Dryden Observer, 3 Aug 1923, p. 1

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Volume V. Dryden, Ont. August 3rd 1923 Number 10 Pianos Ren ingto Typewriters FNS RNS ) "Hold byt ; . Douglas Lane ott Office : Halide G. B. CAFE (Opposite C.P.R. Station) Lunch Counter and Dining Room Meals served at any hour Cooking and Service uuexcelled EE Clealiness & Quality Guaranteed TOBACCOS, SOFT DRINKS CONFECTIONS CHAN BING * Defout Kenora 'The faint of heart among Dryden fans must take courage from the game the boys put up against Kenora on Thursday. They have had their set- "backs of course, but they still stand a good chance of winning out. The gate was disappointing -- the big picnic probably killed that. But goed support puts the pep into them, and with a little ginger judiciously thrown in I wouldn't be surprised to see them Proprietor ---feteh home the old milk pitcher. The first game started off none too good, Dryden being held scoreless till the sixth, with only one hit. Then they rallied strong and pasted some good ones on the nose. Carruthers relieved Rimstead in the seventh when the score was 6-all, but he was hit harder vet, and the afternoon game ended in a 9--6 win for Dryden. The evening game, which went to seven innings before the light got bad, was a 6--0 shut-out. Kenora made . several errors too, which partly ex- plains that. But Joe Miller with his bum wing and all, did some great pitching in the two games. He was going against doctor's orders too. In this game the boys gave him air-tight gupport; exceptionally fine pick-ups by Duncan and Rochon featured this game. Porter too was good; in the pinches, and Jackson made a running catch that was a beaut. Milo Upton took the place of Taylor who has gone out west, and made a brilliant show for a kid. . Ernie Dickson is coming back---he sure wields a wicked willow. Clarke ehind the plate put up a star play. he old chief was right on the job too, and we had Pitt, Beddome and Weaver where they would be handy in case Miller broke down. I guess we ain't dead yet! Billy Higgins is off to Winnipeg in search of experience. Mrs H. Pateman, Oxdrift, forward arrangements for the dance in the community hall next F Friday. The alarming Pp of a man wearing a gas mask near the Dryden' House Monday proved to . Charlie Norgate capturing a colony of Yioos that had swarmed. TOWN OF DRYDEN Tenders will be received b ythe un- dersigned for the errection of a tansmission line from the Town Hall, Dryden to the Dryden Paper power ately 38500 feet. All ' supplied by the Town performed under the the Town Electrician, material to be and work to be | supervision of Plans and specifications can be seen at BE. A. Klose's hardware store. Tenders to be in the hands of the undersigned not later than August 15th, 1923. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Dated at Dryden this 26th day of « July, 1923. : "J. E. GIBSON, fi ~i modern hotel. 't folly to allow even one vacation to be | meme Your Column Mrs Otty was up from Wabigoon Monday. Mrs A. Browning, 2.9 Brevity auction sale of the furniture of ; Happy Miller will be held Wednesday, > the 8th August. Happy is doing wel 11 in Detroit, and after the sale his wife' will depart to make her home there OR Mander ; 'with him. ! W.' Herring, Oxdrift, wag in Dry- The great baseball game--the lineal, "den on Monday. : off-spring of the famous "Daddies of | Mr and Mrs Allen, Ox drift, Baseball" game of last season adver-, Visitors to Dryden this week. tised for Tuesday last, was postponed | Miss Allie Malmborg, Eagle River, on account of rain till Monday next, was in town Tuesday. ; August the 6th. A big turnout should | be there to enjoy the fun. Messrs Trasievicz and Bodnor have! - gam 'Taylor left purchased the Central Hotel and are : Wednesday. now doing business. Their fiirst move 1. M is to decorate and re-furnish the older' part and put the whole building in the ; Lg a condition necessary for a first-class > Maples left for Ignace Wednes- ay. b An # Oxdrift, was in were Cyril Durance left. for Kenora on business trip Tuesday. for Winnipeg on Irs Paradie, Vermillion Bay, was in town Wednesday. He % 4 Capt. Dixon and some thirty cadets Miss Edna Pope was down from ieft Sunday for Port Arthur, and went Oxdrift this week. : ; into camp on silver islet out in Thun-; Mayor Pitt, who is at Fort William der Bay. The camp will last a week. 