Dryden Observer, 29 Jun 1923, p. 6

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THE DRYDEN OBSERVER Sie iach UE 2s 4 "The Hired Man? own Ltt Nude = igs 25 2) & 2 =. Tals NN ir ~y Zt > re SEES SES Sree ~~ -- ze For your own interest, if not for mine, A catibe if once in a while a store offers something good to the public, this is one of the once in a whiles." Every man wears a shirt, therefore this is interesting. Every man likes a good. shirt, one that fits in the body, does not cut under the arms, and touches the legs. In many years experience I Reve dealt . with people who liked good Shirts, but who, because of their pocket "book, had to content themselves with poor ones. Therefore when one of the leading Shirt Manufacturers in Canada offered me the trav- cller's samples ata discount, I looked them ver. with curiosity. The first thing that arrested my investigation was that these Shirts were as clean as the day they left the factory. Th next thing that.charmed me 'was the wonderful variety of colours and designs, and T fell, not only for my own good, but for my customers. There are 400 Shires, and unfortunately only in. sizes 14%, I5 and 15%; It is a young man's or a slim man's deal. I am sorry that no fat man can apply. Now I am going to expose. these Shirts for sale on Saturday. The factory cost is on the Shirts, and I am going to sell them at this factory cost, plus sales tax and freight. I am going to Teave this open for one week, and then any unsold will go into regular stock. These are not cheap Shirts, these are stylish Shirts and sold from the factory with- out the intervention of the middleman, And just one thing more: my modesty forbids telling the details, but I stole these from' under the nose of one of Winnipeg's largest stores. ; Lovely Souvenir China Just arrived a a ER ATA you don't ALY me or any other average citizen to If has come at last--the ram I have much sympathy with a law which A i » ) medn--and everyone is rejoicing. The {came .into being. in such a 'manner, dry spell that we have = just passed but being on the statutes as a citizen .. Mm [through is one of the characteristics who has respect for his country's } of this section of Canada. It has been | Haws, it is up to me and the rest to years. It begins about the last week Hwith it and do not think it is in the /lin April and may last anywhere' from gst interests, 20 to work: and have it six weeks. This year's i nded or done. away. with constitu- le on account o which prevailed, | uated by the fact varticuarly cold and so bring. all Jaws into disrepute. ; "Persopally this act looks fo me a 1d like some of the laws en- 23 in the Old Country nearly 300 ag Drouthi-- ; ye: s. ago hy the Puritans whe hap- it is durng Ah spring dry spell péned to. .gel into power, when pL that tha oreat amotint of damage started to, regulate . what, the . people is' done by Bish fires. ith the land clearing idea Jin his they prohibited the sport of bull-bait- : to burn brush off a por- ing, one of the. popular, pastimes of lot, but he 'soon finds, that thé. day, but as Lord « Macaulay is like iy and Lv fire caiistically put it, "not out of pity for Ps | note and kept track of for twenty ! {obey 'such' law, and if I can't agree mally, but notito set it at defiance Hugh Pronger's Novelty Store For sale at a snappy price: -- "WEBER PIANO, worth $450. 00 Sigil a $295.00 'DOHERTY PIANO, worth $420.00, special $365.00 COLUMBIA GRAMAPHONE, regular $125. 00, specia 2 4 . VIRGIL SRSA, regular sige 5.00, special En dri 00 This is for Cash Only:-- VACUUM CLEANER, regular $25. 00, special rb Ei ntte S 00 "For a: sélection of the latest Sheet iftasic' all at, this Store i The settler, should do or pt do. Amongst them .