THE DRYDEN REEVES EE EE La a "tractor heretofore produced. 1 Powerful Engine 2 Removable Cylinders 3 High Tension Magneto ) 4 Throttle Governor 5 Accessable Construction 6 Efficient Lubrication 7 Ball and Roller Bearings Agent for: -- McCORMICK-- 10-20 and 15-30 Tractor A two plow tractor with Ball and Reller power outfit, smoooth-running, long-lived, ecenomical. DEERING Bearings at 29 points. A real Years ahead of any The McCormick-Deering has 14 Superior features: 8 Three Speeds forward 9 Adjustable Draw Bar 10 Efficient Final Drive 11 Durable Clutch 12 Large Belt Pulley 13 Water Air Cleaner 14 Serviceable Cooling System J. S. CORNER, Oxdrift, Ont, _ INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY of Canada, Ltd QUALITY GOES You are Welco: TO COME IN / AND See us WHEN YOU VISIT THE AGRICULTURAL FAIR ne) * % Kk x We are always glad to see 'you. * kk E. A. KLOSE ROBT. SWEENEY 'General Blacksmith & Woodworker ® Oxyion Acetylene / welding in connection M. J. CRGSIE General Merchant, OXDRIFT, ONTARIO PE D ods HE Groceries ots and Shoes Hardwdtre and Farm Produce Frost & Wood and Cockbniy Iphone 15-piece CHINA TEA SET for. JUST ARRIVED :-- Cakes ar WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF WEDDING CAKES, AND BAKE CAKES OF ALL KINDS TO ORDER FOR EVERY OCCASION. OUR 'BREAD IS SWEET AND NUTRITOUS INTO EVERY LOAF i i SERRE - Now Have In Stock * kK DRUMHELLER and GALT COAL HARD COAL to arrive in the this month. carly part of - FX J. Winterbottom : Coal Supplies. Lumber, and Builders' A , Agent For--- HARTFORD FIRE INS. BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Picture Framing Wanitoba Gypsum Hardwall and Wood fibre, Elc. 1 Ll Vnderaking in In connection ANDERSON & HARRIS WATKIN'S PRODUCTS Complete Line FOR FARMER or CITIZEN Special for Summer Season:-- FLY OIL & PADS, DISINFECTANT COSMETICS OF ALL KINDS SUMMER DHINRE THE LATEST IN SHEET MUSIC & RECORDS New Shipment of CLOV ER LEAT. CROCKERY. Line to choose from, and priced 0. H. PRONGER, Prop. DAD ROWLAND, Retailer | od he Re A et a SC Pronger S Novelty Store msi em re Vg Prime 'The Very Latest PITTSBURG GLASS SOUVENIERS of Dryden. Different styles" for thirty cents each, FANCY CHINA TEAPOTS, each .. A Complete exceptionally low Special Prize List of Bryden Agricultural Exhibition Pen of Chickens-- (Any breed) , Prize of $5.00 by E. A. Klose. {Best 10-ths Butter 'in Crock-- "Prize of $10.00 by C. O. Self (donor to have butter) : « Best 5-Ths Butter in prints-- Prize of $5.00 by R. T. Trist (donor to have butter) Best two Loaves of Bread-- Made from Royal Household Flour. 1st 98-1b sack Royal Household Flour; 2nd 48-1b sack Royal Household Flour by D. W. Scott. Donor to have bread. Best two Leaves Bread-- Made from Purity Flour. 1st 48-1b sack Purity Flour by Oxdrift Co-op- ive Co. Bread donated to Hospital ( two Loaves of Bread-- any fleur. ist 48-1b sack of Flour by Oxdrift Co-operative Bread donated to hospital. Best Herd Cattle-- ist $15.60, by Central Hotel. $10.00 by D. Kennedy and District Motor Co. Pair Bacon Hogs-- 1st $8.00; 2nd $4.00 by D. Kennedy. Best Shop Hog-- | 1st $6.00; 2nd $4.00 by D. Frejd. Best Collection Vegetables-- In box, not larger than 2% x 31% feet 1st" $5.00 by H. Willard; 2nd $3.00; $2.00 by Durance Bros. Dans] 3rd $2 A TE TE, From Purity Co. 2nd Dryden Best Collection House Plants-- Six in number. 1st $6.00; 2nd $4.00 by Dryden Pharmacy. . Best Pumpkin Pie-- '1st $2.00 by R. H. Pronger. fa fat Cow or Heifer--- st $6.00; 2nd $4.00 by C. A. Burgess THE HOME BREW SPECIAL Best Cup of Tea, made in the hall. ' Prize of $5.00 by Rev. J. M. Beaton i Best Cup of Coffee, made in the hall. $5.00 by Rev. J. M. Beaton = CRO WIN RUST OF OATS AND THE COMMON BUCKTHORN (Experimental Farms Note) The stem rust of cereals, which causes immense losses in some years, (is well-known." The crown rust of | oats is not so well-known, nor do the losses caused by it attract much atten- i ion as they are not usually