& ~ Fresh BE LAMB Ents Fl; #2 : MADE COOKED 'ALWAYS ON & H A MBURGEF 2 aF5 STEA RK ESH DAILY *Phone No. 6 Exeryihing. for fr THE BUILDING : x ® / A complete stock of :-- LUMBER 5s vpn LATH SS SmINGLES SASH.& DOORS CEMENT WOOD FIBRE LIME ANTHRACITE and ALBERTA COAL Agent For-- ' HARTFORD FIRE INS. and GALT COAL Fk X 1 Winfenboton <n - "Lumber, Coal and Builders' CHAS. A. Tn these hot days, what is nicer than 'or a Dish of the best Ice Cream--" Let' s go to Burgesse Db. FRE}D, Proprietor. id A ET A RTS SR ot, NE RSE eh fire Insurance Companies Represented: by Bouglas Fane xmas ance Co. Ltd. of London, England. ance Co. New York. Canada. 'ance Co., Ltd. Agency. Insurance Co., Ltd. poration, Ltd. Queensland Insurance Co., Ltd. est Insurance Company in World. British North-Western Tire Tnsur- _ Commercial Union Assurance : do. Canada Accident and Fire Insur- Fidelity-Phenix Fire Insurance Co. Guardian Assurance or er of London, England, established 1821 General Animals Insurance Co. of . The London and Lancashire Insur- Nova Scotia "Fire Underwriters' . Northern British and Mercantile Ocean Accident & Guarantee Cor- The Sun Insurance Office of Lon- don, England (founded 1710, old- Union. Assurance Society Ltd. of Li England, established 1714. ° Democracy's Kick © (By the Hired Man.) Many and varied have beem the causes set forth for the downfall of the late Drury administration, but so far no writer has stated that it was Democraey's kick at coercion. Ontario Ais no move Conserv it was four vears ago. There is a new spirit abroad that is not tied down by the traditions of the past, pivit that ig Slit new ideals, new methods and new solutions. Thase modern men and women are sick of the old-ti parties whose sole aim is control of the provinciall or national purse. I Politics are not required in the pro- L Sa a bat bi is w anted in {ment run on a a ess b practical mien in charge " partment, has a fa ter of Agriculture; a financier for the treasury; a' miner for the mines; an educationalist, not a theorist, for edu- 'feation; a lawyer for the attornmeyship and so on, and a four-squave, hard 'headed business man as Premier. In minor positions let ability and not politics be the guiding policy and throughout every department let the good of the whole be considered be- 'ore party, class or sect. Best by a Dam-site:-- Wherever you go you will find them. in the country or the town, the club or the church, the bush or on the prairie. They certainly help to make life more enjoyable, for they see a side that is perhaps hidden from a lot ED a pets Oo TAT: of of us. I refer to the booster and the Nai i ™ inte." Uo. Jot optimist. I met the former in Eagle sin a Ire Tams ! River the other day, and he was hold- ing forth on the advantages. of his town for a home, winding up that it was the best damsite in the district. The optomist, I ran across in Ox- drift. This spring he invested in a brood sow, and at once wrote away to the packing houses in Winnipeg to find out if they could handle a car or two of Hogs in the fall. May his shadow never grow less. The Promise of the Harvest: -- ) JAMES MoFADYEN REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Supplies. bh en DRYAS BU RGESS a good cold Drink (224 This popular little Ice Cream Pitot has become the i "household word in Dryden. There must be a reason RYERYTHING IN FRESH FRUITS AND CANDIES EE Bring in your Films for Development Soild by: -- BEAUTY AND SERVICE are combined in oux handsome door knobs and plates, hinges, handles; key plates and other articles included under the name of 'Builders' Hardware.' If your house 'is not fully equipped you _ can make up for the deficiency by com- ing here and securing what you need to complete the home. No skill, required to place them Properly. You ean do it tol. General Blacksmith & Woodworker Ee Oxygen Acetylene welding in connection |RoBT. SWE ENEY. The hay harvest is about over, but it is many years since we had such catchy weather in which to save it. The yield has been well up to the average, but from all accounts there will be quite a lot of No. 2 quality. | The clover seed is well nigh a fail- = ure. Excessive heat at the beginning of the growing season, and a bad attack of midge later on contributing causes. Oats and barley promise well, but considerable rust is noticeable. Arbitration Wins:-- The educational muddle at Minni- taki has been settled by arbitration. The following is the text of the award: We, the undersigned, arbitrators in the formation of S.S. No. 4 Sand- ford and Baton, make the following award: (a) That 