_N OBSERVER Canada's Prosperity Through us, or in spite of us? EE | | When the war was on and this v was putting forth every effort at home and overseas, to aid the allied ise, a great spirit of confidence and of willingness to work, econo- nd sacrifice, filled every class of community from * the highest to thhe lowest. : The loss you would 'have to take on the re-sale of a $2,000 to $4,000 car would pay - for a Ford. ls, with a place at the Im- per ial Council table and a voice in ints ernatonal. affalés -- ov g I Ca da must and' will come, with nour, through" the troublous post-war 'adjustment, The 'on is, will all' of us help-- of us hinder by Pessimism, pathy or class jealousy ? 3723 FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED ONTARIO "1 79 the Canadian farmer this ques- tien comes with a pecular force. "Agriculture must be the economic | balance wheel of this or any nation. It is an occupation where nature her- self demands energy, courage, econ- tomy and efficiency. = These sturdy { qualities radiate from our farms to in- 'dustreis n other walks 'of life, where 'so many leaders were country born and bred, BR The farm home and farm life as the source of what has been and is the strongest and truest in our: na- tional character is interwoven with "the history Mf Canada from its in- _ faney. The settlers on the shores of = New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, toil- ing to clear a patch of forest and sow- ing their grain among the stumps; Hebert and the pioneers of New France, fighting Indians, enduring privations, wrestling merely a rude living fro their small clearings but full of faith n the future, if not for them, re for generations yet to come the men who rescued Upper Canada from the wilderness; the Red River colonists, who, after two ' years of complete destruction of their crops, sent a party to the Mississippi for seed grain fof the next year and won! These men made' possible the Conde of today. ¢ The farmers of Canada, then, have a rich history and a noble tradition te live up to. - Upon them Canada's pro- gress has always ;in the main, de- Tamm ssn pended; upon them it will always, in CHAS. BE. BU R GESS AA What, then, is necessary for the farmers of today? Simply the ap- He these hot days, what is nicer than a geod cold Drink or a Dish of the best Ice Cream---Let's 5 50 1 o Durgesse' lication of these qualities we have re- "This popular little Ice Cream Darlour has become the FORD, o A Fob. pp "GARAGE : DRYDEN-- --ONTARIO : Fresh BEEF, PORK, LAMB & VEAL *k % * ck ha! AMBURGER STEAK Made Fresh Daily Kok kok COOKED MEATS always on hand D. yr, Proprietor. 13 ferred to--energy, courage, economy and eflicieney,. and under present day "conditions the return is sure and speedy. A very high percentage of farms owned by farmers in this coun- tr v have been acquird and paid for in he farmer's own lifetime. For the PAINS INAS NS ININIS SP ININANS present and future generations there is exactly the same opportunity. True IN FRESH FRUITS AND CANDIES i with each generation, and perhaps TEE RS hy eflener, we thay have to change our type. of crops to meet changing mar- wre 00 requirements, but surely -that is a trifling task compared with that of those who had to establish themselves in a new country, create their farm, their community, their market, and "their civilization, ; ! During the war years, the farmer, {like most others, became unreason- ably optimistic. As in other' indus- ted ies, he over-capitalized, tied up too _ much money in extravagant buildings and expensive machinery, bought trac- ) bors $s to get the crops in more quickly and easily, without considering whe- : | ther the actual earning power of these , warranted the: investment. . With the | doprenston which has followed, this l over-expension has been a serious 'burden and has shaken the faith of 'some in ultimate success. . ' "household word in Dryden. There must be a reason 3 . " 3 3 "EVERYTHING Brity in your Films f for - Development om , courage and untiring effort of Can- jada's early days. The farmer must 1s infinately" better o than the wage- | earner in the city. True, his cash in- | can, at the very worst, gain his living from the soil, while in the city the ROBT. SWEENEY General Biacksmith & Wootworker we HAVE Just Received Ea LARGE SHIPMENT i | for things which on the farm involve no cash outlay. "The farm products aer necessities of life and must always command a market. The products of. a vis wt 0 city industries must often create their k 2 Xygen Acetylene market and their sale is subject to ENAMEL and ALUMINUM welding wide fluctuations. Sure of a market, WARE then, the farmers' main problem is Z ' Bpnniec tion simply the lowering of cost of pro- TR ------ duction to permit of a fair margin of : 'profit even at present prices. can be done and is being done. This © 3 LUERS SUPPLIES Picture Framing Vanitoba Gypsum Herdwall and Wood You are invited' wo inspect these goods. Kettles for preserving in JAMES MoFADYEN all sizes. Wi : - ELE Fibre, Etc. REAL ESTATE ° E. A. KLOSE Underlang Bi sonsection AnD Dryden-- -- Ontario INSURANCE | ANDERSON & HARRIS A ONT. » DRYDEN » feult matter to trace it and fix