SLE og aE DRYDEN OBSERVER Si SPRATT Aone pee lid dus iv EE J Re. Certification of Inspected Fields Ottawa, Ont., Sept. 6th, 1923 S. Corner, Esq., Oxdrift, Ont. i | Dear Stewart: I am enclosing the copies of Mr Heise's reports on eleven fileds of Red Clover Seed. If you will undertake te keep separate in the warehouse, the 4 | seed form mthese fields, I shall make Al arrangements toh ave all of it which | grades No. 1 'tagged with a special | tag and seal se that it can be sold as Certified Northern Grown seed. While writing you, I must not over- look expressing my very sincere disa- 'ppointment in the prospects for the vield of seed in the old district this V{vear. I suppose the yield per acre {looks as if it might be the worst on irvecord. This must result in a certain rant of hardship, not only to the man who was depending on his seed 'crop for revenue but to the many ' farmers in Eastern Canada who have #4 gotten into the way of depending for \ their clover seed on the Kenora Dis- trict Co-operative. 1 can only hope 4 that given favourable climate condi- tions for harvesting and threshing, the yield may yet turn out better than i fexpectations. From your annual report, I notice that the annual meeting is being held next Saturday night. I would like to be there. 'As this is impossible owing to seasonal pressure of work here, you might, should you see fit, convey to your members and directors my very kind personal regards with the sug- gestion that they must not be dis- EA FRUIT The first car of Macintosh Reds will be in next week. These apples are all wrapped in paper and very fine quality The price will be reasonable A couraged by present conditions per- and announced in the ! taining to the clover industry. You . jx must bear in mind that during the three years ending March 31st, 1923, Canada imported for home use 8,800, 000 Ibs. of clover seed valued at nearly $2,000,000. I can tell you, however, % that there is a growing prejudice i throughout Canada and the United States against foreign-grown clover #3 seed and I may go so far as to predict 'that the day is not far distant when all foreign clover seed coming into North America will be stained in the Custom Houses and the farming public will be tmarned against the use of stained seed 'It is not hard to see how such a prac- 'tice will be likely to influence the value "of the home-grown article. True en- ough, our: Alsike is an exportable eem- 4 'modity, but remember: our Alsike is | keenly sought after on the European market in preference to the Alsike i; windows. Sy ! Sn HYSLOP CRABS If you have not left your orders, please do so. These are the best Crabs to preserve and the price is also guaranteed. These arrive next week. Canadian export buyers holding you down, why not try a little European advertising and see if thereby it may b not be possible to gather in the ex- f porters' profit the same as you did i with the wholesalers' profit on domes- i hie sales seven years age. : As a further antidote to discourage- Rl {ment, Jet me suggest that your direc- | & itors' and members look back over the | jy jlast six years business done by your 88. Association. If my figures are not lead- | 'ing me astray, you have, during the &% 'last six years, sold nearly 800,000 Ibs 'Miof clover seed at an average price of A $13.50 per bushel for all grades. Your ¥ {active membership in any year has 43 [been fifty-three. If you will divide 8 ithis into your average gross receipts ¥ {for seed you will find that the average dl | gross sales in favour of each member leach year was $537.00 approximately. Taking everything into consideration, $1 consder this an achievement worth while which augurs mighty well for ci fthe future of your Association. Following your meeting, I would appreciate very much a word from you i |as to how matters progress. Yours very truly, P. STEWART 1 Preserving Fruit At the time of writing this advertisement there are 300 baskets only left out of 'a large car. This balance will not be allowed to spoil and anything left on Saturday morning will be cleared out that day at fifty cents per basket. I hope nothing is left, because this will sib me a ~ big loss, but in case there i is, it will be your oppor- tunity. "only 50c. Letter