8.8. No. 4 Sandford and Eton comprise the following territory, N1 ot lots 11 and 12 Iton, and 1 to 7 inclusive in Sandford, and in Cons 4,5 and 6 Lots 11 and 12 in Eton and 1 to 7 inclusive in Sandford. (b) That the boundary of S.8. Ne. 2 Sandford and Eton be extended-south and east to include the south Jnifes of Lots 9,and 10 in Con. 6 Aubrey, a of Lots 9 and 10 Con 5, Aubrey, and the south halves of lots 15, 16 andy 17 Con 4, all in Aubrey. (c) Until .the school population south of the C. P. Track increases to such an extent as to warrant change of site farther south, we recommend that No. 2 Sandford school house be left where it is, and that some ar- rangement<be made for transportation of children from the south. (d) That the expenses of the board be borne by the Municipality @ of Machin. The expenses are as follows: R. G. Wigle $4.00; A. S. McKenzie $4.00. : (Signed) R. G. WIGLE A. 8S. McKENZIE S. SHANNON MURDERER WITH BUT ONE DAY TO LIVE EGINA, Sask, Aug. 14--Only one day from the scaffold, Victor Masson, murderer of three persons, is resigned to his fate. "I guess life is not worth "imuch after all and I don't care," is. what he told his spiritual advisor. Masson killed Jean Chouvelon, Wrs Chouvelon and their daughtér; Marie Chouvelon, at Dumas, Sask., Feb. 16, Picture Framing Fibre, Efc. Undeloking in oonnaction BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Wanitoba Gypsum Hardwall and Wood ANDERSON & HARRIS later setting their house on. fire and "stealing a sum of money and some goods. Out in Regina 1a yard stands a freshly built scaffold. It is from this that Masson will drop into eternity Wednesday morning at 7 a.m. Spiritual advisos are admitted ocea- sionally to see Masson. He has no friends. A sister living in France is the only living person who claims kinship. The sister 'has been notified of the fate of her brother, who left , France many years ago. pad with "regal "many appear to think: tart 'me if it burns my : neighbour out." and neglect to use effort, and care tol »! In Con. 3 of Eton and Sandford the | was handicapped for nearly ten years hindrances in this part. On Pack-Sacking x x ® Mr Editor: : In your issue of August 3rd I read the article of Mr W. W, Fench, and came to the following conclusions: (1) His place must be surrounded good roads in every direction. (2) That he has no more trash to burn off his place. (3) That he is not a homesteader or farmer at all; and (4) that he hopes to gain some reward. Ir French speaks of some measures rding the permit system for pre- vention of forest fires, and I may say that the system should be altered to be more effective and the person burn- ing should be held responsible too, as' "Oh it don't extinguish or watch the set five before it gets out of his control. I doubt that legislation alone will do it all. = But speaking of a lavish expendi- ture on roads is--I may say--absurd and the "level headed gentleman" Mr French speaks of had brains enough to see the weary way people had to go under the regime. I only wonder at his inquiry regarding the slow de- velopment. 'We--right here in a good township called "Mutrie"'--most of us can sing a supplies for many years over windfalls through swamps and mudholes and thick bush, accompanied by a beastly swarm of mosquitoes, blackfiies and other inseets, in all kinds of weather, for miles and miles and excluded from communication in any way with other points. I do not doubt it is even so in many other townships, and more than fifty years too late the respec- tive departments got aware that only the building of good roads under a powerful effort can help to exploit and develop this great and exceedingly good part of New Ontario. Tvery person using common horse sense must undoubtedly appreciate in ful the good intentions of our honour- able Minister of Lands, Forests and Mines, the honourable M. P.P. Mr Peter Heenan, and 'the' right hand of the N.D.B. for this district, Mr D. Hut- chison, by allowing expenditures and using efforts to build roads in this district. We can't have too many good roads and everyone living in this dis- trict has reason enough to use them. We only hope Mr Keefer will use his Only one more point 1'd like to take under criticism. Often a very neces- sary and strongly desired road is built of clay or sand, but the best and most lasting top, gravel; is overlooked. (This gives room for more politics) After all, T'd like to see Mr French on a good lot in the midst of a town-| ship where no roads or other com- munications exist with a very nice and heavy crop of all kinds, and a bunch of little kids, which he can't send to school under the present cir- cumstances and a good team standing idle in the stable. If he then would song upen pack-sacking goods and | 'Fresh Sausage, A FOR THI PICKLING SEASON : Vv : BR | We carry a full line of Vinegars, Spices, etc. $ Tomatoes have taken a marked decline and 5 / b will soon be down to a price where they can i A ~ be bought for canning. This week 2-lbs ) Vi for zs, i A Anything in Fruits and Vegetables for preserving § A ; and pickling we will have. § a For Next Week :-- | The. finest Crab-apples for jelly. 