~ ey / Vi If this is be bad enough, but when we consider Aru Vv Bearing this in mind and being put was an isolated case it would | the fu bers who are engaged at the same occupation it s marvellous that |¢ that there is any bush left to burn. {land greens over and the danger of nning fires is considerably lessened. Wise to this «dry 'spell period, settlers E6uld so ary range their burnings 'that they would not be a source of dan- i | ger to the community. ; ! Crop Deslroyersi-- Apart from the loss IER ind y Jonother side of this fire question i which militates against the farmer, the birds are busy hatchng or their i A | young have just begun to run around. VV | These young broods have no. chance 5 0 numbers of these birds are insectiv- \/ 7 orous, anc by destroying them--the pit natural ememies of flies, bugs, grubs {and other vegetation destroyers--the | farmers crops suffer severely from : the ever accumulating swarms of in- ; sects. And no one who has ever seen | ? A animal trapped by fire will ever An forget the piteous look on its face as | sent For-- f 4 it sees its fate. p 'a Term in Jail:-- / 9 --and giving the offender a term in 1 \ 1 7ail without the option of a fine, the ' yearly conflagrations would be aad Hea to a minimum, 4 Further still, if" one half of ihe a energy now displayed in the enforce- 17 ment of the Dea was injected into ji! country and benefit to tha people. Whether one holds with the O.T.A. / $ the niinute will certanly agree that A Al for their action. \/ Loves an Argument :-- | 1 have a neighbour whose political | is soon raging that is beyond control. the sufferings of . the - unfortunate animals, but because it gave enjoy-. ment to the people." néath: this Prohibition Act lies a good } | Once the rains have come the whole rowing timber and. wholesale des- | I : oe Sei of immature trees there is I allude to 'the loss of - animal" and { WV, i bird life. These fires occur just when 4 tin the fire and are wiped out. Great; By making it a criminal Ei to? bot out. fires--and by this I do not! i allude to the careful piling and burn- ! \ ing of heaps of brush that have been: i placed on land cleared for the plough i fp Trestvation 'and solic attendance, it ;would be a far greater gain to the or not, a tribute of respect is at least A due to the Farmer-Labour Gov ern- ( ment for courageously tryng to en- iit force an Act which they found on the Al Statutes 'when they came into power. 8 They knew from the start that the | Act was not popular and that great The Department of Lands & Forests Boys' and Girls' senond hand Boots | Khaki army Breeches a opposition would be encountered in 9 ) enforcing it, but they stuck to their 1 guns manfully, and those who can \ | sink party or political differences for i| thy are entitled to a measure of praise | "And under- on most of Gir Stock qk Kok : ; ; 4 1 -- deal of the same sentiment. Potato bugs have come through the winter remarkably well, and have got Men's Raincoats,' fnttation tweed, of Men's Heavy silk SOX per pair __ .45 Cown to business just as soon as the 2 good heavy quality, belt all avound,! or 3 Pole fm ein he 1.25 first leaves showed--"Paris green Selling price 7 .50, special Lae 4.95 | Men's wool Sox per pair __i.__.___ .30 please." ; Rubber and leather belts, with silver Men's black wool socks for dress wll, 4 | buckles; colors grey ,black and brown, wear, clocks at sides __._________ 65 all' sizes, selling price, .45, special .25 Ladies s' light stockings, black, brown, - | Heavy Police Braces, Saline price .45| or white _ im 200 nyt in and ] special -. -85 | Ladies' black silk Stockings .._.__ 50 | Our well-known second hand Army Ladies' fawn - 2olour silk' hin Boot, sizes to fit all, selling price 2.75 extra good QE 2h LLL a ~~ Everything for' a A Ge 2.50 | Boy's Stockings, from .20 to ____ ay big supply of second hand Pants; |Ladies' second hand skirts, nce blue rE THE - BUILDING ! 