so severe as in the case of the stem rust. Crown rust is common, however, and it seems | to be growing more severe, especially (in western Canada. It attacks the i leaves of oats, killing them and thus reducing the vigor of the plants and lessening the yield. The rust appears as small orange reddish masses on the leaves of oats in the summer. Later | the black stage apepars on the dying | leaves and gives them a dark or black | appearance. g Just as the stem rust of wheat may live on the barberry so the crown rust $3.2 oats attacks the common buckthorn in the spring, and produces yellowish | masses of spores (seeds) that blow about and earry rust to oats. Last year in western Canada, owing to fav- ourable conditions, the spring spore stage of the crown rust was very abundant on the buckthorns in some districts~--so abundant that they ap- peared yellow even at some distance. A very heavy attack of the crown rust on oats followed, killing practically all the leaves of the oats much before MACHIN & mw | ripening. In consequence the yield must have been much less than if no rust were present. ' Many experiments in the greenhouse have shown conclu- sively that the rust on the buckthorn readily infects these experiments rusted leaves of the buckthorns were placed above oats growing in pots, so that the rust on: fall on The oats were | the buckthorn leaves would the grain in the pots. then sprayed with water and in very moist air. oats became heavily rusted crown rust. The common buckthorn is a shrub frequently used for hedges and for oranamental purposes. It is valuable for these purposes, but there are many other shrubs that can be used that do not spread rust. The buckthorn is dv and can readily become estab- ied. ~~ Should it become general, ither from extensive - planting or placed In every case the with the spread from seed, it would cause very |! serious injury to the oat crop. The ed by rust, but this goes chiefly to. swamp grasses and does not attack the | oats. There is no doubt the common rust of oats is a serious enemy of the oat crop, killing the leaves: and reducing the yield. There is also no doubt that the common buckthorn helps in \the overwintering and spread of this rust. t therefore, f The common buckthorn, should not be planted or be allowed to grow in countries where oats are a valuable crop. The common barberry and the common buckthorn should be destroyed ih grain growing regions. W. P. FRASER Plant Pathologist Two pullets and rooster } common | oats. In! EE { Hall every 1st and 8rd Monday of each .month at eight o'clock. . : : ; . ! Visiting Brethren Cordially Invited. native buckthorn in Canada is attack: ! Health Talks Health rules are good for children. \ Their young minds assimilate know- (ledge very readily, and good advice 'given early in life in a sympathetic and and attractive way often makes a lasting impression. The value of good health and the advisability of maintaining = good health is a bulwark against the attack of such diseases as tuberculosis should ever be impressed on children as well as adults. When the constitution is robust, when good health is much in evidence, there is not se much danger of disease germs as in the person who is weak or aenemic or generally be- low the normal standard of health. What should the child learn then, that may be of benefit to him in ward- ing off sickness. Here are some things to remember: sleep. When tired or ill, rest by lying down--not sitting up. Live in the open air all you can and keep the windows open night and day se that the air may always be fresh and clean. Clean night air with open windows is safer than dirty night air with the wndows shut. Daly exercise in the open air is in- valuable. Admit sunshine and light into the house. Clear the windows. Sunshine and daylight kill the germs and give strength to the body. Fat plain, clean, niurishing, fresh feods. Oatmeal porridge, bread and milk, buttermilk, lentil or pea soup