40-1b crate ... 3.00 Oxdrift Co-operative Company, Limited. It is For: Your Benefit to come and see us If You are Leaving Town ee A enter Don't worry about not being able to you have in the house for sale. sell your furniture or anything else All you have to do is write or let us know and I will go over and buy it from you. Newcomers don't need to worry you have to do is come over to our and you will find anything you need. cooking utensils. We always carry which will sell reasonable. difference in the price. anything to sell as One BICYCLE, practically as good as new Baby Carriage at cheap price.' Extension Couch and Mattress at $12.00 complete. Kindly compare these prices with your catalogue. about starting up house keeping, all New and Second Hand Furniture Store We also have a line of dishes and a good supply of cook stoves and ranges Our leader New You will find the ce. Don't forget to give us the first chance if you have we are buying anything and everything. $17.00 DRYDEN #5% ! New & Second Hand Store Highest Prices Paid ONTARIO A. power to continue the good work. | : [1LLINGS, EAGLE RIVER Be a a a Fresh BEEF, PORK, LAMB, Bone Meats VEAL, MUTTON Summer Se a The Practical Butcher feel like writing an article like. that I am eriticising, or use his efforts to advertise interests from which we all} have learned to expect to dovelep. the country. As Mr French writes: "A large per-. centage of the settlers have come to depend ion road making in the sum- mer + at very high wages, and = the gravelling of them in the winter, to the neglect of their land improvement. Undoubtedly we are entitled to the greater part of the revenue derived from our own district, but it assuredly would make for greater development if more of it were diverted to other channels, the most important one. be- ing the Department of Education, thus forcing the settlers to greater effort in land development, much to their eventual best interests." After this let me bring to your mind that no higher wages are being paid for road work as in other concerns like the C.P.R., pulpmills, ete, etc. The writer of this can state that he on his place on account of not having proper communications, and like so many others, has spent a lot of time, hard labour and their little earnings in trying to win an outlet over all the Now since! some roads were built, they are able} to get in and out with teams, vehicles, machinery, ete, which are essential for development. They are able now to market their crops to some extent, the little ones can attend school, and we can think of better education. It is impossible for the settlers to make roads on their own labour, time and costing) and develop their land at 'the same time, they have to have the help of the department and "his in a "power money (and you know what roads are] { Ukulele, from 4.50 to lt rt 5.50 Accordeons, from 6.25 to ----..---.. 10.50 Special double reed Accordeons --_ 9.40 Violins, from 5.50 to oo. 26.50 Guitars 12.50 Mandolin --.. 9.00 Assorted Player Rolls, each _.... 1.25 Edison Gramaphones, from __.. 50.00 to 395.00 sk Latest Records:-- Yes, We Have no Bananas. Ritzi Mitzi After Toiling, Come to Rest A selection of 300 records to Join our library--700 bocks--40 cents to join, 0. H. PRONGER, Prop. Pron ger's Novelty Store Still, Still With Me A Song of India Mad SE Good Bye, Beloved, Good Bye The Danube River Mireille 'La Vierge a la Creche Andanta---Symphonic Espagnole Air--Turkish March--Ruins of Athens 1 Columbia Gramaphones, form San, 00 to Gramaphone Cabinet, to fit No. | 30. Edison' oii i [ Doherty Piano, cash price ____ . 165.00 re -- 23.0 865.0 choose from at any time 5 cents to exchange Just Arrived Full Line 1 Men's Sweater Pullovers, Ro! Shawl Women' s & Boys' Coats IT Collars 'and Collars Prices from $4,00 to $11.50 Drop in and see the different Styles and Colours. ful measure. Adapt this to your and other hd and at last you will be right. regard- ing the last sentence of yours article. :