respon- go | sibility. We must get back the indomitable | remember 4 in the last analysis hel ERT "come may be sometimes small, but he ] lar, ger wage soon elts away in paying |. DRYDEN AL DISTRICT NEWS 2 ES A " POSTAL CO-OPERATION It you are sending money by mail, } the safest way is to go to the post: office and purchase a Money Order or Postal Note; never send money in an | unregistered letter. You know that letters must pass through many hands in the course of the post and should an unregistered letter containing money become lost it is a very diffi- If your remittance is send by money order or postal note, and the letter is lost a duplicate will be furnished, and you are also assured of the money being paid to the person intended to receive it, as the payee, if unknown at the post office, must be identified before payment is made so that there is ne danger of loss when sending money in this manner. : MINNITAKL PICNIC MINNITAKI, Ont.--Don't forget to take in the Blue Bird picnic at Minni- taki July 26th. The picnic will be held on the school grounds and every- one is assured of a cordial welcome and a good time. Sport for the children. Ladies' pelase bring baskets. 'Jack Bennett from Sioux Lookout is visiting his sister, Mrs Geo. Ruet " and will escort the latter and L nephew back to Sioux Lookout nex week for a visit to their parents, Mr and Mrs A. H. Bennett. Leonard Weax's birthday dance was a distinct success on Friday last. Excellent music was provided gy Mrs Ruete, Misses Ray, Launder and Howell and Messrs Holmes, Weare, "we Launder and Anderson. Everyone had a splendid time. : "Mr and Mrs. Frank Shapland mot- ored .to Barclay on Monday. Cherch Notes ANGLICAN CHURCH Divine Services, Sunday, July 8th "WABIGOON ee =~ 11 a.m. DINORWIC i _.. 6.30 p.m. Children's Service --_.._. 4.15 p.m. Rev. R. A. SMITH, Preacher * PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. R. DEWAR, M.A., Fort William Divine Services, Sunday, July 8th OSAQUAN eas 2:30 p.m. CIGNACTE imei _ 7.30 p.m. DYMENT:-- 'Tuesday, July 10th Church Service __.__._ _ 7.80 p.m. Children's Service ..__. 6.30 p.m. ' My J. M. WALLACE, ih =» ie Insurance Companies 'Represented by Douglas Lane a RA | J British North-Western Fire Insur- - ance Co. 2 Commercia -Assufance Co., Ltd. of ~~ London, England.' (3 Canada Accident and Fire Insur- ance Co. 2D Fidelity-Phenix Fire Insurance Co. New York. Guardian Assurance C., Ltd. of London, England, establithon 1821 6 General Animals Insurance Co. of Canada. , v (4 The London and Tacos Insur- ance Co., Ltd. (3 Nova Scotia Fire Underwriters' Agency. ~® Northern Assurance: Co., Ltd. of London, England. National - Fire Insurance Hartford. $ Northern British and Mercantile Insurance Co., Ltd. : Ocean Accident & Guarantee Cor: poration, Ltd. Queensland Insurance Co., Ltd. The Sun Insurance Office of Lon- | don, England (founded 1710, old- est Insurance Company in World. 9 Union Assurance Society Ltd. or London; England, established 1714. V 10 Co. of 11 12 13 14 SEITE : "Ye. Olde Firm" i Freintzmenr & Company, Ftd, Kenora Branch The best in PIANOS AND PHONOGRAPIIS Old instruments taken in exchangre § New instruments sold on easy terrus * x GF % IRA J. WILDE in charge At the old Rhodes Stand GENERAL BLACKSMITH & HORSESHOER Al work done Dre apt sy 'ok ok OX ONT.| i 4 R. JOS. A. STRUTT} TO OUR CUSTOMERS AS A z..1 2 : : ! ; We wish to advise our customers that we now have 4 on hand :-- i y | ; PURITY FLOUR IN g¢8-1b BARRELS wdered these a few weeks. ago can now obtain same. HDT devi ZZ SS rz TE Re -- EEE Oxdrift Co-operative Company, Limited. "for the Town of Dryden ES We have just received a carload of new and second hand Furni- ture which includes Bedsteads, Springs and Mattresses, Wash- stands, Dressers, Bureaus, Cook Stoves, Ranges, one solid leather Parlor Suite, new floor Oilcloth,also the new extension Couch & Mattress which can be used single or double at $12.00 each. Good "supply of Rifles and Shot Guns and Gramaphones Our prices are not necessary to write, as most of our customers : know that we are reasonable | 4 PRIESTS URI RTGS { Anyth 10° You have no use ih Son, for, call or write = und EY Ti thurs: New & Second Hand Store Highest Prices Paid DRYDEN ONTARIO Frdsh Meats BEEF, PORK, AN VEAL, MUTTON Fresh Sausqe Folnsay, Summer Sausage NR FATA The Practical Buicher "KEEP TUNED UP It is quite as bo lin to have your Car tuned up by an expert, as your piano. Only when everything is perfectly adjusted can you have perfect satisfaction. . We make all kinds of repairs and adjustments that your auto needs, and charges are reasonable. : | OUT-OF-TOWN "ORDERS ESPECIALLY CATERED TO A Central Garage i. C. BICKNELL, Proprietor ; Pro onger's Novelty Store - To arrive this week: -- ,400 new L, ibrary Books. 4octs makes you thhe owner of one of these books and sects exchange. Also 100 new Novels. LADIES' HANDBAGS and FANCY CHINA Call and see our new lines ; "0 LATEST SHEET 'MUSIC ALWAYS IN STOCK POF! Fu 7 Susy Store 'We still have a few bays of old Potatoes left which we will clear Oe inn Bl Pa Lat rhs te of wlio een c whi a pi ams de .90 cash just sa they are, sound and in good shane with only a few buds on. SCOTT al