3 colours: and sizes, selling price 2.95 |serges and other colours __._____ 95 His EER | Special __.. 2.75 | A good assortment. of ladies' Suits, the A 'complete I oll pen Muli Gauntlets, seliing i 3 latest styles, all sizes, 5 %. : Price .75, special __..__.__.._ i 8B to il adr LUMBER ' Horsehide 'Gauntlets, selling price 1.10 ; Ladies' voil Waists, special _____~ .75 ! LATH I Special Bot mad SA Fr ET 7 0) | Ladies' sateen Petticoats ERC 1.25. «© SHINGLES | Gauntlets, with horsehide back. and Bureau Scarfe... Loa 40 "SASH & DOORS "muleskin fr ont, selling price .65 special Boys' Jersey Sweaters __.____..__ 50 £3 CEMENT ; ; price __ SE60 , Towelling BEE Fav .22 WOOD FIBRE - {Pa Glovoh, WEI) price, +40 Army Tents 3.50 pecial: - «35: Grass Seats _ 2 1.25 LIME . " Muleskin Mitts, selling . price .40 Ladies' Side Combs St ANTHRACITE and ALBERTA Beal. ean | Pocket, CODE foo sistem EL Wi COAL \ | Good, strong, long shoe. laces, all col- { Hair Brushes Sd i at a ses ; «jours, round and flat, 8 pair for __. .10 i Sleeve Holders AL 190 : Or POT pale a -05 { Bachelor Buttons, per packet ._.._ .15 [ Small lot of Ladies' Canvas Wear, .25 { Garters, per BRIT da air hi 25 HARTFORD FIRE INS. : will be reduced on each pair. You will{ A good assortment of Neckties from 3 : and i fi 1 - 35 % = : r nd that they have been already re- EA OE CT : 5 ¥ {: GALT COAL ! . duced .75 to $1.00 each pair lower fred So EE OR I Lh a bigs it than in Eaton's catalogue. Soft Collars 13) Neew. Army, Boots, a very nice shoe, Light combination Underwear from I 4, Winterbottom A So VE Ti | Dare Brown Work Shoe, double sole, Light 2 piece Wndoraens from__.. .80 Lumber, Coal I eo ia 4.65) to __.. +95 and Builders' Supplies. _ | Black Work Boot, plain toe cap, sell- | Dress Shirts, Front and cuffs of a nice -------- TTT Ling price 4. 15, special __. 3.95 [stripe silk _ 2.65 Must Secure Permit | Men's Work Boots, a. good comfort- | Dress Shirts n pretty patterns ...1.25 , able wide-fitting shoe, black, selling | Dress Shirts with attached collar 1.40 * ok kok ' price 8.85, Zpecial ail. LT ¥ 8.75 Flannel Dress Shirts, colour of same BY ORDER in Council; dated the first Dress Boot, medium toe, selling price | material goes with shivt 'ov _ 1.40 day of June, 1923, the Districts of SEG anedial Chea oat ~ 3.95 Grey Flannelette Work Shirt I 1135 Kenora, Rainy River and Thunder Bay Bulldog Dress Boot, extra wide fiitting | Khaki Flannelette BE nn 1.45 are designated as permit areas. No per pair aH tdi 1h Al 4.95 | Nice summer Sirt, good 'wearing 1.35 person, firm or corporation shall set . Medium" point Foihy men's Dress Black Work Shirts 30 2 on fire within these Districts, for clearing Boots, special ooo... ___ <o. 4.25 Light Khaki Shirt __.__.__ ~.. 1.45 land, disposal of debris or other in- Men's Dark Brown Oxfords Sak 4.25 Good heavy blue chambray Shirt 1.15 flammable waste and for any. indus- Men's black Oxfords, selling price 4.25 Cottonade Pants from 2.45 to __ 2.95 irial purpose without: first obtaining | special __.__. 3.50 Corduroy Pants __.____ - 273 a written permit from a fire Ranger. Boys' black kid leather 'Boots, selling. Strong khaki Pants _____ 2.10 Penalty up to $100.00. (signed) price 8.40, special loi 3.25 'Strong Cotton Breeches" 1.25 Provincial Forester Boys' brown Boots ese pe Whipcord Breeches it iH zz ZH EES Shire 33 she i Consisting of Cups and Saucers, Plates Sugars, Creams, Jugs, Oatmeals. Mugs, ete. at prices from 75¢ to $1.25 This is fine English goods, and the view is of the Dryden dam. --=N= 7 ¢ inclinations are strictly Conservative, New, 7 any other line of thought is, to him, A anathema--ruination, stravation = and ) damnation follow in the wake of any y political party but the one to which Y he is attached, in them only is salva- A tion for Canada to be