'on business, will be back Saturday. "The contingent from Dryden," saysi Mrs Johnston, Oxdrift, paid a visit the Times-Journal, "were all in khaki, to Drydén early this week. and looked very natty and workman- like." : : . lend in Oxdrift visiting friends. The Pleasant Hour-- Shirley Jackson, Fort Villa, "As time is part of eternity it were {he guest of\Arthur Pitt. Mis Cora Silver spent the week- is 0 Richard Olson spent a few days in a vacuum." Following this idea the Ybrints this week, Bible Class of Union Church will alter their hour and place of meeting to. Sunday evening at 7.00 o'clock in the! Church basement, while the regular | service is suspended owing to the ab- 30th, to Mr and Mrs J. Brooks, a som. sence of Rev. J. M. Beaton on vaca- | Miss May Lewecis left Wednesday tion. Attend on Sunday evening and on a visit to relatives in Vancouver, enjoy the music as well as the discus- | Mr '0. Olson spent the week-end at gion. { Thunder Lake the guest of Mr Iverson Opens Art Studio here-- i Mrs F. Russell, Keewatin has been A Photo Studio has been opened in (ja oyest of Mrs J. Hartnett for a few Dryden, by Henri Larsen, late of Dy- days. ment. Mr Larson is an expert photos, ; grapher and is capable of work of the highest artistic qualities. While specializing in portraits, he intends to : do a good deal of outside work, tak-! Miss Agnes Monty came down from ing pictures of places and scenes of Winnipeg to gpend a holday with her special interest. { parents! in Barclay. With the profotional prifieche takes ' Mrs Geo. Vankoughnett has return- in this work, Mr Larsen will do every- ed from a trip to Rochester where she thing possible to encourage and assist- visited her sister. amateur students of photography. He Miss Effie Kennedy Perumal Tome promises a twenty-four hour service Sunday' after visiting friends in Ken- in developing and printing amateur ora and Keewatin. Doe. Henry of Ignace, as in 'town i Wednesday. : At Dryden, Out. on Monday, July | Frank Tanner, Ignace, visited in Dryden and Eagle River this week, studying features of interest. 5 ing question: Waldhof Snapshots EO A new settler arrived the "other day at the home of Mr and Mrs Frank Miller-----a sturdy baby .boy. joying their new Ford. «Mr J. Bisshof went. his western farm. , out to inspect Mr H. Sehroder and his neice, who spent their holidays at Eagle Lake, have gone west again. Miss D. Smith, a former teacher at our school is visiting hier old friends and is trying her best to Toler some blueberries. > Qur road inspector is kind of sore. Some time ago he read in the Dryden" paper that our road system was fifiy vears behind and now he has a bet on to reduce this to forty. matter what happens we are, of course, very glad he will take ten vears off, but we surely will remind him that we are still forty years back. Hope this will make him so sore that by another year he will bring the whole system up to date and have done with it Cats are ripening now, and in a week or ten days the binders will hum. 'In haying we had much trouble on account of the many showers. Clover is not as good as usual. People are complaining of empty heads (did you ever hear this before?) and many a field will be cut for hay. sna Mr and Mrs John Moeser are en- Anyway, no Lovgren- Bergsten, | | | | ERER An event of interest to a wide circle of friends took place on Wednesday, | July 25th at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs Caroline Bergsten Larson | "of Oxdrift, when her daughter, Freeda | Marie, was married to Oscar Lovgren, | The ceremony was performed by the 57 p "The Kentucky "Rev. Mr Beaton, pastor of Dryden! 22 Union Church. About forty guests Derby witnessed the ceremony which took WITH place at nine o'clock in the evening. The bridal couple with their atten- dants took their places under an grch of pink and white flowers to the strains of a beautiful Hawaiian march. The house was decorated in pink and white. The wedding luncheon was very elaborate. | The bride was dressed in white crepe-de-chene with silver beads and; a long bridal veil and carried a bou- quet of pink and white flowers. The' brides Miss Luella Crosier, wore coral pink crepe-de-chine with radium' lace. The Misses Bergsten, Wandie and Carrie Weeks acted as ushers. i The groom's gift to the bride was! ) {YDE EN a pearl necklace. 