- day--Tuesday and Friday--Se vurday. This arrangement ' will contim ie. for the summer months til] further - notice. M. Mr Victor Wilson. returned to Win-| nipeg Shturday after spending a few days with his brother and siste i=, in- Yor, Mr and Mrs J. 8. Wilson. fifth innings a hot contest was ready} fo be waged, but a down-pour of rain { dampened the enthusiasm of both and .the game ended with a score of §--T7} in-favour of Wabigoon. We are glad to know 'that a league containing 'as its members Wabigoon, Cairnbrogie, Quibell, Gunne and Ox-| drift has been formed and a series of games will be played for a trophy cup which has been donated by Mr Doug- las Lane of Dryden. The ball game was brough to a Jo by 'the rain but not so the picnie, for the thoughtful ladies had prepared a bountiful repast to which everyone did justice. However the roof made by. the overspreading branches of the jackpines would not long keep out the wet, so after lunch a hasty exit was necessary. - Even though many of the on their journey home re- . COLLAR S . SWEAT PADS nl ETE JO A full; supply of Dr." Schol Remedies always on hand Municipality of Machin Applications for the position 0 Collector for the Municipali Machin and unorganized portio School Sections, for the: year 192 a salary of $100. 00, with postag stationery, will be received by the un- dersigned up to July 28th. i 207 GEORGE RUETE, Clerk Reogle River, Ont... oman The home of Mrs st wa ; struck by lightning last Monc y. El Mrs Coates. If you want a cool 80-acre farm | close to Town of Dryden, an excellent 1 | position for 'somebody, apply to the office of the Dryden Fn for par- ticulars. BL FE SNE. PAT | Mrs Robt. Johnston and her g ratid- all decided they had had a good time son Esmond Drew of Keewatin, spent ie, °ived none too pleasant a bath, they ithe week-end in Dryden the guests of ing, : the chimney" being: _wrec] Fortunately it was insured, and immediately notified the agent 0 € damage. Right after dinner the 'same day, a bricklayer was on the J b, and everything was 'put "in: shape i time. Mrs Stewart is highly gratef 1 to the Insurance man, Douglas Lane, for the ready assistance so Trompily rendered. Lak 7 4 pienicers an 1 are already anticipating a better one next year. J. Wilde," in charge of the I Ieintza in branch at Kenora, is here o n business With which he usually con- tr ives to misngle a certain amount of pl easure on. his Dryden trips.