all are good. Let you clothes be few in number, loose in fit, light in weight, woollen in texture. Keep yourself and your home clean. Clean teeth, clean clothes, clean body, clean hair (Girls' should be in plaits or tied back in school). water aided by fresh air currents and sunshine will keep the heme clean. The germ of tuberculosis is grown with difficulty in a healthy body. Therefore observe and practice the laws of health. "Ye Olde Firm" Bretntznn & Company, ¥n Kenora Branch The best in PIANOS AND PHONOGRAPHS Old instruments taken in exchange New instruments sold on easy terms %® kk % IRA J. WILDE in charge ------ neta... At the old Rhodes Stand JOS. A. STRUTT GENERAL BLACKSMITH & HORSESHOER All work done prompily & kook XK DRYDEN fos ONT. JAMES MoFADYEN REAL ESTATE AND {HSURANOE BRYBEN ® ONT. Barristers, Solicitors, etc, IMPERIAL BANK BLOCK Ont. (folden Star Lodge No. 484 AE & A. M., G.R.C. Meets in the Mascnic Hall, Dryden, the Second Tuesday of each month. Visitors Cordially invited. A. E. BERREY, W.M. A. BURTON,, Secy. DRYDEN LODGE, Xe L 0. 0. F. 417 meets at the Town HERB WILDE, N.G. D. ANDERSON, Secy 'L.O. L. DRYDEN LODGE Ne. 1694 meets the first Wednasdey 'of each month, at eight p.m. in the Town Hall. dially invited. J. E. HARRIS, WL BADEN SMITH, Secy Visiting Brethren eer- 1. IE, GIBSON, NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER, fe. Agent for THE ROYAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY DRYDEN . ONTARIG Go to bed early and get plenty of Soap and; = === HS ie _SER Still Going The phenomenal sale of Star Cars in Dryden and District since the season opened settles every argument as to its pop- ularity and merits. a kick. Every customer is satisfied. We haven't had a single rd Don't form your opinion of the Star until you hve oder in one, and asked your friends about their Star Cars. Let the smooth running engine and humiious Springs and cushions ' tell their own tale. Tor ease, comfort, durability, low fuel eolisisinption the Star has made its own records and will stand the test with any other car on the market. The creation of the Star is the most brilliant accomplishment of any auto builder since the industry started. : Smartress in looks, thoroughness and modern design in a low-priced car have never been so skilfully combined until the Star Car was designed by W. C. Durant, the pioneer builder of automobiles, whose rcputdtion was identified with the success of the Buick, Oldsmobile, Chevrolet, Durant and other famous cars. Free Air for every car user. ok Kk % necessity for your needs. We have. a full supply of parts and equipment on hand, and will look after your car in ev ery respect. SELF'S GARA GE | SAVE Your HOR SES .Gasoline, Oil, and every ALRING over plowed ground all day tires your team. as iN In these days of scarcity of horse and man power the - : heavy farm work such as discing can be done most speedily Li end economically with a Case Kerosene Tractor. The 10-18 LJ . or smallest Case Tractor can pull an 8 ft. double action dise - harrow set fo full depth. Busy farmers can work the "iron tractors operate over dusty fields without dust entering cyl. gd inders. The Air washer fully protects the Motor. The all cut ju [| steel spur gears are fully enclosed and run in oil. The weight @ of the Case 10-18 is only about 3,400 Ibs. this, with the liberal |i ol sized tires prevents soil packing. [7] explained in full descriptive literature sent out for the asking. B% Let us tell you more about the 10-18 or larger Case Tractors, : F. T. BRIGNALL OXDRITFT ONTARIO KEEP TUNED Other important features uP It is quite as important to hole your Car yared up by an expert, as your piano. Only when everything is perfectly adjusted you have perfect satisfaction. can We make all kinds of repairs and adjustments that your auto OUT-OF-TOWN Central needs, and charges are reasonable. ORDERS pres 3 rrperm ESPECIALLY CATERED Girage H. C. BICKNELL, Proprietor 4 wT a