3 i : A mara] hMA 1 | Reg Monday Viola Danna : : in "June Madness' HALL ROOM BOYS COMEDY Coming 1-- ; DOWN TO THE SEA IN SHIPS now showing at the Capitol inald Denny Tuesday aid i, TRE PE i be at. after' TOWN OF By-Law h\} A By-law to provide for taking the of Dryden on the following question: PASSED the 13th day of July, 1923 WHEREAS it is considered expedient and desirable to obtain the opinion of the electors of the Town of Dryden, qualified to vote under the Municipal Act on money by-laws on the follow- "Are you in favour of fixing the assessment of the 'Dryden Paper Company, Limited, at Five hundred thousand dollars (3500,000) pictures, and his advice or instruction = np ED. George has returned to regarding light, exposures, etc., Will 1. home in Winnipeg, be of great assistance. No need to , visit to her daughter Mrs G .Harris. | send out of town: have your films dt- Bins veloped in a few hours right in town and avoid delay and expense. Safe for Democracy-- i A special meeting called by Mayor ; ; den Pitt Monday allowed opportunity to Der son, is the guest of her sister-in- the merchants (who were also invited) Jaw, Mrs Ray. to discuss the early closing bylaw with | Mrs D. Frejd and children left for the Council. After a long pow-wow it | Kenora Wednesday to pay a visit to's was found that the unpalatable bylaw her father. ; could with very little change be made; Mr D. F. Britton, Mrs Jackson 'and daughter week. Mrs W. Stephens, Winnipeg, = with who has been the after paying | : i were down from Oxdrift early in the! j the Municipal Act on money by-laws tthe 18th day of August A.D. helped to suit the general taste. Too many cooks sometimes spoil the dish, but by using a proper recipe it will be found that one bylaw flavoured with a grain of commonsense, served with a sprink- ling of goodwill, will be acceptable to most palates. The amended bylaw remains in force with a few exemptions: garages are permitted to supply gas, and oil gnd necessary parts for the operation of a car; tobacco, bread, ice cream and soft drinks or confectionery; newspapers and pericdicals, cameras and supplies; while you can have a shave or haircut at any time.. : Oxdrift Stepping Out-- Harry Gammon is back in the game, and after a good deal of persuasion by his friends, has consented to resume playing at socials and dances. Harry is somewhat temperamental, but no- body disputes his ability to put the fight touch to the popular melodies, jut after his rest he should be better than ever. Oxdrift .will be the first to secure 'his services at their dance next Fri- iday, when the Big Four are expected to make their first appearance under his leadership. : Tn addition to the usual instruments, } Hh : power [the xylophone and drums will be add- ,ed on this occasion, and the program Cos | will be a popular one, including every- line, a distance of approxim- | thing from the merry quadrille to the latest fox trot. i The dance will start at nine sharp, and will sparkle with pep till it's time i to go home. Lunch will be served. The Oxdrift committee in associated with ments that have be : munity hall since its opening. Friday, August 10th. charge ! have the reputation of success, and in- clude ladies and gentlemen who ave the best entertain- en held in the com- Remember, the best music, the best i floor antl the best fun of the week. Clerk guest of Mr and Mrs C. Vaulkner, left for his home in the west Wednesday. Mrs Albert Sheldore left Wednes- day for Winnipeg where she will spend a few days. ; " Rev. J. M. Beaton, who is now on vacation, started in by spending the week at Ignace Beach. Miss May Wright, Eagle River, left for Ignace on Monday, where she will visit her brother. Ernie Payne left for Moose Jaw early in the week where he intends spending the balance of the summer. .d. S. Corner got back Sunday from Oita 'where he attended a meeting of the Advisory Seed Board. He was away for ten days. - Miss A. B. Beveridge of Fort Wil- liam; who is- on her way to the coast, is staying over for a few days with Mr and Mrs Don Beveridge. Mrs A. R. Duncan, Fort William, who has been visiting her mother who was ill at Moose Jaw, stopped to visit her son Alex and Mrs Duncan. Miss Ethel Wright and Miss Mar- jorie Maunsell left Wednesday for Vermillion Bay, where they will camp for a week or $0. Rev. G. EK. Robins, pastor of Dryden Union Church two years ago, is stay- ing with Mr and Mrs Ben Blair, to regain his health by vest in the pleas- ant environment of his former charge, where he was so well liked. Among the fire losses adjusted by Mr D. Lane this week were Wm. Jah- nert, Waldhof, Jack Harris, C. A. Burgess, W. D. Dickson, Dryden. At least two of these fires were caused by lightning. Tuesday night there was a very good turnout of Dryden unit K.L.I, and the shooting was easily the best this year. A few still hang back who should join up with this corps and share the sport. for the year 1923, only?" and to pass 'this by-law for the purpose of enab {ling the said electors to vote on the! said question. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the own of Dryden enacts as follows: -- 1 The votes of the electors of the Corporation of the Town of Dryden who are duly qualified to vote under Ta saal 11 be taken on the said question on 1923, between the hours of nine olelock in the forenoon and five 'clock in the afterncon at the following places, and by the following Deputy Returning Officers, namely: -- 'Town Hall, Dryden. J. E. Gibson, Deputy Returning Officer. 