found. An ar- IRA J. WILDE in n charge "At the old Rhodes Stand. V | gument on any question is as necesary 3 to him as fresh air. The O.T.A. is JOS. A. STRUTT, NI Ala a never failing source of talk, and the "VV |inquities of its enforcement, Meet- & HORSESHOER A ing him the other day, the conversa- CA work done promptly tion veered around to his pet aversion and he gave me his opinion to the /\ |limit and finished up with throwing DRYDEN i "i ONT. the whole of the blame on ihe late CE Yi | administration.' ¢ When he had talked himself out, I Classif ted Wi PEER i 9 back to the day of Premier Whitney's ood condition. Also one REAPER. A successor. Then I had to tell him of (5c k GENERAL BLACKSMITH | got in a word and led him gently | 'FOR, SALE--Cheap for cash. One 5-foot cut DEERING MOWER in death, and of the squabbles as to his Lm and . Shoes _ : Al SAN ET Overalls, blue stripe or plain gi £55 : : { Special .on Ladies' High I, Boots strong make, all sizes __7____ 1.95 ; | N ("Ye Olde Firm" 5 ¥ per pair __.__ 1.25 | Army Smocks and Jumpers, extra + ' Ladies' brown kid strap Slipper with strong material, all sizes __.___ 75 Bye ernfznnn,, & Conary, 1 tx military heel, Sly price 3; 95, special | Men's and Boys' lights caps from .65 3 Kenora. Branch ; ! price _ i is 8.75 to : 3 .95 The best in. ; | Ladies' black, strap Slippers with mil Good supply of men's new Hats, from PIANOS AND, 'PHONOGRAPHS itary heel _ y 3.45). 2.25 to _ oi . 3.25 Old Instmmens. ad in exchange - " Ladies' Comfort Boot, black only, alll Another good supply of men's ogornd instruments sold on easy "terms sizes, selling, price 3.50, special = 8.257 hand hate from .50 to nT 1. 0p "phy , Men's large ha andkerchiefs, 3 for . .25° LE Gr pov dog, a iin cu hw dag Rifles, 30-30 and 38-56, also some for- Men's light summer sox, all colours |eign. Rifles. One Baby Carriage, one 8 ond si zes, .25 per pair or 4 pair __ .95 Bicycle, Set of Carpenter Tools which Mer' s Dress Th pair .40 or 2 pair .75 | 22 will sell reasonable. B Don't : Fargeh to Come in Don't forget to come and look over our stock: on Saturday .as Mr Ea is away to Winnipeg on a business trip. Will return with a full stock to id all customers i New Navy Blue Serge Suits well-tailored, straight fronts, latest § A good assortment of second hand style, guaranteed to fit as well as made Suits, all styles and sizes, also in all to order, all sizes __...___.__ 2.19.50 J colours, from 7.00 to __.___ tne 14.00 prvi Ont. TE Se leader would introduce a measure "to A make Ontario dry. I then reminded Yom SALE-- 284 "Motor. LAUNCH vi him of the referendum, and asked if - {the could remember the four questions' [ine intelligence of the people. | the understanding between the Prohi- : "| bition party and his much-lauded TO LET FURNISHED ROOMS, on Suits 17.95 ycoats from 2.00 to __.__. 6.00 A { Conservative party, how in return for Duke St.--apply Vi the support of the "drys," the new] ; § [which he was called upon to .answer, i V .questions which certainly bewildered FOR SALE--Fouy Young SOWS Wik Wd (the electorate in general, and the re- LITTERS - (8 pigs apiece). Young sult of the general election in 1919 pigs $15. 00 a. pair; any sow and lites showed the political parties that it §$75. 00--apply to, be {ay does not do to presume too much upon'§6--7 JACK FRENCH, Dryden New ork Brown Heavy Tweed | A good assortment of second hand odd New navy blue Dress Pants __.. 4.25 §0dd Vests from .50 to __ REPO 0 11 DRYDEN OBSERVER | oot Mrs Wo AL RAY § ; YL Te DAITER'S | Second Hand Store In the Bigelow Building; (Opposite Town Hall) itd Sl ile with top, in good condition--apply le is BOX 90 JOHN A. MacDONALD Dryden, Ont. 1 ; Boys' navy blue Suits, s special __.. 5. 50 Gpsmaphiorics at _ reasonable prices. Eo ¢

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