from Pat Stewart A Little History The Romans had a well-organized i postal service, which however, was limited to official despatches and was not available to the people generally. Their excellent roads enabled them to establish rapid mule and horse posts, as well as vehicles and it is even stated that special "postal ships" were kept in readiness at the principal sea- ports. Quarters called "Postas" were established at regular distances along the land routes, from which our mod- ern word posts is derived. After the fall of the Roman Empire, Europe sank into a state of semi barbarism, and those advanced postal arrangements gradually declined, until we find at a much later period that all European countries, for lack of organ- ized system, were making use of friars pilgrims and pedlars to convey their correspondence. Address Tags: -- ! The. use. of address tags is a fre- quent source of loss of mail matter, owing to the tags becoming detached in course of post. The proper man- ner of addressing is to write on the corner of the package 'itself. In ad- dition it is advisable to repeat the ad- dress on the inside of the package so that if by any chance the cover be- comes torn or damaged, an examina- tion of the article will disclose for whom it is intended. In future when preparing packages for mailing be sure to write the ad- dress on the cover. Classified GIRL WANTED to assist in house- work. Nice home and good wages. Particulars from "Dryden Observer." 5 We are going to be busy Thursday after closing hours, marking most of our things in the store at a lower price. / / I want all patronizers of this store to come in and see our FOR SALT SWaNmoN Joumy Ae, ia $35. li OTTO KELLBERG Waldhof, Ont. 1 prin. rama FOR SALE--New BUNGALOW with three acres of land, ten minutes from station, ideally situated on north road. $900.00 cash--apply,. 2119/23 D. McKELLAR, Box 44 Hoping that vou will find what you need -as we have just received a good Fall and Winter Stock. FOR. SALE-- HEAVY TEAM of HORSES. For particulars apply to 5/1023 28 H. HAKALA, Quibell MAKE YOUR HOME on 80 acres of the finest land, close to town: 30 acres under cultivation; with or without buildings, Apply for par- "| ticulars to 28] 19] 23 DAN KEATLEY : Dryden, Ont. ; HAVE YOUR HAY PRESSED I have got a new International Power {Hay Press, and will he ready to start anytime you send the word. F. E. WANNACOTT We have also received a good supply of Men's 21/9/23 Oxdrift, Ont Practically new SILO FILLER, 12-in. cutting box, blower and pipes, com- plete. Run by 6 h.p. engine. Had to buy a larger outfit and will sell on easy ter 'ms--apply, 14/9]23 and Women's Boys' and Girls' Second D. FREJD EDISON AMBEROLA and twenty Records for sale, $48 cash. Apply DRYDEN OBSERVER. SOLID CEDAR CANOE and 1 paddle in first class shape, Weight 55-1bs. Price $60 cash. Apply DRYDEN OBSERVER. HOUSE ON QUEEN STREET--apply MRS SAM BLACK FOR SALE--Thirty tons of baled HAY, prime quality. Also small 1 The Latest Grocery Brunswick Herrngs in Tomato Sauce, ji 3-07 tims' LE 18 {| Early June Peas, per tin __.__.._ .18 A Shirriff's Pineapple Marmalade, per 1b Jar o.oo se Sra Red Peppers, per doz. __..__.__..__ 25 4 | Ben Hur Catsup in tins, per tin __ .18 Clark's Wi Style Sausage, per stack of loose hay at $17.00 per ton. 5 H. PRONGER, Dryden ne 0000690 22060000000000 $8 Dick Trist 8 F Dryden Livery, Trans and will find a good assortment at a {reasonable prices. io 5 Tr tin _ 35 Specials: -- #11 French Peas, solid pack, per tin __ .35 Plums, Italian Prune, per crate 145 {Macaroon Snaps, per 1b ier 240 Cantelopes, 2 for 45 : Certo for setting jellies, per bottle, .45 ALFRED PI1T DEYDKN, Ont. O. H. PRONGER, Prop. DAO ANPP LS PAP PISA Ee CA VCS "HORSE BLANKETS to suit all re- { Blankets. ) in and look them over, Prices right! H. WILLARD Boot & Harness Repairer E To all whom it may concern :-- croft having left my bed and board, I will not be responsible for any debt 'quirements, from waterproof to stable or deb's It will pay you to comem above date, . Deer Park Farm, Minnitaki, Ont, Exchange Baru DRYDEN ONT. Bibb aasaiibl 4 ELS ETON, BBHELLOLPDEER PRL DDDE Sy Sos -~-NOTICE -- My wifs, Gertrude Evelyn Wheat- -ontracted by her after the (Signed) ARTHUR WHEATCROFT