2 On the 17th day of August A.D, 1923, at the hour of 12 o'clock in the forenoon the head of the Council of the said Corporation or some member of the said Council appointed for that purpose by resolution, shall attend av the Town Hall in the said Municipal- ity, for the purpose of appionting, and, if requested so to do, shall appoint by writing signed by him, two persons to attend at the final summing up of the votes by the clerk and one person 7 attend at each polling place on behal of the persdns intevestd in and al] in th affirmation on the said question, and a like number on behalf of the QUESTION assessment of the Dryden Paper Conipany, Limited, at Five hundred thou- sand dollars ($500,000.00) for the year 1928, only?" ! aly, Presents were numerous and costly, showing the Tigh esteem in which en bride and groom are held. Mr and Mrs Lovgren will Shoot it with an cAnsco Camera loaded with an cednsco Film. home to their many friends August the first. 4 Result--a better, clearer picture. See our Window Practical Results obtained by taking the above DRYDUN. No. 165 votes of the ratepayers of the Town "Are you in favor of fixing the persons interested in and voting in the negative on said question. 3 On the 20th day of August, A.D, 1923, at the hour of ten o'clock in the! forenoon, at the Town Hall in the said Municipality, the . clerk of the said | Municipality shall attend and sum up IT°Ss GOOD IF the votes give nfor and against the: Fn ; proposed By-law. ITE AN DONE AND PASSED this 13th day, advice bs 4 @ "fof July, A.D. 1923, as witnessed = by the Corporate Seal of the said! 3 PE 7 Town and = the hands of its proper H w ILLARD, Boot and Harness Repairer. officers in that behalf. A. PITT, Mayor sa J. E. GIBSON, Clerk | Dress Shoes EEE i and TAKE NOTICE that the above is a i true copy of a question that, if as- Boots sented to hy the ratepayers, will be Just the sort you need for this taken into consideration by the Council weather. of the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Dryden and a by-law pre- pared in accordance therewith. And the votes of the Electors of kok ko A good assortment of: WORE "GLOVES: & BOOTS the said Town of Dryden, who are rar . qualified to vote under the Municipal C.C.C. BOt and Worm Remover Act on money by-laws, will be taken "Guaranteed" on the 18th day of August. between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. at the: Town Hall, Dryden, and the head of: the Council of the Town of Dryden or ; some member of the Council thereof, duly appointed, shall attend at the! Council Chamber at the hour of 12 o'clock noon on the 17th day of Aug- ust, 1923, for the appointments of persons to attend at thé polling places and at the final summing up of votes. J. E. GIBSON 3 Clerk, Town of Dryden Dated gt Dryden this 14th 1923. ai] refunded if not satisfactory Good Supply of: an and FARTS COLLARS SWEAT PADS FOE OE ROE A A full supply of Dr. Scholl's Remedies always on hand ty, day of A Big Day Saturday, at Waldhof Mrs Tuckey, Oxdrift, will give an address on women's organizations, and F. T. Brignall will tell of his exper- jence with silage, in the Waldhof Community Hall on Saturday. Every- TOWN OF DRYDEN CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POST | ING OF VOTERS' LIST Voters' Lists, 1923. Municipality of the Town of Dryden in the District of Kenora. { DR body is welcome. Waldhof hospitality is notable. 000 Obey that Impulse:-- 'A complaint of assault laid by Gor- don Tew resulted in a conviction under by-law 17 against Harry Franklin, in the Police Court Wednesday Magistrate Pronger. out of an argument matters, and in the excitement some real nasty language was exchanged. For the satisfaction of knocking down his: adversary, Harry contributed $1€ and costs to the Magisterial treasury and acquired a truer perspective of the unwisdom of trying to convert a man against his will. over trade union before {1 The offence grew I tl NOTICE is hereby given that I have omplied with section 10 of the Voters'. ists Act and that I have posted up at my office > Dryden, on the 25th day of July, 1923, the list of all per- sons entitled to vote in the said Municipality for Members of Part a- at Municipal Elections t such list remains t ther for inspec tion. { And hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have and any errors or omissions corrected according to law. i FROM T. PROUBFOCOT Tailor and Gent's Purnisher Dated at Dryden this 26th day of July 1923. J. E. GIBSON Clerk of Town of Dryden

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